Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 588 Great, this is like a man

Affected by multiple factors such as water escape, fire escape and explosion, a huge mass of water vapor has gathered above Konoha Village. These water vapors slowly rise until they condense into thick dark clouds.

At this moment.

Most of Konoha Village is shrouded by this thick dark cloud, and the air is filled with a depressing and dull atmosphere.

Everyone saw that the four purple flames that originally reached the sky gradually dissipated, but they did not know the battle situation inside. They did not see the figure of the Third Hokage rushing to help, nor did they notice the signs of Orochimaru appearing to support the Sand Village.

Now a haze has risen in the hearts of the villagers of Konoha, and as time goes by, the haze gradually grows.

"Teacher Iruka!"

In the shelter near the Hokage Rock, three little kids surrounded Iruka and said nervously, "Are we hiding here? How long are we going to hide?"

Hearing this question, Iruka suppressed his irritability, rubbed his throbbing temples, and looked up at the dark crowd in front of him.

After the emergency evacuation, nearly half of the villagers were placed in this shelter.

There is sufficient food and clean water here, enough to support them to live here for three or four days. If there is no news of victory before the food runs out, they may never hear the news of Konoha's victory again in their lives.

After thinking for a while, Iruka put his hands on his waist, looked down at the three children, and patiently explained, "When all the ninjas drive the enemy out of the village, we can leave the shelter.

Konohamaru, you stay in and don't walk around."

Hearing this, Konohamaru looked outside the shelter worriedly.

From the beginning, he had a very bad premonition, as if he was going to lose something important. Until now, that premonition has not only not disappeared, but has become stronger and stronger.

With the sound of "bang!", Konohamaru and others raised their heads and looked outside through the window of the shelter gate.

"What is that?"

Konohamaru stepped back with his eyes wide open, until his back hit the wall, he stopped and trembled, "Teacher Iruka, is that a summoned beast?"

Looking at the fat and big raccoon cat, Iruka's face was gloomy and a little scary, and there was a deep fear in his eyes, as if the huge monster in front of him triggered his bad memories.

A few years ago.

It was the same, a huge tailed beast appeared in the center of the village.

Then, Iruka stood up and blocked the three little kids, and his voice suddenly became a little cold, "It's the tailed beast of the Sand Village, Shukaku. I didn't expect that the Sand Village would bring Shukaku this time."

"Tailed beast??"

"Why would such a thing appear in Konoha??"

"Damn Sand Village, it's okay that their strength has declined, but they are determined to drag Konoha to the grave."


As everyone discovered that the Sand Village's killer weapon actually appeared in Konoha, the atmosphere in the shelter suddenly became desperate.

Even if the village can survive the crisis perfectly this time, its strength will definitely decline, and the decline in strength means that in the Fourth Ninja World War, Konoha will die a lot of people and even lose the Fourth Ninja World War.

"Is this the tailed beast of the Sand Village?" After learning the identity of this monster from Asuka, Uchiha Sasuke's reaction was exactly the same as everyone else. He was shocked and desperate, and even had a deep sense of powerlessness.

Facing this kind of monster, he didn't know whether the Sealing Class would be useful, or even whether Konoha had any means to fight against it.

Should they also release Konoha's tailed beasts and let the two behemoths use the entire village as a battlefield?


Shukaku suddenly let out a deafening roar, and the huge sound waves stirred the air, instantly forming a strong wind that swept the entire battlefield.

The strong wind danced wantonly, blowing everyone's hair into a mess, and at the same time rolled up the sand and stones on the ground, shooting straight at everyone, making bursts of crisp crackling sounds.

Feeling the chakra constantly escaping from the tailed beast, Sasuke's Adam's apple rolled up and down with difficulty. He subconsciously raised his head and his horrified eyes fell on Uchiha Asuka beside him.

At this moment, Asuka still had his arms around his chest, maintaining his original standing posture, with no trace of fear in his eyes, replaced by confusion.

After a moment of distraction, he even took out a piece of candy from somewhere, threw it into his mouth, smacked his lips unconsciously, and immersed himself in his own world again.

Sasuke: ? ? ?

No matter from which angle he looked at it, Uchiha Asuka exuded an indescribable "relaxation" all over his body.

