Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 12 Give Me A Hard Life! (New Book Please Collect!)

Chapter 12: Give Me a Brutal Life! (New Book Seeking Collection!)


Flashes of light and shadows flickered.

In the center, a man with Rinnegan opened his eyes and spoke in a deep voice.

"We have received a commission, Xiao..."

"The commission is for Xiao to kill all the ninja attacking the Liancheng Mine, as well as the behind-the-scenes black market merchants and nobles. The reward is equivalent to three standard S-rank missions."

"Killing a few ninja, along with some merchants and nobles, doesn't seem worth such a substantial reward," Scorpion said in a hoarse, elderly voice. "But this kind of small matter that anyone can handle shouldn't require the leader to gather all of us, right?"

Everyone's gaze turned towards the owner of the Rinnegan.

Nagato didn't hide anything. "The Liancheng Mine is the Uchiha clan's property. This is a commission from the Uchiha clan. Recently, their property has been heavily harassed by some ninja, so they came to hire us."

"The Uchiha clan?"

Everyone was stunned, then subconsciously looked towards Uchiha Sasuke beside them.

Sasuke's eyelids drooped slightly, and his pupils contracted imperceptibly.

But his expression remained unchanged, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Orochimaru licked his lips. "Even the proud Uchiha clan is asking for help... But he probably doesn't know that the culprit who caused the famous Uchiha clan to fall into such a situation is right here in our organization, Xiao!"

Others also laughed.

The Uchiha clan has always been proud and accustomed to solving enemies with their own strength, which is well-known in Sengoku.

Who would have thought they would commission others?

Not only that, they even came to us for help?

This is really...

"By the way, I heard that the only two remaining members of the Uchiha clan have completely lost the Uchiha's glory and started crazy polygamy, completely acting as studs."

"I heard that too. The former prestigious family of the ninja world has fallen to such a state, it's really sigh-worthy."

"Hehe, don't say that. The current Uchiha clan leader's plan is actually quite reliable. According to my intelligence, he recently had a child. The contribution of this child to the growth of the Uchiha clan is much greater than what he, a mere Chūnin, can achieve."

Everyone laughed without any scruples.

On the other hand, Nagato remained expressionless throughout, quietly looking at Sasuke. "Sasuke, what do you think?"

Xiao is not yet the complete team of elites, still in the process of gathering funds and lacking a large amount of capital.

Normally, Xiao would not refuse a mission with such a huge reward and low difficulty.

But this time, it involves Xiao's comrades.

It's not that he has any feelings for these people in Xiao. Except for Konan, he doesn't approve of the behavior of the other ninjas.

But Sasuke's value to his plan is obviously much higher than a meager reward.

"I have no objections," Sasuke's voice remained as calm as ever. "The Uchiha clan is no longer worthy of my attention. Uchiha is Uchiha, and I am me."

"For the sake of our grand plan, I don't mind the organization's actions."

Nagato nodded.

Everyone is a ninja, there's no need for unnecessary fuss.

Since Sasuke says he doesn't mind, then he really doesn't mind.

"In that case, let's accept it." Nagato spoke up. "Orochimaru, this mission is entrusted to you."

"I don't mind." Orochimaru smirked coldly. "But I remember that Kakuzu is the one who loves missions with a lot of money, right?"

"Oh, speaking of which, he didn't attend this gathering, did he? Is there something going on?"

As he spoke, he looked around to confirm that Kakuzu was indeed absent.

Kakuzu's companion, Hidan, said carelessly, "Nothing much, just a while ago when that guy Kakuzu found out about the high price the Uchiha clan was offering for a child, he couldn't help but take an extra look at Konan. Then the leader beat him up badly, and he still can't get out of bed."


The expressions of the people instantly became strange.

Everyone knows Kakuzu's personality, that one look of his...

He probably has some thoughts!

Like packaging and sending Konan, a Kage-level expert?

He probably won't take action, but he definitely has thoughts!

Even daring to have thoughts about the leader's teammate with the Rinnegan, Kakuzu is quite bold!

Is he willing to give up his life for money?

"Alright, then I'll do it." Orochimaru smirked coldly. "After all, I'm more familiar with the Land of Fire... But since it's a mission carried out by shinobi, it will be more discreet. It will be quite troublesome to investigate the culprit this time."

"Itachi, if you don't mind, would you like to accompany me?"

"You're quite familiar with the Uchiha clan's assets, aren't you?"

His snake-like tongue extended, and Orochimaru's eyes were filled with greed as he looked at Itachi.

Itachi nodded slightly.

His expression remained calm, as if he hadn't noticed Orochimaru's gaze at all.

But in his heart, he sighed softly.

"Shall we, Itachi..."


Of course, Itachi knew that he was currently in the Akatsuki organization.

But he understood even more that Itachi's actions against the Uchiha were for the sake of Konoha.

Or rather, he believed it was for the sake of Konoha.

But regardless of his actions, if Itachi didn't feel any guilt in his heart, that would be a joke— even during the Fourth Great Ninja War, when he faced Yakushi Kabuto, he openly admitted his own failure and regretted his hasty decision-making.

Although it was still early, his guilt in his heart would not disappear because of it.

So don't even think that Itachi would let the Akatsuki refuse the Uchiha clan's request. He would even strive to complete this mission as perfectly and thoroughly as possible!

"I hope Itachi can do it perfectly and intimidate those shinobi even more." Itachi chuckled lightly.

Then he looked behind him.

During this time, some high-quality female shinobi had joined the Uchiha family.

Some of them were even pregnant.

Of course, what made Itachi even happier was...

The women from this group, including Konan, had given birth!


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