Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 131 Return To The Village, Exterminate The Clan! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 131: Returning to the Village, Annihilating the Clan! (Please subscribe!)

Inside the camp.

The ninjas of Konoha were dumbfounded.

Their deputy leader, who usually didn't care about anything, suddenly threw the body of the rightful leader out, directly indicating, "I killed this person. From now on, I will be the leader. Whoever agrees, whoever opposes..."

This was too audacious!

Many people instinctively wanted to say something, to rebuke this act of rebellion.


"That's the Sharingan, right?"

"It is indeed the Sharingan."

"There are so many, and they are all three-tomoe Sharingan. Where did Danzo find so many eyes?"

"Have you forgotten about the Uchiha clan massacre..."

"It seems like you're the one who forgot. I remember that after the Uchiha clan massacre, none of their bodies were buried. They were all directly incinerated. At that time, there were still many people who regretted it because they were researching secret techniques."

"It's a pity that they were incinerated directly. It would have been great if we could use them as materials."

"I didn't forget. You're just too foolish. It's because they were incinerated that there are so many eyes appearing on Danzo..."

That's right!

It's because the bodies of the Uchiha clan were incinerated that there are so many eyes appearing on Danzo!

Complete incineration makes it convenient for the organization to operate!

"But I remember that the incineration of the bodies was arranged by the Third Hokage and entrusted to the Anbu," a Jōnin subconsciously said.

But after he finished speaking, he suddenly realized it himself—The Third Hokage probably knew about this!

In other words, it was a collaboration between the Third Hokage and Danzo?

Countless ninjas around them had expressions of anger.

Even some non-ninja villagers had a trace of anger on their faces.

Their own village's ninjas died at the hands of external enemies, and then their bodies were claimed to be incinerated, but in reality, they were taken by the village leader for research materials?

Who could tolerate this!

Although their strength was weak and they didn't have any kekkei genkai, they generally wouldn't encounter such a situation.

But they were still ninjas of Konoha!

If Danzo could do such things to the Uchiha clan, one of the two major clans that founded Konoha, then what he did to them would be even more excessive!

"It's not just the Sharingan of our Uchiha clan. Take a closer look at Danzo's shoulder," Xia Yan coldly reminded from the side.


Everyone was stunned and looked over.

There was a pale face, eyes tightly closed, and the nose and mouth only had a few outlines, as if it were a face filled with plastic, very strange.

But it's strange, this face seems somewhat familiar...


"这是First Hokage!" The older generation of ninjas reacted and exclaimed, "It's the face of the First Hokage!"

The crowd instantly exploded.

"Yes, it is indeed the face of the First Hokage."

"Yes, it really looks like the face on the Hokage Rock."

"But why does Danzo's shoulder have the appearance of the First Hokage?"

"Could it be..."

The people trembled and immediately noticed the Sharingan embedded in the arm, which led them to a certain realization.

Danzo, he transplanted the cells of the First Hokage into his own body!

Well, many ninjas actually didn't know how terrifying the cells of the First Hokage were in terms of erosion. Just a few cells could spontaneously form the face of the First Hokage.

Subconsciously, they thought that Danzo had dug out the face of the First Hokage and pressed it onto his own arm!

They were instantly filled with anger and shouted in anger.

"Danzo, how dare he treat the great First Hokage like this!"

That's the First Hokage!

Although the saying "The First Hokage is indecisive, Uchiha Madara is decisive" has been circulating more and has somewhat reduced the prestige of the First Hokage [and increased the impression of Uchiha Madara].

But no matter what, he is the founder of Konoha, the one who gathered countless shinobi!

The First Hokage still holds unparalleled prestige in the hearts of the Konoha shinobi.

And now...

Danzo actually laid his hands on the head of the First Hokage?

How could he do such a thing?!

He's so audacious!

"How could his audacity not be great? Do you still remember what happened at the Root's laboratory a year ago? There were plenty of materials there as well." Someone coldly spoke, revealing the events that were sealed by the Third Hokage.

"He dares to attack even the bloodline limits of the major shinobi clans during their prime. Why wouldn't he dare to bully the declining Senju and Uchiha?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the crowd fell silent.

But in the eyes of each person, flames of anger flickered.

On the other hand, Nara, the elite jōnin of the Nara clan and the staff arranged by Tsunade, pondered for a moment and looked at Nara Yūshi with curiosity. "Vice Commander, are you saying that Danzo, along with Aburame Torune and Yamanaka Fuu, the two elite jōnin from Root, attacked you?"

"May I ask how you managed to kill them?"

"It's simple." Nara Yūshi's answer was straightforward. "Just with my own eyes."

The complex pattern of the Mangekyō, accompanied by the surging power of the cold eyes, came forth.

All the ninjas present felt as if a huge stone was pressing on their chests, making it hard to breathe.

"Mangekyō Sharingan?!"

"This is Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"It is said that Uchiha Madara relied on these eyes to contend with the First Hokage. I didn't expect that Xia Yan would also awaken these eyes. When did he awaken them? He hides it so well!"

"Maybe he awakened them on the night of the Uchiha clan massacre. He hides himself very deeply. Back then, if it weren't for the Sand Shinobi attacking, everyone would still consider him a disgraceful Jōnin..."

"Although information about the Mangekyō is very scarce."

"But there are many old people in Konoha who know this."

"Uchiha Madara's reliance on it was so powerful that it was taught to the next generation by various clans."

At this moment, everyone looked at Xia Yan with a shocked expression, full of awe in their eyes.

These are Uchiha Madara's eyes!

Xia Yan hides it really well...

