Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 116 Tsunade: Go! Find The Scumbag To Settle The Score! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 116: Tsunade: Let's go! Let's settle the score with that scumbag! (Please subscribe!)

Jiraiya looked confused. From "becoming a father" to "raising a child together," and then to "you're not worthy of raising his child," the plot took a dramatic turn, enough to write a whole novel. But in the end, it all boiled down to a question.

"Whose child is this?"

"It's mine. Do you have a problem with that?" Tsunade's face was filled with killing intent, her fair and tender fist clenched tightly, as if it was about to strike at any moment.

"No, what I meant was, who is the child's father..." Jiraiya quickly interjected, "Who is it?"

"Nara Shikamaru? Inuzuka Kiba? Or maybe Morino Ibiki?"

The aforementioned individuals were all their peers back in the day. They were male ninjas who had a good relationship with the Sannin and had once pursued Tsunade.

"Or is it..." Jiraiya silently swallowed his saliva, his eyes filled with disappointment, "Orochimaru?"


What is this guy thinking?

But seeing Tsunade's lack of response, Jiraiya seemed to have gotten his answer.

"So it really is him... I guess it makes sense. Orochimaru had so many girls who liked him back then, and in the end, you became one of them..."

Jiraiya looked lost and lifeless, his eyes devoid of spirit, "When did he meet you? Why didn't I know anything about it?"

"And you two didn't even send me an invitation?"

He forced a bitter smile, his expression complicated, "Well, I guess it's for the best. Even if you did send me an invitation, it would only make me feel uncomfortable..."


Tsunade couldn't hold back any longer and slapped Jiraiya across the face.

"It has nothing to do with Orochimaru! It's not any of those people you mentioned!" Tsunade's eye twitched, "It's a detestable brat..."

Thinking back to what happened in the past, Tsunade's hatred surged within her.

"A brat? Tsunade, are you robbing the cradle? So it turns out women, just like men, also like young boys who are eighteen years old at first sight..."


Jiraiya was thrown backwards, flying more than ten meters before landing with a painful cry and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Perhaps because the sound was too loud, it disturbed the child.

The child burst into tears, causing the new mother Tsunade to panic. Shizune, who was beside her, also became flustered. They had to sing and play with toys, exerting a lot of effort to calm the child down.

However, it seemed that Jiraiya had finally snapped out of his own fantasies. He quickly noticed Tsunade's resistance towards the child's father.


Resistance is good!

But was it just a result of drunkenness or was she under the influence of something?

Jiraiya didn't dare to ask.

He decisively returned to the original question: "Tsunade, the village hopes that you can return and take on the role of the Fifth Hokage."

"The village's situation is very unfavorable now. The Cloud Shinobi and Sand Shinobi have already launched an attack on Konoha. We don't know when the other two countries will make a move. Tsunade, the village needs you!"

Tsunade replied, "I understand. I will return to the village... I will also consider the position of Hokage."

"I know you still have reservations about the village, but now that our teacher has passed away, what else is holding you back?" Jiraiya said seriously, "This village was established by the First Hokage. Don't you want to protect it?"

"You're the granddaughter of the First Hokage, huh? You--hmm? You're willing to return to the village?"

Jiraiya widened his eyes, dumbfounded.

Tsunade was very resistant to the village. Although there was no direct evidence, the death of Nawaki and the numerous internal conflicts made her bluntly refer to the Hokage as "dog shit."

I remember a few years ago when I occasionally met Tsunade, she was still drunk and said that only fools would want to be Hokage.

So why is she willing to return to the village now?

"Actually, Lord Jiraiya, even if you didn't say anything, we were planning to return to the village," Shizune said helplessly beside them. "Taking care of a child is really difficult. Tsunade-sama and I have no idea how to do it!"

When it comes to delivering babies, they are both top-notch.

The problem of children getting sick is nothing to them.

But the child is just too difficult to soothe!

Shizune still remembers that at the beginning, they didn't know how to use diapers, which made the child uncomfortable.

The child cried loudly, and even after Tsunade-sama tried to soothe him for a long time, she couldn't figure out the root of the problem. She tried countless methods but couldn't solve it. In the end, she got annoyed and handed the child over to Shizune. She herself went straight to defeat a group of bandits to vent her frustration.

Soothing a child is much harder than killing Jiraiya!

This phrase has almost become Tsunade's catchphrase.

By the way, not being able to take care of the child is also one of the fundamental reasons why they returned from the Land of Water to the Hidden Leaf Village. Although the two of them have strong hidden techniques, they couldn't withstand the frequent encounters with extreme path users, bandits, and criminals near Tsunade. Naturally, they were quickly discovered by the Mist Shinobi.

It was difficult to fight with the child, so they had no choice but to return from the Mist Village ahead of time...

