Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 566 A Day in the Life of Shimura Danzo

In the early morning of autumn, the sunlight shone through the glass into the bedroom, awakening the villagers of Konoha who were still asleep. They rubbed their confused eyes, trembled subconsciously, and instantly became more energetic.

The air in the morning was also very fresh. They opened the window and breathed in the fresh air. They felt a refreshing pleasure, as if they had returned to their hometown after a long absence, without the unique garbage smell of Konoha Village.

"Hey, good morning!" Although the villagers who had just opened the door to their homes still had some fatigue on their faces, they still cheered up and greeted their neighbors.

Then, these people looked at the clean and tidy streets, and the fatigue on their faces was immediately swept away, and their spirits also improved a lot at a visible speed.

"The Chunin Exam should really last longer. This environment is so comfortable."

"Yeah, I've never seen such a clean street before when I opened the door in the morning. There is no smell of garbage in the air, and even the dog shit that is common on the roadside is gone."

"It's a pity that the Chunin Exam is said to end with the last round, and the environment will probably become the same as before."

"Speaking of this, have you noticed that the atmosphere in the village is a bit wrong today? Why do I feel a murderous aura?"

"Murderous aura? Don't be ridiculous, can you feel that thing?"

"Really. I seem to really feel it."

While speaking, the civilian who just said that he felt murderous aura raised his head suspiciously and looked around.

There were not many pedestrians on the street at this time, and there were no ninjas flying around on the roofs. The whole village was quiet, with occasional sweeping sounds and the shouting of the breakfast stall owner in the distance.

No matter who looked at it, Konoha was so quiet and peaceful at this time.

But for some reason, he just felt a hint of discomfort. This aura had been mentioned to him before, and it seemed to be called murderous aura.

"Is there a possibility?"

Just when the middle-aged man was stunned, a male voice that seemed to be still asleep suddenly came from behind, "Your wife found the private money you hid and is thinking about how to kill you?"


The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then he turned around and looked behind him, and found that his wife had messy hair, holding an iron pot in one hand and a thick stack of coins in the other hand, and stood at the door with an extremely gloomy face.


Ignoring the strange eyes of outsiders, the middle-aged man's knees softened and he knelt directly on the ground, burying his head in the ground.

"I'm sorry that you finally found this money. I won't dare to do it next time."

Seeing the middle-aged man being dragged into the bedroom by his wife by the ear, Fei Niao's mouth twitched slightly, then he looked up at the roof in the northeast, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

There was indeed a murderous aura just now.

Staring at it for a while, Fei Niao turned around and went straight to the breakfast stall in front.

He is now under surveillance, and "releasing murderous aura at will" will naturally be dealt with by Konoha's ninjas. What Asuka has to do now is to fill his stomach and then study how to return to the original world.

"The behavior of the Third Hokage has been very strange recently!"

Eating the fried dough sticks just out of the pan, Asuka glanced at the Hokage Building, frowned and murmured, "I heard that the old man has visited many people recently, and I don't know what he is doing.

Why is he running around instead of studying how to deal with Orochimaru?

And Danzo is really invisible."

Uchiha Asuka found that Konoha was a little weird now. After his identity was exposed to Jiraiya, those high-level officials seemed to have not discovered him and ignored him.

As for Jiraiya not revealing their identities, Asuka didn't believe it.

That guy will not show mercy to anyone who may threaten the village


Then, he looked up in a certain direction of Konoha, wondering, "Why didn't that old guy Danzo come to me? With his personality, it's impossible for him to just ignore it?"


After thinking for a long time, Asuka's eyes slowly narrowed, and the speed of chewing in his mouth also slowed down a bit.

In his original world, because the Uchiha clan had not been exterminated and the Uchiha civil war had caused the remaining three-magatama Sharingan to be extremely rare, and the only stock of the family was sealed.

At that time, Asuka had only three ways to get a three-magatama Sharingan.

"Sneak attack from family members; sneak attack from the family library; find the elders of the family to exchange for favors!!"

The first two methods are not something that normal people can do, and the third method is possible, but it is too troublesome.

Until he came to this world

Asuka's mouth slightly grinned, muttering to himself, "I can't find the place where Uchiha Obito hides the Sharingan, can't I find the place where Danzo hides the Sharingan?

Otherwise, I can find a chance to pick Danzo off"

At this time, the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Field.

As a small country bordering Konoha, there was no ninja village in the Land of Field before, but all this changed after Orochimaru arrived. He first bribed the Daimyo of the Land of Field to obtain permission to build a ninja village, and then obtained the support of Konoha through Danzo.

In this way, Orochimaru established the Sound Village here and got rid of the control of the Daimyo of the Land of Field.

As a sponsor, Danzo naturally knew the location of Orochimaru's base, and also knew the projects and progress of Orochimaru's research.


Muttering this familiar yet unfamiliar ninjutsu, Danzo slowly narrowed his eyes, and the expression on his face suddenly became gloomy.

He had seen a long time ago that his teacher successfully summoned ninjas who had been dead for many years through "reincarnation in the dirty earth", and the summoned ninjas still retained the memories of their lives.

Even now when he thinks about the scene that happened, Danzo still feels very shocked.

As soon as the dead were resurrected, he thought of the use of this ninjutsu, which was to resurrect all the known strong men in the ninja world, then destroy other ninja villages, and finally unify the ninja world.

