
At night, the sound of sand hitting the glass can be heard from time to time, coupled with the roaring wind outside, making it difficult for some people who are new to the desert to sleep.

“No wonder people in the desert want to move!”

Asuka leaned against the bed and looked outside through the window.

Today's moon is unusually large. Under the pale moonlight, the strong wind seems to have taken on a concrete shape. At this time, there are no pedestrians on the street outside. Loulan, a large city in Nuozhou, is like an empty city without any living people.

"I vaguely remember that a certain senior time traveler led the water from the Kingdom of Rain to the Kingdom of Wind."

After staring at the round moon for a while, Asuka curled his lips slightly and said, "It's too troublesome, why not catch the turtle from the Kingdom of Water and let it play in the water every day.

The Kingdom of Wind respects him as the tailed beast that protects the country, and provides him with delicious food and drink every day, and occasionally plays some soothing music to let him drink water while sleeping.

Just relying on the tailed beast's huge chakra, it won't take long for the climate and environment of the Kingdom of Wind to change. "

"Come on!"

At this time, a feeble voice came from the door.

After knocking open the door, Feifei dragged his tired body in.

Before it even reached the bed, it felt its thighs soften, and it simply lay down on the floor, sticking out its tongue and saying, "When the civet cat returns to the desert, there are suddenly many places where it has lived for hundreds of years. He killed a tortoise and kept spraying water in the desert. I felt that the civet cat was going crazy. "

"Tive cats don't necessarily like the desert!"

Asuka rubbed his chin with one hand, recalling Shukaku's behavior at home, and said, "It just wants to lie down on the sand to sleep. It has moved the sand at home to several places, and I haven't seen it move Uchi. The land of the Bo tribe became a desert.”

Then, he looked at the orange cat with a tired face and asked.

"What did you and Kushina do? Why are you so tired?"

Hearing this, it suddenly raised its head, looked at the bird aggrievedly, and complained bitterly, "This is also the first time I have heard that some people can get this inexplicable disease.

Kushina said that the first time she spent the night in the desert, she seemed to have a "sickness that could not sleep without leaving Konoha", and she insisted on letting me tell the story.

Just tell her, and she asked me to tell fairy tales, saying that she wanted to tell them to her son later.

Once was not enough, I had to tell it several more times. Even she, who listened to the story for free, found fault with me, saying that I had turned all the fairy tales into ghost stories. "

As soon as the voice fell, it jumped directly onto the bed.

Just then, Fei Fei was spread out on the pillow, looking at the moon outside the window helplessly, muttering to himself, "Hurry up and carry out the mission. Let's go home after the mission. Don't come with her next time."

At the end of the night, I was even more tired than being questioned by Danzo. "


Hearing the name again, Asuka instantly became energetic.

When Kushina lived in Fei Fei's body, she did know a lot of things. Although many of them were known by others, there were still some things that could not be said.

For example, the secret of your own kaleidoscope.

Not everyone is like Shisui, who tells others the secret of his eyes as soon as he opens them.

Thinking of this, Asuka sat cross-legged on the bed and asked with great interest, "Danzo's hometown really came to find you. It seems that our guess was right at the beginning. Even if the village senior officials would not do anything to Kushina, But with Danzo's character of hating Uchiha, he must be investigated.

But I'm a little curious, "Gen" has been disbanded, how did he conduct an investigation? Go into battle in person? ? "

The orange cat turned over at this time, found a comfortable position to lie down, and said.

"Danzo came here with Hinata and Hinata. After using his Byakugan to check that there were no signs of being controlled by genjutsu, he blasted Hinata and Hinata out and asked me a few questions alone."

Asuka was not surprised that Danzo called Hinata and Hinashi together.

The Byakugan can clearly see the flow of chakra in the opponent's body, and naturally he can also see whether the opponent is under a genjutsu. However, on the day he rescued Kushina, Hinata Hinashi should have observed it with the Byakugan.

"Still be very cautious!"

With that said, he looked at Feifei again and continued to ask, "What did Danzo ask you later?"


After Fei Fei opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while, he sighed, "He gave me a note with curse words on you. He asked me to read the content of the note twice."

