Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 563 The most handsome way to die

"What on earth is wrong with this world?"

Walking on the streets of Konoha, Jiraiya had a dark face the whole time. When villagers occasionally looked at him with strange eyes, he closed his eyes and thought about the plot of the new book in his mind to divert his attention.

After the Death Forest incident two days ago, a very outrageous but somewhat reasonable rumor slowly spread in the village.

"Jiraiya, who had experienced the Second and Third Ninja World Wars, has undoubted strength. He has forced Orochimaru into desperate situations several times, which is the best proof. However, such a powerful man allowed Orochimaru to escape several times.

There must be a hook, there must be a hidden story.

And Orochimaru's transformation into a woman is likely related to this incident."

Thinking of the rumors circulating in the village, Jiraiya's face darkened a lot.

Jiraiya, who often wandered in the entertainment places, understood what "hooks" were. Isn't it just liking men?

Would he like Orochimaru? ? ?

The image of Orochimaru and the other person lying on the bed appeared in his mind, and Jiraiya felt his stomach churning. He hurriedly ran to the roadside trash can and bent over to retch.


After vomiting for a long time, nothing came out. Jiraiya spitted in disgust and said angrily, "This immortal left so many beautiful women and went to find Orochimaru??

You really underestimated me.


The next moment.

Jiraiya suddenly pinched his chin with one hand, and his face showed a thoughtful look, "Orochimaru became a female Orochimaru?? What did that guy become??"

At this time.

In addition to curiosity, shock, complexity, emotion, and support, Jiraiya's eyes were extremely pure.

When he first heard the news, he was stunned for a long time, and finally he could only sigh, lamenting that the "bond" he had fought side by side for many years turned out to be a woman.

I don't know if Tsunade will drink two more taels when she hears this news.

Bang bang! !

Then, he came to the Hokage building, knocked on the door of the Hokage's office, and shouted inside.

"Old man."

Without waiting for a sound from inside, Jiraiya turned the handle and pushed open the door. His eyes passed through the thick smoke and looked directly at the old figure behind the desk.

There were several thick stacks of documents on the desk. A thin old man sat on a chair, holding a pipe in one hand and flipping through documents with the other hand. He didn't even bother to look up.


Watching the old man puffing out smoke one after another, Jiraiya found a sofa and sat down casually, saying, "Old man, smoke less, it's not good for your health."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's hand froze for a moment while flipping through the documents, and then returned to normal, saying lightly, "I've lived long enough. There's no need to give up this only hobby just to live a few more years."

"Only hobby? What a niche word!!" Jiraiya's eyes widened instantly, and he scratched his ears in disbelief, "Old man, you don't go to the bathhouse anymore?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen:? ? ?

After a brief shock, the Sandaime took a deep puff of smoke, glanced at the crystal ball placed in the drawer, and then gently pushed the drawer with his right hand, closing it instantly.

He exhaled a puff of smoke to the front, and looked through the smoke at Jiraiya sitting on the sofa.

His appearance many years ago slowly emerged in front of the Sandaime Hokage.

At that time, Jiraiya did not have too many wrinkles on his face, his white hair did not fall to his waist, and he wore a ninja forehead protector representing Konoha on his forehead.

Jiraiya at that time was exactly the same as now, and often said something that embarrassed his teacher.


Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled another puff of smoke, and his old voice slowly said, "Jiraiya, if I die, will you come back to serve as this Hokage?"

Jiraiya shook his head vigorously and refused without thinking.


Old man, you can hold on for a few years. There are many good seedlings in the new generation."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said nothing more.

Then, he turned around and looked into the distance through the window. After seeing the four majestic heads on the Hokage Rock in the distance, he was slightly stunned for a moment and then spoke to himself.

"In my life, I have caused many irreversible things because I was too tolerant of some people, and I have made many wrong choices because I was powerless in my old age.

I am the Hokage who has actually held the highest power in the Land of Fire for the longest time in the history of the Ninja World, and I am also the longest-lived Hokage.

Under my leadership, Konoha entered its heyday, and under my leadership, it entered its trough period."

Hearing these heavy words, Jiraiya opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after seeing the teacher's serious expression, those words were suddenly stuck in his throat and nothing came out.

All this is just as the old man said.

He is indeed an excellent ninja who is loved by everyone in the village and has outstanding leadership ability. He is respected as the "Professor of Ninjutsu" by the Ninja World, but he has indeed made many wrong choices in his life.

After a long silence, Jiraiya sighed heavily and lowered his head silently.

Sarutobi Hiruzen blew a puff of smoke into the air again, and his cloudy eyes became clearer at this moment. He slowly turned his head to look at the man sitting on the sofa.

"Jiraiya, you stand in the distance and watch the old man go."


Jiraiya stood up suddenly, and said anxiously.

"Old man, what are you going to do?"

