Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 493 Reactions from all parties (two in one)

The strong wind stirred up large tracts of yellow sand, and the fine sand grains hit the windows violently under the force of the wind, making a crackling sound.

Although these sounds are disturbing, what makes people even more disturbed is the information in hand.

at this time.

Sand Hidden Village, Kazekage's office.

An old man clutched the information in his hand and said in disbelief.

"Is this another one alive?"

Luo Sha had a headache thinking about the content of the information.

"She was not dead in the first place!! Although Konoha tried its best to conceal Uzumaki Kushina's condition at the time, the news was eventually leaked. Uzumaki Kushina was only seriously injured and comatose."


Hearing this, the old man finally felt relieved.

The most discussed thing in the ninja world recently is the resurrection of "Senju Hashirama", and when he saw the news of Kushina's awakening just now, he subconsciously thought that Konoha had resurrected another one.

"That bastard Senju Tobirama."

Thinking of the Second Hokage, the old man subconsciously touched the scars on his face.

Although the scar has healed long ago, the scar in his heart has never healed, and even thinking about the Nidaime Hokage, the scar on his face still hurts.


next moment.

The old man slapped the table and stood up, his eyes flashing with anger, staring in the direction of Konoha Village, and roared, "This is a vicious, vicious, and shameless ninjutsu.

Apart from Senju Tobirama, which ninja with a sinless conscience could develop this kind of ninjutsu? "

At this time, many ninjas gathered in the room.

They all looked at their eyes, noses, and hearts, and looked at the roaring old man from the corners of their eyes. His twisted expression made the scars on his face look even more ferocious.

The old man pointed at Konoha tremblingly, his lips trembling up and down, and he cursed loudly.


Thousand-armed Tobirama beast! ! "

Seeing the old man's cheeks turning the color of pig liver, a young man thought about it and was about to walk out of the crowd, but was held tightly by others.

He looked at his companion who was hesitant to speak, and then looked at the old man who was so angry that he almost lost his breath. He couldn't help but wonder, "Why did you suddenly pull me?"

The companion looked at the old man with a look of hesitation on his face.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he secretly looked at the people around him, and then in a voice that only the two of them could hear, he explained in a low voice, "Do you know why we didn't do anything after learning about Senju Hashirama's resurrection?" Did you do anything drastic?"


The young man was stunned for a moment, and a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

This is what he doesn't understand. Logically speaking, Senju Hashirama's resurrection is a huge threat to any ninja village, but the other major ninja villages, including Sunagakure Village, have not made any moves, or even have any signs of unity. nothing.

"You have just become a Jonin, so there are some things that are not very clear to you. You will understand them when you come into contact with the secrets of the village."

The companion smashed his mouth and said with a complicated expression, "The village had experienced the resurrection of the dead back then, so the sudden resurrection of Senju Hashirama is actually not that difficult to accept."


This short sentence immediately silenced the young man.

It's true that the Ninja Village has been established for a long time, and anything can happen to it.

After a while.

He looked up at his companions with a solemn expression.

"Which strong man did we resurrect back then?"

"It was not us who resurrected him, but Senju Tobirama."

"As for the strong?"

The man hesitated for a moment, looking somewhere intentionally or unintentionally.

Following his companion's gaze, the young man suddenly frowned when he saw the old man jumping in anger, "Could it be that Elder Earth has been resurrected?

But I haven't heard that Elder Earth ever sacrificed his life? "

"No, he is the father of Elder Earth."

Hearing the secret explained by his companion, the man couldn't help taking a breath and said in shock, "It is said that the elder Earth can defeat the elite jounin at his peak, so isn't the father of the elder Earth a strong man who surpasses the elite jounin? "


The companion next to him stiffened and scratched his head in embarrassment, "In fact, he is not that strong. Elder Earth's father is just a genin, and his strength is far inferior to Elder Earth."


These words once again plunged the young man into silence.

His poor brain couldn't figure out the connection.

There should be a price for Senju Tobirama's resurrection of others, right?

The price must not be too small, but in the end, only one genin was resurrected.

Is he an idiot? ? Picture what? ?

As if he understood the doubts in the young man's heart, he saw the man next to him crossing his arms, looking out the window at the yellow sand in the sky, and said angrily.

"This matter also starts with Senju Tobirama's invention of the "A-level Ninjutsu: Mutual Multiplication Detonation Talisman".

