Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 569: Get married in three days, or I will kill you!!

Medical ninjutsu is a type of ninjutsu in which the practitioner uses chakra to stimulate cells to heal the patient's wounds. Through changes in form, it can also achieve detoxification, healing, attack and other effects.

As a ninja, Uzuki Xiyan also learned some knowledge about medical ninjutsu. She even had the idea of ​​becoming a medical ninja before, but later she found that she preferred the feeling of fighting.


Xi Yan tightly grasped the corners of her clothes with both hands, and her eyes fell on the back of Uchiha Asuka. There was suddenly a glimmer of hope in her eyes full of despair.

After Hayate's death, no one in Konoha was willing to help him. Even the Hokage was unwilling to tell her who the enemy was, or even reveal the slightest clue.

But the man in front of him wanted to help him resurrect Hayate.

Thinking this in her heart, Xiyan pursed her lips and tears fell from her eyes unsatisfactorily. At the same time, she felt a little envious that she could have such a good teacher in that world.

"I also know that the hope of Hayate's resurrection is very slim!!" She looked up at the blue sky, letting the tears stay in her eyes as much as possible, stubbornly not letting them fall, "But at this time, it is better to have hope than nothing. Don't worry, Hayate Come on, I will avenge you."

Feeling the murderous aura coming from behind, Feiniao's mouth twitched slightly and he looked ahead speechlessly.

He almost understood where the inexplicable murderous aura in the morning came from. It was probably coming from his student. After Moonlight Gale was resurrected, he would let these two get married.

Keeping complaining in their hearts, the two of them quickly arrived at the medical department.

Today's medical department has not changed much compared to Asuka's time. It can be seen from the damaged outer wall of the medical department that Konoha may have some financial problems, and they are not even willing to paint it again.

“It’s still the deputy minister’s problem!!”

After observing the damaged exterior walls, broken floor tiles and old facilities, Feiniao couldn't help but shook his head and said with emotion, "In the teacher's time, the deputy minister had no other abilities, but his ability to ask for money from the village was pretty bad. It’s big and can cost a lot of money.

Back then, I accidentally made a big hole in the outer wall of the medical department, and it all went to the medical department's public account."

After seeing the teacher stop, Uoyue Xiyan also walked over quickly.

Although her eye circles were still a little red and swollen, the expression on Xi Yan's face became calmer at this time. Judging from the appearance alone, there was no sign of any mood swings at all.

"Teacher, let's go!" Without answering Asuka's words, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, then identified the direction and walked towards the underground of the medical department.

Usually, after the death of a ninja, the body is not cremated immediately, but is stored underground in the medical department for two to three days, so that relatives have enough time to arrange funeral arrangements.

If a ninja dies in the execution of a mission, and his family has no special request, his body will be placed in a commemorative monument and will be worshiped by villagers every year.

After the medical ninja announced Hayate's death this morning, Xiyan temporarily stored his body here. He didn't decide whether to bury Hayate in the yard to accompany him or bury him in a memorial monument to enjoy the worship of the villagers.


As the machine sounded, the heavy iron door slowly opened, and a cold mist poured out.

Asuka was very familiar with the morgue of the medical department.

Because he specialized in "castration", he was not very popular when he first joined the medical department, and then he was arranged by someone to beautify corpses here.

It wasn't until later that Tsunade suddenly left the village that he was taken out by the deputy minister.

"It's still so cold here!" Feeling the extremely low temperature around him, Feiniao shuddered subconsciously, and then looked at the metal cabinet placed in the corner.

The square iron cabinet was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and a white note with the name on it was pasted in front of the iron cabinet.

It can be seen from the names above that it is filled with ninjas who have recently died.

"Did so many ninjas die in Platycodon City?" He silently counted the names on the note and frowned slightly.

Following the teacher's gaze, Xiyan looked at the iron cabinet that resembled a coffin, a trace of pain flashed in her eyes, and she explained softly, "Hayate was not the only ninja who died this time.

It is said that the two patrol teams disappeared, but Hayate's body happened to be found and brought back. "

As she spoke, Xiyan clenched her hands tightly into fists, and her slender nails were deeply embedded in her flesh. Although there was a needle-like sting in her palms, it still could not offset the pain in her heart.

Ever since the medical ninja concluded Hayate's death, a fear gradually filled her heart. As time went by, that fear not only did not disappear, but grew bigger and bigger.

By now, she had no courage to open the cabinet.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud bang in the room, directly interrupting Xi Yan's thoughts.

She raised her head and looked forward, and saw the teacher very roughly opening the lid of the iron cabinet, then reaching into the iron cabinet, holding the collar with one hand, and directly lifted the body of Hayate out of it.

Seeing such a rough and explosive scene, Uoyue Xiyan's pupils shrank slightly, and her heart stopped for a moment.

"Old teacher?" A hesitant female voice reached Asuka's ears through the air. He turned back to look at his student, and then looked at Yueguang Gale's body.

There was no trace of blood on the pale cheeks, the stiff body no longer had the warmth of a living person, and the heart that was beating every minute became still at this moment.

No matter who comes to look at it, they will say that this is a dead man.

