Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 150: The World Shocks! Xia Yan Is So Terrifying? ! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 150: World Shaking! Xia Yan is actually so terrifying?! (Please subscribe!)

This is Wood Style without a doubt!

Undoubtedly Wood Style!

Tsunade was almost in tears of joy. God knows how many years it has been since the Senju clan last had someone with the Wood Style Bloodline!

The reason why her younger brother, Nawaki, was so highly anticipated was because he possessed the most concentrated bloodline of the First Hokage, making him the most likely candidate to awaken Wood Style.

However, unfortunately, Nawaki ultimately died under mysterious circumstances. Even though Orochimaru of the Sannin was nearby, he miraculously fell into the enemy's trap and only left behind a body without internal organs...

And now!

Finally, a member of the Senju clan has awakened the Wood Style Bloodline!

How could Tsunade not be overjoyed!

And unlike Nawaki, Yuuko is not even one year old yet, but she has awakened the Wood Style bloodline...

Such talent, even the First Hokage is far inferior!

"It's no wonder it's me! If Grandpa and Second Grandpa were here, they would praise me for bringing glory to the Senju clan!" Tsunade proudly declared.

This is the truth!

Wood Style is different from Sharingan. Although it is also the most famous ninjutsu of the Senju clan, most members of the Senju clan only possess a strong physical body and do not have any Wood Style abilities.

Every member who possesses the Wood Style bloodline is the hope of the clan!

And now...

Tsunade hesitated for a moment. Although a Senju with the Wood Style bloodline often faces internal and external hostility, she only pondered for a moment before decisively choosing to announce this matter!

Almost instantly, the entire Konoha erupted.

The Sarutobi clan, Hyuga clan, Ino-Shika-Chō trio...

All the clan heads rushed over, staring with wide eyes at the little baby playing with tree branches.

"Lord First Hokage has appeared! This is the hope of our Leaf Village!" Countless elders and young people who have received the blessings of Lord First Hokage were immediately filled with excitement.

Although due to recent special circumstances, the prestige of Lord First Hokage has slightly declined, the name of Uchiha Madara has become even more renowned.

But in the eyes of the older generation, Lord First Hokage will always be the man worth following! Every ninja of the Leaf Village should remember the great kindness of Lord First Hokage!

Other ninjas were also overjoyed, without any sense of hesitation, but instead relieved.

"The Wood Style clan members of the Senju clan... with this level of talent, as long as she grows up, we don't have to fear Uchiha anymore!"

Yes, they were grateful for this.

Although Natsuhiko's behavior seemed normal, his extremism was only evident in his insistence on 'reviving Uchiha'.

But how many years has it been since Uchiha Madara's death?

The Leaf Village has not forgotten the power of Uchiha Madara back then!

Nor have they forgotten Uchiha Madara's uncompromising attitude...

Even though Natsuhiko did not show too much hostility, he used the excuse of 'anger clouding his judgment' to justify the annihilation of the Shimura clan.

But which clan leader wouldn't worry about him becoming the second Uchiha Madara, someone no one can contend with?


It would be even more tragic than when Uchiha Madara was in the Leaf Village!

Because unlike back then, the Leaf Village no longer has a First Hokage to balance Uchiha's Mangekyō...

And now!

A member of the Senju clan, who can balance the Mangekyō and inherit the Wood Style kekkei genkai, has emerged as an extraordinarily talented individual!

How could they not be relieved?

Even Nara Shikaku couldn't help but subtly complain to Tsunade, "Lady Tsunade, what were you thinking? How could you casually expose the fact that Yūko can use Wood Style? What if someone with ill intentions targets her?"

Well, those "ill-intentioned people" are not external village forces, but specifically refers to someone from the Uchiha clan.

In their eyes, there is a possibility that Hayato might harm Yūko. After all, if they were to kill her before she grows up, then there would be no one to balance their power in the world...

However, Tsunade couldn't help but laugh and cry, "Hayato harming Yūko? What is he trying to do, kill his own child?"

But looking at the loyal and devoted shinobi, she could only choose to announce in advance, "I will marry into the Uchiha clan, and my child is actually the result of Hayato and I during our travels!"

However, her family didn't believe such words.

What kind of reputation did Hayato have back then? The shame of a jōnin!

What kind of pride did Tsunade have back then? Arrogant and haughty!

Even Jiraiya, who had pursued her for many years, was completely ignored by her. Would a woman like her really care about someone like Hayato?

Not to mention that even if Hayato were to reveal his current strength, Tsunade might not agree!

Everyone unanimously believed that Lady Tsunade must be worried that Hayato would harm Yūko, so she sacrificed herself and married into the Uchiha clan in exchange for Itachi not harming Yūko!


Lady Tsunade sacrificed too much for Yūko!


Why won't they listen to reason?