Since the exam, Sasuke couldn't help but want to complain. Obviously, Konoha was in crisis, and the third generation Hokage was held hostage, but Asuka Jonin was still in the mood to taste fried chicken; now, the village was suddenly attacked by the tailed beast, and Asuka Jonin seemed to be thinking about other things.

Then, Sasuke looked back at the disappearing purple barrier, and found that there was no figure of the Sandaime Hokage rushing to support, so he frowned and asked.

"Asuka Jonin, now that the tailed beast has appeared in the village, won't the Sandaime come to support?"

Hearing this, Asuka was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes slowly moved away from Naruto, and he said in a daze, "The Sandaime is dead, what is he supporting?"

This time it was Sasuke's turn to be stunned.

His pupils suddenly trembled, and he looked at the disappearing barrier again, and said in disbelief, "The Hokage didn't defeat the enemy, he was killed by the enemy?"

"Dead, the body should still be warm now!" Feiniao nodded calmly, but there was no trace of sadness on his face.

At a moment like this, it's good enough that he didn't add insult to injury.

At the end of the battle, the encouragement he gave Sarutobi Hiruzen was just out of pure disgust for Orochimaru.

As for whether Uchiha would forgive the old man, it had nothing to do with him. All he could do was send the Sandaime Hokage to meet the dead clansmen and let them fight over who was right and wrong in the Pure Land.

"Strange!" Thinking of this, Asuka suddenly frowned and muttered in his heart, "It's been so long, why hasn't Uzumaki Naruto summoned the toad?

I remember he summoned Gamabunta here."

Realizing that the Asuka Jonin was starting to lose his mind again, Sasuke's expression suddenly became serious.

After learning the news of the death of the Sandaime Hokage, he instantly realized the seriousness of the problem. This was not just a simple invasion, but a war. It was a war that led to the fall of the Hokage in its early stages.


At this time, a deep voice suddenly came from the sky.

Gaara, who had not completely let Shukaku control his body, was now trying his best to control Shukaku's huge body. He suddenly raised his claws and pressed towards Sasuke's position.

Sasuke's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were fixed on the sudden shadow on the ground.

Then, he suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky, only to see a huge claw hanging above his head, blocking all light, like a meteorite, piercing the clouds and appearing in his sight.


The claws cut through the air, accompanied by bursts of muffled thunder. The majestic momentum instantly made everyone below feel a little short of breath.


Asuka glanced at the claws that were about to fall on his head, and had no intention of saving Naruto. He directly grabbed Sasuke's collar and quickly moved back.

As the biological son of Rokudo, their Uchiha ancestors were somewhat unpopular with the old man Rokudo, which also led to their Uchiha not being well-liked either.

And the fate of those who are not favored by others is not as hard as that of the protagonist.

In addition, he is the only Uchiha left now. If this guy dies, the Uchiha in this world will really be extinct. When the great elder of the original world learns about this, he will have to eat him.


As a deafening sound came from the sky and the earth, Shukaku's huge claws violently collided with the ground.

In an instant, a powerful shock wave spread around like a tide.

The surrounding stone houses seemed to be made of paper. They were fragile under the impact of this shock wave. They collapsed and disintegrated into rubble and dust all over the sky.

After seeing the apocalyptic scene in front of him, Asuka took Sasuke to a safe area, then let him go and continued to think about why Naruto didn't summon the giant toad.


Sasuke was choked by the smoke and dust and coughed repeatedly. When he regained his breath, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes penetrated the dust and mist, and looked forward.

I saw that the streets that were originally densely packed with buildings had now turned into a desolate plain, full of devastation. After the broken shop signs rotated in the air several times, they finally fell heavily to the ground and turned into pieces of different sizes.

If the Hokage Rock hadn't still stood there in the distance, no one would have recognized this place as the busiest street in Konoha in the past.


Sasuke's pupils were slightly dilated. Seeing that the village he had lived in for more than ten years had turned into what it is now, he stood up tremblingly. His throat seemed to be blocked by something and he could not say anything.

He staggered a few steps forward, and the scene in front of him suddenly flickered, and the bustling streets of the past appeared before him again.

