Konoha, the forest of death.

As the examination room for the Chunin Examination, this forest is very large. Even if people stand at the highest point of Konoha, they still cannot see the end of the forest.

For this reason, Konoha specifically set the second exam to 5 days. As long as it is completed within 5 days and reaches the high tower in the center of the Death Forest, the exam will be considered passed.


From time to time, the shrill wails of candidates and the roars of beasts can be heard in the forest, and sometimes various ninjutsu can be seen appearing in the sky above the forest.

Outside the examination room.

Two ninjas wearing Konoha forehead protectors squatted on the ground, eating the snacks brought by each other, their faces full of satisfaction.


Just as the two of them were eating snacks, a large tree that had survived for an unknown period of time suddenly shook, and then fell to one side, making a thunderous sound, which instantly attracted their attention.

"How long ago did this start before such a fierce battle broke out?"

One of them threw a few melon seeds into his mouth and said while eating, "There are still five days left. If you don't conserve your strength, others may pick them up!"

"This kind of thing happens in every exam. There is always a group of candidates who are gathering the scrolls at the beginning, and then are cut off because of lack of physical strength on the way to the finish line." The other person continued to eat snacks, as if he was not surprised.

"That's right! Where is Sister Hongdou?"

"She said she was afraid that during the exam, there might be a situation like the one in the Hidden Mist Village where there was only one candidate left, so she went in to take a look."

"What excuse is this, Sister Hongdou?

She might simply want to have fun with those "hot-blooded" candidates. After all, there was only one rebellious ninja Zabuza who killed all the candidates in Kirigakure Village in so many years. "


Hearing this, one of the ninjas nodded, then looked towards the fierce battle in the forest, silently grabbed a handful of melon seeds and stuffed them into his mouth.

For some reason, he felt a little uneasy, as if something bad was going to happen.

at the same time.

Anko felt the same way.

As she got closer and closer to that familiar scent, Anko's inner uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

"It can't be wrong!"

Feeling the curse mark on her neck that was starting to feel hot, Anko couldn't help but clenched her fists and murmured in a voice that could only be heard by herself, "It's unmistakable, this must be that person's breath.

Only when two people are close to each other will the curse seal planted at the beginning become hot and hot.

That cold, disgusting, disgusting guy! ! "

The figure of Orochimaru slowly appeared in her mind.

When she was young, Anko didn't think that Orochimaru-sensei was as weird as outsiders said. He had a gentle personality and was very kind to her. Although he often had a cold face, she could feel that Orochimaru-sensei was not as weird as he was at that time. So extreme.

"When did he change?"

This question has been bothering Anko until now, and she has never found Orochimaru, let alone a chance to question him.

but now.

After sniffing the familiar scent again, Hongdou suddenly turned to look at the young man following behind.

Judging from the opponent's running speed, he should also be a ninja, and his strength should be above that of a chuunin. His strength may be a little worse than hers, but it won't be too different.

"Are you a special Jonin?" But she thought of Orochimaru's terrifying and despairing strength. After a moment of hesitation, Anko's face turned cold, "You leave the toad behind and leave here."

Toad:? ? ?

Before Asuka could say no, the toad lying on his head became unhappy.

After signing a contract with Jiraiya for so many years, that guy didn't summon it at all except when he went to the bathhouse.

When it comes to fighting, it's not strong enough; when it comes to delivering information, it's not fast enough; when chatting with someone, it's not good at eloquence; even when it comes to singing, it's criticized for having a weak voice.

Its only advantage is that it has high illusion resistance, which is also an important reason why Jiraiya signed it in the first place.


After Jiraiya fought, he realized that this toad with high illusion resistance was useless.

Even if he summons a psychic beast before each battle, he will not choose to summon a toad with high illusion resistance, but choose to summon the stronger Bunta. After all, Bunta can also remove illusions.

If Bunta is also caught by an illusion, it won't be solved by summoning this toad with high illusion resistance, but by summoning Shima Sennin.


At this time, the toad lying on Asuka's head suddenly stood up and said with a bit of dissatisfaction in his voice, "Little Jiraiya finally arranged a task for me, but you actually want me to give up the task and leave with you." ?”


Asuka also sighed, and continued what the toad had said, "It can't leave me. This toad is monitoring me. If it leaves me, Master Jiraiya will probably go crazy."


Catching some key words in the words, Mitarashi Anko's face darkened slightly.