"I will personally return to Konoha and inform the Hokage about Danzo's matter." Xia Yan's voice was calm, his gaze focused. "And now, you all belong to me. Any objections?"

His voice turned cold, the chilling power of the Mangekyō making it difficult for everyone to breathe, even just looking at him, they could feel an unparalleled pressure.

This cold and arrogant appearance is completely different from the "never taking care of things" and "gentle and elegant" Xia Yan in the past!

"Are you finally going to shine in your own glory..." Ringu, who had been living quietly in the camp, her belly growing bigger and bigger, sighed softly, feeling a thousand emotions.

She has been married to Uchiha for so long and has been familiar with Xia Yan's strength from the beginning.

Whenever she sees outsiders' evaluations of Uchiha Xia Yan as "Poseidon," "a disgrace to Jōnin," or "let's be friends with the rich," she feels an unreal sense of complexity.

As for others, everyone's evaluation of Kage-level, which one is not "powerful," "reliable," "one against ten thousand"?

Jiraiya, who seems to be out of place, is always described by everyone as "that person who may not look like much, but is actually an extremely powerful ninja!" As a result, Hayato's evaluations throughout the article are all strange and peculiar, rather than "powerful," even when he kills a Sand Shinobi Village Elite Jōnin head-on. This feeling makes Ringo, who has been defeated by Hayato multiple times in various ways, very uncomfortable. He really wants to explain to those ignorant passersby, but doesn't know if he should speak up.

And now, Hayato is finally no longer hiding! He recklessly unleashes his eye power without any concern, and the chilling aura makes all the ninjas feel like they've entered hell, unable to help but tremble.

"We have no objections," Nara Nagi is the first to speak: "According to the system, it should be Hayato-sama who takes over the camp."

"That's right, I'm willing to follow Hayato-sama's orders!"

"Danzo is already dead, someone must take control of the military power to stop the Mist Shinobi's attack, I also support it!"

Everyone speaks up one after another, although it's chaotic, no one rashly opposes.

The most formidable weapon of a ninja is strength! When it's difficult for you to even speak under the opponent's pressure, no matter what the opponent says, it's best to obediently listen!

"Very well." Hayato smiles slightly, and the pressure on everyone suddenly dissipates: "Then I will first arrange the defense, and then go back to Konoha to solve the problem with Danzo."

After these words are spoken, everyone looks at each other, hesitating.

"Do you really have to go back to Konoha first, Hayato-sama?" Nara Nagi's mouth twitches, and in the end, he can't help but speak: "With Danzo's death, we also have some concerns. Is it appropriate for Hayato-sama to leave his position and go back to Konoha?"

It's not just inappropriate, it's extremely inappropriate!

Where can you find someone who becomes the leader, takes on dangerous missions, and then just returns to the village like nothing happened?

We are currently at war with the Hidden Mist Village!

Although it's not a full-scale battle, we have small skirmishes every three days and major battles every five days.

What do we do without a leader?

"It's okay, I'm just going to report to the Fifth Hokage and I'll be back soon," Xia Yan smiled faintly. "And if you really encounter enemy attacks, it's okay. Just retreat and give up some territory."

"Anyway, when I come back, I will reclaim everything from the Hidden Mist Village..."

Everyone wanted to argue, but they didn't know how to speak up.

Xia Yan ignored them and went straight into his room. His wives and concubines, including Yagura, had already started packing.

Ringo silently walked over.

"Did anything happen at the campsite?" Xia Yan asked without turning his head.

"No," Ringo calmly replied. "Danzo only targeted you. It seems he didn't pay attention to me."

"After all, he doesn't know you. He doesn't know that the Seven Mist Swords of the Hidden Mist are in my room, and you're pregnant," Xia Yan shook his head and chuckled. "Your reputation isn't that great. He has seen you with his own eyes."

Ringo's mouth twitched. The reputation of the Seven Mist Swords was indeed not comparable to that of the Sannin or other famous figures in the ninja world.

Coupled with the Hidden Mist Village's isolation and limited information flow, second only to the Rain Shinobi Village under Nagato's rule, Danzo didn't have any information about her. This...

Well, it made Ringo quite angry.

Xia Yan smiled faintly. This was actually within Xia Yan's expectations. After all, if Danzo recognized Ringo, he would have taken action against the Hidden Mist Village long ago using that as a reason.

Although Lin Qin stubbornly followed along, Xia Yan did not bring her to the battlefield. After all, being pregnant was not suitable for long journeys.

Unlike his wives and concubines who needed protection, he was not worried that Danzo would harm Lin Qin. The only one who could kill a Kage-level expert was another Kage-level expert.

"But why do you insist on going to Konoha?" Lin Qin curiously asked. "Even someone like me, who doesn't have much power, can see that a newly appointed leader should not leave their troops and return to the village."

"Aren't you worried about losing your leadership?"

"I will..."

"What do you mean?" Xia Yan smiled. "If Tsunade didn't specifically ask me to resolve the battlefield in the Mist Village, I wouldn't bother with leadership or no leadership."

"For people like us, power is far more useful than authority."

Lin Qin agreed with this. She was also the type who didn't take care of things in the Mist Village. Although she had some subordinates, they were there to assist her with troublesome matters. She only wanted to rely on her own sword to control her own destiny.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Qin asked, "But you don't have to return to the village, do you?"

"Do you have a special purpose?"

"Yes." Xia Yan smiled slightly, nodded, and looked towards the direction of Konoha.

"You said Danzo wiped out my Uchiha clan, so it would be very reasonable for me to wipe out his Shimura clan, wouldn't it?"

Xia Yan's goal was simple.

Return to the village and annihilate the clan!

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