Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 464 Let her fight (two in one)

"Original. Original"

"What was it?"

"This, this, this."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little psychologically disconnected."

An ordinary person who deliberately passed by Nanga Shrine stopped and looked at the square in front of the shrine with a complicated expression.

As spies sent from other villages, when they enter Konoha as their first stop, they often choose to spy on forbidden places from a distance, and as a place of worship for Uchiha, Nanga Shrine is one of them.

All the Jonin of the Uchiha family come to Nanga Shrine early every month and do not leave until evening.

The outside world knows nothing about what they are doing at Nanga Shrine.

The only clue is, [The jonins of Uchiha come as scheduled every month, rain or shine. When they leave Nanga Shrine, their faces are extremely gloomy, and conflicts occasionally break out. 】

This behavior lasted for more than fifty years.

He also heard from the villagers of Konoha that during the Warring States Period, the jonins of the Uchiha family would appear at Nanga Shrine on time every month, unless they encountered a major life-or-death event that prevented them from arriving on time.

And after missing it, they will even look for an opportunity to make up for it.

There are rumors that "Nanga Shrine can allow Uchiha jonins to break through their original strength limit." This may be why only Uchiha members who have reached the jounin level are allowed to enter the shrine.

There are also rumors that "Nanga Shrine records the most important secrets of the Uchiha clan", and the first condition for becoming a Jonin is that in addition to leadership, it also requires outstanding performance in ninjutsu and analytical skills. Uchiha Bo brought together a group of analytical jounin, most likely to decipher the family's secrets.

There are even rumors that "Nanga Shrine is suppressing a certain monster." The reason why those jounin come here every month is to strengthen the monster's seal.

For thousands of years, there have been endless rumors about Nanga Shrine, and some people have tried to explore its secrets, but they have failed.

"It always feels different from what I thought."

Although he didn't know exactly what secrets were hidden inside, he had made many conjectures before coming here, and even mentally simulated how to pass the secrets back to the village if the Uchiha's secrets were revealed.

But when he saw the appearance of Nanga Shrine with his own eyes, the spy, who came from an unknown village, suddenly heard a "click" sound in his mind, as if something was broken.

The Nanga Shrine with a filter added in the fantasy: it is so heavily guarded that even a fly can't fly away, and those Uchiha jounin who are about to enter the Nanga Shrine open their Sharingan one by one, look around vigilantly, and are always ready to grab. Xiaoxiao lurking in the dark.

The murderous aura emanating from the Uchiha Jonin, coupled with the heavy atmosphere around him, this image is enough to make people shudder just by thinking about it.

In reality, the Nanga Shrine without the filter has no solemn atmosphere at all. It is not even as good as an ordinary shrine. There is no breakfast shop outside an ordinary shrine, but there are actually people selling food here.

Those Uchiha jounin did not exude the expected murderous aura, let alone open their Sharingan. They sat on the ground and ate breakfast like people who had been hungry for several days.

Some Uchiha jounin even seemed to be afraid that they would not be able to survive. They took off their clothes and ate while jumping.

What the hell is this Uchiha? ? Is this the Uchiha who scares the ninja world? ?

Am I abnormal or is the world abnormal?


After staring at the strange scene in the square for a long time, the spy slapped his forehead and his big hand slowly slid down his forehead.

"Illusion, illusion, when did I fall into the illusion?"

"Damn it, is this Uchiha? I was caught in an illusion without even knowing it."

next moment.

The middle-aged man closed his eyes, and his expression gradually became ferocious. He put his palms together and stamped his right foot violently on the ground.


As smoke and dust rose into the sky, his physical chakra began to stir.


After letting out a low drink, he opened his eyes, ignored the looks of fools from his companions, and looked at the square of Nanga Shrine again.

The belly of the Uchiha jounin grew at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Some of the overstuffed Uchiha jounin simply collapsed on the ground, burping incomprehensibly, and waving to the stall owner, looking as if they were no longer able to eat. It's like I can't eat anything.

Other white-haired old men also untied their clothes at this time. While chewing food in their mouths, they looked at the Uchiha who were slumped on the ground with stern eyes.

Everything is exactly the same as before, the only difference is the visible bulging belly.


The middle-aged man took a deep breath. He twisted his thighs to calm down quickly and said to himself, "As expected of Uchiha, everyone knows a little bit of genjutsu. How far have these jonins practiced genjutsu?"

