Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 617: Equally weakening the strength of each ninja village

the next day.

early morning.

When Asuka opened the window, he stretched as usual and looked around sleepily.

When he saw that there were more than a dozen pots of flowers in the abandoned yard on the left, he blinked quickly and said in confusion, "There is a new neighbor, a new neighbor."


Before he finished speaking, a heart-wrenching sound suddenly came from the old wooden door next door.

Uchiha Mikoto looked at the door carefully and said to herself, "It seems that we need to hire some workers today to replace the door, windows and other things with new ones, and repair the house tomorrow."

As she spoke, she caught a glimpse of the head sticking out of the window sill next door. Mikoto raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said with a smile, "Asuka Jonin, good morning."


Seeing Mikoto suddenly walk out of the room with a familiar look, Asuka instantly fell into silence.

He remembered.

Uchiha Mikoto suddenly became her neighbor for some reason.


He secretly glanced at Miqin's outfit today and found that after she took off the apron she usually wore, she lost a bit of maturity and stability, but gained a bit more youth and vitality.

Only then did Asuka suddenly remember that this guy was only in his 20s! !

"It's wrong to look at me like that." Mikoto suddenly bit her finger and said to herself, "I've been calling you my concubine for too long, and I can't change it for a while. I'll still call you 'me' from now on."

Then, Uchiha Mikoto raised her head, looked into Asuka's dark eyes, and said with a smile.

"Are you a bit uncomfortable with Asuka Jonin?"

Asuka nodded expressionlessly.

Not to mention that the yard next door that had been deserted for more than ten years suddenly had an addition.

Who would have thought that two people who had a feud a few days ago would actually become neighbors in the future.

It's amazing that you can get used to it.

"It turns out I'm not used to it yet," Mikoto waved her hand and said with a hint of joking, "Then I'll go out for a walk more often, and Asuka-kun will be used to it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feiniao suddenly closed the window and made a loud bang, which instantly attracted the attention of pedestrians on the street.

They stopped and looked at the closed window, and then looked at Uchiha Mikoto standing at the door, still a little unbelievable that this was real.

"Our clan leader just agreed??"

"You just agreed like that??" After quietly leaving the house through the back door, Asuka went directly to the Uchiha Ryo family and asked the same question.


Ryoichi took a bite of the watery cucumber and glanced at the other watery cucumbers in the basin. His face turned dark instantly.

Every time after eating and drinking in the family, there are always a few days when you have to eat something vegetarian, otherwise it will easily cause constipation.

Just for the brief highlight moment of the clan meeting, I would starve for two days in advance, and then come back and eat vegetarian food for a few days.


After sighing with emotion, he took another bite of the sizzling cucumber, and then handed half of the cucumber in his hand to Asuka, "It's quite juicy. Do you want to try some?"

"This cucumber is indeed quite juicy."

Asuka picked up a new cucumber and took two bites, and said dullly, "Yesterday, Uchiha Mikoto proposed divorce at the clan meeting, and the clan leader agreed directly without holding back?"

"Otherwise?" Hearing this question, Ryoichi looked at Asuka strangely.

Although he didn't understand Fugaku's thoughts, the matter had been made clear in front of everyone, and Mikoto almost said that there was no relationship between husband and wife. Did Fugaku still want to force her?

What's more, it can be seen from Fugaku's frequent drinking that he no longer cares about this family.

Anyway, from Ryoichi's point of view, this is a very typical divorce incident because there is no relationship between the husband and wife. The reason why it is causing so much fuss is simply because of the special status of both parties.

"I'm a little curious!"

Then, he suddenly turned his head, his eyes seemed to be able to see through many obstacles. He looked at Uchiha Fugaku who was busy, raised his eyebrows and said, "Who do you think Fugaku will marry next?"

"Are you in such a hurry?" Feiniao was also stunned for a moment, and then followed his gaze towards the clan leader's home.

"I'm not in a hurry. Fugaku must have learned the news that something might happen to the family in the future. I estimate that the person he will remarry next will most likely choose to win some allies for Uchiha."

These words were not just random speculation by Ryoichi.

It can be seen from the video content circulated yesterday.

When Uchiha was exterminated, not only he was alone, but he also had no friends.