"Sasuke, look up and see how the decoration of my house looks like? I designed it myself."

"Don't be so sullen all the time, Sasuke, try your aunt's craftsmanship. When Uchiha was still there, your family took good care of your aunt. Have you seen this brand of honest business? My aunt, in good conscience, from It’s coming from Lord Fugaku.”

"Sasuke, do you have room to eat tonight? What, you have finished eating. From now on, you should look for this red door. If you are hungry and don't want to cook by yourself, come to my place for a few bites."


He is also an orphan, but compared to Uzumaki Naruto, Sasuke's situation in the village is much better.

Many people in Konoha Village have great sympathy for Uchiha Sasuke, who became an orphan overnight, and with the disappearance of the Uchiha clan, the dark history that once surrounded the clan also disappeared into history. .

As time goes by, the villagers of Konoha Village view Uchiha through another layer of filters. The good deeds of Uchiha that were forgotten or ignored in the past are now picked up again and infinitely magnified.

This also resulted in the only descendant of Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke, not only not being ostracized in the village, but he was very popular.

Although Sasuke always showed a cold and unchanging expression in the past, in fact, he was treated well by the villagers, and his inner world was far warmer than what he showed on the outside.

At least, he remembered those people who were kind to him.

"Home is gone again."

This thought was like a sharp blade, piercing Sasuke's heart fiercely, making him involuntarily clench his fists, bury his head deeply in his chest, and his breathing became rapid and heavy.

The surrounding atmosphere seemed to freeze, leaving only Sasuke's heavy breathing and the loud noise of Shukaku's wanton destruction in the distance, echoing in the air.

Then, the sad mood quietly permeated the air, causing Uchiha Asuka to turn around, with a complex look in his eyes.

"Uchiha, the clan of love."

In the eyes of the outside world, the Senju clan is always one-sidedly believed to be loving, and the Uchiha clan always puts the pursuit of power first, but in fact, the Uchiha is the most loving one.

The Uchiha, who is relatively dumb, is not very good at expressing love, and eventually it turns into a huge emotional fluctuation.


The roar sounded again.

Sasuke raised his head and looked at the battlefield with scarlet eyes, and saw that the huge raccoon cat, as if crazy, slapped his companions and the kidnapped Sakura and others away.

At this moment, his beating heart was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and an indescribable pain suddenly came over him. Sasuke suddenly jumped out, instantly crossing a distance of several meters, and then his legs softened, and the whole person fell heavily to the ground, making a dull sound.

Then, he was seen lying on the ground, waving his fists weakly, beating the ground again and again, with unprecedented helplessness and despair in his heart.


Suddenly, a slight sound was heard, and a dark big foot suddenly appeared in his sight.

Sasuke's breathing stagnated instantly. He looked up along the foot with difficulty, and saw Uchiha Asuka slowly squatting down, looking at him with complicated eyes.

"Asuka Jonin!"

He gritted his teeth, looked at Shukaku in the distance with scarlet eyes, and said with some expectation in his voice, "Aren't you a better medical ninja than Tsunade? Can you let me stand up now?"

Asuka shook his head when he realized that there was no chakra left in his body.


Sasuke's scarlet eyes turned gray in an instant. He buried his head deeply in the soil and murmured in despair, "I still can't do anything. I couldn't protect my important family and clan members before, and now I can't protect my important companions."

"I'm just this level. I can't protect anything."

Asuka sat cross-legged on the ground, then looked at the one-tailed Shukaku in the distance and spoke lightly.

"Sasuke, do you regard them as important companions?"

"Yeah!" Sasuke buried his head in the soil and hummed softly.

Hearing this, Asuka's eyes fell on the four Hokage portraits of Konoha and continued to ask.

"Your enemy is a tailed beast materialized by huge chakra. Because of its strength, it is called "disaster" by the ninja world. The strength of the tailed beast is far beyond that of ordinary shadow-level strongmen. Your mortality rate is as high as 100%, and there is no possibility of survival.

If you choose to help your companions, once you die here, no one will avenge your parents and our Uchiha clan, and our clan will completely become the history of the ninja world.

Even so, do you still want to go?"

