Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 629 I, Ah Fei, deliver goods to your door


A burst of sharp and sudden laughter suddenly exploded in the dark night.

Shukaku ran to the edge of the high platform in two or two steps and looked down at the Sunagakure Village below. A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "No wonder the uncle smelled a disgusting smell of sand just after he came out."

"Don't you like sleeping on the sand?" Feiniao rubbed his chin with one hand and suddenly continued.

Shukaku:? ? ?

It looked at Uchiha Asuka with an almost idiotic look, and the expression on its face was somewhat contemptuous.

Isn’t sleeping on sand a necessity of life?

When did it start to like sleeping on sand?

Before it became smaller, if there was a soft bed hundreds of meters high, who would be willing to bury themselves in the sand to sleep every day?

"None of this is important." Shukaku then looked down at the bustling Sunagakure Village and said with a grin, "What's important is that the uncle is back now. Are we going to destroy Sunagakure Village?"

Although it was a bit difficult for it to destroy Sunagakure Village with one tail, Shukaku had seen the strength of the two people around him.

As long as the three of them work together, there will be no problem in beating Sunagakure Village into a cripple.

Then, it sneaks back and bullies the lame man

"Stop drooling, now I give you a chance to destroy Sunagakure!" Asuka also walked to the edge of the high platform at this time, overlooking most of Sunagakure Village, and said, "Have you seen that Kazekage Building? You are now Get big and knock that thing down."

Following Asuka's gaze, Shukaku also looked over.

When it saw the towering wind shadow building, it looked down at the tea cauldron that imprisoned itself, and said with some doubts, "Get bigger? Why do you want to get bigger? The uncle can't get bigger in his current state."

Conditions do not allow it to get bigger.”

Shukaku then patted the teapot on his body, his eyes a little more complicated.

After the consciousness left the body, it was imprisoned in this thing. Although its movement was unrestricted, its chakra and its own strength were obviously restricted.

It's not like it hasn't tried to break the seal, but it failed every time, and in the end it slowly accepted its current compact appearance.

"You can still get bigger!" As he spoke, Feiniao quickly made a few marks with his hands and warned, "One minute, stinky civet cat, you only have one minute."

Before Shukaku could figure out what was going on, he noticed that the seal inside his body suddenly loosened a little, and a numbing feeling quickly surged towards his limbs.

at the same time.

The residence of the Yondaime Kazekage.

As early as the moment the resurrected people appeared in every house, Luo Sha had received the news from the Anbu, but he had not taken any action, but was quietly waiting for the enemy's back-up plan.

He did not believe that the enemy would go to so much trouble to resurrect so many undead just to allow Sunagakure Village to briefly reunite with their deceased relatives on the day of the festival.

There must be more behind this.


At this moment, a sharp and familiar laughter suddenly sounded in the dark night, which instantly made Luo Sha's pupils shrink.

He turned quickly and looked out through the window.

In the center of the village, a huge monster suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. Its tail was swaying gently, its body was covered with strange lines, and its star-like eyes were rotating rapidly in the pupils.

This scene made Luo Sha's face darken instantly.

"Gaara, when did you leave home?"

"What's going on?" Hearing the noise outside, Garura walked out of the bedroom while dressing.

When she followed Luo Sha's gaze, she froze on the spot.

Although the appearance of the tailed beast in front of him was a little different from what he remembered, and it was actually wearing something similar to a teapot, but no matter how it changed, the evil chakra emanating from it was unmistakable.

This is Shukaku.


After Garura exclaimed, he didn't even have time to think about it. He jumped directly to the window sill and ran towards the place where the tailed beast was.

"Although I don't know what the conspiracy is, the tailed beast..." Thinking of this, Luo Sha took a deep breath, and countless placer gold instantly appeared on the originally clean and tidy ground.

After the placer gold had gathered to a certain extent, Luo Sha gave instructions to the ANBU waiting outside the door.

"Call the ninjas in the village and assemble!!"


As the ANBU figure disappeared from sight, Luo Sha turned around and glanced at the bedrooms of the other two children without any hesitation in her heart.

With a movement of his body, the gold dust beneath his feet suddenly turned into a golden light, speeding straight towards Shukaku's direction.

Ten seconds later.

In the originally silent living room, a white head suddenly appeared.

It looked around, and finally landed on one of the rooms, smiling and saying, "Ah, ah, Asuka's move is really good, but after catching the child, how to take him out of Sunagakure Village is very difficult. question."

Then, Uzumaki Zetsu shrugged and walked straight to Gaara's bedroom without any further hesitation.

"Gather, gather!"

"Gather, gather!"

"Tailed beasts riot!!"

The noise from the street came through the open window.

Daguan sat on the sofa, sipping tea leisurely, then looked at his father sitting opposite, and said in surprise, "Dad, why don't you hit me??"

Hearing this, Omori suddenly narrowed his eyes. He glanced at the roaring tailed beast in the distance, then looked at his leisurely son in front of him, frowning.

"Boy, have you rebelled?? Why don't you go out to help now? Why are you still in the mood to drink tea here??"

Daguan rolled his eyes and spoke out his inner speculation, "Your resurrection is full of weirdness. What if I leave at this time and you take the opportunity to put detonating talismans at home?"

"I will put detonating talismans at my own home?" Dasen stood up with a flushed face, "Can't you just seal me directly?"

"Dad, you really think highly of your son. If I knew the sealing technique, I would still be teaching in the ninja school?"

"Oh, that's right."

As the voice slowly fell, the hall fell into silence for a moment. The father and son sat face to face, staring at each other, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

"Ozeki, what should we do next?"