As long as there are more than 20 allies, Nuo Da's family will not even have a baby left.

Thinking of this, Liang took a bite of cucumber and muttered while chewing, "20 wives are too many for Fugaku, and he is not so charming. In fact, 3 is best, 2 is fine, 1 old man It’s not unacceptable.”

After hearing what the old man muttered, Feiniao's eyes widened immediately, with shock written all over his face.

At this moment, the sentence "gaining an entire forest at the cost of losing a tree" completely materialized before his eyes.

What the hell

I thought that after the patriarch's divorce, the family would avoid talking about it for a long time.

Unexpectedly, it was only the second day.

Have you started researching how many to marry?

At this time, Liang Yi suddenly sighed.

He looked at the juicy cucumbers in the basin, and thought of his own life alone these years, and couldn't help but sigh, "Sometimes I think about it, Fugaku is actually quite miserable."

Asuka nodded expressionlessly and spoke.

“Indeed, it’s quite miserable.

After the divorce, the patriarch went wherever he liked and whoever he wanted.

You can take a shower in the evening, have late-night snacks, or go to other people's houses to drink. "

Ryoichi frowned and thought about it carefully, and found that if things really develop like this, Fugaku's life after the divorce seems not so miserable and would be quite free.


He lowered his head to look at the juicy cucumbers in the basin, with a bitter look on his face, "Feiniao, you said that if you put these good cucumbers here, the only way to eat them is to eat them raw."

"That's you, the patriarch is different from us!"

As he spoke, Feiniao stretched out three fingers, curled his mouth, and sneered, "If the patriarch marries three wives, the tastes of breakfast, lunch, and dinner will not be the same.

Even when eating cucumbers raw, there are three ways to eat them. "

Following his train of thought, a scene of three women cooking for Fugaku suddenly appeared in Ryoichi's mind.


Looking at the tasteless cucumber in his hand, the old man took a deep breath, then threw it into the basin without even looking at it. He forcibly changed the subject and said, "By the way, that's why you asked me about this today." ?”

Hearing this, Feiniao slowly withdrew his gaze and wrote a few big words on the table with his hand.

"The Moon Eye Project has begun!"

The moment he saw these words, Ryoichi's eyes hardened, and his lazy temperament instantly became sharp.

At that time, when his cousin was talking about the plan, he was also listening nearby, but his cousin may have seen that he was getting older and was more likely to be delayed, so he had no intention of recruiting him to join the team.

But he still understood the general content of the plan.

"Collect nine tailed beasts." Thinking of the nine tailed beasts involved in the plan, Ryoichi could guess the reaction of the major ninja villages after losing their tailed beasts. There would definitely be a war in the ninja world.

Then, he raised his head and looked out at the quiet and peaceful streets.

The children were holding meatballs in their hands and kept shuttling among the crowd. The laughter could be heard clearly even half a street away. Although the tribesmen had to run back and forth for three meals a day, their faces were filled with happiness. The smile comes from the heart.

"The war is coming again!!"

After taking in the scene outside, Ryoichi sighed slightly.

Then, he looked at Asuka who was eating cucumbers. Seeing that the other person looked indifferent, he immediately said angrily, "Aren't you worried at all? That was a war. You have participated in three wars."

"Old man, the cloud of war is always there, isn't it?"

Asuka waved his hand and said in a rather casual tone, "Since the three wars, the comprehensive strength of the five major ninja villages, Konoha is no longer the number one, but has become a ninja village on the same level as Iwagakure.

Now the comprehensive strength of Yunyin Village has surpassed Konoha.

If there were another four battles and another siege, Konoha would be completely cold. "

"Cloud Hidden Village?" Thinking of the situation after the Third Ninja War, Ryoichi couldn't help but fall into silence.

He naturally understood what Asuka was talking about.

In the first ninja war, Konoha was the one who won the easiest.

Don't ask, just ask because you have a strong foundation.

In the second ninja war, Konoha won not easily, but it was still a win.

Don't ask, just ask because the foundation is still there.

In the Third Ninja World War, Konoha won, but the victory was not easy. They were all beaten into the hinterland of Platycodon City.

Don't ask, asking means your foundation is almost gone.

