Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 144 Uchiha Bloodline Plunder Event! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 144: Uchiha Bloodline Plunder Incident! (Please subscribe!)

Terumi Mei dispatched an envoy to deliver a letter of state, intending to sign a peace treaty with Konoha and formally withdraw from the Fourth Great Ninja War.

Tsunade hesitated for a moment but ultimately agreed to the request from the Mist Village.

After all, the pressure on Konoha was truly immense.

They were truly facing the entire ninja world with the strength of a single nation.

Of course, the specific details still needed to be discussed. The Mist Village boldly stated that they wanted to claim a piece of land from the Land of Fire, while Konoha also made a bold statement that they were willing to give up land, but only if it was given to them...

In reality, neither side believed that the other would actually give up land.

But that's diplomacy!

Making bold statements and bargaining are all normal tactics.

Revealing one's bottom line in a negotiation will only allow the enemy to take advantage and become even more unreasonable.

During this time, Natsuhiko remained on the front lines of the Mist Village. Tsunade sent several letters, warning him to be cautious of the Mist Village's potential ambushes. For a ninja, sending a peace offering could also serve as a cover for their own actions.

Natsuhiko replied, "Yes, yes, you're right."

But other than checking on Terumi Mei's condition and the status of the child she was carrying using his own medical ninjutsu, he spent the rest of his time using the Flying Thunder God technique to rush back home.

Continuing to fight for the revival of the Uchiha clan.

Of course, just like before, except for his wives who were not yet pregnant, no one else knew about his whereabouts...

We have to give our Fifth Hokage some face!

But both countries genuinely sought peace.

The Mist Village planned to return and govern their village properly, restoring order.

Konoha Village, on the other hand, concentrated their forces to deal with the remaining enemies.

So the negotiators from both sides started their discussions harmoniously, and it was expected that they would reach a complete agreement soon.

As the news spread, the other countries...

Didn't really feel much.

After all, although the outcome was surprising, it was actually within everyone's expectations. The Mist Village was facing enemies who had awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan and could use the complete form of Susano'o!

The fact that they were able to hold on until now was what surprised the other countries the most.

Especially the Rock Shinobi Village's Onoki, who was the most fearful of the Uchiha. He even publicly stated that the Fifth Mizukage might truly be the strongest Mizukage. Even with some limitations on the complete form of Susanoo, it was not something an ordinary Kage-level expert could stop.

He allowed the Rock Shinobi to choose to abandon their missions if they encountered the Fifth Mizukage in the future, without facing any punishment...

The last time a similar figure appeared was when Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage who mastered space-time ninjutsu and was unbeatable in one-on-one combat, was still alive.

Raikage Aye of Cloud Shinobi has raised his vigilance towards Terumi Mei and plans to send an envoy to persuade her to continue participating in the war. He states that if the Mist Shinobi are willing to continue their attack, Cloud Shinobi can offer certain benefits. Although it is a verbal promise without much truth, it is enough to prove Terumi Mei's fame in battle.

Of course, Xia Yan's reputation surpasses hers.

With the Mist Shinobi Village sending envoys, all countries including the impulsive Cloud Shinobi have reduced the intensity of their attacks and are constantly on guard against Xia Yan coming to support their own front lines.

Gaara has directly ordered the entire army to hold their ground and once again begin constructing fortifications and trenches.

After all, once the Mist Shinobi and Konoha sign a contract, Xia Yan will be able to free up his hands and fully deal with enemies in other areas.

Suddenly, the pressure on the battlefield eases.

Konoha also breathes a sigh of relief, feeling much lighter.

"So this is the power of the Uchiha... I really wonder what kind of power Uchiha Madara had back then!" Tsunade sighs.

Of course, as a member of the Senju clan, she is far more confident than others.

After all, it was Senju Hashirama who suppressed Uchiha Madara back then!

"Yes, Grandpa suppressed Uchiha Madara, and I will suppress Xia Yan... I am indeed a qualified Hokage inheriting the will of the First Hokage!" Tsunade smiles and decides to reward herself with a bottle of good wine from the Uchiha clan tonight.

Other high-ranking officials also smile one after another. Although the agreement with the Mist Shinobi has not been finalized, it is already close to completion.

Konoha's losses are not severe, and the losses of their clan members who participated in the war are not significant.

This is good news!

However, for some people, it is not good news at all.

Samui, who is pregnant, grits her teeth. "Xia Yan is going to deal with the Mist Shinobi?"


"If he comes back, he is likely to go to the battlefield of Cloud Shinobi Village!"

That's Susanoo!

Konoha's ninjas are not very familiar with Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Kagami, Uchiha Shisui, and others who also possess Susanoo, but they are very familiar with Uchiha Madara!

Samui doesn't have the support of the village's intelligence, but just by listening to the discussions among the people of Konoha Village, she can understand how terrifying Susanoo is as a powerful ninjutsu!

