Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 443 I’ll give you a discount

Half a day later.

Outside the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Two figures suddenly appeared on the smooth road.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of a man and a woman talking could be heard in the air.

"Ma Buyi, we are so destined, why not make friends?"


"Azabu Yi, what does your family do?"

"Thunder Turkey Raider, Asuka Jonin, do you want chickens?"

"No, since you took away my chickens, I feel bad when I see them now."

"Oh, Asuka Jonin, you Uchiha are so big, why don't you buy some chickens to replenish your clan's health? I'll give you a discount."

"No, I don't go to the medical department very much now. When I hear patients talking about using chicken soup to replenish their health, I easily think of the one I lost. I feel so heartbroken that I can't breathe, and I don't even want to eat."

"Then buy a chicken. My chicken is very delicious and I'll give you a discount."

"Oh, you have no idea what I want to say."

"Asuka Jonin, I know what you want to say. Isn't it just to promote Tsunade's secret method to make her bigger? I'll buy a chicken first and give you a discount. I don't give discounts to others easily. You are an exception."


Hearing this, Asuka sighed heavily again and looked at the sky with a melancholy look on his face.

at this time.

A huge white cloud floated in the blue sky. Blown by the breeze, the white cloud quickly changed its shape. Looking from here, one could even see a hint of human shape in the white cloud.

Somewhat like Tsunade when she was young.

Recalling the first time he saw Tsunade in his mind, several black lines suddenly appeared on Asuka's forehead.

Although that happened eighteen years ago, he still felt as if it happened just yesterday.

That was the first year he traveled to this world. Shortly after he learned to walk, he staggered away from the Uchiha clan alone, eager to explore this strange world.

Then he met Tsunade in the village.

At that time, he almost didn't recognize the other person at first sight. It wasn't until a villager greeted him that he suddenly realized that it was the future Sannin of Konoha - Tsunade.

Tsunade's figure at that time was actually not bad. Although it was far inferior to that of later generations, it was still enough to rank lower in Konoha.

When Asuka met Princess Tsunade, a well-known figure in Naruto, for the first time, he was inevitably a little disappointed. Although he knew that Tsunade would definitely change in the future, now every time he thought of the tomboy-like Tsunade, he felt a little irritated.

Later, after Asuka returned home, he worked hard at painting and didn't stop until he restored the figure of future Tsunade on paper. He even included himself in the painting to satisfy some of his own ideas.

Later, Tsunade proposed medical reform at the Jonin meeting. He expressed his support for the other party and was eager to learn medical ninjutsu with Tsunade.

Everything was going well

Until Tsunade discovered something he had drawn.


Asuka sighed again, turned to look at Azabu Yi beside him, and said slowly, "When I was a child, I once witnessed Tsunade-sama's graceful figure.

Very thin, with no bones and no flesh.

Then one day, Tsunade-sama unexpectedly woke up.

In less than a year, her body had undergone tremendous changes. If it hadn't been for that familiar fist hammering her body and almost meeting her grandfather, I would have dared not recognize her at that time. "

Hearing this, Azabu Yi blinked and said curiously.

"What accident?"

Asuka glanced at her and said calmly, "She found that the figure in a certain painting was in line with her aesthetics, so Tsunade decided to change herself into the one in the painting.

So, do you want the home remedy that Tsunade once used? "


Azabu Yi nodded as if he understood.

Although it was her painting that inspired Tsunade to change her version, judging from the photos Asuka gave her just now, the former Tsunade exuded a heroic spirit. She could get 80 points for appearance and 5 points for figure. , giving 5 points for temperament.

But now Tsunade's appearance is still 80 points, but her figure can be rated at 95 points, and her temperament can also be rated at 80 points.

Thinking of this, Azabu crossed his arms across his chest and changed the subject, "Asuka Jonin, since you mentioned Tsunade-sama, you have to talk about the information I once collected in Konoha.

I heard you had a conflict with Tsunade-sama? Are you going to have a conflict as soon as you meet? "

Asuka nodded subconsciously.

The conflict between him and Tsunade is not a secret. Almost all Konoha villagers know about it. Who makes Tsunade make trouble for him every time he meets him when he returns to the village?

Ma Buyi licked the corner of his mouth and said with a hint of bewitchment in his cold voice.

