Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 133 Tsunade: Call Mom (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 133: Tsunade: Call me Mom (Please subscribe!)

Whether it was Tsunade or the other high-ranking officials, they all stared dumbfounded at the colossal giant.

The land area of the Shimura clan was not small. Under Danzo's leadership, the development of the Shimura clan's ninjas was quite impressive, with a number of people comparable to the Uchiha clan before their extinction.

Including the elderly, weak, sick, and disabled, there were definitely over a thousand people!

However, they had all disappeared.

Not a single one remained.

The vast residence, the bustling houses, the bustling atmosphere...

All of it had turned into a deep pit!

"So this is Susanoo?" Nara Shikaku swallowed his saliva: "Although the family records mention Uchiha Madara and describe this as a god-like power, I never thought it would be this exaggerated!"


Just one strike!

The Shimura clan's residence, with over a thousand people, had been completely reduced to ashes!

And from Susanoo's movements, it was clear that this strike was actually effortless for him— from raising his hand to launching the attack, the whole process took no more than three seconds.

No need for any buildup!

If this isn't effortless, then what is?

Others also had their mouths wide open, shocked by the sight.

So this is the legendary power of Uchiha Madara?

No wonder Uchiha Madara swept through the ninja world, with no one daring to defy him!

And how powerful is the First Hokage Senju Hashirama, rumored to be able to suppress Uchiha Madara?

Many elderly people silently wiped away tears as they looked at the sturdy giant samurai. They remembered the days when the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara coexisted, it was the sunniest and greatest era of Konoha...

In front of everyone's eyes, Susanoo quickly shrank.

Hashirama slowly walked out of the center of the deep pit, still with that casual demeanor.

"Sorry," he smiled at Tsunade, "I got too angry just now. You know, when a person gets really angry, they don't think about anything, they don't care about anything..."

"I am ashamed of the Fifth Hokage's trust."

Hashirama sighed deeply, "To let my emotions control my thinking, I am truly unworthy of being an Elite Jōnin."

Everyone was speechless after hearing this - you are unworthy of being an Elite Jōnin, then what are we?

Tsunade clenched her fists tightly, "This guy..."

Hashirama, this bastard, is doing it on purpose!

Tsunade was itching to punch that mocking (ashamed) handsome face, to teach him a lesson.

But she couldn't lay a hand on him.

Unlike the fighting within the Uchiha compound, if she were to really throw a punch at him in front of everyone...

Immediately, everyone's thoughts started to wander.

For example, 'The Fifth Hokage's dissatisfaction with Uchiha Hashirama', 'The hatred between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan', 'The Fifth Hokage's unwillingness to let the Shimura clan perish, she wants to use Root for some sinister conspiracy involving lightning and so on.'

This greatly affects the hearts of the people of Konoha, who are already in a state of turmoil!

For a moment, Tsunade didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Nara Shikaku was the first to react and said, "Hokage-sama, let's go back to the Hokage Tower and discuss it there!"

Xia Yan's actions were not small, and soon Konoha shinobi came from all directions.

It will be even more troublesome then!

Tsunade glared fiercely at Xia Yan when she heard this.

"Xia Yan, come with me!"

Xia Yan chuckled and walked over to Tsunade's side.

However, Tsunade continued to glare fiercely and said, "Stop using violence! Otherwise, be careful, I'll deal with you!"


Saying that, she pushed Xia Yan, as if escorting a prisoner.

Xia Yan glanced at Tsunade: So arrogant? Who gave you the confidence?

Tsunade continued to angrily stare at Xia Yan: If you dare not listen, do you believe I'll go home and beat your child?


Alright, I'll give you this face.

They returned to the meeting room.

Tsunade immediately became worried.

Xia Yan had killed everyone, but what should they do next?

Even though the Shimura clan deserves severe punishment, they should not be attacked without being convicted first!

Furthermore, there may be innocent people among them...

Nara Shikaku, known for his intelligence, spoke without hesitation: "Fifth Hokage-sama, Natsuhiko-sama has made a big mistake this time, but it is understandable. Anyone in his position would be angry."

"I suggest handling it with discretion... The law should consider human emotions!" he said with great emphasis.

Human emotions, in fact, are not very important.

But with Natsuhiko's strength, what can you use to fight against him?

Nara Shikaku has a good memory. Based on his family's records, he has recognized that Natsuhiko previously used the complete form of Susanoo, which is Uchiha Madara's power.

But the problem is, where can Konoha find a "Senju Hashirama" who can punish "Uchiha Madara"?

Nara Shikaku spoke up, followed by Yamanaka Inoichi who coughed and said, "Indeed, although Natsuhiko-sama acted out of extreme anger, he had his reasons."

"Now is the time when Konoha needs people. I hope Hokage-sama will think twice!"

Other clan leaders woke up as if from a dream and spoke one after another.

"That's right, please think twice, Hokage-sama!"

"Anyone whose clan has been wiped out would seek revenge. Natsuhiko-sama's actions are understandable."

"The Shimura clan is already guilty. In reality, even if Natsuhiko-sama didn't take action, we would have dealt with them ourselves... He just did it a bit earlier."

Strength is everything.

Natsuhiko, who demonstrated his strength, doesn't need to worry about guilt.

Moreover, his reasons for taking action are justified. The ones he wiped out were just the annoying Shimura clan, and the clan leaders deliberately delayed it, just to make Natsuhiko take action faster.

