Konoha Village.

Xiao Nan easily entered the village with the bitterness given by Senju Takuya.

Looking at the prosperous Konoha, and thinking of the ruined appearance of Yuyin Village, Xiao Nan couldn’t help but feel a melancholy in his heart.

The villagers of Konoha Village are so happy.

Looking at the bustling crowds on the streets, Xiao Nan was full of emotion.

It would be great if Yuyin Village could become like Konoha Village.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nan’s mind couldn’t help but think of what Takuya looked like when he killed a thousand ninja alliances that day.

That warm smile, like a gentle sun, makes people feel at ease.

“Excuse me, how do you go to the Thousand Hands Clan?”

Konan, stopping a Konoha villager, asked.

“Thousand Hands Clan?”

“You’re an alien ninja, right?”

“Hahahaha… Let me guess, are you also here to choose a wife? ”

The villagers of Konoha looked Konanmi up and down.

After seeing Xiao Nan’s stunning appearance, a clear look appeared on his face.

“Choosing a wife?”

“What do you mean?”

Xiao Nan asked a little strangely.

“You don’t know?”

“In order to protect the village, the Thousand Hands clan almost exterminated the clan.”

“At the time of the most downfall, there was only one man left in the family, Naruto-sama.”

“In order to revive the Senju clan, Naruto-sama has made a plan to choose a wife.”

“Any female ninja whose strength exceeds that of the middle ninja can try it.”

After the villagers finished speaking, they pointed to the bulletin board at the end of the street.

“Naw… The notice is still on the bulletin board. ”

“There is also a map to the land of the Thousand Hands Clan on it, you go and take a look.”

After the villagers finished speaking, they couldn’t help but smile again.

“Speaking of which, it’s really thanks to Naruto-sama.”

“If it weren’t for him, we Konoha wouldn’t be able to do it now…”

Seeing that the villagers could not close the chatterbox when they opened it, Xiao Nan quickly thanked him and ran away.


Praising Takuya Senju’s words, she didn’t know how many times she had heard them.

Almost a few steps away, you can hear the villagers of Konoha praising Takuya Senju.

Such prestige surprised Xiao Nan.

Running to the front of the bulletin board, Xiao Nan froze at the “wife selection” plan above.

“The annual 10 million taels of childcare fund, the various scrolls of the 16 treasures of the Senju family can be learned casually, and all the consumption in the industry under the name of Senju is free…”

Looking at the welfare benefits one by one, Xiao Nan couldn’t help but open his mouth.

This…… It’s simply trench inhumanity!

If nothing else,

It’s just 10 million taels a year.

For Xiaonan, it was simply astronomical!

Even if she is allowed to save for a lifetime, she may not be able to save enough 10 million taels, right?


Xiao Nan’s mind unconsciously appeared the appearance of Qianju Takuya’s anti-heavenly appearance.


After marrying each other, she is automatically honored as “Lady Hokage” or “Lady of the Patriarch”.

Where is this to marry a wife, it is simply a welfare!


Can a person marry so many wives, can his body support it?


Where did you think it went!

Xiao Nan quickly shook his head, threw out some pictures that were inappropriate for children, and carefully wrote down the map on the notice.

Thousand Hands Land.


Uzumaki Jiu Shinai ran in with a smile on his face.

“Husband, are you busy?”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai said with a smile.

“Not busy.”

“How, wanted?”

Senju Takuya pulled Uzumaki Shinnai into his arms and began to climb the peak.

“Don’t make trouble.”

“It’s not ashamed to be in broad daylight.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai straightened her clothes, and her face was a little blushing.

“Say, what’s going on?”

Senju Takuya did not continue to play with Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

“There’s a big beauty at the door who wants to see you.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai snorted softly.


“Can you still be beautiful?”

Senju Takuya laughed.


“What you think, I don’t know.”

“She said her name is Xiaonan, do you want to meet her?”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai asked.


“Let her in.”

Hearing Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai’s words, the corners of Senju Takuya’s mouth turned up slightly.


Yahiko is dead?


Even if he kills Shimura Danzo, Yahiko still ends this way.


He had already reminded the other party, and if the other party did not listen, he could not help.

A moment later,

With apprehension, Xiao Nan walked into the room.

She never thought about it.

In this world, there can be such a luxurious place as the land of the Thousand Hands.

This made her feel even more inferior.

“Hokage… Naruto-sama. ”

Looking at Senju Takuya, Xiao Nan said a little restrained.

