Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 626 Don’t go home too late!


The broken glass slid down the wall and finally scattered all over the ground, making a crisp and chaotic clattering sound.

However, the Sand Ninjas guarding in front of the Kazekage Building seemed unusually calm.

One of the guards even took out a broom very skillfully and started to clean up.

The other guard always maintained a high degree of vigilance, and his sharp eyes swept over every pedestrian passing by here.

After confirming that there was no suspicious situation, he seemed to lean against the wall casually, but his ears were close to the cold stone wall, giving outsiders the feeling that he was tired of standing and taking a break.


At this time, the Sand Ninja who had finished sweeping the floor suddenly came over and lowered his voice, "Did you hear it clearly? What are Master Kazekage and Master Garura arguing about this time?"

Seeing his companions looking at him curiously, the Sand Ninja who was eavesdropping couldn't help smacking his lips, imitating the tone coming from upstairs, and whispered.

"Rosa, what father can do such a thing?"

"Karura, calm down!"

"Rosa, why didn't you calm down when you were trembling on me?

If you had calmed down, Gaara would not have been born. How dare you ask me to calm down?"

"Karura, watch your words, and I am the Kazekage."

"Oh, you want to kill me?"


The ninja who had just cleaned the glass shuddered as his companion described the quarrel upstairs vividly, and the figure of Lord Karura also appeared in his mind.

Such a gentle woman would also say such fierce words? ?


Thinking of this, the Sand Ninja couldn't help but sigh, then took out the "Ninja World's Best" magazine from his arms, looked down at the content on the cover, and said worriedly.

"Will our Lord Karuro follow in the footsteps of Uchiha Mikoto and file for divorce from Lord Kazekage?"

"I don't think so?" Another guard shook his head, but his tone was a little more hesitant.

In fact, Lord Kazekage and his wife have quarreled too many times recently, and they are not sure whether there is a problem in their relationship.


Just as the two were distracted, the sound of glass breaking came from the sky again.

One of the Sand Ninjas took out a broom very skillfully, predicted the location of the glass falling in advance, and stood there quietly. After secretly glancing at the direction of the Kazekage's office, he quickly shifted his gaze and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Lord Kazekage seems to be a little afraid of his wife!"

At this time.

Kazekage's office.

Luosha looked at the ceiling, and after his peripheral vision quickly swept across the angry eyes of the woman opposite, he sighed helplessly, "Now the village lacks funds and the number of ninjas has decreased. In order to deter other ninja villages, Gaara must perfectly control the tailed beasts."


Garura slammed his hand on the table, suppressing his anger and said, "You want the tailed beast to quickly form combat power, why didn't you seal it in an adult's body?

Okay, even if you chose to seal it in your son's body in order to completely control the tailed beast and prevent it from falling into the hands of others.

But now you expect Gaara to control that power??

Rosa, when you were 2 years old, you peed on the bed, did you understand??"

Hearing this, Rasa leaned back on the chair with his arms folded across his chest, his face instantly gloomy as if water could be squeezed out.

He also admitted some things, it was a bit too whimsical to expect a child to become a perfect Jinchūriki at the age of 2.

But how can the Sand Village have so much time to wait? ?

At least a few years, at most a dozen years, the ninja world will definitely start a war.


"Rosa, speak!" Karula slammed his hands on the table again, instantly knocking the documents to the ground, and said angrily, "When you were 2 years old, did you understand what it meant to pee on the kang?"

This vulgar remark made Karula's eyelids jump.

He now misses his gentle wife very much.

At that time, his wife would always use coquettish nicknames when she opened her mouth, and she would never call him by his real name.

But when his eyes swept over the portraits of the successive Kazekage hanging on the wall, Karula took a deep breath, looked at his wife with complicated eyes, and said sullenly, "The situation in Sand Village really can't wait too long.