The Sandaime Hokage did not answer this question, but raised his head slightly, staring at the ceiling with his deep eyes, "The Hokage should die in a way that the Hokage should. If he dies while protecting the village, this is the best way for the Hokage to die."

Jiraiya was not an idiot. When he saw the old man's slightly raised corners of his mouth, he immediately understood something.

Orochimaru? !

Thinking of this name, he strode forward and slammed his hands on the table with a loud bang, instantly knocking the documents covering the table to the ground.

"Old man, is it because of Orochimaru? Do you know anything? Where is Orochimaru?" Jiraiya's pupils were filled with scarlet bloodshot eyes. He slowly clenched his hands into fists and growled, "I'm going Kill him."

Feeling the murderous aura erupting from Jiraiya, Sarutobi Hiruzen paused while smoking, then returned to normal, patting his broad palm to signal Jiraiya not to be so excited.

Then, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and came to the window sill.

As the tallest building in Konoha Village, you can see most of the village from here. What he likes to do most every day is to stand here and listen to the noisy sounds on the streets.

"Jiraiya, come here."

Waving to Jiraiya behind him, Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed to the park and said with a smile, "Do you still remember the last lesson the old man taught you three?"

Hearing this, Jiraiya couldn't help but froze for a moment, then walked to the window sill and looked in the direction the old man pointed.

After he saw the cherry blossom tree in the park, the dusty memories slowly emerged in his mind.

That was their last lesson before they became chuunin.

At that time, he, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and the old man were sitting under the cherry tree, eating lunch and chatting.

Jiraiya: "Since we can kill other ninjas, there is no reason why other ninjas can't kill us. If I wait for the day when I die, I will definitely find the most handsome posture to die.

Tsunade, what pose do you think is the most handsome? "

Tsunade: "Idiot, how could the enemy leave you time to pose before you were killed? Maybe a detonating talisman would blow up your body and not even be able to put it together. Who can see what posture you were in before you died?" "

Jiraiya: "Ah, that's right. I don't want to die in such an ugly way, nor do I want to die in obscurity."

Orochimaru: "Instead of discussing how to die, it is better to discuss how to die. If you die in the right way, you will not be unknown."

Jiraiya: "Huh? Which way of death can show off my handsomeness?"

Tsunade: "Put 1,000 detonating charms on your body, then jump into the middle of the battlefield, and act like a self-destruct villain in front of everyone before the enemy charges.

You will definitely be remembered by the ninja world. "

Jiraiya: "Are you not a fool? We are not talking about the same thing. You have not understood my meaning at all.

Old man, since you are called the "Ninjutsu Professor", you must understand what I mean, right? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "The most handsome way to die?!"

As scenes from the past reappeared in his mind, Jiraiya's eyes suddenly darkened for a moment, and he murmured to himself, "In a ninja's own life, he died in order to persist in the way of ninja. Isn't it handsome?"

After reading these words, he looked at the old man's wrinkled cheeks and fell into silence for an instant.

This is the way of ninja that runs through the life of a ninja

Jiraiya searched his mind and couldn't find any reason to stop a man from giving up his ninjutsu.

"Old man!!"

After a long silence, Jiraiya silently raised his head. After taking in all the scenery of the village, he said in a dry voice, "Isn't it a little too cruel to let a person watch the death of his loved ones."

As if he didn't see Jiraiya's heavy expression, Sarutobi Hiruzen clicked the cigarette pot and said with a smile, "You can light a cigarette then. This is the old man's only hobby."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiraiya fell silent for a rare moment and did not refute this sentence like before.

He took a deep look at Sarutobi Hiruzen, then looked towards the quiet and peaceful village, and finally fixed his gaze on Naruto's house, "Old man, aren't you going to meet Kushina?"

Following his gaze, Sarutobi Hiruzen also looked there. After a moment of silence, he shook his head and said.

"She's gone, the old man has no face to see her!

Over the years, Naruto has respected me, the old man, but the old man has felt sorry for that boy, Naruto.

From now on, you should teach him well, don't let him get into bad habits, don't let him spend money blindly, remember to save money to get married, remember to let him eat well, exercise well, don't deliberately pursue other people's approval, and make yourself excellent. The best way to gain approval from others. "

Then, Jiraiya looked at the Uchiha clan and asked.

"What about Uchiha Asuka?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said bitterly.

"It's gone too. After all, it's because of me that the Uchiha clan is in its current fate. The old man now has no face to face any Uchiha clan members.

As for Sasuke

This matter was left to the future Fifth Generation Hokage to handle. It was me who caused trouble for the Fifth Generation Hokage. "

After saying that, he stared lovingly at the quiet and peaceful Konoha Village.

The land where he had lived for decades, the home of the Sarutobi clan, the homes of the major ninja clans, and the residences of the Konoha villagers, were all gathered in his deep gaze.

It is so beautiful and nostalgic

“Where the leaves dance, the fire will continue. The flames will continue to illuminate the village and allow new leaves to sprout.”

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