At that time, in order to show the power of the "Mutual Multiplication Detonation Talisman", the evil Senju Tobirama invented a ninjutsu that could resurrect the dead. The two ninjutsu could be matched with each other.

I don’t know if he accidentally dug up the grave of Elder Dadi’s family or on purpose. "

Hearing this, the young man slammed his right fist on his left palm and said suddenly.

"Then he resurrected Elder Earth's father."


The companion nodded and continued, "The scar on Elder Earth's face was caused by his father picking up the explosive talisman and exploding it. Fortunately, his father was a genin and his reaction was somewhat insensitive, which allowed Elder Earth to save his life. "


The young man's body trembled, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The vicious Senju Tobirama actually resurrected someone else's father, and then asked the father to use the detonating talisman to blow up his own son. Father and son are killing each other."

at this time.

Misty Hidden Village, in a secret room.

"Family killing each other? The second generation digging graves? Is that ninjutsu so unscrupulous?"

Terumi Mei knelt on the floor, looked up at the old man in front of her, frowned and said, "Genshi-sama, why didn't you see Konoha using that kind of ninjutsu later?

Even if the moral sense of this ninjutsu is close to zero, it can greatly reduce the loss of ninjas. Why hasn't Konoha used it? "

Master Yuan also knelt on the floor, picked up the teapot and poured water, and said slowly in an old voice.

“Although there are advantages, the weaknesses are too obvious.

The strength of those who were resurrected was too low. Although they had immortal bodies, their bodies were as brittle as tissue paper and would break into pieces when exploded. The recovery time was too long, and it often took nearly an hour to return to their original appearance.

And within an hour, the battle was over."

After listening to the old man's explanation, Terumi Mei's frown did not ease at all, "This ninjutsu is combined with the mutual detonation talisman. Their advantages should be enough to cover up the shortcomings, right?

An army of immortal and explosive ninjas, if used properly, should be enough to take on an entire village. "

Speaking of this, she stared at the old man closely, trying to see something from his face, "Why did Konoha not use this ninjutsu during the second and third ninja wars, even if the battle situation was shaky."


Recalling what happened that year, Genshi chuckled, with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes, "The A-level ninjutsu and mutual detonating talisman invented by Senju Tobirama is certainly powerful, but it requires a massive amount of detonating talismans.

Detonating symbols are extremely important strategic resources in war.

Those who were resurrected were only genin in strength, and the highest level was chunin. They were allowed to use massive detonating talismans on the battlefield, and the results they obtained could not even recover the cost of the detonating talisman.

Because that ninjutsu was too costly, Senju Tobirama gave up after using it once. "


Seeing the faint mockery on the old man's face, Terumi Mei's mouth twitched slightly.

It turns out this is a semi-waste ninjutsu, no wonder.

In the thousand-year history of the ninja world, many genius ninjas have been born, and those geniuses invented many ninjutsu during their lives.

Among them, some ninjutsu are widely inherited and promoted by future generations because of their strong practicality; while some ninjutsu are abandoned by future generations because of their insufficient practicality and become the dust of history.

It is clear.

The fate of the two ninjutsu invented by Senju Tobirama is probably the garbage heap of history.

Then, Terumi Mei didn't know what she thought of, her body suddenly stiffened, and she said again.

"But I heard that Senju Hashirama's strength is not as simple as a Chunin."

Seeing the deep worry in Terumi Mei's eyes, Genshi smiled slightly and comforted her.

"The strength of the Fourth Hokage is far greater than that of the current Senju Hashirama. We were not afraid of the Fourth Hokage at that time, let alone the current Senju Hashirama?

The former Senju Hashirama may not have any flaws, but after the resurrection, the Senju Hashirama is full of flaws.

For the strong, flaws can be fatal! ! "

After listening to Master Yuan's confident speech, Mei Terumi lowered her head and thought for a moment, then picked up the information on the table and changed the subject.

"Master Genshi, what's going on with Uzumaki Kushina?"

Thinking of what was recorded in the intelligence, Master Yuan stroked his beard and said with a complicated expression, "The level of medical ninjas in Konoha is really enviable. You arrange a few talented medical ninjas, and we can communicate with Konoha."

"Can Konoha guide our medical ninja?"

Her eyes widened instantly and she looked at the old man with suspicion.