If Gaara doesn't have the qualifications to become a perfect Jinchūriki, I will strip the tailed beast and give it to someone with qualifications"

Before he finished speaking, Karula raised his hand slightly, grabbed the black pot that was thrown at him, and said a little disappointedly, "Don't smash it, glass also costs money. Now every penny in the village must be spent on the blade, not on glass."

"Rosa, you bastard!" Karula pointed at him angrily. Fang's nose, his voice full of disappointment, said, "Gaara is only 2 years old, you want to strip him of the tailed beast, what can you do when you are 2 years old?"

Rosa sighed, his face full of fatigue, "Uchiha Asuka, he started learning characters when he was 8 months old; he read the family collection of books at the age of 1; he taught himself medical ninjutsu at the age of 2; he wanted to join the medical department at the age of 3, but was rejected by Tsunade, and the reason Tsunade gave to the outside world was not that his medical ninjutsu was not good, but that his character was not good."

Hearing this, Karura snorted coldly and said in a mocking voice.

"How many people like that are there in the ninja world in the past thousand years? Why don't you ask yourself what you did when you were 2 years old? Wet the bed?"

Rosa rubbed his forehead with one hand, sighed helplessly, and continued.

"Alas, what I mean is that at the age of 2, he was completely able to communicate normally with the tailed beast."

Jiaruo stood up suddenly and scolded him directly, "Luosha, I'm going to fuck you. What are you doing at the age of 2? Are you still peeing on the bed?"

"Can you please not mention this?"

"What, you want to beat me to death?"


When the Yondaime Kazekage and his wife returned home, as soon as they opened the door, a smell of food floated in the air.

Jiaruo stood on tiptoe and looked at the sumptuous dinner on the table, then turned around and glared at Luo Sha fiercely, his lips moved up and down slightly, and he said silently, "If you don't cook, you are nothing!"

Luo Sha didn't take his wife's ridicule seriously at all.

after all

He, the fourth generation Kazekage, didn't have enough time every day, so he never had time to go home and cook.

If it weren't for working with shadow clones that would bring back the fatigue, now he wants to split up into several clones, one to go gold mining, two to work, and three to handle official duties.

"Sister, brother-in-law, welcome home!!" A clear and soft voice came from the kitchen, which instantly soothed Garura's irritable heart, and his expression softened, regaining his former gentleness.

Facing his wife's change of expression at the speed of light, Luo Sha sighed softly in his heart, then nodded towards the busy figure in the kitchen and said in a deep voice, "Yakshamaru, thank you for your hard work!"


As the sound of cooking rang out, the light red firelight instantly reflected on the glass window of the kitchen, and an alluring aroma wafted out.

Luo Sha sat on the sofa, staring deeply at the family photos hanging on the wall.

In the photo, he stands side by side with Garura in the center of the frame, with a slight smile on his face.

Kankuro and Temari stood in front of them, with bright smiles on their faces, very lively and cute, while Gaara sat on Rasa's shoulders, with his little hands around his father's neck, and the family of five looked at each other. lens.

"But I am Feng Ying!" Luo Sha's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of complexity. He slowly leaned on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling, and tried his best to empty his mind and not think about anything.

"Father, I'm back!" At this moment, a loud call came from outside the door, instantly pulling Luo Sha's thoughts from the photo back to reality.

He quickly looked at the door and saw Kankuro walking in, sweating profusely, looking embarrassed but unable to conceal the joy of returning home.

"Welcome back!" Luo Sha nodded slightly, with a hint of imperceptible kindness in her eyes, and asked, "It's the first day of school today, have you gained anything?"

Hearing this, Kankuro stiffened, silently stretched his hand behind his back, and patted the non-existent footprints on his butt.

The only gain he gained from listening to the class today was that he was kicked in the face with lightning speed.

As for other

"I'm back!" A clear child's voice suddenly came from outside the door, which instantly resolved the awkward atmosphere in the air and made Luo Sha's tense expression relax again.

He looked at Temari walking towards here and nodded again.

"Welcome back!"

