Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 475 Hard-working Ninja (2-in-1)

at the same time.

Konoha, outside the medical department.

Every pedestrian passing by here must cover his eyes with his hands to block the strong sun rays.

They looked at the sun above their heads, then lowered their eyes and glanced at the door of the medical department secretly, and their cheeks were twitched hard.

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but I always feel like the deputy director of the medical department's head has been polished, making it even more dazzling."

"Idiot, if you don't know how to speak, don't speak. That's because the minister stayed up late for a long time for the health of the patients. This is a metabolic abnormality caused by the minister. In addition, the minister has strong oil secretion, so his head will get oily quickly.

If it weren't for the patient, the minister would be a handsome man. "

"handsome man?"

Hearing this, one of them secretly glanced at the entrance of the medical department.

At this time, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

The medical department is already crowded. There are patients who come to seek medical treatment, relatives and friends who come to visit, and medical ninjas who come on duty. But among these people, the most conspicuous one is the middle-aged man on the steps. .

He was wearing a white coat, with his hands in his pockets, and his posture was as tall as a cypress, exuding a reassuring aura from the inside out.

Unfortunately, because he stood too high, everyone at the foot of the steps could only see his nostrils, and thus could not see his true appearance.

However, this did not affect everyone's opinion of him.

Medical Department - Deputy Minister, a trustworthy man!

"Wow, I really want to see the true face of the Minister. I heard from my neighbor that thirty years ago, the Minister was also the most handsome guy in the village."

A little girl hiding behind the adults poked her head out. She stared at the deputy minister's nostrils for a long time, her eyes shining with infinite longing for beautiful things.

"whispering sound!"

Seeing her nymphomaniac look, the little boy next to her tried to hide the envy in his eyes and said sourly, "So what if you were handsome when you were young? But when you are old, you still don't have hair?"

Moreover, look at how arrogant he is, looking at people through his nostrils. "

"A good boy can't speak ill of someone behind their back!"

Suddenly, a soft female voice sounded behind the little boy. Before he could turn around and see the other person's appearance clearly, he felt the top of his head sink, and a warm hand gently pressed on his head.

"Deputy Minister, that's not called looking at people with your nostrils!"

As a gentle female voice sounded in his ears, the little boy turned his head and looked to his right, only to see a mature older sister with long dark yellow hair and wearing toad glasses appearing here at some point.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the eldest sister pointing her finger at the deputy director of the medical department on the steps and smiling.

"With your head held high and your chest high, there is nothing else to do, and your majesty moves all around!!"


The little boy nodded in understanding. Although he did not fully understand what the elder sister said, he believed that what such a gentle elder sister said must be correct.

"Sister Nonoyu, is the deputy minister a handsome guy?"

The little girl next to him also came over and said curiously, "I heard from my neighbor that when the deputy minister was young, he was a very powerful and handsome ninja."

Hearing this, the woman wearing the toad glasses didn't know what she thought of, and she instantly became a little silent.


But she still couldn't resist the curious looks of the two children.

Afterwards, Nonoyu organized his words in his mind and said softly, "My sister has never seen the appearance of the deputy minister when he was young, but it is said that he is as good as Uchiha.

Uchiha Asuka, the current medical class monitor, once praised the deputy director’s appearance back then.”

"Why are you boasting?"

Hearing this, the two children became even more curious.

The Uchiha clan is somewhat polarized, some are very handsome, some are very ugly, and Uchiha Asuka is recognized as the handsome group, and can be praised by an Uchiha who has eyes above his head.


Nonoyu took a breath, glanced at the expectant eyes of the two children, and said with a somewhat forced smile, "He has thick black hair, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and clear facial features, showing the true qualities of a bloody man.

His body is majestic, towering like a mountain. Faced with Tsunade-sama's sneak attack, he does not dodge or dodge, protecting the weak, showing his unparalleled masculinity. "


After she finished speaking, the two children's brains completely shut down.

They couldn't imagine why Tsunade-sama would attack the deputy minister.

"Compared with his strength, the deputy minister's appearance seems a bit unremarkable." Nonoyu quickly skipped the topic, with a hint of complexity in his gentle voice.

"Although the deputy minister has shown some talent in the field of medical ninja, he is not actually very powerful and cannot even be called excellent. His talent is far from being able to suppress all members of the medical department, let alone becoming a minister. .

But something happened later that completely changed the fate of the deputy minister. "

The curiosity of the two children was aroused again.

They looked up at the pharmacist Nonoyu and couldn't help but ask.

"What's up?"


Nonoyu pondered for a moment, secretly glanced at the deputy minister on the steps, and whispered, "The specific matter involves a secret, and this sister doesn't know much about it.

My sister and most people in the village only knew that the deputy minister was recognized that year and was not lost in the "minister". On the contrary, he started working hard all night from then on and was eventually promoted to deputy minister of the medical department.