But even now, Shizune and Tsunade still can't figure out what the child really wants. Helplessly, they decided to return to the Hidden Leaf Village and ask for the help of a specialized nanny.

Shizune silently glanced at Jiraiya and couldn't help but say that Jiraiya's timing was perfect.

With the excuse of being "busy with Hokage duties," Tsunade could legitimately hand the child over to herself.

It was also difficult for her to forcefully drag Tsunade along with the reason of "Lady Tsunade, this is your own daughter" and make her suffer with her...

"Um... is that so?" Jiraiya coughed, "That's quite a coincidence..."

After all, they were teammates. After listening to a few words from Shizune, he understood Tsunade's state of mind.

However, although Tsunade decided to return to the village, whether or not she would become Hokage was another matter.

So Jiraiya took advantage of the situation and said, "Don't worry, Tsunade. The Konoha Shinobi will absolutely welcome you. Many people are looking forward to me bringing you back to the village. Konoha Village cannot lose Tsunade, just like people cannot lose the sun!"

"Although the village is facing some difficulties now, the workload may be greater, but there are also many rising stars among the Konoha Shinobi who can completely share the work with you!"

Without further ado, he began to persuade.

"For example, Neji, the genius ninja of the Hyuga clan, who is only twelve years old but possesses Jonin-level strength."

"Kakashi is reliable and capable, with outstanding abilities. He is the perfect candidate for the position of Hokage's assistant!"

"And then there's the Uchiha clan leader, Xia Yan. He has been hiding his true strength all this time, and now he has revealed his Elite Jōnin-level power, shocking everyone."

"Wait!" Tsunade suddenly looked up, her eyes sharp. "Who did you say has Elite Jōnin-level power?"

...Flowers, please...

"Um, it's Uchiha Xia Yan," Jiraiya hesitated, honestly saying, "Honestly, no one in Konoha Village ever thought he would be this strong, considering he was known as the weakest Jōnin in the village."

"He spends his days either with his wife or marrying more wives, multiple times a day. Such an enviable life... cough, I mean, a life that leads to ruin. Who has time to train?"

"But when Konoha was under attack, he single-handedly killed the Sand Shinobi Elite Jōnin, instantly shocking countless people."

"When the news of his achievements came out, others thought it was a mistake! They had to verify the information repeatedly before confirming its authenticity."

This is the truth.

Many people know about Xia Yan's life - after all, the fact that he has so many wives and how he spends his nights has piqued people's curiosity.

And Xia Yan's wives satisfied everyone's curiosity, openly stating, "Of course, we take turns. How could one person defeat Xia Yan?"

Then there was talk of a fierce battle lasting a day, with Xia Yan taking on seven opponents.

A cold light flashed, and an hour later, a billion elite soldiers surged forward.

Infinite power, making the enemy's limbs go weak, filled with awe.

This is simply something that men fear and women tighten their legs in response to, a formidable fighting force!

So, some men started gossiping—do they still have the energy to train after fighting hard every night?

Now, Xia Yan, not to mention being a Jōnin, might not even be as strong as his former self during the ninja era before becoming the Uchiha clan head!

These words gained recognition from many people. After all, energy is limited, and no one can continue running and sweating in the training field after fighting all night.

As a result, when the results of the Leaf's collapse plan were revealed, many men were dumbfounded.

How the hell do you have the strength of an Elite Jōnin when you're busy having children every day?

Seeing this, women even took Xia Yan's achievements to confront their own husbands—Xia Yan fights hard every night and still improves his strength, while you only do normal work. Why are you too tired to provide for the family at night?

Stop pretending to be dead! Get up quickly for me!

This is really...

The men of Konoha have suffered from Xia Yan's hardships for a long time!

However, Tsunade and Shizune suddenly looked at each other, their eyes filled with shock.

Does Xia Yan have the strength of an Elite Jōnin?

Previously, in order to find the "scumbag," they gave up obvious clues about "Konoha Xia Yan" and followed the information from Ringo to search for the Hidden Village.

Even they understood physiological knowledge and believed that Xia Yan was finished, obsessed with the revival of the Uchiha clan, and couldn't possibly have such strong abilities.

But Elite Jōnin...

Elite Jōnin!

A Kage-level expert can achieve the level of an Elite Jōnin, but someone at the level of Chūnin or Jōnin cannot achieve the record of an Elite Jōnin.

Xia Yan's strength will only get stronger, not weaker!

"Maybe he's hiding his strength, deliberately only revealing the level of an Elite Jōnin, but in reality, he is a Kage-level expert!" Tsunade and Shizune simultaneously saw this sentence in each other's eyes.

And then without hesitation!

"Shizune, pack up, we're leaving!"

"Yes, Lady Tsunade!"

Let's go! Let's go settle the score with the scumbag!

Jiraiya on the side: "???"

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