Once Xia Yan confronts Cloud Shinobi again...

The losses for Cloud Shinobi will be significant!

"And I still have a mission to complete!" Samui's eyes carry a hint of coldness.

She bears the high hopes of Cloud Shinobi Village and the expectations of Raikage Aye. She intends to bring the Uchiha to Cloud Shinobi Village as an elite Jōnin.

"It looks like I'll have to change my approach..."

Samyi took a deep breath and decided to contact the village and take action.

As an Elite Jōnin of the Cloud Shinobi, she easily obtained the full support of the Cloud Shinobi Village in Konoha.

Not only that, Ai also strongly supported Samyi's actions.

And so...

Samyi seized the opportunity when the stronger wives and concubines, including Lin Guo, were taking a nap, and decisively took action.

"Would you like me to take you to buy candy, little ones?" Samyi smiled kindly at Xia Yan's children.

As for the nanny, she expressed,

"My child will be born soon, and I want to try taking care of them, as a practice for when my own child is born, as a rehearsal."

And so, she led a group of chattering children into Konoha's commercial street.

For the very young babies, she did not attempt to reach out.

After all, many of the very young children had their own mothers around and it would be inconvenient to take them away.

It was the relatively older children, who were born earlier and could run and jump, that were easier to lure away - their mothers had already put more energy into the subsequent births, naturally neglecting the older children to some extent.

Furthermore, Samyi was not a stranger, so there was no need for excessive caution.


"Let's do it!" Samyi thought to himself.

The next second!

Suddenly, there was an explosion not far away.

The surrounding pedestrians were startled, and the children were even more panicked.

"Oh no, it's an attack by enemy ninjas!" Samyi took the opportunity to shout, "Is there anyone kind enough to help me take care of the children?"

Several prepared Cloud Shinobi spies immediately stepped forward with enthusiasm and said, "I'll help you! As a Konoha Shinobi, helping children is my principle!"

Upon hearing this, Samyi said, "Then I'll leave it to you... Children, now Konoha is under attack, so you must stick with your older brothers and sisters around you."

To be honest, this acting wasn't particularly skillful.

But she was only facing a group of children.

So, she easily led them away, using the excuse of heading to a shelter, bringing them closer to the border of Konoha.

Before the children could realize it, the Cloud Shinobi spies took action one after another, knocking them unconscious and swiftly taking them away.

They were well-prepared. When they approached the edge of Konoha Village, prepared Cloud Shinobi immediately used explosive tags to blow open the surrounding walls. Then, they left Konoha Village, with many Cloud Shinobi acting as bait, dispersing...

"It will work! It will definitely work this time!" Samyi's eyes gleamed.

This time, the sacrifices made by their Cloud Shinobi would be significant!

Speaking of ninjas who create chaos for their own side, they basically won't survive and will definitely be caught by Konoha.

Those ninjas who act as bait will also suffer heavy casualties!


And at such a great cost, she also brought along ten children!

They are all between the ages of three and four, the first batch of children born to Masahiko...

And this will also become the first batch of Uchiha seeds in the Cloud Shinobi Village!

"But it's a bit unfair to Masahiko like this..." Samui's eyes dimmed slightly, but quickly returned to normal.

Although Masahiko was good to her, her loyalty to the village was even greater!

Not all female ninjas would give up their missions for the sake of a man's tenderness and financial satisfaction!

Samui is a staunch ninja of the Cloud Shinobi Village!

Even if she sacrifices her body and her emotions, she will always be loyal to the Cloud Shinobi Village!

"Moreover, the Cloud Shinobi Village won't mistreat these children. They are still young and can be transformed into true Cloud Shinobi without being discriminated against by the villagers." Samui thought to herself, "The village will even provide them with wives and husbands in the future.

"Although their lives may not be as good as the Uchiha, they will definitely not be worse!"

With this thought, the guilt in her heart diminished a bit.

"Let's go! Hurry up!" Samui, with her big belly, said to the people around her who were carrying children, "The pursuers from Konoha Village could appear at any moment, so we need to hurry!"

"Raikage-sama has already sent troops to support us!"

"Keep going! Once we pass this section, we can go home!"

As a spy, isn't the most anticipated day the day when one can return home openly and live a normal life?

The people suddenly felt a surge of strength.

And this time, they have completely accomplished the mission, with a fundamental difference from their colleague who tried to infiltrate the Hyuga clan and kidnap the little princess back then!

We are all heroes of the Cloud Shinobi Village!

Thinking this, their eyes sparkled.

However, at this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"No, none of you can go home."

The footsteps of the many Cloud Shinobi spies paused, abruptly stopping their bodies, their eyes looking towards the direction where the voice came from.

Samui was the same, and when she saw the person who came, her pupils instantly contracted.

"Masahiko? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be on the battlefield in the Mist Village?"


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