She stopped and turned around to look Uchiha Asuka up and down. At the same time, she was also searching for information about this person in her mind.

After a while.

Anko took a deep breath and said coldly.

"Please leave with this toad on your head!! I will handle the next thing myself!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feiniao shook his head vigorously.


This is the person that Aunt Hongdou likes.

How could you not eat such a big melon?

With this thought in his mind, Asuka picked up the caterpillar on the tree trunk and threw it into the toad's mouth. After causing the toad to be confused for a while, he said, "Please trust me, Anko Jounin."

You taking me there is definitely the most correct choice you have made in your life. "

Hearing this, Hongdou frowned deeply, somewhat confused about the young man's thoughts, and then asked, "Do you know what I want to take you to do? Do you know what will happen there?"


Feiniao nodded affirmatively, then took a deep look at her and said calmly, "Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet you. When you face someone who once abandoned you, I wouldn't be surprised if you beat him to death.

However, the child is innocent. I went there this time just because I was afraid of affecting the child. "

After saying that, he looked at Hongdou who was deep in thought, and couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up in his mind, with a flash of emotion in his eyes.

Combined with Hongdou's sometimes sad and sometimes resentful expression, as well as the words she muttered about marriage, abandonment, etc., Asuka had already imagined a drama about "love but not being able to get" for her.

"After her first love abandoned her, she married another woman. Now their children have come to Konoha to take the chuunin exams. What if Anko gets confused and beats her child to the ground? How embarrassing would that be?"


Thinking of this, Feiniao raised his eyebrows and looked forward to what would happen next.

He had no idea that the person this guy wanted to meet was Orochimaru. Although Asuka vaguely remembered that the two had fought in the Forest of Death during the Chunin Exam, he had forgotten the specific day of the fight.

Moreover, Anko was muttering about marriage and abandonment just now, which also led to him not even thinking about Orochimaru.

After all, who would be interested in their own teacher? !


At this time, Hongdou also let out the pent-up energy in his chest.

Then, she took a deep look at Uchiha Asuka. Although she didn't understand how the other party guessed Orochimaru, her cold eyes became much softer.

Now that you know who the enemy you will face next is good!

Thinking of this, she turned around and looked in the direction of Orochimaru, and said with a bit of determination in her clear voice, "Well, I leave the safety of the candidates to you. No matter what happens next, the safety of the candidates is the top priority."

Asuka patted his chest and assured.

"give it to me!!"

at this time.

Neither of them realized that what they were talking about was not the same thing at all.

What Mitarai Anko was thinking was that she would definitely have a conflict with Orochimaru next, and would also ask him why he abandoned her. The aftermath of the battle would inevitably spread to nearby candidates, and this young man's task was to take the nearby candidates away.

What Uchiha Asuka was thinking was that when Anko saw the child of her first love, she would definitely be unable to control her temper and might even beat her son to the ground.

His mission then was to stop Hongdou and take the child away from this guy's sight.

"Don't tell the village about this before we leave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Anko's figure instantly disappeared from the spot and sped towards the direction of Orochimaru.

Looking at the direction in which she disappeared, Feiniao rubbed his chin with one hand and nodded, "You really can't tell the village about this kind of thing. It's too embarrassing, and you actually go to trouble the heir of your first love.

I can't even do this, even though I don't have a first love. "

On the other side of the forest of death.

Uchiha Sasuke squatted on the ground and continued to assign tasks.

If you want to pass the exam, you must first collect the scrolls of heaven and earth. There is only one way to collect the scrolls of heaven and earth, and that is to grab the scrolls carried by other teams.

They can rob other people, and others can rob them naturally. And when grabbing the scroll, there is no guarantee that the scroll they grab is the one they need.

"Five days!"

Thinking of the time given for the exam, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

The Forest of Death is huge, and they may not encounter other teams even if they wander around it for five days, not to mention finding the correct scroll in it, in case their scroll is lost again.

Then, Sasuke looked around, scanning the thick tree trunks. After making sure that there were no other teams hidden behind, he said coldly, "I will only say this once. In order to prevent the scroll from being snatched away, I will get it!"


After hearing the plan, Naruto suddenly stood up and said, "Wait a minute, let's..."

call out!

Before he finished speaking, a stone pierced the air, quickly passed over Naruto's face, and finally embedded itself deeply into the tree trunk behind him.

The sting on his face momentarily interrupted Naruto's speech.

He then touched his cheek, and when he saw the scarlet blood on his fingers, he couldn't help but turn his head to look in the direction where the pebbles were flying.