As soon as he finished speaking, the smile on Asuka's face froze for a moment.

Just now, he had speculated on what method Danzo would use to interrogate him. After all, Fei Fei had signed a psychic contract with him, and the psychic contract they signed had clear terms.

"You cannot reveal each other's weaknesses and secrets to outsiders, and you cannot abuse or harm each other. Both parties must unite and help each other. Helping each other is helping yourself."

The psychic contract he signed with Fei Fei was two-way, somewhat similar to the "Seal of Tongue-Eradicating Disasters". Although it was not as overbearing as the "Seal of Tongue-Eradicating Disasters", it was more secretive than it.

This was also an important reason why he chose to exchange the consciousness of Fei Fei and Kushina.

I just didn't expect it.

The corner of Feiniao's mouth twitched slightly and he said slowly.

"That old guy is really good at playing."

Hearing these words, Fei Fei nodded with approval, "As expected of a former "root" leader, the way he asked this question made me stupid at first.

Later, Danzo gave me a few more pieces of paper and asked me to read the contents on them. At that time, I could feel the chakra fluctuations outside the corridor, and I didn't know what he had arranged outside the corridor. "

Shaking its head, it told Feiniao what happened in those days.

After all, Kushina was from Konoha. Although the village had some doubts about her sudden awakening, they did not treat her like a prisoner. Only Danzo, who was wary of Uchiha, secretly came over to interrogate her.

Two days after being interrogated by Danzo, the fat man who entered Kushina's body got permission from the hospital and said he could go home.

"Probably. It should be okay, right?"

Thinking of this, Fei Fei subconsciously licked the hair on his paws, then moved his ears slightly, and said in surprise, "Feiniao, don't people here in Loulan have nightlife?

Why is there no sound outside except the wind? "

This sentence brought the thinking bird back to reality.

He looked out the window, then took off his clothes and lay on the bed, and said, "Since daytime today, I feel like something is wrong with this city. This country and its citizens are a bit dull.

The owner of the puppet toy store I visited today seemed enthusiastic, but his enthusiasm revealed an indescribable feeling. "

"You feel this way too? I thought it was my imagination."

Fei Fei's eyes widened instantly and he looked at him in shock.

Then, he saw it crawling onto Asuka's chest and lying down, and said doubtfully, "It was the same when I bought canned scorpions today. Although I bought a lot of things from that boss, I didn't feel it."

As he said that, the orange cat bit his paw gently, not knowing what words to use to describe what he saw today.

next moment.

One person and one cat looked at each other at the same time and said.


Asuka punched his left palm with his right fist, a flash of realization flashed in his eyes and he said, "I bought a lot of toys from the puppet toy store today, but the owner of the store didn't seem very happy.

I was his only customer in eight days. "

At this time, Fei Fei nodded his head heavily, and said in a soft voice with a hint of solemnity, "Same, I bought hundreds of thousands of cans today, and the boss didn't look happy either.

A customer like me should receive preferential treatment wherever I go. Not only did he not welcome me, he also advised me to leave early, saying there was nothing to see here. "

"Hundreds of thousands??"

Hearing this terrifying number, Feiniao was stunned for a moment, and his voice suddenly became hesitant.

"Fei Fei, can you eat all the cans you bought?"

It looked at the flying bird with wide eyes, and said in a soft and cute voice with a hint of innocence.

"It has a long shelf life. If we don't finish it all, we can sell it to Granny Cat at a discount."

Asuka rubbed his chin, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Is that stuff that delicious?"

"It's okay. I'm tired of eating other foods. Let's change the taste."

"Then after we complete the mission, we can go back and buy some more!!"


The next day, early morning.

Kushina stared at the millet porridge, pickles and steamed buns in front of her, and then turned to the fried chicken in Asuka's hand and the canned food that the fat cat was enjoying.

She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

“So vegetarian!”

Stirring the millet porridge in the bowl, Kushina's whole face fell instantly.

In the past, it was okay to be a vegetarian to maintain her figure, but now even if she doesn't look at it to maintain her figure, why should she maintain it?

The key is.