But she couldn't bring herself to say that she and Hayato had gotten together by accident because of her medicine, resulting in Yūko.

She could only repeatedly say, "Hayato is handsome and considerate. Although he's a bit too 'loving,' he treats women well. He pursued me for a long time before I reluctantly agreed to be with him."

Well, it's a typical female statement, distorting the facts.

When Hayato heard this news, he immediately had a face like a subway, an old man, and a cellphone. Could it be that the so-called pursuit was referring to the story of you chasing after me every day in the wilderness?

However, what Xia Yan didn't expect was that not only did the high-level officials of Konoha not believe Tsunade's words, but there were also many ninjas in the Uchiha clan who didn't believe her either.

Yukino, Honglian, and Uzumaki Yangzi were women with a "Uchiha first" mindset. They even hinted in various ways, saying, "Xia Yan, take action when necessary. Don't wait for the enemy to grow stronger, that would be troublesome."

Even Kaoru stepped forward and said, "Lord Xia Yan, if you are unable to take action, why not let me do it for you?"

"Anyway, I'm not an Uchiha by blood. Even if I make a mistake, it won't affect the Uchiha...."

"Although this mission is very dangerous, once executed, I will definitely become a rogue ninja, and may even be killed on the spot."

"But for the glory of the Uchiha, I am willing!"

Then came the crazy implication—Lord Xia Yan, I am willing without a doubt, but can you accept me before I set off, as if it were a "farewell meal"?

Although I am still young, I believe that the physical qualities of the Uzumaki clan can already withstand some hardships!

Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh and cry. In the end, he had to bring out Rin, the onlooker, to explain, so that everyone understood that Yuzuko was indeed Xia Yan's child, but had been raised by Tsunade.

However, Yuzuko awakening the Wood Style at such a young age surprised Xia Yan.

Yuzuko was not even a year old and had not undergone any Chakra training, yet she was already able to use Wood Style!

Although she could only produce a small twig, it was still Wood Style!

This talent truly deserved to be called the strongest child so far!

As for Yuzuko awakening the Wood Style, Xia Yan didn't pay much attention to it—although Tsunade thought it was all her own credit, in reality, Xia Yan had already mastered Wood Style long ago.

It was not abnormal for Yuzuko, who inherited the bloodlines of both sides, to awaken Wood Style, right?

Not to mention Yuzuko, even if Xia Yan's other children awakened Wood Style, it wouldn't be a strange thing.

After all, they all have Xia Yan's bloodline!

It's just that Xia Yan's eldest child is only five years old and hasn't even attended the ninja academy yet. Their talent is far from being as strong as Yuzuko's, so they haven't shown any traces of those ninjutsu...

When Xia Yan's children grow up, they will probably shock the entire world!

And at the same time...

Cloud Shinobi Village suffered a devastating defeat. The news of Xia Yan defeating the Raikage and capturing the Eight Tails has already spread throughout the ninja world.

Upon hearing this news, the leaders of all the ninja villages were taken aback.

"Complete Susanoo... It's really powerful!"

This is just like the Uchiha Madara of the past!

Especially for Cloud Shinobi Village, the morale of the Cloud Shinobi, who were originally high-spirited, was almost completely shattered by this punch.

The annihilation of the Cloud Shinobi forces dealt a heavy blow to Cloud Shinobi Village.

The two Jinchūriki of the Two-Tails had no choice but to step forward with the Wooden Golem and lead the ninja forces squeezed out from the village to block Jiraiya's attack. If they didn't stop him, Jiraiya would have gone to the Land of Rain!

But even facing the Toad Sage Jiraiya, the two Jinchūriki, who were also perfect Jinchūriki, were no match and could only retreat step by step.

In this Great Ninja War, Cloud Shinobi Village no longer had the qualifications to participate!

While the two Jinchūriki were resisting Jiraiya and buying time, they also sent envoys to Konoha at lightning speed, hoping to obtain a peace treaty.

It's not a big deal to pay some compensation, but at least they wanted to redeem Killer Bee and the Raikage!

On the side of Rock Shinobi, they were also in a difficult situation.

Because Konoha was short of manpower, they had not been able to send out skilled individuals to resist the large army of Rock Shinobi Village.

This made the Rock Shinobi forces led by Daionogi feel like they were in an empty land, continuously attacking and capturing territories, with an offensive momentum no less fierce than that of Cloud Shinobi.

But as soon as the news came, the Rock Shinobi were dumbfounded.

"Damn, Uchiha is actually this strong?"

"No wonder Tsuchikage-sama has always been worried about the power of the Uchiha. It turns out it's really terrifying!"

"What the hell are we going to do? What if Xia Yan comes over to attack us? What should we do?"

Rock Shinobi Village is not without experts. Huangtu, the Four Tails Jinchūriki, Laozi, the Five Tails Jinchūriki, and Tsuchikage Onoki are all on the front lines. This lineup is even stronger than the AB combination of Cloud Shinobi Village.