"Don't worry, Senju Hashirama is very talkative. Back then, he could kowtow to the Kages here for the sake of peace in the ninja world. Now he can teach us medical ninjutsu for the sake of peace in the ninja world."

"Ah? Genshi-sama, does Senju Hashirama know medical ninjutsu?"


Master Yuan blinked and looked out the window in confusion.

He didn't know if Senju Hashirama knew medical ninjutsu, but when he thought about Tsunade's medical level, it was hard not to think of family traditions, and as the clan leader, there was no reason Senju Hashirama didn't know these things.

Hashirama: Everyone, I really don’t know how to do medical ninjutsu.

Kirigakure Village: Hokage-sama, this is all for peace.

Hashirama: I really can’t

Kirigakure Village: For Peace

Hashirama: Shall I study?

"That's right, just learn if you don't know how!" Thinking of this, Genshi's face burst into laughter again, "With Senju Hashirama's character, I can't help but take advantage of him."

Konoha, Medical Department.

Tsunade stood outside the ward, standing on tiptoes from time to time, looking through the window at Kushina lying on the bed.

The blond baby who was crying just now was lying quietly next to Kushina. He seemed to be able to feel his mother's breath, and his little hands were tightly grasping Kushina's fingers.

Looking at the scene in the ward, Senju Hashirama leaned against the wall and said with envy.

“It’s great to have mother and son reunited!

What I saw in this resurrection was not all bad. "

Then, he turned his head and looked at his granddaughter Xiao Gang.

Although Xiaozuna looks young and beautiful, she is actually close to 40 years old. In the Warring States period when the average age was only 30 years old, she was already considered an older girl. Well, a girl.

"In a few years."

Hashirama thought of the women over 40 he had seen before, and a few black lines suddenly appeared on their foreheads, and he murmured in his heart, "In a few years, Tsuna probably won't have to worry about menstruation.

You can also save some gambling money. "


Hashirama, who was originally happy because Kushina's mother was reunited, suddenly had a sad look on his face.

There are crowds of people at the gate of Renmin School, but there is no one in front of the nursing home!

He could now imagine that on the day when Xiao Tsuna was old, she would look out from the nursing home and see daylight.

Looking inside from the gate of Ninja School, it is happiness.

Looking out from the nursing home, it is desolate.

next moment.

Tsunade saw the grandfather suddenly squatting on the ground, poking the ground with his fingers, and murmuring, "I can't even think about the bleak life in old age. Do I have to live in a casino for the rest of my life?

Even if you gamble, it doesn't seem impossible. "


After listening for a while, Tsunade suddenly frowned and asked in confusion, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Hashirama looked up at his granddaughter and asked.

"Xiao Gang, do you have any plans for the future?"


Tsunade waved her hand and said in a rather casual tone, "There is no plan. Once I send you away, Grandpa, I will leave the village and travel around the ninja world. When a war breaks out, I will come back to see if there is anything I can do to help."

Seeing Xiaozuna's careless and careless look, Hashirama's face became more and more sad.

Originally, he didn't want to interfere too much in the lives of his juniors. After all, every ninja has his own path.


After all, this is my granddaughter.

"Xiao Tsuna, Kushina has a son to take care of her when she is old. Have you ever thought about yourself?"


Hearing this, several black lines suddenly appeared on Tsunade's forehead.

She said why the uncle was so strange today and said some words that she didn't understand. It turned out that she saw Kushina and her son getting emotional. She turned around and thought of her.


She was about to defend herself, but when she saw the sad look on Hashirama's face, a warm current suddenly flowed through her heart.

It's been a long time

She had forgotten how long it had been since she had been cared for by her relatives, even though the care was related to her marriage.

Thinking of this, Tsunade turned her head and looked to the other side, changing the topic.

"Grandpa, what do you think of what happens next?"


Hashirama stood up and looked into the ward. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "What do you want to do?"

Tsunade pursed her lips and expressed her thoughts, "I want the Yamanaka clan to check Kushina's condition and search the memory of that night.

Kushina will not lie to us, but I am afraid that she has been affected by an illusion, and everything she describes is probably an illusion.

The powerful eye power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Grandpa, you should have more say than me.

Moreover, I feel like Kushina is hiding something from us. It can be seen from her attitude towards Asuka after she wakes up. They should be very familiar with each other.


Speaking of this, Tsunade narrowed her eyes slightly, a sharp light flashed in her eyes, and said slowly.

"I have never heard of when their relationship became so good."

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