“Do it.”

Takuya Senju pointed to the chair next to him.

After seeing Xiao Nan sit down, he spoke again.

“Not long ago, I said that you can come to me when you are cornered.”

“Let me guess, something happened to your team?”

Takuya Senju asked.


“Yahiko, he’s dead.”

Hearing Senju Takuya’s words, Xiao Nan’s eyes were a little dark.


Takuya Senju did remind them to be careful of Hanzo the pepperfish.

If they could obey, maybe Yahiko wouldn’t die.


You don’t have to look like a ghost or a ghost.

“What about Nagato?”

“He didn’t want to come to Konoha and left on his own.”

Xiao Nan said slowly.

“Everyone has their own aspirations, and they cannot be forced.”

Hearing Xiaonan’s words, Senju Takuya said casually.


But I already have some thoughts in my mind.

Although because of his intervention, Yahiko’s death was brought forward.

But black,

You should have found Nagato by now, right?

“Naruto-sama, I’ve been thinking about it since I listened to you that day.”

“Now, the Yahiko thing is happening again.”

“So… I would like to ask you to unify the ninja world with your power. ”

“I am willing to do everything to support you.”

Xiao Nan said in a deep voice.

After seeing the power of Senju Takuya, she has great confidence in Takuya Rente.

Since the world that Yahiko said that people understand each other cannot be realized, let’s use force to unify the entire ninja world.


After coming to Konoha,

Konan, who has already seen the real life of Konoha’s villagers.

She’s thinking,

If Senju Takuya unified the entire ninja world, then Yuyin Village, even if it was not as prosperous as Konoha, it would definitely not be like this.


For all reasons,

Konan’s heart very much hopes that Senju Takuya can unify the ninja world.


“It’s great that you can think like that.”

Senju Takuya smiled and walked in front of Xiaonan.

“Xiaonan, you should know that I have a wife selection plan, right?”

Senju Takuya said softly.

“Know… I know…”

Hearing Senju Takuya’s words, Xiao Nan’s heart jumped wildly.


“Reviving Senju is also an important part of my unification of the ninja world.”

“So, are you going to consider marrying me?”

“Help me give birth to a few children and grow the Thousand Hands clan.”

Takuya Senju was straight to the point.


Hearing Senju Takuya’s words, Xiao Nan immediately panicked.

Before coming to see Senju Takuya, she imagined countless possibilities.

I just didn’t think that Takuya Senju would directly propose to let her marry herself.


“Didn’t you just say that you are willing to give everything for me to unify the ninja world?”

Senju Takuya pinched Xiao Nan’s chin and slowly brought his head closer to the road.

“I… This kind of thing is a little too sudden. ”

Looking at Takuya Senju’s face close at hand, Xiao Nan squeezed the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands, and his eyes glanced to the side.

Marrying such a thing…

Wouldn’t it be too hasty to just agree.

“It’s okay.”

“You think about it slowly.”

“Promise to tell me.”

Senju Takuya smiled and kissed Konan’s thin lips.


He let go of Xiao Nan with some hesitation.

“Let’s collect some interest first.”

“Let me know when you’re ready.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I’ll give you three days.”

Senju Takuya said strongly.

He never liked to drag mud and water when doing things.

Xiao Nan obviously had a good impression of him, and now he took the initiative to send him to the door.

If you don’t hurry up and marry into the door, what kind of man is he?

That’s it

After Xiao Nan left the study with red ears, he naturally settled in the land of the Thousand Hands.

And her wedding with Takuya Senju was also set for a week later.

A week later.

Takuya Senju and Konan’s wedding took place as scheduled.

Although Konoha is still at war, the villagers of Konoha are aware of the Senju clan’s tradition of “choosing a wife”.

What’s more,

With Takuya Senju’s current prestige in Konoha, everyone also expects the Senju clan to be revived.


For Takuya Senju’s wedding, the villagers of Konoha offered their blessings.

No one felt anything wrong either.

That’s it

With the witness and blessing of tens of thousands of villagers in Konoha, Takuya Senju and Konan, completed their wedding.

Looking at the envious eyes on the faces of the villagers, Xiao Nan’s heart also rose a trace of happiness.

From small to large,

She had been living in the dark, and for the first time felt the warmth of the sun.

Looking at Takuya Senju who was in a mood in front of him, two blush appeared on Xiao Nan’s face.

Everything was like a dream.