Of course, at that time, everyone's idea was to let Xia Yan take action and attribute the blame to him.

Having avenged the grudge and upheld the law...

Now, looking at Susanoo, who wiped out the clan with a single blow, there is no hope of upholding the law.

But revenge is always good!

Except for Utatane Koharu's Turnover Clan, Mito Enma's Mito Clan, and the deceased Third Hokage's Sarutobi Clan, no ninja clan in the entire Konoha Village wants the Shimura Clan to continue to exist!

Immediately, everyone began to persuade Tsunade.

Utatane Koharu and Mito Enma wanted to say something, but after being smiled at by Xia Yan, they didn't dare to speak.

No one understands Uchiha Madara's power better than them!

After seeing the fate of the Shimura Clan, they are also afraid!

"Enough!" Tsunade, annoyed by the persuasion of the many clan heads, shouted, "Stop talking!"

The voice stopped.

Tsunade glanced at Xia Yan, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Let's put this matter aside for now and focus on wrapping up the aftermath..."

"Gather the Root Division's Shimura Clan ninjas."

Of course, the Shimura Clan ninjas wouldn't just stay in the Shimura Clan's headquarters.

Although many ninjas are at home, there are still many ninjas out on missions. After learning about the fate of the Shimura Clan, who knows what they might do!

They are completely unstable elements, and it is normal for them to betray the village at any time.

They must be gathered back first, and then...

Whether to deal with them directly or do something else is another matter.

Everyone nodded, as this was indeed the most appropriate thing to do.

"As for Xia Yan..." Tsunade hesitated for a moment. "He has violated the law and harmed his fellow villagers."

"For now, as the Fifth Hokage, I will personally supervise him, and we will decide later."

Upon hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They were very worried that Tsunade would follow in the footsteps of Senju Hashirama and fight against the Uchiha – that would be really troublesome!

After all, with the power Xia Yan had just demonstrated, even if Konoha went all out, they wouldn't be able to suppress him.

Even if there was a big battle, with all the major clans working together and the Fifth Hokage unleashing her full power to repel Xia Yan, Konoha would inevitably be destroyed.

"But Tsunade-sama actually showed leniency towards Xia Yan for killing fellow village shinobi... Is it because she also wants to punish the Shimura clan?" The people rubbed their chins and thought to themselves.

It's very likely!

It seems that our Fifth Hokage-sama is not as tolerant as the First Hokage...

"Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you're my daughter's father?!"

After everyone dispersed, Tsunade grabbed Xia Yan's collar with an angry expression. "Do you know what you've done?"

"But didn't you also want to wipe out the Shimura clan?" Xia Yan chuckled lightly. "You were clearly happy when you saw the Shimura clan being wiped out by me."

"You..." Tsunade's voice paused.

Was she happy?

Of course she was!

After all, Danzo had been experimenting with Senju Hashirama's cells. How could Tsunade not be angry?

The Shimura clan is not as innocent as they seem. As Danzo's maternal clan, they have taken advantage of Danzo's power to occupy many positions within the Foundation.

Many experiments have been carried out by the hands of Shimura clan ninjas.

They are not so innocent!

But Tsunade is not jealous.

"Hmph!" She snorted coldly. "Let me ask you, I told you to stabilize the front line of the Mist Village, so how did you end up here?"

"You asked me to go, and I immediately stabilized it for you." Shi Yan smiled. "Mainly, I didn't expect you to leave me behind. I thought you would send me back on the spot!"

"You dare to say that!" Tsunade's anger surged. "You actually attacked the Leaf Village's ninja in front of me, the Hokage!"

"Do you still see me as the Hokage in your eyes?"

"I didn't directly attack you, so you should be grateful!"

"Oh, thank you then." Shi Yan smiled.


Tsunade's anger made her stomach ache.

She waved her hand fiercely, glared at Shi Yan angrily, but had to clean up the mess caused by Shi Yan's actions.

Facing the Leaf Village people who witnessed the Shimura clan's turmoil but didn't know what had happened, she worked hard to calm them down.

At the same time, she forced the remaining Shimura clan ninjas to return to the village.

Then she had to make an effort to mobilize the already limited forces and send reinforcements to the front line...

Tsunade, who dislikes working, had to work hard until late at night!

Finally, she finished her work and returned home.

"You better sleep obediently at the door tonight! Don't come inside!" Tsunade glared at Xia Yan, then quickly ran a few steps to her own daughter's side.

Looking at the angelic sleeping face, Tsunade, who was under a lot of pressure at work, finally felt a bit alive.

Perhaps sensing Tsunade's gaze, or maybe waking up because of hunger, the little baby opened her distinct black and white eyes and giggled at Tsunade.

While instructing the nanny to prepare formula and warm milk, Tsunade smiled at the child.

The baby babbled and was very cute.

Although Tsunade had to worry about Xia Yan, worry about the village, and deal with the joint attacks of the major nations, she was exhausted.

But when she saw the cute little face of the baby, she felt as if everything had become easier.

Even though she only glanced at it, she felt as if no one could defeat her now...

Tsunade regained her spirit.

"I remember babies can call their mothers when they're a few months old..." Tsunade chuckled softly, teasing the baby's cheek with her finger.

"Come on, say 'mama'."

The baby blinked her beautiful big eyes.


Tsunade: "???"

"Dada! Dada! Dada!"

The child happily called out.

And Tsunade's face grew darker and darker.

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