Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 598: First meeting with Black Zetsu

As a time traveler, who doesn't have a heart to drive a Gundam?

So, when Asuka learned that he had traveled through time and space and became a member of the Uchiha clan, he was very happy; but when he learned that he was actually an orphan, he was not so happy.

After all, for ordinary Uchiha, as long as the Mangekyō Sharingan is opened, it means entering the countdown to blindness.

If you can't open the Mangekyō and are just an ordinary three-magatama jonin, then you will directly enter the countdown to life, and sooner or later you will be chopped off by some brain-problematic clan members.

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Asuka began to study medical ninjutsu the moment he could walk, first studying sterilization, and occasionally studying myopia.

Since you have traveled through time, it shouldn't be difficult to open the Mangekyō, right?


He found that it was indeed a bit difficult to open the Mangekyō, so he simply gave up studying the "myopia" direction and began to focus on sterilization.

But through that period of research, Asuka also had a preliminary understanding of myopia.

The world in the eyes of 100°~300° myopia: a little blind.

The world in the eyes of 200°~300° myopia: not too blind.

The world in the eyes of 300°~600° myopia: blindness that cannot distinguish between various objects.

The world in the eyes of 800° or above myopia: blindness that can only distinguish between day and night.

According to Asuka's estimation, his current vision has dropped by at least 30% compared to before, and objects nearly 100 meters away have begun to blur. If he relies on vision alone, he can't even recognize the appearance of pedestrians 100 meters away.

This condition is quite similar to myopia, but it cannot be restored by wearing glasses. Instead, it is more like the vision is sealed by some kind of power.

"Every time you use the Mangekyo, your vision will be sealed forever."

Thinking of this, Asuka crossed his hands behind his head and casually observed the pedestrians around him and the large and small stalls on both sides of the street.

Compared with the Konoha Village (future) he visited not long ago, the current Konoha (past) is in a very good spirit overall.

The village is full of vitality and hope, and everyone has a bright smile on their face.

A group of children excitedly ran past Asuka. They stared at the steaming meatballs and swallowed subconsciously, their eyes full of desire for delicious food.

Then, one of the children took a big bite and shared the meatballs with his friends around him with a happy face.

"Really good!!"

A hearty and familiar voice suddenly sounded. Asuka retracted his gaze and looked forward, and saw a middle-aged man in white casual clothes and long black hair fluttering in the wind walking steadily towards this side.

"Lord Hashirama!"

After seeing the appearance of the person coming, Asuka's hanging heart was completely relieved.

Until then, he finally believed that he had really returned to the original world, to the Konoha where Hashirama Senju existed.

And at this moment, his eyes inadvertently caught a strange look.

A sneaky raccoon quietly followed Hashirama, with a weird expression on his face, and he didn't look like a good thing.


Recalling the Shukaku he met not long ago, he looked at the one in front of him again, and his cheeks twitched involuntarily.

No matter which world

This guy's expression is the same wretched.

At this time, Senju Hashirama walked slowly.

He stopped beside Asuka, looked at the group of innocent children with gentle eyes, and said with emotion, "Many years ago, I didn't dare to imagine that one day, Uchiha, Hyuga, Inuzuka, Ino-Shika-cho could sit together so harmoniously and share the same string of meatballs."


The sudden sound instantly froze Senju Hashirama's smile.

I saw a little boy in Uchiha clothes, for some reason, suddenly raised his foot and kicked the Hyuga child next to him out.

The Hyuga child rolled on the ground twice, and he quickly got up. Instead of cursing, he silently picked up a brick and rushed towards the Uchiha child without hesitation.

The two children soon wrestled with the exclamations of the people around them.

Looking at the dusty scene in front of him, Hashirama was silent for a moment, then his stiff expression gradually calmed down, and he continued, "It's normal for children to fight."

Compared to the brutal fights in the Warring States Period where kunai were often used to pierce the heart, the children now only fight with bricks as weapons. Hashirama is still very pleased with this situation.

The changes of the times have gradually made hatred and killing fade away, replaced by innocent and slightly immature conflicts between children.

"It's just a few bricks." Senju Hashirama muttered to himself, then turned around and looked at Uchiha Asuka who was petting a raccoon cat, and sighed softly.