"Dad, my job now is to watch you and prevent you from causing trouble for the village. By the way, let's have a good chat."

"You will be held accountable tomorrow if you just sit there. How about we practice together?"

"Hiss" Ozeki took a breath, then looked up and down at his father, and the corners of his mouth suddenly turned to his ears, nodding frantically, "Okay, okay, let you test the results of my years of practice."

"Bang bang bang!"

As soon as the voice fell, a series of fierce fighting sounds suddenly rang in the air, breaking the previous awkward atmosphere.

Sand Village, northeast corner.

Chiyo and Ebizo also noticed Shukaku's evil chakra.

But they only took a look, then retracted their gaze and continued to look at the two busy figures in the kitchen.

The smell of food in the air made the two slightly absent-minded. They couldn't remember when they last ate someone else's food.


Hearing the sound of cooking in the kitchen, Ebizo tilted his head slightly and said sullenly, "Sister, we are waiting here for supper, is it really okay?"

"Trust Luosha!

The sudden appearance of us old guys who have retired is the biggest trouble!" Chiyo glanced at her brother, and then her eyes fell on the two busy people in the kitchen, and her mood suddenly became complicated.

Chiyo could also sense something unusual about what happened in the village today, but she had no intention of taking action at this time.

First, Luosha did not send anyone to invite them, which means that the situation is still under control, and they don't need to go out to grab the limelight.

Second, because the enemy's schemes are so deep and the temptations are so great, even a senior strong man like Chiyo can't help but feel shaken.

The saddest things in the world are these four.

Losing mother in childhood, losing father in youth, losing spouse in middle age, and losing son in old age.

And she

Has experienced all four things, and even lost her grandson after losing her son.

Because of this, even though Chiyo knew that this was an enemy conspiracy, she was unwilling to give up this brief opportunity to spend time with her son and daughter-in-law.

"What a delicious meal!" Chiyo, who was immersed in memories, suddenly came to her senses, and a smile immediately appeared on her old face, "I haven't tasted their cooking for many years."

"Sister, they won't poison us, will they?"

"Then don't eat it."

"Sister, give me some antidote."

"What for?"

"I want to eat!"

When the emergency assembly signal sounded three times.

Luo Sha glanced at the sparse ninjas around him, his face dark and scary.

At this moment.

He had roughly understood why so many people were resurrected.

"Delay?" Thinking of this, Luo Sha looked at Shukaku who was roaring at the sky, subconsciously clenched his fists, and murmured, "What is the purpose of delaying? What are the follow-up plans?"


Shukaku kicked down the Kazekage Building, but it did not rush to run away as usual. Instead, it turned around and looked at the small black spots on the roof provocatively, and said sarcastically, "The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, and I think I'm fine again!!

Speaking of this, it still felt a little unsatisfied, and the strength of the provocation was a little weak, so it simply raised its index finger and gently hooked it a few times in the direction of the Fourth Kazekage, and a sharp voice followed.

"Luo Sha, come here! !"

Faced with this guy's provocation, Luo Sha's face sank directly, and without much nonsense, he directly mobilized the chakra in his body.

"Magnetic Style: Gold Sand Burial! ! "As Luo Sha shouted, he suddenly pressed his hands to the ground, and wisps of bright gold dust seemed to be summoned, surging out from under Shukaku's feet, quickly climbing to the sky, weaving into a huge golden cage, covering Shukaku.

Faced with this sudden attack, Shukaku had no intention of resisting, but continued to hook his finger at Luo Sha, "Luo Sha, your only contribution as the Wind Shadow is to set the price of gold."

"Foul-mouthed guy!" Luo Sha's face turned black, and the chakra in his body seemed to be free, rushing to his arms frantically.

The golden cage was completely formed at this moment, trapping Shukaku inside.


Looking at the gold dust containing chakra around him, Shukaku sighed in his heart, then looked at a corner of the Sand Village, complaining, "It's useless to just grow bigger, I can only spit out a tailed beast ball as big as a soybean. "


Just as Shukaku attracted the attention of everyone in the Sand Village, Uzumaki Zetsu ran towards Asuka with the child in his arms, looking excited, "It's done, it's done, our plan is done."

Glancing at Gaara who had fainted, Asuka narrowed his eyes and said seriously.

"The plan is still a little short."

Uzumaki Zetsu was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and looked at the child in his arms carefully, and said in confusion, "Didn't we capture the One-Tail Jinchuriki?"

"No, no, no!"

Asuka shook his head and explained, "We can catch him, but it's a bit difficult to take him out of the Sand Village. After all, we can't fly."

After hearing this, Uzumaki Zetsu foresaw the crazy state that the Sand Village would fall into after realizing the disappearance of the Jinchūriki. They would definitely plow the village several times to find the Jinchūriki.

Even if the Jinchūriki is captured now, if we can't take him out, then everything will be in vain.

"Ah? What should we do next? If we can't take him out, won't the mission fail?" Uzumaki Zetsu stamped his feet and stared at Asuka anxiously.

Asuka's eyes moved between Uzumaki Zetsu and Gaara, and he said lightly.

"It's very simple!"

"A Fei, you just become a Jinchūriki, right?"


Uzumaki Zetsu hit his left palm with his right fist, and suddenly realized, "In this way, I can use the floating technique to cleverly avoid the pursuit of Sand Village, and directly send myself to the entrance of Rain Village, and feed myself to the mouth of the golem."

Just when it said this, it paused, and suddenly blinked, revealing a bit of uncertainty in its voice, "Ah? Ah? Then I'm dead?"

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