Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 644: Senju Uchiha with some problems!

Autumn morning.

As the sun gets higher and higher, the originally cool weather suddenly becomes a bit hotter.

Asuka wiped the sweat from his forehead, glanced at the two people whispering in the distance with his peripheral vision, and immediately looked away, staring blankly at the blue sky.

Kushina, who has a bold, confident, cheerful and cheerful personality, is not as cowardly, timid, shy, and unconfident as Hyuga Hinata, and she does not dare to express her inner thoughts at all.

So when the two were on the Loulan mission, Kushina mentioned this matter to him.

I was very bold to say that at first

"We haven't been together for a long time, and I feel pretty good about you."

Although she was a little surprised that she could have such an idea, after thinking about it for a while, Asuka thought it was actually reasonable.

After the Night of the Nine-Tails, he first restored Kushina's body to vital signs, and then used the power of the kaleidoscope to summon Kushina's soul back from the Pure Land.

But because Madara had already been resurrected once by him using the forbidden medical technique [Kisei Reincarnation] at that time, and he was worried that there would be a second time, so he used an unknown method to temporarily seal the forbidden medical technique [Kisei Reincarnation].

This also leads to.

After Kushina's soul returned to reality, she could not return to her body for a short time and could only live in Fei Fei's body, acting as a tailed beast-like existence.

The tailed beast can feel the outside world through the jinchuriki and feel the experiences of the jinchuriki.

In other words, Kushina can perceive the outside world through Fei Fei.

Fei Fei and him eat and sleep together every day.

In other words, Kushina had been eating and sleeping with him in another state for nearly a year.

"Alas!" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and glanced at the two chatting next to him from the corner of his eye again, and thought to himself, "Although in the eyes of outsiders, Kushina developed a liking for others soon after she woke up.

But the two have actually been together for more than a year.

Over the past year or so, even two people who don't like each other will develop feelings for each other. "

"As for getting married."

Asuka blinked, his eyes quickly passed over Kushina, and he shook his head subconsciously.

He does not resist marriage, but he is not ready yet.

At least

Bang! !


The next second.

The Shodaime Hokage found that Kushina standing in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then there was a painful intake of breath and Kushina's questioning voice from behind.

"What did you mean when you glanced at me and shook your head just now?"

"I'm either resisting marriage or I'm not ready for it yet."

“What should I prepare for marriage??”

"House, gold, money, inform relatives and friends"

The more the bird talks, the quieter its voice becomes. The more it talks, the quieter its voice becomes.

Until finally, even he could no longer hear the voice speaking.

Seeing Kushina suddenly looking thoughtful, Asuka blinked subconsciously and began to recall what he had just said, wondering if something went wrong.

After a while.

Kushina gradually came back to her senses.

She took a deep look at the young man in front of her and asked softly, "Uchiha Asuka, do you think I'm being so proactive and a bit submissive, and you don't like me too much?"

"No!" Feiniao waved his hands quickly.

Kushina stared at the other person's eyes closely, as if she wanted to see something from them, and continued to ask.

"Then why are you making so many excuses?"

"I just wasn't mentally prepared!" Feiniao suddenly turned his head away and said with a wry smile.

"Understood!" Kushina nodded lightly, turned around and waved to the first generation, then jumped directly onto the roof and disappeared from the sight of the two of them in a few seconds.

It wasn't until the red figure disappeared for a long time that Senju Hashirama came back to his senses.

The girls of the Uzumaki clan still have the same fiery temper, their feelings towards people are still so direct, and they never hide their love for others.

Bang bang! ! !

Then, I saw him approaching, gently patted Asuka on the shoulder, and said with a somewhat complicated mood, "Like you, I was not ready to get married.

Back then, my father asked Tobirama and I to go to the Uzumaki clan with gifts. It was called a visit, but it was actually a marriage.

At that time, Mito expressed his affection for me the first time he saw me.

It's just that my mind was not on this topic at the beginning, I failed to understand what the other party meant, and I was not ready to get married. "

Hearing this, Asuka's eyes lit up.

The low mood just now due to Kushina's sudden departure was directly replaced by the heart of gossip.

The Uchiha clan has no particularly clear record of the marriage between Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito. They only know that after the two of them got married, the Uzumaki clan joined the Senju camp, which led to Uchiha's frequent defeats on the battlefield. .

Now it seems that the marriage between the two is not so smooth sailing.

"Hahaha!" Senju Hashirama suddenly scratched his head and laughed awkwardly, "Mito's attraction to me at the beginning was actually far less attractive than Madara's attraction to me.

One time, Mito took me out to eat, but when I heard that Madara was calling, I left her and ran away, even forgetting that Mito's wallet was still with me.

At that time, I never thought about love, let alone marriage."