However, they don't think they can stop Xia Yan!

Suddenly, everyone panicked, and morale plummeted...

But at this moment, Onoki, who had previously been despised by Kurotsuchi and lost his courage, stood up.

"There's nothing to fear about Uchiha!" Onoki shouted angrily. "No matter how strong he is, he's just one person. Xia Yan doesn't even have siblings. Maybe he's already blind after defeating the Cloud Shinobi!"

"Besides, even if he's not blind, can Susanoo withstand my Dust Release?"

"What's there to be afraid of!"

Tsuchikage, who was anxious and worried about Uchiha's power before the battle, now stood up like a pillar.

With his not-so-broad shoulders, he carried fearless courage.

His inspiring words reassured the Rock Shinobi.

Fear and courage are sometimes not contradictory words. For the sake of the village, let alone Xia Yan, even if Uchiha Madara were in front of him, Onoki would dare to fight with all his might!

But courage is courage, and Onoki also recognizes reality.

Under his leadership, the offensive of Rock Shinobi Village instantly slowed down, and they began to build defensive fortifications like Sand Shinobi Village.

However, they still did not choose to surrender to Konoha. As one of the Five Great Nations, Rock Shinobi Village couldn't afford to lose face like that!

On the other hand, the ninjas of Sand Shinobi Village were somewhat panicked.

Although it was already an undisputed fact that the Fourth Kazekage was the strongest Kazekage, being the "strongest Kazekage" does not mean being the "strongest ninja"!

Whether or not Gaara can withstand Shin Yan is really worrying!

But Gaara remained as calm as ever.

"What are you afraid of!" he shouted sternly, "Don't talk about Xia Yan not showing up yet, even if he does, I'll handle it!"

"Everything remains the same! Continue with the construction!"


What's the use of panicking!

Anyway, when Xia Yan comes, I'll immediately send my own daughter to ensure her safety...

In this battle, I don't intend to fight to the death with Konoha. I just want to gain some advantages.

Relying on the well-built fortifications, Gaara felt that as long as Xia Yan didn't make a move, the Sand Shinobi Village could at least secure a decent retreat even if they couldn't take a piece of flesh from Konoha.

In reality, with a few surprise attacks, the Sand Shinobi Village achieved quite good results at a small cost and obtained a considerable amount of resources.

Although these resources may not mean much to the wealthy Konoha Village, they were already worth fighting a ninja war for in the eyes of the Sand Shinobi Village.

Listening to Gaara's words, the Sand Shinobi settled down one after another.

Then they looked at Gaara with admiration in their eyes.

"Truly worthy of the Kazekage!"

"That's right! So what if Xia Yan comes! He's just Uchiha Madara!"

"Maybe the Kazekage will capture him directly and establish himself as the strongest in the ninja world!"

"Yes! Although Susanoo is huge, the Kazekage's Sand Gold Funeral can bury him!"

"That's right! That's how it is!"

Then they began discussing how Gaara would use his Sand Gold Secret Technique to defeat Susanoo once Xia Yan arrived.

In their discussions, Gaara would create a 'Empty Sand Barrier' on the left to block Susanoo's attacks, and a 'Sand Gold Funeral' on the right to completely bury Susano'o, and then follow up with the 'Prison Sand Burial' to crush Susanoo's shell with endless pressure.


I really want to crush your skull.

But there's no way, thanks to the wise leadership of Rosha, Sand Shinobi Village has achieved great results with minimal sacrifices, which is an unprecedented victory in the history of the ninja world wars.

Such a leader naturally receives the greatest admiration from the ninjas.

Even though Rosha has explained it multiple times, the people below instantly come up with a bunch of "Wind Shadow must win" theories, which infuriates Rosha and makes the corners of his mouth twitch. In the end, he decides.

"I'm going to see how Temari's bride training is going!"

This is about his own and all Sand Shinobi's safety!

Other Sand Shinobi, upon hearing this, look at Rosha with eyes full of admiration.

"As expected of the Wind Shadow, not afraid even after hearing such achievements... This is the fearless heart of a strong person, right?"

Konoha Village.

Uchiha Clan.

Natsuhiko looks at the timid little girl in front of him and scratches his head.

"So, Neji, you brought her back like this?"

Neji calmly nods, "Yes, Lord Natsuhiko, this is the order of our Hyuga Clan leader, Lord Hiashi."

Did he lose his mind or something?

Natsuhiko thinks to himself, then turns to look at the little girl in front of him.

Hinata has a round, short hair, smooth skin that is delicate to the touch. Even though she is still young and hasn't graduated from the ninja school, Natsuhiko has already noticed the hidden...

...the already visible figure!

Hinata looks at Natsuhiko with her clear eyes, revealing shyness, timidity, and joy.

"I finally see you again..."

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