Then, he turned to look at his companion, ignoring the confusion in his eyes, and said seriously.

"I have tried it just now. This illusion cannot be relieved by using pain and disrupting one's own chakra. You must inject chakra into my body now, and you must be quick."


At this time, the companion also recovered from his confusion.

After looking at this guy with an idiot look for a while, he quickly stopped his intention to release chakra again, lowered his voice and said, "Don't let it go, if you let it go, you will be discovered by Uchiha."

Also, we didn’t fall under the illusion spell at all.”


The companion's words immediately silenced the middle-aged man.

He looked at his companions, then at Uchiha who was sitting in the square eating, and subconsciously pinched his cheek.

"Am I dreaming?"


"It turns out that the Uchiha jounin appear at Nanga Shrine every month. Is this what they do?"

"It wasn't before, but it is now."

"Does Nanga Shrine still have secrets?"



After the middle-aged man was silent for a while, he said to himself, "I don't know if it's my imagination, but I always feel that these Uchiha jounin seem to be here just to eat more."

"I had this delusion too."

The companion next to him looked up at Nanga Shrine in the distance, with a trace of complexity flashing in his eyes.

He had been lurking in Konoha two years earlier than that man, and his attention to Nanga Shrine also began two years ago.

The atmosphere of the shrine at that time was solemn and solemn, and the Uchiha jounin who came here all had solemn expressions, as if it indicated that something big was going to happen today. At that time, the shrine gave people the feeling that there was a big secret inside, a huge secret.



Looking at the family jounin who were slumped in the square, unable to say anything, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly had the urge to turn around and leave.

Shame on you! ! What a shame! !

The shame is secondary, but the key is that if you hold on like this, how will the clan meeting be held next?

Uchiha Fugaku could already imagine what would happen next.


Seeing the chaotic scene in the square, Itachi, who was following Uchiha Fugaku, walked out and whispered, "Why don't you let those Jonin in to eat?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku said directly without thinking.

"Weida, we have to stay at Nanga Shrine for one day. The vents there are too small and it will take three days for the smell to dissipate."


Uchiha Itachi looked up at his father and continued, "Why don't you eat?"


These words directly silenced Uchiha Fugaku.

He really hasn't thought about this.

After a while, he put his hand on Uchiha Itachi's head, rubbed it twice, and said slowly in a deep voice, "They are your tribe, don't criticize them too harshly, and don't abuse them too much.

Holding a clan meeting is a very energy-consuming and physical thing for them. If they are not allowed to replenish their energy, it would be the greatest abuse to them. "

Seeing the confusion flashing in Itachi's eyes, he looked up at the square in the distance, put his hands behind his back, and continued to explain.

"One of the most painful things in life is being unable to eat, and in the world of ninjas, one of the most painful ways to die is undoubtedly "starvation."

Itachi, you are still young. Before you become a ninja, you will participate in a training to train your ability to endure hunger for a long time and your ability to control your body when hungry. Those are the most difficult days for a ninja.

Ninjas who have gone through that training will cherish every grain of food and every day when they can have a full meal. Although overeating will affect the ninja's body, it is also an extremely happy thing. "

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi followed his father's gaze and looked towards the shrine square.

This is the truth.


It seems like this group of people just started eating and drinking before the clan meeting started a year ago, right?


Looking at the round bellies of these family jonins, Uchiha Itachi's mouth twitched slightly.

"Isn't this too much to eat? It's okay if one person eats food for seven or eight people, but some of them obviously can't eat it and they still eat it."


At this time, a sound of vomiting pulled Uchiha Itachi out of his distraction.

Looking around, I saw a tribesman with a round belly bending over, his hands on his knees, and his mouth kept spitting out the food he had just eaten.

"I'm going to vomit!"

Thinking of this, Itachi raised his head and looked at his father, with big doubts in his small eyes, "Father, is it bad for the health of the clan members to eat like this?"

Before the word "Okay" could be uttered, Uchiha Itachi caught a glimpse of a person standing up from the square out of the corner of his eye.

I saw the man walking up to the vomiting tribesman, his hands glowing green and placing them on his lower back.

Uchiha Itachi:? ? ?

After staring at the medical ninjutsu released by the man for a long time, Uchiha Itachi looked up at his father, and then saw the same complicated look in his father's eyes.