Having said this, the First Hokage suddenly acted like a thief and shook his head from side to side.

When he found that there was no one around, he tried his best to lower his voice and said mysteriously, "I heard that men after marriage are not in good health. I'm afraid that I won't be able to fight Madara after marriage, so I have been resisting "marriage".

Remember to keep it a secret for me, even Mito doesn't know about it. "

These words immediately silenced Asuka.

Just now, Asuka thought of many reasons why Senju Hashirama didn't want to get married.

He even thought about whether he was afraid that getting married would irritate Mr. Madara, so he didn't want to get married.


But I never thought that the reason why this guy didn't want to get married was so pure.


Sensing that the atmosphere in the air was a little awkward, Senju Hashirama threw his head back and laughed again, "At first, Mito just thought that I had a "childhood dream" in my heart, so I didn't push for "marriage"."

"Lord Hashirama!!"

Asuka suddenly frowned, as if thinking of something, and asked, "That's not right, it is recorded in the family book that you and Mito-sama got married less than a month after they met.

At that time, my grandfather and Mr. Madara all attended your wedding. "

"This is the matter."

The corner of Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched, and his eyes passed through many obstacles and looked at a house on the east side of the clan. His whole person exuded an aura of frustration, "Communications were not very developed at that time. Most of the communication between Mito and I was through letter.

You must have understood the situation at the end of the Warring States Period, and we were fighting every day.

Later, Tobirama often secretly replied to Mito in my name when I was out. Although he would inform me afterwards, I didn't pay too much attention at the time.

Until one day, Mito showed up in my room with luggage."

Although Senju Hashirama didn't say what happened next, Asuka could tell from the other person's expression.

The two most likely lived together directly at that time.

As for getting married

Naturally, it comes naturally.

"Hahaha~" Senju Hashirama laughed again, "Getting married is actually not as scary as I thought. When I come home every day, not only can I eat hot meals, but my family is also a little more popular.

The most important thing is that getting married does not affect my fight with Madara.

Uchiha juniors, don't be afraid of getting married. "

"Got it!" Asuka nodded perfunctorily, then jumped up to the roof, said goodbye to Hashirama, and disappeared from sight in an instant.

After the two left, the originally spacious courtyard became deserted again.

Senju Hashirama closed his eyes, put his hands behind his back, felt the peaceful atmosphere around him, and muttered, "Actually, the women of the Uzumaki clan are good at everything, but their tempers are too bad.

When I found out that Mito had moved home, I actually refused.

However, his refusal was ineffective and he was beaten. "

Then, he turned around and looked toward the east of the clan, his expression suddenly becoming complicated.

After being relocated, the Thousand Hands Clan still maintains the layout of the Warring States Period.

At that time, he and Tobirama didn't live very far.

Even standing on the roof and looking out, you can see Tobirama's yard.

The next second.

Senju Hashirama jumped up to the roof, looking through the obstacles to look at the half-collapsed house. The scenes that had happened in the small yard came to mind again.

"Tobirama, why did Mito suddenly come to my house? And he still looks like he wants to stay here forever? You don't need to be so nervous, I'm not doubting you."

"Brother, why do I feel like the ground is shaking, as if something is trying to come out?"

"Maybe it's an earthquake. You know there are frequent earthquakes near our house. Don't be nervous. The bruises on my face don't hurt at all."

"Brother!! There are saplings coming out of the ground!!"

"Wow, it's so magical!! Tobirama, today we will use this sapling to make a table. Let us brothers have a few drinks. Don't be so nervous and I won't hit you."

"Drink, brother. I recently developed a medicinal wine that helps "sleep". Can you try it??"

"Hashirama, are you awake?"

"Mito? Why are you in my bed?"

"No, you were in 'our' bed. You drank too much yesterday and Tobirama sent you back."

"How do I remember Coco? I took a sip yesterday."


The moment Feiniao opened the door and returned home, half of his energy and energy instantly drained away.

Thinking of the upcoming tailed beast capture operation and Kushina's incident, Asuka felt his head buzzing, as if there were countless bees flying in his ears.

At this time, how can I still feel like getting married?

Um? ?

Looking at the large and small packages in the living room, Feiniao rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief, "Am I dazzled? Who moved and put things here?"

Then, he took a few steps back and came to the courtyard gate. He carefully looked at the house number on it. After realizing that he was not wrong, he couldn't help but return home again.

"Some time ago, I heard that the Great Elder was planning to move nearby. Are these his?"

He observed these packages curiously, opened one of them casually, and wondered, "How come these packages of the Great Elder are so girly? Damn it, the Great Elder is actually wearing women's clothes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feiniao took out a dark green skirt from the package and shook it in the air a few times.