Uchiha Sasuke closed his eyes tightly, and the faces of his past clansmen appeared in his mind. They stood in place one by one. Although they did not speak, their cold eyes seemed to question themselves. Why don't you avenge them.

One second. Two seconds Five seconds

As time passed, Uchiha Sasuke slowly opened his eyes and looked at Uchiha Asuka who was sitting in front of him, and said sadly, "Asuka Jonin, I'm sorry, I'm not a qualified Uchiha. I must go to support Naruto and them."

"Boy, have you decided?" Uchiha Asuka narrowed his eyes and asked again.


Sasuke exhaled deeply, and in his mind he gently said "I'm sorry" to the figure of his clansman, and then nodded firmly, "I've decided!"

"I do have a forbidden technique here that can help you, but what about the process?"

Sasuke's eyes condensed, and his voice revealed a decisiveness.

"Asuka Jonin, no need to say more."

Looking at his determined eyes, Asuka clapped his hands together, making a crisp sound, and said with satisfaction, "Great! This is like a man, this is like an Uchiha!"

Then, he slowly stood up, turned around and stared at the one-tailed Shukaku roaring to the sky. After a short silence, his words suddenly became serious.

"We Uchiha are actually very kind.

We love this world, cherish our own people, and cherish those who fight with us. We will never allow anything we cherish to be harmed.

Uchiha has the strongest power in the ninja world - Sharingan.

This power is not for us to compete, but to protect our most precious things. As the precious things gradually disappear, our power will become stronger and stronger, until it is enough to protect all the things we cherish and prevent them from being threatened.

This is Sharingan, this is Uchiha!!

Our Strength comes from protection and returns to protection! ! "

"Asuka Jounin!"

Hearing the weak voice behind him, he turned around, gave Sasuke who was lying on the ground a warm smile, and replied, "I'm kidding, the only one who can do it is me."

As soon as the voice fell, Uchiha Asuka's originally dark pupils were instantly replaced by scarlet, and three black magatama rotated rapidly in them, and finally perfectly converged into a complex and mysterious pattern

"Is this Asuka Jounin's Mangekyō Sharingan?" Sasuke's voice trembled unconsciously, he stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, his face full of excitement and awe.

This is Uchiha's strongest eye that sees through the three realms, and it has a shocking eye technique - Mangekyō Sharingan.

Immediately afterwards, a more shocking scene appeared in Sasuke's sight.

A ball of green light slowly rose from the soles of Asuka's feet, gradually gathering into huge ribs. They intertwined and connected closely, and expanded at an astonishing speed, quickly outlining the outline of a huge monster.

It was a mysterious and majestic skeleton giant. Just the oppressive feeling on his body made Uchiha Sasuke feel that breathing became difficult and his body became heavy.

Suddenly, countless light blue blood vessels slowly spread along the skeleton-like skeleton, making it gradually become full from the hollow skeleton.

Then, a pair of giant-like legs slowly grew out of the skeleton, steadily supporting the whole body, and finally lifted Uchiha Asuka into the sky.

Uchiha Asuka hugged his arms in front of his chest, standing upright, standing on the chest of the light blue giant, and his momentum gradually became more oppressive with the appearance of the giant.

Under the reflection of the light, his light blue robe emerged with an exquisite red and white round fan pattern.


As the light blue big foot stepped down heavily, the ground seemed to be unable to bear this huge force and trembled slightly.

The whole Konoha seemed to have experienced an earthquake. Cracks of varying degrees appeared on the walls of the houses near the epicenter, and dust fell from the beams farther away from the epicenter.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the two towering behemoths between heaven and earth. Feeling the palpitations emanating from the giants, they stepped back several steps, trying to keep themselves away from this feeling of death.

Under the cover of this breath of death, some ninjas with weaker minds had their legs softened and sat directly on the ground, their eyes full of helplessness and fear.

"What is this? How come another giant appeared."

"Is the village going to be destroyed?"

"Do you feel that the pattern behind the giant is somewhat similar to the signal flare pattern in the air?"

"Idiot, it's not somewhat similar, it's a pattern."

"What does this giant have to do with Uchiha?"

"Damn, did you get 0 points on the test? This is the Susanoo of the Uchiha clan!!"


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