Half a minute later.

The Uchiha Jonin, who had been vomiting and breathless just now, suddenly felt that his body had regained strength, and the discomfort in his stomach disappeared instantly, as if he could still eat ten pancakes.

He gave Asuka a thumbs up and praised it.

"Asuka Jonin, awesome!"


Seeing the scene in the distance, Uchiha Itachi fell silent.

He almost forgot that there is a medical ninja in his family, and he is also a medical ninja who ranks extremely high in the ninja world, even second only to Tsunade-sama.


Isn't it a waste of resources for this kind of medical ninja to treat the exhausted tribesmen here instead of going to the medical department?


At this time, I heard Uchiha Fugaku sigh, with a little more emotion in his plain voice, "When I learned that a clan member was learning medical ninja, I thought that he was not talented in the Sharingan, so I wanted to He must find another way to become a powerful medical ninja like Tsunade-sama.

Later, I discovered that I was wrong, and very wrong. The opponent was not a poorly talented person, but a tribesman with extremely good talents. His talent in ninjutsu far exceeded that of other tribesmen. "

Having said this, he glanced at Itachi with relief.

His son's talent is also far superior to other clan members, even stronger than Uchiha Asuka's talent. He has great hope of opening the Mangekyou Sharingan in the future.

Hearing his father praising Uchiha Asuka, Itachi bit his lip lightly, tried hard to suppress the bad memories in his mind, and then asked.

"I heard someone said that Asuka Jonin learned a lot of ninjutsu? Including taijutsu, genjutsu, and swordsmanship."


Uchiha Fugaku nodded slightly.

Feiniao is the most complicated among the tribesmen he has ever met, and he wants to learn everything.

This is because he was born in the Uchiha clan and had the Sharingan as a powerful blood inheritance limit. If he were born in another ninja clan, he would have wasted many years just learning so many things.

"It's a pity that he only maintained his enthusiasm for various "jutsu" for three minutes. The only thing that allowed him to persevere was medical ninjutsu."

Speaking of this, Fugaku suddenly fell silent as he didn't know what he thought of.

"That guy's purpose."

Then, he looked up in the direction of Asuka and continued, "Uchiha Asuka's purpose of learning medical ninjutsu may be different from what outsiders think.

It was not because he was afraid of going to the battlefield, nor was it out of the original intention of saving lives and healing the wounded, but for other unknown reasons. "

These words instantly aroused Uchiha Itachi's interest.

This was the first time he had heard of such a secret.

I once thought that Uchiha Asuka learned medical ninjutsu to save his companions, but according to his father, Uchiha Asuka's purpose of learning medical ninjutsu seemed not very pure.

"There's actually nothing to hide about this matter."

Seeing the curiosity on his son's face, Fugaku didn't mean to hide it, "Itachi, have you heard about the conflict between Tsunade-sama and Asuka Jonin?"

Uchiha Itachi nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, "Father, it is said that the two people seemed to have had conflicts more than ten years ago, and it has continued to this day.

But ordinary people don't seem to know why they have conflicts, and why conflicts can last for more than ten years. "


Fugaku snorted slightly and looked at Asuka with a strange expression.

The incident in which Tsunade injured Uchiha Asuka and was hospitalized caused an earthquake in the family.

At that time, Uchiha Ryoichi was already a very important figure in the family, and the descendants of Uchiha Setsuna and others also stood closely behind Ryoichi. In order to appease their dissatisfaction, his father personally came forward to negotiate with Tsunade.


After the negotiation results came out, his father said a word to Ryoichi, and then Ryoichi ignored it.

Later, after he became the clan leader, he discovered that Tsunade was still disgracing Uchiha from time to time, and immediately decided to take care of the matter, but was stopped by his father.

Then, his father said something to himself in a very complicated mood.

My father once said this to Ryoichi.

Father: "Oh, let her beat him. That kid did something sorry for me. This time it's Uchiha's fault."

Fugaku: "Liu Li? What happened?"

Father: "It's nothing. If Tsunade gets married in the future, then she will take action. You guys will intervene. If she doesn't get married, then don't worry about it. We will take the blame."

Fugaku: "Huh?"

Father: "Tsunade didn't tell my father in detail, but my father still heard something from her words. It seems that the kid used some evil way to make Tsunade unclean."

Fugaku: "."

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