She turned from a homeless rebel wanted by her own ninja village to Lady Naruto.

It’s incredible.

Thousand Hands Land.

Matrimonial room.

Takuya Senju pushed open the door and walked in.

Looking at Xiao Nan, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, Senju Takuya slowly walked over.

“Xiaonan, I’m coming.”

Senju Takuya held Xiaonan’s hand in his palm, and he couldn’t help but feel a little emotion in his heart.

It is worthy of being a woman who grew up in the Land of Rain.

This skin is as soft as water.


Xiao Nan lowered his head and cried out with a trembling voice.

Although she had been mentally prepared for a long time, she couldn’t help but feel her heart beating faster at this time.

“Do you still call me Naruto-sama?”

Senju Takuya asked with a smile.


“Old… Husband. ”

Hearing Senju Takuya’s words, Konan, also realized his problem and immediately changed his words.

Looking at Xiao Nan’s cute appearance sticking out her tongue, Senju Takuya couldn’t help but hug her into his arms.

Although separated by clothes, Senju Takuya could still feel the amazing elasticity on Xiaonan’s body.

Slender swan neck, fair and translucent skin.

And the tall figure that looms under the clothes…

Takuya Senju felt a little dry in his mouth.

Although he was not a hungry ghost, he couldn’t help but get a little excited in the face of a woman like Xiaonan.

“Xiaonan, are you ready?”

Senju Takuya asked as he pressed the fire.


Xiao Nan did not answer, but closed his eyes.


A breeze blew into the room and the candles began to shake.

【Ding! 】

[Marry his wife Xiaonan and get a reward: Paper Dun! ] (Perfect)】

【Ding! 】

[Love with his wife Xiaonan, get a reward: Chakra! ] Spiritual power! 】

Listening to the prompt of the system in his mind, the corners of Takuya Senju’s mouth couldn’t help but turn up.

The reward given by Xiaonan is also very good.

First of all

Paper Escape (970 perfect).

Different from Xiaonan’s paper dun in the original work, the paper dun awarded to him by the system perfectly overcomes the characteristics of paper dun that is afraid of water and oil.

In this way, the paper escape is perfect.

There are no shortcomings and are immune to physical damage.

It’s a very powerful capability.

Other than that

Xiao Nan was also able to reward him with a little chakra and a little spiritual power every day.

This is also a nice boost.

“Husband, what’s wrong with you?”

Watching Senju Takuya fall into deep thought, Konan’s can’t help but ask.


“Just suddenly came to mind an idea.”

“The paper you use is a special kind of paper, right?”

Takuya Senju asked.


“Not afraid of water.”

“But afraid of oil.”

Xiao Nan did not hide it and said his information.

“Then I’ll help you make some perfect paper in the future.”

“Not afraid of water or oil.”

Senju Takuya laughed.

After receiving the paper that the system rewarded him, he had already mastered the method of making this special piece of paper.

Making some for Xiao Nan can also increase Xiao Nan’s ability to save his life.



Hearing Senju Takuya’s words, Xiao Nan’s face showed a look of surprise.

If she can really make pieces of paper that are not afraid of water or oil, then her strength can definitely be raised to another level.

At least

There is no need to worry about saving your life.


“But before that, you have to make a contribution.”

Senju Takuya touched Xiaonan’s smooth and tender skin, and a bad smile appeared on his face.

Xiao Nan lowered his head shyly.

“I’m all your woman now, what you want to do, it’s not up to you.”

Hearing Xiaonan’s words, Senju Takuya licked his lips.


I can’t see that Xiao Nan’s cold appearance is still an irritating little goblin.

Not long after marrying Konan, Iwain Village, Sand Hidden Village, Yunyin Village, and Wuyin Village, which had been shrunk due to heavy losses, began to attack Konoha again.

This time

Their attack became more intense.

The situation at the front is not optimistic.

In this case, Takuya Senju decided to strike again.

This time

He wanted these ninja villages to understand what true cruelty was.


It’s different from the last time I went to the Land of Rain.

In order to be able to improve his strength every day on the battlefield, Takuya Senju took Uzumaki Shinna, Uchiha Mikoto, Konan, and others to the battlefield.

Anyway, with him, no one can hurt them.

Although with his current strength, he can already be proud of the ninja world.


In the future,

The Otsuki clan will descend on the ninja realm.

And the so-called god of big tubes.

He wants to raise his strength to the point where he can fight against the ninja world before the other party notices.

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