"Unfortunately, the strength of the resurrected person is less than one thousandth of what he was during his lifetime."

Thinking of this fatal flaw, a hint of sadness flashed in Danzo's eyes, "Although he can resurrect the dead, the shortcomings are too obvious. He was originally a jounin in life, but after resurrection, he may not be able to beat the students of the ninja school.

Not only the teacher couldn't accept this result, but even the old man couldn't help but want to call him rubbish. "


With this thought in his mind, Shimura Danzo raised his head and looked around. When his eyes met the purple lights around him, he fell into silence for an instant.

That's right! !

He, Shimura Danzo, the leader of Konoha's "roots", the guardian who walks in the dark, the hardliner among hardliners, has been fighting wild geese for decades, and today he was finally pecked by wild geese.

"Four Purple Sun Formation!!"

Seeing the extremely familiar purple barrier around him, Danzo's cheeks twitched slightly, then he closed his eyes and began to regain his strength.

Just a few days ago, Orochimaru said that the Earth Reincarnation had made breakthrough progress. The strength of the resurrected dead had been greatly enhanced, and the problem of slow recovery due to injuries to the "dead" had also been improved.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't wait to bring people to Yinyin Village, intending to check whether the reincarnation of the dirty land was what he said.

After the inspection, Danzo got two pieces of news, one good and one bad.

Good news: The Reincarnation of the Dead has indeed been improved, and the improvement is good. Not only can the resurrected dead be controlled by the caster, but their own strength can also be exerted to one or two-tenths of what it was before birth.

Bad news: He was trapped by the Four Purple Yang Formation cast by the "dead people" reincarnated from the dirty earth, and those dead people were still chatting with him and scolding his ancestors.


At this time, a hoarse and deep voice instantly interrupted Danzo's thoughts.

Following the sound, I saw four old men sitting cross-legged in the four corners of the purple barrier. Although their bodies were covered with cracks and their eyes were gray-white, the aura they exuded at this moment was a bit frightening.

These are all once strong men. Even if their resurrected strength is far from the peak, they are still beyond the reach of many people.


One of the white-haired old men with cracks all over his body sighed softly, then grinned, revealing yellow teeth, and his face was full of expressions of gloating.

While he was inputting chakra into the Four Purple Yang Formation to maintain the stability of the barrier, he kept picking his nose and jokingly said, "I didn't expect that we met again."

Hearing this, Danzo opened his eyes, glanced at the old man, and said calmly.

"Uchiha Saburo!!"

The old man nodded slightly, then looked at the old men in other corners of the barrier and said, "Ryoichi, Madou, work harder. Your chakra output efficiency is not as good as that of the Ninja School students."

"Shut up, old man!"

Uchiha Madou glanced at him sideways and said angrily, "Our family is gone. Old guy, I asked you to give up the position of the great elder. You have to occupy it."

"What does it have to do with me? How early did I die?" Uchiha Saburo shrugged. Although his tone was quite casual, he still couldn't hide the pain flashing in his eyes.

The Uchiha clan has finally disappeared into the long river of history.

"I should have killed that bastard Itachi at that time. He didn't look like a good person since he was a child. He was a good boy taught by Fugaku. What the hell, ugh. Disgusting.

Damn it, my grandson is only 14 years old, even 14-year-old children are not spared. "

Uchiha Madou spat to the side with a look of pain on his face.

"What are you talking about now?"

Uchiha Ryoichi, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes. He glanced at the two old men and said calmly, "We can't control our actions now, we can only sit here and complete the orders in our minds.

Although I am unhappy with Orochimaru's order to "trap Danzo", since that guy resurrected us once, sat face to face with the enemy, and did not restrict us from talking."

Speaking of this, he looked at Danzo who was sitting cross-legged inside the barrier and was asleep. The words Orochimaru said before leaving came to his mind, and he suddenly cursed.

This curse directly combined all the curse words in his mind and spit them out.

There is no hope of revenge in this life, but it is still possible to live up to your addiction.

Seeing Ryoichi yelling at him, Uchiha Madou and Uchiha Saburo looked at each other, then cleared their throats, looked at the barrier with a serious face, and blurted out trash talk.


Hearing this harsh scolding, Danzo slowly clenched his fists, and the hatred for Orochimaru in his heart reached its peak at this moment.

As expected of Orochimaru

He knew that he hated Uchiha the most, and he also knew that Uchiha hated him the most. In order to prevent the reincarnation of the dirty land from accidents, he actually resurrected these evil Uchiha.

Whether it was new or old, these Uchiha had no intention of letting him go, not to mention that there was Orochimaru's order in his mind, and Danzo couldn't break the Four Purple Yang Formation at all, and someone had to take action from the outside.

"I can't get out, I can't get out at all!!"

Looking through the Four Purple Yang Formation, Danzo stared at the distant fields, and his mouth twitched slightly.

As he always took "stability" as the principle, how could he not bring a few more people and make more preparations when he came to the Land of Sound to see Orochimaru?


When his peripheral vision swept over the Uchiha old men who were cursing, Danzo gritted his teeth and couldn't help cursing in his heart, "Orochimaru, that bastard, how many Uchiha did you resurrect??

Damn it!!"

Thinking so in his heart, he immediately looked up at the three old men, then took a deep breath, and after organizing his words in his mind, he also cursed back.

It's not his character not to talk back when being scolded! !

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