"Asuka Jonin, let me teach you how to communicate with Lord Tsunade. After all, judging from the current situation in Konoha, Lord Tsunade has a high probability of becoming the Fifth Hokage.

A stiff relationship with the next Hokage is not conducive to Uchiha's development in Konoha. "

Asuka glanced at her in surprise, and couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

"Is it good for Tsunade and me to ease our relationship?"

next moment.

He knew what the benefits were.

"Buy a chicken for Tsunade-sama to eat, and I'll give you a discount."

Hearing this, Feiniao's body froze and his palms subconsciously clenched into fists.

Looking at Azabu Yi's proud face, it seemed as if her chickens were a magic weapon that could resolve conflicts.


After being silent for a long time, Feiniao let out a heavy breath, then looked at the road ahead expressionlessly and replied.

"I'll wait until I feel better. I haven't had any thoughts of easing the relationship with Tsunade recently."

Following Asuka's gaze, she also looked forward.

At this time, the two of them had already left the capital of the Country of Thunder and were preparing to head to the border of the Country of Honey.

As an island country, due to terrain and other constraints, the Country of Honey needs to import a large amount of food and daily necessities from the Country of Thunder, which leads to an endless stream of merchants on this road.

Looking at the merchants on the road in front of him, Azabu Yi slapped his mouth. He was about to say something, and then heard Uchiha Asuka's voice coming from the side.

"Mabu Yi, you are already thirteen years old this year, and your growth period is about to end."

Before he finished speaking, Ma Buyi shook his head like a rattle.

She put her hands behind her back, raised her chest, raised her head, and looked forward. She said calmly, "No hurry, Tsunade-sama only had her second chance to grow when she was in her twenties. I am still several years away from being twenty." .


Having said this, she looked up at Fei Niao and said with a mysterious face, "My family raises chickens. If I want to, I can kill a chicken at any time to replenish my body, and I don't even have to give myself a discount."

"Alas, Azabu Yi, if you miss this village, there won't be a shop like mine."

"The same goes for you, Asuka Jonin. If you miss my village, you will never be able to buy discounted thunder turkeys again."

"Don't buy it for now. Next time I come to the Kingdom of Thunder, I will definitely go to your home to find you. But it's easy for me to come to the Kingdom of Thunder, but it's difficult for you to go to the Kingdom of Fire. I'm wearing the Tsunade Transformation on me now. Great folk remedy, do you want to try some?"

Hearing this, Azabu Yi narrowed his eyes, then waved his hand towards Asuka and smiled.

"No, I like chicken soup. Asuka Jonin might as well buy a chicken and make some chicken soup. It's nutritious and delicious. I'll give you a discount."

Asuka looked at her deeply and said slowly.

"Try it, I have it on me."

Ma Buyi licked the corner of his mouth, and then took out a seal scroll from his arms. He was a little embarrassed and said, "Okay, I'll give you the chicken in exchange, so that neither of us has to pay."

"Unfortunately, the cost of my folk remedy is very high. If it were some ordinary medicinal materials, I would give it to you for free, but it contains deer antlers I bought from the Nara family, bugs from the Aburame family, and meatballs from the Akimichi family.

Excluding various costs, it’s about half a million.”

Hearing this, Azabu Yi opened the scroll and paused for a moment.

She didn't expect this folk remedy to be so expensive.

Half a million? ? ?

Just sell me.

Thinking of this, she opened the scroll, bit her finger, and said while making seals, "Indeed, I can't let Asuka Jonin lose money, so I will choose some of the fattest chickens for you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Azabu Yi suddenly felt a heavy blow to her buttocks. The pain instantly spread throughout her body, causing her to subconsciously widen her eyes and almost curse.

The sound of the wind whistling in her ears and the rapidly retreating tree in front of her eyes cruelly proved that she had been beaten by that man.

"What the hell!"

Looking at the linen flying towards the woods, the bird's legs that had stopped in mid-air slowly fell down.


Fei Fei sighed at this time, and gently patted Asuka on the shoulder, comforting him.

"Let me tell you, there is no market for your medicine. You shouldn't have bothered to develop it in the first place. As a result, you haven't sold a single copy yet, and you've lost money."

Not everyone likes to be as big as Tsunade, especially ninjas. It's too inconvenient."

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