"That's the good thing about the ninja world. When killing people, they don't dig out their organs!!"

After briefly inspecting Moonlight Hayate's body, Asuka nodded with satisfaction, and then he tossed the body directly in the direction of Uoyuki Xiyan.

"Xi Yan, go on!!"

Xiyan:? ? ?

She looked at the body that drew a parabola in the sky, her pupils shrank suddenly, and then she quickly stretched out her arms and ran a few steps forward, holding the body of Gale firmly in her arms.

Feeling the coldness coming from her skin, Xi Yan sniffed and looked at her teacher with some reproach.

"Teacher, do you always treat dead people like this?"

“This is how teachers treat idiots who don’t listen to advice!!”

"Then teacher Hayate can really be saved?"

"Yes, this person is still alive, but his soul has gone to the Pure Land."


These words instantly caused Xiyan to fall into silence.

She looked down at Hayate in her arms, and then at the teacher who was standing there with his head up and away, but she still couldn't connect the words she just said.

"Still alive = the soul goes to the Pure Land??? What is the difference between this and death???"

"Believe me, I'm right!!"

Seeing that Xi Yan didn't seem to believe what she said, Feiniao immediately came over and patted her shoulder, while walking outside, he vowed, "Just now, the old man who protects the pure land and I looked at each other.

Although he didn't speak, I could see from his eyes that he agreed with letting the soul of Moonlight Blast come back. "

Xiyan:? ? ?

Although she couldn't understand what the teacher was saying, after seeing the teacher walking to the door, Uzuki Xiyan still ran after him with Hayate's body in his arms.

Now the only person she can trust is her teacher. Even if there is only a slim hope, Xi Yan is not willing to give up.

"Hello? Why is the young man in that man's arms so pale?"

"It looks like Moonlight Hayate."

"No wonder his face is as pale as a dead person. He turns out to be a sick member of the Yueguang clan."

"Idiot, that's a dead person!! Moonlight Hayate died in battle today and yesterday. He was pronounced dead after simple rescue this morning."


After hearing these words, the villagers who were still discussing just now fell silent collectively.

No wonder his face is so pale.

It turns out he is really dead.

Then, they looked up at the purple-haired woman walking towards them, and took a step back to clear the way.

Moonlight Hayate has no family, only clan members. Although the purple-haired woman is not from the Moonlight clan, these villagers have also heard the gossip between the two and know that she is Moonlight Hayate's lover.

Therefore, the two birds left without any twists and turns, and no one even came to ask where they were going with Moonlight Hayate's body.


After returning to her home, she put Hayate's body on the sofa according to the teacher's eyes, and asked nervously, "What do you need me to do next?"


Observing the body on the sofa, Asuka pondered for a while and then ordered, "First move Moonlight Blast to a warm place to dry in the sun and let him thaw first.

This body is frozen, and it is easy for other problems to occur after waking up. "


Xiyan's lips moved slightly, and she was about to wonder if it would stink if she was exposed to the sun like this, but when she saw the teacher's confident look, most of the doubts in her mind disappeared in an instant.

"If it stinks, just cremate it." She thought silently in her heart, and then moved Hayate's body to the balcony, letting it fully enjoy the sunbath.

"Tsk tsk!"

Asuka leaned on the sofa and looked at the ceiling, with a somewhat sad expression.

After returning to his original world, he decided to keep Xi Yan away from this sick man. Even if this incident hadn't happened, Moonlight Gale Wind would still be a short-lived ghost, and he would be highly regarded if he could live beyond 40 years old.

Looking at Xiyan’s face alone, she looks like someone who can live to be 80 years old


Just when Asuka was distracted, a crisp female voice instantly brought him back to reality.

Looking in the direction from which the sound came, I saw that the corpse that had been exposed to the sun had completely softened, and Uoyuki Xiyan, who was standing next to the corpse, was looking at it with an anxious expression.

"Teacher, I don't know if there is something wrong with my sense of smell. I always feel like the wind is smelly."

Smelling the stench of corpses in the air, Feiniao slowly stood up and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, this kid hasn't taken a bath. Just throw him alive and throw him in the bathroom for a wash."

Alas, the same goes for those in the medical class. They obviously lost too much blood and fell into a deep coma, but they actually sent the person to the freezer to freeze. "

Hearing this, Xiyan blinked quickly, her eyes moving back and forth between Hayate and the teacher, her face filled with "Do I look stupid?" 】A few big characters.

The air was filled with an awkward atmosphere at this moment, and the room suddenly became quiet.

And as time went by, the stench became stronger and stronger.

"It stinks!"

Silently complaining in his heart, Feiniao reached out and took out a transparent bottle from his arms, and continued, "Xi Yan, don't worry, if you turn around now and count silently for 60 seconds, this kid will be alive."

Hearing this, Xi Yan took a deep breath. When her eyes swept across the transparent bottle, she was slightly startled, and then she obediently turned around and turned her back to Gale's body.

"Is the eyeball in the bottle the way to save people?" After thinking for a moment, she began to pray in her heart, "Come back to life, you must come back to life, Hayate."