Thick tree trunks were intertwined and intertwined to form a roof. Under the roof was a dark and deep forest path, and the stones just came from that direction.


A ray of breeze blew along the path, blowing their hair back.

Before Sasuke and the others could figure out what was going on, the breeze instantly turned into a strong wind. Wherever the strong wind passed, sand, rocks, grass and trees were rolled up, and they hit the three people standing there.

Sasuke immediately lowered his head and put his arms in front of his eyes to prevent this inexplicable evil wind from blinding his eyes.

He has probably guessed now that someone is up to something.


Suddenly, a scream in his ears interrupted Sasuke's thoughts.

He opened his eyes with great effort, and saw Naruto, who had just stood behind him, being blown into the air by the wind, and then hit the tree trunk hard, and there was no movement.

Sakura's pupils shrank, and she screamed out in surprise.


Before she finished speaking, a white smoke instantly appeared behind Sakura. She turned her head with difficulty and looked at the smoke that suddenly emerged, and her heart tightened instantly.


A female laugh suddenly came from the white smoke, and then a woman wearing a bamboo hat, a purple bow belt around her waist, and a black combat uniform walked out.

She first glanced at the yellow-haired boy lying on the ground, and then looked at the two alert little ghosts in front of her, and the smile on her face gradually became weird.

"Are you holding the "Book of Heaven"?" The woman held down the brim of her hat with one hand, took the scroll from her waist with the other hand, and chuckled, "I'm holding the "Book of Earth"!!"

While speaking, she pressed her eye socket with one hand, revealing a vertical pupil that resembled a snake.

An inexplicable aura suddenly burst out from the woman, and the terrifying sense of oppression was transmitted to Sasuke and Sakura through her eyes, instantly making them fall into an illusion.

"You'll die!"

The moment Sasuke felt the aura, his pupils suddenly widened, and for some reason he suddenly foresaw his next ending.

The kunai pierced his body. Blood flew into the air, and finally a detonating talisman was pasted on his forehead.

Boom! !

After a roar in his heart, Sasuke woke up directly from the illusion.

He opened his mouth wide and looked at the woman in front of him with horror, and his forehead was instantly covered with dense cold sweat.

"Horror!! Monster!!

This creepy, dying feeling is exactly the same as the feeling Uchiha Itachi gave him." Thinking of the feeling of death just now, Sasuke's legs softened and he knelt on the ground, gasping for breath.

He had only felt this feeling on three people.

"Uchiha Asuka, Uchiha Itachi, and the woman in front of him."

After being trained by Uchiha Asuka for a period of time, Sasuke would still be afraid of such things, but he would not be so unbearable that he had no strength in his body.

He beat his trembling legs hard, then stood up with all his strength, turned his head and looked at Sakura beside him.


Seeing Sakura kneeling on the ground, her face extremely pale, and trembling with fear, Sasuke gritted his teeth and took out a kunai from the ninja tool bag and held it across his chest.

"Sakura, Naruto can't be counted on!"

He glanced at the two of them, then looked at the surrounding dense forest, and analyzed in his heart, "This man's goal is the scroll. Now the scroll is on me, I will lead him away.

But, isn't this generation of Genin a little too strong?"

Looking at the woman walking towards here, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The feeling of death brought to him by the other party was unexpectedly the same as that of Uchiha Asuka. Such a person actually participated in the Chunin Exam.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The woman opposite looked at Sasuke who was shaking like a sieve, and threw out three kunai casually, blocking the guy's escape direction.

"Uchiha Sasuke!

The only remaining member of the Uchiha clan!"

The woman licked the corner of her mouth, and a trace of excitement flashed in her eyes, "Uchiha Itachi's brother."


The next moment, she instantly widened her eyes, and watched with some surprise as Sasuke directly inserted the kunai into his thigh, then flexibly avoided the blockade of the three kunai, grabbed the girl and disappeared on the spot.

"Interesting, relying on pain to let your body overcome fear?"

While speaking, she glanced back at the forest behind her.

At this time.

Her sense of smell and curse seals were frantically reminding her that not far behind her, there was a breath of the same origin as hers approaching quickly.

"Long time no see!! Red Bean!!"

Sensing the breath of the same origin, the woman smiled lightly and continued to walk towards the place where Sasuke was hiding.

Another purpose of her coming to Konoha this time was Uchiha.

As for Red Bean, she didn't want to see her very much, she was annoying!!

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