Ryoichi no longer dared to think about the Fourth Ninja War, or in other words, no one dared to think about it.

While Konoha was recuperating, other shinobi villages were also recuperating.

All Ninja Villages are recuperating, which means that all Ninja Villages are not recuperating.

By then

Konoha, which has been reduced to the second echelon, may find it difficult to block the joint attack of other ninja villages.

This moment.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy.

The black cat, who was lying comfortably on the roof basking in the sun, seemed to notice something. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked left and right, and then his eyes became confused again.

The street is still the same street, nothing different.

Although the roof under its feet was scalding hot from the sun, it still couldn't stop it from wanting to sleep here.

"They say sunbathing is good for your health. I've been feeling a little kidney-deficient recently. I wonder if Xiao Feiniao's idea will work?" As he spoke, the black ninja cat turned over so that the other side faced the sun and basked in the sun evenly.

At this time, inside the house.

Asuka looked at Ryoichi's changing expression, then took a bite of the cucumber and said, "Old man, I have also participated in three wars, so I naturally know the cruelty of war.

For this reason, we kill a tailed beast to delay the Eye of the Moon plan and postpone the war for a while. This is no problem.


The full name of the Fourth War is not called "Eye of the Moon Project", but the Fourth Ninja War.

It won't be delayed because Eye of the Moon is delayed. "

Hearing this, Ryoichi narrowed his eyes slightly and his brain started working rapidly.

War is not a game, there is no fixed start time.

It is very possible that a war will break out tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or even more likely now.

The Fourth Ninja War is a sharp sword hanging over the heads of all ninja villages.

Because no one can accurately predict its timing.

Seeing that the old man was silent, Asuka shrugged and continued, "Instead of waiting for the Fourth Ninja War to happen, Konoha Village was once again besieged by other Ninja Villages.

Might as well be during the Eye of the Moon project.

Attack all ninja villages with tailed beasts equally.

By the way, we will focus on taking care of Yunyin Village, which has the highest overall strength. "

"If everyone is recuperating, it means that no one is recuperating; if everyone is being beaten, it means that no one is being beaten."

"But while everyone is being beaten, focus on taking care of certain ninja villages."

"This can be considered as narrowing the gap between Konoha and other ninja villages in disguise."

These reasonable words instantly made Ryoichi's slightly cloudy eyes clear.

Even if they take a few years to recuperate, with Konoha's current strength, they will definitely suffer if they are attacked in the fourth battle, unless there are a few more genius ninjas who can determine the direction of the war.

But how could such a genius ninja appear so easily?


Ryoichi suddenly rubbed his chin and said with some hesitation, "Weaken the strength of each ninja village equally, focus on taking care of the Cloud Ninja Village, and take the opportunity to close the gap between Konoha and Cloud Hidden Village."

"If Kumogakure Village suffers heavy damage, it can really curb those Kumogakure idiots whose muscles control their heads. In the previous ninja wars, there were those people inside who fanned the flames."

"Eye of the Moon Project"

Eye of the Moon Project: Collect the nine tailed beasts, create the ultimate weapon, and then release the infinite Tsukuyomi to control everyone in the world and create permanent "peace" in the illusion.

This was the plan that Uchiha Madara and Ryoichi had originally talked about.

But after hearing this, Ryoichi felt that this thing was a little unreliable, but he couldn't find a reason to refute this plan, and looking at his cousin's firm eyes, he knew that refutation was useless.

But after listening to what Feiniao said today, he suddenly felt that this plan was a bit reliable.

It's too illusory to let everyone fall into a fantasy.

But while executing the plan, taking the opportunity to give other ninja villages a few kicks, this sounds very reliable.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Ryoichi suddenly felt relaxed.

He looked at Asuka who was eating a cucumber, picked up one and took two bites, gloating, "Compared to the previous three ninja wars, when Konoha itself was unlucky, I would rather see all the ninja villages fall."

Before he finished speaking, Ryoichi seemed to have thought of something. He stopped eating the cucumber and looked at Asuka with a sudden look of suspicion.

If he remembered correctly, Asuka had agreed with this plan before, but didn't want to implement it.

But now I want to implement this plan.

Just to weaken other ninja villages? ?

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