Looking at the fat and white bun in her hand, Kushina hesitated for a moment, then opened her small mouth and took a tentative bite.


A crunching sound came from her mouth.

“Very good, I got sand in my first bite!!”

She spit out the bun on the ground with an expressionless expression, and then tried to take a sip of millet porridge.


The same sound came again.

Then, she stood up, carried the food, came to Asuka, and said coldly.



Asuka glanced at the fried chicken in her hand, then looked at the breakfast on her plate, and said in confusion, "Kushina-sama, you said it yourself, you want to eat this in the morning."

Upon hearing this, she immediately put the dinner plate in front of Asuka and said angrily, "If you hadn't mentioned that the buns in the desert are very unique, how could I possibly want to eat buns made of sand like this?"


Asuka scooped some millet porridge with a spoon and muttered, "This is the special breakfast in the desert. When I was on mission in Sand Hidden Village, I ate breakfast with sand every day.

It feels pretty good, but it scratches my throat a bit. "


Kushina sneered, picked up the fried chicken in front of him and walked back, completely ignoring the confused Uchiha Asuka.

"It's really unlucky for me to come to the desert with you on a mission. Not only did I not make any money, but I almost lost my teeth. If I had known this, I might as well have eaten the dry food I brought with me."

After staring at Kushina's back for a while, the orange cat came to Asuka with a can in his mouth.

It pushed the scorpion can forward and lowered its voice.

“There’s sand in here too!!

Do you want to eat it like a pickle? ? "

Asuka looked at the half-eaten canned cat, then turned to look at the gapped bun, and two black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead.

It’s all leftovers! !


Accompanied by a melodious burping sound, Kushina wiped the oil on her hands with paper and leaned back on the chair with satisfaction, "As a ninja, you should eat such high-calorie food.

This will give you the physical strength to perform tasks better. "

As she said that, she tilted her head and looked at Uchiha Asuka sitting in front, a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on her face.

Thinking back to the six months in the orange cat's body, she would feel the same way no matter what the cat did.

When it lies on the bird's chest, it can feel the warmth coming from its cheeks; when it tastes strange food, the same taste will emerge from its mouth.

Back then, the cat often gave the canned food that she didn't want to eat to the bird. Well, this also caused her to give the canned food that she didn't like to eat just now.

"You have to change it in the future!"

"I was too deeply affected by Fat Cat. I guess it will get better after a while."

"Stay away from these two guys from now on."

He shook his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind.

Then, she looked up at Asuka with a serious expression.

"When are we going to see King Sara?"

Feiyao held the scorpion in his mouth, tasting the unique taste, and his face instantly turned bitter.

After all, his good qualities did not lead him to waste food.


Tasting the juice in the scorpion, he looked up at the tallest tower in the distance and said slowly, "Wait a minute, King Sarah should come to see us."

Following the other party's gaze, Kushina also looked at the tall tower in the distance.

The tallest tower in the city of Loulan is their king's palace, and the legendary dragon vein seems to be under the palace. The reason why King Sara, or Sara's family, became the king is because they can control the dragon vein. .

"Hello ninjas from Konoha!"

Just when Kushina was distracted, a female voice full of surprise suddenly came from the door.

Everyone looked around and saw a tall girl wearing a red robe appearing in front of them.

Her long dark red hair was fluttering in the wind, her brown eyes were filled with determination, and her immature face was even more mature than her peers.

When the restaurant owner saw her, he immediately walked out of the counter and said respectfully.

"Lady Sarah!"

Hearing this, Kushina's eyes narrowed.

She stared at the other person's long crimson hair for a long time, and after confirming that the other person was not a Uzumaki clan member, she shook her head, then stood up and said softly, "Hello, Lady Sara, I am a ninja from Konoha, Kushina. "

After saying that, Kushina glared at Asuka again, winked secretly, and couldn't help complaining in her heart.

This guy has no eyesight at all. The king is here and he is still sitting there stupidly! !

"Lady Sarah!"

Asuka stood up and greeted her with a smile.

Then, his eyes fell on the chakra knife on the opponent's waist.

"It's from Konoha!!"

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