Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 603 Is this still the Konoha of today?


The dark red wooden door made a heartbreaking creaking sound.

It was obviously a hot summer day, and the scorching sun outside made people's skin sting, but the moment the door was opened, a cold wind blew out from inside, blowing up Mikoto's black hair.

This is not because there are any cooling items in the home, nor is it that the house is well insulated, it is just that it is simply deserted and not popular.

When a home is said to be unpopular, it usually means that the home lacks vitality and warmth. It may have beautiful furniture and decorations, but it lacks human warmth and traces of life.

This is the case for the Uchiha Mikoto family.

She personally selected the beautiful furniture, and the placement was determined after a long period of research. In order to prevent the scenery in the house from being too monotonous, Mikoto also sewed a lot of handmade furniture to hang on it.

The home that should have been filled with the smell of food, men and women is now only filled with the smell of wood from the furniture.

But Mikoto seems to have been used to this kind of home for a long time.

She calmly placed the vegetable basket on the ground, glanced at the remaining vegetables in it, and knowing that she couldn't cook today, she untied Sasuke and gently placed him in the cradle.

"Hmm~hmm~hmm~" Mikoto hummed softly, and while coaxing Sasuke to sleep, she couldn't help but look at the other's delicate cheeks, with a bitter smile on her lips.

Sasuke was not used to a deserted home. Every time she brought the little guy back from outside, he would inevitably cry for a long time.

But now.

"Sasuke, are you used to it?!"

After saying that, Uchiha Mikoto raised her head and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar room in front of her, feeling a little silent for a moment.

There was obviously no dust on the furniture, and various tea sets were neatly placed on the coffee table. The kitchen utensils were also hung on the wall according to type. It looked like someone was cleaning them frequently, but why did she feel deserted?

Even though the TV was still playing color images and the sound was so loud that she could hear it clearly even when she was standing outside the door, why did she still feel that her home was quiet?


A burst of bowel sounds suddenly came, and Mikoto's thoughts were brought back to reality.

Feeling the hunger in her belly, she stood up numbly and slowly walked to the vegetable basket. She lowered her head and looked at the few vegetable leaves left in it, thinking about what she would do for lunch.

After working hard for a long time, all the food and the plates disappeared, but she couldn't catch the thief, she didn't want to cook too troublesome meals for a long time, and only cooked some simple home-cooked dishes.

From that time on, because the food was too bland, Fugaku used the excuse of having dinner parties to eat out every night. Itachi also used the excuse of training with Danzo to eat out and come back every time.

Since there are fewer people eating at home, Mikoto is less willing to cook overly sumptuous meals; the less Mikoto is willing to cook sumptuous meals, the fewer people are eating at home.


She also discovered the problem and cooked sumptuous meals several times. But when the father and son returned, they looked at the table full of food and said they had finished eating outside and had no appetite, or they just ate a few bites. Said he was full.

In order to let the father and son eat more, she would even choose to notify them half a day in advance. However, the reply of "go home for dinner" was not received, but an extremely perfunctory excuse.

After repeating it several times, Mikoto no longer wanted to torture herself like this, let alone experience the feeling of going from expectation to disappointment.

"Is it true that I have no temper?" Uchiha Mikoto suddenly raised her head and glanced across the room of their father and son. There was also a bit of dissatisfaction in her tone, "Is it true that I am a concubine who is willing to suffer such a bad temper?

Damn Uchiha Asuka! ! "

After scolding Asuka, she put her hand into the vegetable basket, ready to take out the remaining vegetable leaves and make vegetable porridge for herself.

Mikoto originally bought a lot of vegetables, but when she met Uchiha Asuka on the way, and after hearing those outrageous remarks, she became angry and used those vegetables as weapons and threw them all at the opponent.

"You evil guy, huh?" Uchiha Mikoto was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then took out the camera in the basket, with a look of confusion on her face.

If I remember correctly, when Uchiha Asuka threw this thing over, she seemed to have said it was from her son, right?

"Why would Itachi give something to Asuka?"

"Is the relationship between the two of them so good? Or is the relationship between Itachi and I so bad? Are you even unwilling to hand this thing over to me in person?"