Suddenly, a strange smell gradually filled the air.

Combining the dark green skirt in his hand with the elder's slightly stooped body in his mind, Asuka's face instantly turned black.

Eye-catching! !

It’s so annoying! !

"Um, body lotion?? Essence water?? Facial mask?? Hair oil??" After taking out all the items in the package, Feiniao was completely confused.

It would be understandable for an 80-year-old man to use hair care oil. After all, as a great elder, baldness does not look good.


What the hell is this mask? ?

Does the old man’s face still need to be hydrated?

"Hey!" Just when Feiniao was doubting his life, a very familiar female voice suddenly came from the railing on the second floor, "Why are you staring at the mask in broad daylight?"

Then, Kushina was suddenly seen lying on the railing, looking down at Asuka in the living room, and continued.

"If you have nothing to do, come over and help me pack my things."

Asuka:? ? ?

He glanced at Kushina on the second floor, then glanced at the mask in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Fortunately, the great elder is not so perverted as to wear a skirt or a facial mask.

But unfortunately, these dresses and masks seem to belong to Kushina, and judging from the other person's appearance, it seems that she wants to stay at home permanently.


Then, he quickly dropped the mask in his hand and trotted all the way to the second floor, panting, "Kushina, when did you decide to move?"

"It was decided this morning."

Kushina patted the dust on her hands, pointed to the bedroom next to Asuka, and said in a rather casual tone, "I live next door to you. Grandma Mito was like this back then. She was afraid that Grandpa Hashirama was not used to living with two people. Lived next door for a while.”

"Besides, Grandma Mito is right. Your Uchiha and Senju families have a lot of problems."

"The love letter that Grandpa Hashirama wrote to Grandma Mito clearly said, "My love for you is like the boundless starry sky, deep and eternal, and I cannot express it in words. "

"If we are lucky enough to be together in the future, we must have a clear division of labor in housework. You will clean the house, and I will be responsible for cleaning you."

Kushina's eyes flashed with memories, "Grandma Mito was so moved by those domineering and sweet words that she desperately carried the family behind her back and secretly came to the Senju clan to find Grandpa Hashirama.

Think about it, how much courage does that take? "

Speaking of this, the corners of Kushina's mouth suddenly tightened, and her eyes swept over the Senju clan in the distance, saying with some disdain.

"Who would have thought that after Grandma Mito came to the Senju clan, Grandpa Hashirama started pretending to be stupid, saying that he didn't write those things, and that he had never written this thing at all. Grandma Mito might have made a mistake. People.

When Grandma Mito got angry, she beat Grandpa Hashirama so badly that he went to go drink with his younger brother.

I heard you drank too much after just one sip."

When she said this, her tone paused, and her expression couldn't help but feel a little more emotional.

Who would have thought that the famous god of the ninja world could have such a poor drinking capacity that he would become drunk after just one sip?


Catching a glimpse of Asuka's dull expression, Kushina's eyes flashed with contempt again.

Her initiative was based on mutual affection. What she couldn't stand the most was Feiniao's hesitant attitude.

I obviously like her in my heart, but when it comes to talking about marriage, I start pretending to be dead.

What is the difference between this and Senju Hashirama's original behavior?

The love writing is obviously extremely disgusting.

But he would not admit it even if he died or died.

Grandma Mito took the initiative to come to the Senju clan, but when it came to talking about marriage, Grandpa Hashirama began to talk about him, with the words "do not want to get married" written all over his face.

The Senju of Mori and Uchiha, these two clans gave Kushina this impression.

They are all a little sick! !

The more she thought about it, the more panicked she felt.

Kushina immediately clenched her fists, two flames ignited in her eyes, her red hair floated in the air, and she gritted her teeth.

"Both of your families are guys who don't want to take on family responsibilities and obligations!!"

"Grandpa Hashirama is like this, and grandpa Tobirama who doesn't want to get married is also like this."

"Uchiha Fugaku is like this, you are like this, and Uchiha Madara, who doesn't want to get married, is like this too."

"If the strength of the two of you hadn't been so outrageous, you would have been swept into the garbage heap by the cruel ninja world!!"


Seeing the other party trembling with anger, Feiniao's expression changed.

Although he didn't know how this guy suddenly became like this, he quickly waved his hand and defended, "It's not that I don't want to take on family responsibilities and obligations, I just haven't yet."


Before he finished speaking, Asuka felt a sharp pain in his cheek, and the scene in front of him seemed to accelerate in an instant, flying forward.

Bang bang bang! !

Kushina clapped her hands, looked at the flying bird Uchiha, and said with disdain, "Explanation is a cover-up, cover-up is the fact, and the fact is true.

What is true is that the men of your two tribes do not want to take on family responsibilities at all. "

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