"I, I, I'm back too!" A milky voice came from behind Temari, like a child who had just learned to speak.

Feeling the slight itching sensation coming from her back, Temari couldn't help but chuckle, and reluctantly put down the little guy she was carrying, her eyes full of doting and tenderness.

Looking at the chubby child, staggering towards him, a complicated look flashed in Luo Sha's eyes, but from the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a steaming frying spoon flying out of the kitchen, cutting through the air, and heading straight for Come here.

The corner of Luo Sha's mouth twitched, and she firmly caught the hot frying spoon. She looked towards the kitchen without changing her expression, with a hint of helplessness in her tone, "Don't cook so hard, the spoon will fly off."

"Hug!" Garaura was standing at the door of the kitchen, mouthing silently to Gaara who was running.


Seeing this scene, Luo Sha let out a long breath, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her heart.

He stood up and gently held Gaara, who was half-running and slightly stumbling, firmly in his arms. His eyes passed over his son's eyes, which were like those of a normal person, and his mood became complicated again.

This is a sign of being unaffected by tailed beasts.

The same was true for Fenfu back then. There were no dark circles under his eyes at all and he was able to completely resist Shukaku's intrusion.

This was also the fundamental reason why he decided to force his son.

"You can show the ability to resist Shukaku's intrusion at the age of 2. If you are 5 years old, you can't directly become a perfect Jinchuuriki??" The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. The more excited he was, the more intense he looked at Gaara.

As long as Gaara can control the tailed beasts, their Sunagakure Village will not be eliminated in the next Fourth Ninja War.

"It's time to eat!"

Kaura walked out of the kitchen carrying the last plate of food. Her eyes gently glanced at her three children, and finally fell on Luo Sha. Her expression instantly turned cold.

The originally warm family environment was destroyed because of a fool.

On the dinner table.

Garura kept putting braised pork in his children's bowls, and kept admonishing, "Eat more, eat more. If others see such a small amount, they will think that our Kazekage family is poor."

"Mom, I can't eat anymore"

Gaara looked at the hill-like braised pork in the bowl and said in horror, "I really can't eat anymore, it's too much."

"Gaara-sama!" Yashamaru also put some vegetables into his bowl and asked with a smile, "Did you make any new friends today?"


Gaara suddenly bit his chopsticks and said hesitantly, "I don't think I have any friends yet. My sister took me out to play for the whole afternoon today, but there is one child who doesn't hate me."

"That's because he's greedy!"

Temari poked the rice in the bowl speechlessly, and explained to the parents in a crisp voice, "The child was greedy for Gaara's snacks, and his appetite controlled his brain. He insisted on exchanging the stones picked up at the village gate for Gaara's lollipop, and said that it was a symbol of friendship."

Yashamaru: "."

Karura: "."

Rosa: "."

The three looked at each other, then turned to look at Gaara and encouraged him, "Come on, you will definitely make new friends, and you can go out and walk around later."


A gleam flashed in Gaara's eyes, and he looked at the food in the bowl excitedly. He made up his mind, then closed his eyes and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Ten minutes later.

Gaara touched his round belly and looked at his eldest sister with some excitement.

"Let's go out and play!"

"What should we play? It's dark." Temari would not refuse her brother's request, but she thought about it and couldn't think of what to play at night?

"Let's go, I'll take you to explore!" As he spoke, Kanjiro picked up Gaara and grabbed Temari with his other hand, and rushed to the door.

He didn't want his father to ask again if he had any special gains from going to school for the first time today.


The three of them looked at the half-open door, and their faces bloomed with childlike innocent and excited smiles.

The mystery of the night and the call of adventure, for children, its charm far exceeds the ordinary of the day.

"Gaara, Temari, Kanjiro!" A low voice suddenly sounded behind them, causing the three to pause, and then they turned around and looked at their father sitting on the sofa with doubts.

Luosha's eyes slowly swept over the three people, catching the tension on their faces, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up a loving smile, and warned.

"Don't go home too late!!"

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