After thinking for a long time without understanding, Mikoto simply stopped worrying. She directly pressed the switch button, and a line of white text suddenly appeared on the dark screen of the camera.

"The counterattack card that never runs out of power. Camera??"

Looking at the content described in the text, Mikoto's cheeks twitched slightly, and she couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

She didn't remember that this brand of camera existed in the ninja world, and was the promotion of this thing a little too exaggerated? It would never run out of power?

The next moment.

The white text on the camera disappeared instantly, and then the ninja world calendar appeared. Some dates had black text, and some dates had red text.

After some simple operations, she figured out what was going on.

"The date marked in black has an image inside; the date marked in red has nothing inside." After continuing to play with it for a while, Mikoto suddenly nodded, with a bit of pride in her gentle voice.

"Although I haven't been exposed to new things for many years, I haven't lost touch with this world. The operation is quite simple."

While speaking, she operated the buttons on the camera, found a black date at random, and then pressed the confirmation button directly.


The moment the confirmation button was pressed, all the images on the screen disappeared instantly, and then a hearty laugh came from the camera.

"Hahaha, my eternal opponent Kakashi, let's have a fair fight!!"


This rather hearty voice directly made Mikoto fall into silence.

Although the camera has not shown any images yet, she can probably guess who this person is just by the familiar tone.

"Might Guy?!"

"It's just that the voice seems to be much more mature."

Some people don't understand why Might Guy appears in the camera, but when she thinks that this is a gift from Itachi to herself, Mikoto is still patient and continues to look at the dark screen.

"No, I'm too tired today!" At this moment, a lazy voice sounded.

The originally dark screen suddenly lit up, and two tall figures appeared in the center of the screen, but judging from the shooting angle, it seemed that the shooting was not open and aboveboard.

After seeing the tall backs of the two people, Mikoto was suddenly stunned for a moment, then blinked in confusion and said in confusion.

"What do these two people eat? How did they suddenly grow so big?"

If Mikoto remembered correctly, when she went out to buy groceries this morning, she saw Might Guy, who had become a half-grown boy, shouting slogans and running 500 laps around the village in a handstand position.

But now.

After looking at the tall backs of the two people and the maturity that obviously emanated from them that did not belong to teenagers, she couldn't help but look up at the ceiling and began to doubt her life.

Then, the conversation between the two people came from the camera again.

"Kakashi, cheer up. Staying in bed will ruin your morning. Get up early and practice for a whole day."

"Kai, I stood guard all night yesterday."

"Kakashi, you've worked hard. Let's compete in eating ramen."

"Kai, I want to sleep."

"Compete in sleeping?"


Hearing the conversation from the camera, Uchiha Mikoto, who was staring at the ceiling in a daze, suddenly blinked and said to herself, "Is my eyes dazzled??

It should be. After all, I've been a little anxious recently and often have hallucinations. In addition, I was stimulated by Uchiha Asuka just now."

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath and stared at the camera in her hand.

At this time.

The picture in the camera also changed.

The figure who looked like Kakashi sighed helplessly, then put his right hand behind his back and shouted weakly, "Rock, scissors, cloth"

"Rock, scissors, cloth"

As the two stretched out their hands, the figure who looked like Might Guy suddenly stiffened, and then he turned around and faced the direction of the camera, with a blazing fighting spirit in his eyes, and said.

"You are worthy of being my lifelong rival, Kakashi. I will come to you after I run around the village 500 times."

After saying that, he ignored Kakashi's obstruction and disappeared from the screen in a handstand position, shouting inspiring slogans, leaving Kakashi alone in the wind.

Looking at the helpless look on Kakashi's face in the picture, Mikoto was silent for a long time, and suddenly burst into a swear word.

"Fuck, how come these two people look older than me?"

She didn't expect to see such a shocking picture just after watching a video. These two people seemed to have aged by a dozen years in an instant, and there were wrinkles on their faces.

Obviously, they were still children in the morning.

"My son?"

While whispering the words Asuka said before she disappeared, she thought of the two people who suddenly aged by a dozen years in the video just now. After a moment of silence, Mikoto suddenly had an extremely absurd guess in her heart.

"Is this still Konoha now?"

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