With a soft "pop" sound, Asuka skillfully pulled off his left eye, and then replaced it with the three magatama Sharingan in the bottle.

Not long ago.

He copied Danzojia

Originally, Asuka wanted to sneak into the root base quietly, try not to conflict with Danzo, find the place where the Sharingan was stored, grab some Sharingan and run away.

After all, his Mangekyou is not the Eternal Eye, and Danzo's root strength is not as weak as imagined, because it is not worth wasting most of his pupil power on this matter.

But he didn't expect that when he entered the root base, he found that it was completely different from what he imagined.

Genin stand guard, chunin guard the gate, and special jounin patrol.

There was not a single jounin to be found in the entire base.

"If I hadn't found the Sharingan in the base, I would have thought that Danzo had moved. At such a critical moment as the Chunin Exam, where did the old guy go to play?"

Then, he lowered his head and stared at the transparent bottle containing the Sharingan in his hand, and then turned his eyes to Moonlight Hayate lying on the floor, his eyelids slightly raised, and he said calmly.

"You are really being advantaged!"

Asuka gently wiped the blood on his face, then sat cross-legged, his hands hanging in the air on Moonlight Gale's chest.

A ball of green light started from the arms and gradually spread to the palms. Finally, the hands were completely enveloped by the green light. At the same time, the chakra in the body rushed towards the palms crazily.

next moment.

Immediately afterwards, the green light suddenly surged, and the entire room was instantly enveloped in green.

Ninja Technique: Reincarnation! !

boom! !

Powerful air waves spread around, making Xiyan's clothes rustle.

"What a huge chakra this is!!" Feeling the amazing chakra coming from behind, Uoyuki Xiyan's expression became more and more nervous. She clenched her fists and tried her best to prevent herself from opening her eyes.

Then, Uchiha Asuka's confident and sunny smile appeared in her mind.

Although Xiyan always felt that the teacher who suddenly appeared was a bit unreliable, with some ideological problems and personality problems, when the whole of Konoha declared that Hayate was dead, only the teacher told her that Hayate still had a glimmer of hope.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt that the teacher had become more reliable.

"Teacher, come on!"

"Teacher, you said: You never let your students down. When you call your name when you are most helpless, you are much more reliable than the Fourth Hokage."

Thinking of this, Uoyue Xiyan raised her head and shouted into the air in front of her.

"Uchiha Fei."

Snapped! !

Before she could finish shouting, a big male hand suddenly patted Xi Yan's shoulder, and then a slightly tired and helpless voice sounded in the air.

"Idiot, you called Uchiha Asuka? You have to call me teacher!!"

Xiyan was immediately stunned by this.

She froze in place for a long time, then turned around stiffly and looked at Uchiha Asuka standing in front of her.

His face was full of exhaustion, and there were still undried blood stains on his left eye frame. The blood stains were falling on the floor drop by drop along his cheeks, blooming into a coquettish flower.

What concerned her the most was the teacher's left eye that had lost its luster.


Although he didn't know what the teacher had just done, it was able to make a shadow-level expert look like this in just one minute. Uoyuki Xiyan bit her lips and said tremblingly, "Your eyes. "

"Ah? It's okay!"

Asuka casually picked out his blind left eye, then put on his original right and left eyes, and said in a casual tone, "Uchiha, it's normal to be blind occasionally."

Xiyan:? ? ?

She looked at her left eye that had regained its luster, her pupils suddenly dilated, she subconsciously covered her mouth with both hands, and took a few steps back.

This was the first time Xiyan saw Uchiha change his eyes. He changed them so casually and so skillfully that it made people feel distressed. At the same time, he couldn't help but want to scold her.

"Don't look at me, go see your boyfriend, he's alive!!" After Feiniao finished speaking, he walked to the sofa tiredly, then collapsed on it, staring at the ceiling blankly.


"Hayate, look at me!"

"Haifeng. You are still alive."

A soft sound of disbelief first came to my ears, and then gradually turned into sobs of surprise. Finally, the crying became choked, and I could no longer say a complete sentence.

Asuka slowly raised his eyelids, glanced at the dazed Moonlight Gale with his peripheral vision, and said slowly.

"Boy, it's time to get married!"


Moonlight Hayate glanced blankly at the girl holding him. Although he didn't know what the situation was now, he vaguely remembered that the ninjas from Sunagakure Village had sneak attacked him.

The last memory is also fixed on the failed escape.

Suddenly hearing the sound of flying birds, he thought of the last scene in his memory and subconsciously replied.

"Don't worry, village."

Before he finished speaking, the deep male voice came over again, "You can't go anywhere for these three days. Just stay in the house and study the marriage process for me. Get married in three days, or I will kill you."


Moonlight Gale's dazed eyes gradually regained focus, and it was only then that he discovered a young man lying on the sofa of Xiyan's house. Those words seemed to be what the young man said just now.

He, Moonlight Gale, went out to perform a mission, and then he seemed to be killed.

When you wake up again.

I heard the news of the wedding three days later.

This sudden change made Ji Feng, who had just woken up, somewhat confused. "If I don't get married in three days, I'll be slaughtered. Should I get married or not?"

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