The deputy minister became a genin at the age of twelve, a chunin at the age of twenty-five, and with his medical talent, he became a special jounin at the age of thirty-five, a jounin at the age of forty, and he is now fifty."

"The deputy minister is not without talent, hard work is a talent in itself!!"


Nonoyu looked back at the two children and said with a smile, "Good children should not evaluate others rashly, let alone speak ill of others behind their backs."


The little boy nodded in understanding, then he raised his hand and pointed to the steps, and said somewhat innocently, "Ah? Big sister, can a good boy say bad things to someone in person?"

Nonoyu:? ? ?

Then, she looked in the direction of the boy's finger.

I saw a man in Uchiha uniform appearing on the steps at some point. He had his hands in his pockets and a fat orange cat on his head, with a sunny smile on his face.

"Minister, your intelligent brain shines in the sun, just like the entire electric field is gathered at the top of a lightning rod. A large amount of wisdom is condensed in that small mind, always bursting out with terrifying energy inadvertently."


As this magnetic male voice sounded, whether it was the deputy minister who was standing on the steps, Noono who was squatting in the crowd, or Uchiha Mikoto who was standing behind the crowd, they all fell into silence.

Such gorgeous words piled together always give people a feeling of being cursed.

"Just like a genius ninja will be remembered by history, minister, you will also be remembered by history. When I become minister in the future, I will definitely erect a stone statue of you in front of the medical department for future generations to admire!"

At this time, the little boy in the crowd couldn't help but tugged on the corner of No Naiyu's clothes and said hesitantly.

"Is that big brother speaking ill of the deputy minister to his face?! Is he a good boy?"

Hearing this, she looked up at Asuka, whose mouth was covered by the deputy minister, and her cheek was slapped hard.

After half a ring.

Nonoyu gently stroked the little boy's head with his right hand and said earnestly, "Whether you are speaking ill of people in front of you or behind your back, a child who can avoid being beaten to death is a good child.

If a child is beaten to death, then it is a dead child. "

As she said that, she looked at the little boy again, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and she taught with a smile, "Don't slander others behind their backs, you can easily be beaten to death."

Seeing the big sister's warning and threat fully displayed in her smile, the little boy couldn't help but shudder, quickly lowered his head, and vowed never to speak ill of others again.

After educating the naughty child, No Naiyu curled his lips and came to the steps.

"Deputy Minister!"

Adjusting her facial expression slightly, she looked at Asuka whose mouth was covered by the deputy minister, and smiled, "Asuka Jonin!"


Feiniao broke away from his big hand and spat to the side, "You're praising others and exaggerating their faults."


The deputy minister glanced at Asuka and said calmly, "I have always disliked those people who are flattering. I have told you so many times. Just speak normally next time you see me."

"Nonoyu, here we come!"

Hearing this, Asuka greeted her and gave the deputy minister a disgusted look.

When he was a child, he heard people say that "this old guy" liked to hear compliments from others. Unexpectedly, when it was his turn to praise him, the old guy became serious again.

"Deputy Minister!"

At this time, Nonoyu pointed at the two children in the crowd, smiled and said, "You seem to have a special temperament and can always become the focus of the crowd.

When I first came from below, I heard the two children mention you, their words were full of reverence.

Those children are influenced by your ninja teaching of "Believe that you can succeed if you work hard", and plan to imitate your past efforts to inspire themselves to become an excellent ninja. "


The deputy minister's eyes fell on the two children and he nodded seriously. Even the bad mood caused by the praise from the birds just now became happy because of the children's admiration.

"What a cute kid!"

He looked at the two children with loving eyes, then turned to look at Nonoyu who was standing aside, and said with a smile, "I remember you also have a group of cute children there, I really want to meet them.

It's a pity that the medical department has a lot of work and can't be distracted. Let's arrange for those children to come to the medical department for a meal today at noon. "

"What an honor!"

The smile on Nonoyu's face became even brighter.

She bowed slightly to express her gratitude, then glanced at someone who looked not very good-looking, and couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

She once wanted to teach Uchiha Asuka the art of language, but she didn't know if this guy knew about her identity and was always lukewarm towards her.

Uchiha Asuka:? ? ?

"Hey, Mr. Minister!" He looked at the deputy minister with a happy face, and then at the smiling pharmacist Nonou, and continued, "The children of the Uchiha clan are also quite cute. Let's eat together at noon. A meal?"


The deputy minister shook his head and refused without thinking, "The medical department is not a free canteen. Today, people from Uchiha will come, people from Sarutobi will come tomorrow, and people from Shimura will come the day after tomorrow. Can the medical department still be opened? "

Asuka rolled his eyes, feeling annoyed.

"Do you have any opinions on the ninja clan?"

"I," the deputy minister pointed at himself, said expressionlessly, "I am a commoner, a hard-working ninja, and my own ninja way "believes that hard work will lead to success."

"What does this have to do with coming to the medical department cafeteria to eat?"

"I was born a commoner!!"


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