Just a while ago, Kushina suddenly found him and told him some things, and the person he mentioned the most was Uchiha Asuka.

Although he was a little nervous, he could still infer some things from the other party's words.

These two people.

"Asuka!" After observing secretly for a while, Hashirama put his hands behind his back and said in an elder's tone, "Are you tired from carrying out missions recently?"

"Not bad!" Asuka hesitated for a moment and replied vaguely.

He originally thought that Hashirama Senju was just asking casually, but when he looked up and met the caring eyes, he began to be a little unsure of his judgment.

To be honest, the relationship between him and Senju Hashirama was not very close. When the other party was just resurrected, the two communicated more, but after he recovered, the two communicated less.

Even some time ago, Senju Hashirama secretly investigated him when no one was around, but Asuka didn't reveal this matter.

After all, it was Uchiha Madara who saw him in the last moments before his death. It is normal for him to be investigated. What's more, the first Hokage always suspected that Uchiha Madara was planning something.

As if he didn't see Uchiha Asuka's surprised expression, Hashirama nodded dryly and said to himself.

"Ninjas are a group of people who are very good at being patient. Even if they are tired, they will not say it openly."

Hearing this, Feiniao subconsciously opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

He swore that what he said just now had absolutely no other meaning and was just said casually.


Hashirama suddenly sighed. He patted Asuka on the shoulder and said earnestly, "When you are tired, rest and don't work so hard. Xiao Tsuna is here in the village, so there won't be any problems for the time being.

Let’s take a few months’ rest.”

After saying that, he still calculated silently in his mind.

Two months should be enough time to do a lot of things.

After all, he was married to Mito at that time, and it only took half a month from the time the two met, to the appointment, and to the marriage.

"How many more months of rest??"

When Asuka heard the news about his vacation from the Shodaime Hokage, his eyes widened and he looked at him in disbelief.

It had been almost two years since he had joined ANBU, and he had carried out a total of four missions.

Even two of the missions failed, one mission was half successful, and only one mission was successful.

"Two missions in one year cannot guarantee 100% completion. The basic requirement for promotion to ANBU team leader is to complete 10 missions. In other words, I complete one mission in two years."

After silently calculating the score in his mind, Asuka's face darkened, and he suddenly felt that he might never have a chance to be the ANBU team leader in this life.

Not to mention that above the squad leader there is the squad leader, and above the squad leader there is the general captain.

The fact that he was able to reach the rank of squad leader in his life was probably due to the smoke coming out of the Uchiha family's ancestral grave.

"People, you have to get married first and then start a career!" Then, Hashirama patted his shoulder again and encouraged, "You can take advantage of this free time to get married first."

Catching the key words in the words, Feiniao's body suddenly trembled, and he subconsciously picked his ears, as if he didn't hear what was said clearly, and asked.

"Hashirama-sama just said that you want me to get married?"

Senju Hashirama smiled and nodded, his eyes full of relief and satisfaction.

At this moment, Uchiha Asuka was completely stunned.

He widened his eyes and looked at the serious and serious face of the First Hokage, and immediately realized that the other person was not joking, but really wanted to get him married.

"Get married"

It's not like Asuka hasn't thought about getting married, but due to various reasons, he never got married.

In the past it was because I didn’t have anyone I liked.

Later, I became a rebel because of the person I liked.

Later, it was because the person I liked was a widow.

Anyway, it's a bit difficult for him to get married now, and the woman's identity is a bit embarrassing.

After a while.

Asuka couldn't resist the hot gaze of the first generation, so she simply turned her head and looked elsewhere, and said sarcastically, "Hashirama-sama, please wait, there is no rush to get married.

The population of Uchiha is quite prosperous now, so they don’t really need me to carry on the family line.”

Seeing that he seemed reluctant to get married, Hashirama took a deep breath and did not directly state his purpose of coming, but mentioned it in a rather obscure way.

"My granddaughter, although she looks very grumpy on the outside, she is actually a pretty good person and a good cook."

Asuka:? ? ?

When he heard the word "granddaughter", his pupils trembled, and the figure of Tsunade suddenly appeared in his mind. However, when he heard Hashirama praise his granddaughter for being a good cook, Asuka was directly fucked into silence. .

Since the day he traveled through time, he had never heard anyone mention that Tsunade's cooking was delicious. When people think of Tsunade, they are often synonymous with a sense of security.

It's hard for Asuka to imagine that that girl can actually cook well!

at this time.

Hashirama had no idea that someone had already thought wrong.

Because of Mito's relationship, in a sense, Uzumaki Kushina is indeed his granddaughter.

Therefore, when introducing Kushina to Uchiha Asuka, he did not specifically mention Kushina's name, but naturally addressed her as "granddaughter". After all, it is more pleasant to be called grandpa than to call her an adult.

Later, Hashirama noticed the hesitation, shock and disbelief on Asuka's face. He couldn't help but smacked his mouth and continued to introduce, "I know that she is older than you.

But it doesn't matter if you are older. Only when you are older can you understand how to be considerate and don't need to coax often.

You don't know how troublesome it is to coax a woman. "

Having said this, Senju Hashirama's body suddenly trembled slightly. He involuntarily raised his head and looked around. After confirming that the familiar figure in his memory did not appear in the crowd, he let out a long breath. His low voice was filled with helplessness. .

"Coaxing women is really a troublesome thing."


Asuka naturally knows that coaxing a woman is a troublesome thing, and also knows why Hashirama said his granddaughter is a bit old.

Tsunade is not a little old, she is more than ten years older than him.

As for Tsunade, she doesn't need anyone to coax her.

Thinking of this, Asuka shuddered involuntarily, and subconsciously began to quickly search the crowd. After confirming that Tsunade was not nearby, he let out a long breath.

"Of course Tsunade doesn't need coaxing. If someone makes her angry, she will take revenge on the spot."


Just as Hashirama was missing his wife, out of the corner of his eye, he caught Uchiha Asuka's figure suddenly turning into a black shadow, quickly passing over him, running straight to the rear, and shouting loudly at the same time.

"Master Hashirama, I suddenly remembered that I just ordered a few skewers of meatballs. If I don't pick them up, they will be gone!"

As the voice became lower and lower, Uchiha Asuka's figure ran faster and faster, and finally completely disappeared from sight.


Senju Hashirama suddenly lowered his head and his arms naturally dropped to his sides. He looked quite disappointed and said, "Is it so difficult to get married now? I remember that when I got married, it was pretty fast."

"Father asked Tobirama and I to be guests of the Uzumaki clan."

"Tobirama bought a lot of things with his own money. When he arrived at the Uzumaki clan, he handed the things directly to Mito. Then Mito came out to meet me, and he didn't have any ill feelings toward me."

"Later, Tobirama insisted on helping me polish the letter I wrote to Mito. Just like this, the relationship between Mito and I quickly heated up."


Then, Hashirama sighed again, then looked up at the sky and murmured to himself, "How did Tobirama write the original letter? Why don't I remember it at all?"


Asuka kicked the bottle on the ground into the trash can and said helplessly, "Tsunade is not married yet. Her age is only her smallest shortcoming, okay."

"It makes me upset when I win a bet, and I feel upset when I lose a bet."

"Would I marry that crazy bitch?"

Then, after he shook Tsunade's figure out of his mind, he went straight to Uzumaki Zekai's meatball shop.

I haven't eaten meatballs for a while, so I feel really greedy.

The most important thing was that whenever he finished eating the meatballs, Uzumaki would never ask for money.

"What a good man!"

Asuka sighed sincerely, then gently opened the door of the meatball shop and shouted enthusiastically into the store, "Long time no see, the master of flashes of inspiration in the cooking world, the undisputed king of meatballs in Konoha, my best friend and brother, hooligan!"

Before he finished speaking, Hei Jue, who was immersed in settling accounts behind the counter, stiffened suddenly, and dense goose bumps appeared on the surface of his skin involuntarily.

It’s so disgusting!

This compliment is too explicit!

Is this still a member of the Uchiha clan?

Muttering secretly in his heart, Hei Jue slowly raised his head and his eyes fell on the young man standing at the door.

When he noticed the Uchiha clan emblem on the other party's clothes, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly and whispered to himself, "The Uchiha clan is really an evil family. It can breed all kinds of weird things."

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