Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 153 This Is Very Exciting (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 153: This is Quite Exciting (Please Subscribe!)

Xia Yan came alone and did not bring any Leaf Village ninjas.

He came here for two reasons: to bring his wife back home and to deal with Tsunade's little scheme. Although she agreed to marry into the Uchiha clan, she insisted on having a grand wedding before entering the Uchiha household.

This was a reasonable request, as Xia Yan had held weddings for all of his other wives. There was no reason for things to change when it came to Tsunade.

However, she made it clear that as the Fifth Hokage Tsunade, she wanted to set an example. With all the Konoha Shinobi fighting on the front lines, she couldn't justify the extravagance of a wedding.

But without a wedding, she refused to enter the Uchiha household.

In other words, she was forcing Xia Yan to help and end the current Shinobi World War as soon as possible.

Although the Fourth Shinobi World War had been relatively short, the casualties were not insignificant. Especially for the Cloud Shinobi and Rock Shinobi, the losses suffered by the Konoha Shinobi were severe, and they needed to recover their strategic resources.

Tsunade was concerned about Xia Yan's eyes and hoped to negotiate with the Mist Village as soon as possible while also worrying about the safety of the Leaf Village ninjas.

As a doctor, Tsunade always had a compassionate heart.

Although Xia Yan played some tricks, he could help once—only once. He had to solve the Rock Shinobi problem himself and couldn't come up with any more excuses.

Naturally, Tsunade agreed to this.

After all, the Cloud Shinobi had been completely defeated, and Jiraiya could be fully mobilized to deal with the formidable enemy, Orochimaru.

So, on one hand, Xia Yan came to pick up his new bride, and on the other hand, he was helping Tsunade.

Xia Yan arrived at the front lines of the Sand Shinobi Village, thinking that he had already established communication with Gaara and that it would be a simple matter to take the person away. But who would have thought...

"Little Xia Yan, why don't you come down and die?"

"Xia Yan, you're nothing! Today is the moment when the name of the Sand Shinobi Village resounds throughout the Shinobi World!"

"Keep it up, Lord Kazekage!"

The Sand Shinobi were full of fighting spirit, their faces determined.

In their eyes, filled with reverence, was their love and trust for the Kazekage.

"I'll add some oil!" exclaimed Gaara, on the verge of tears.

The Sand Shinobi may not have a clue, but did Gaara himself not know?

Don't think that I was so confident before. It's because I had already planned to bow my head and seek peace when Gaara arrived.

I really didn't want to fight him!

*Cough cough!* Gaara coughed and said, "Don't say that, I still can't defeat the Uchiha."

That's right!

I can't defeat the Uchiha!

Don't have any strange expectations!

However, upon hearing this, the Sand Shinobi's eyes lit up.

"I see now."

Gaara was taken aback, understanding what they meant.

"You recognized that you couldn't face Xia Yan head-on, so you had already prepared traps against him, right?" The clever Sand Shinobi's eyes gleamed. "That must be it!"

"It's impossible to directly confront Susanoo."

"But the biggest difference between humans and animals is that we are intelligent!"

"This wave is a victory of wisdom!"

Many Sand Shinobi, including elite Sand Shinobi like Baki, looked at the Fourth Kazekage Gaara with expectant eyes.

Lord Kazekage, with your deep foresight, you must have already anticipated the current situation, right?

Although Hayato is renowned and the strongest in the Shinobi world,

you must have prepared powerful means to deal with him early on, right?

Lord Kazekage!

Now is the time to show your wisdom!


Listening to the voices of the Sand Shinobi on the other side, Hayato's expression was also without any loyalty.

Although he had long known about the rumors of Gaara being the strongest Kazekage, he truly did not know that all the Sand Shinobi had become like this...

Everyone has transformed!

It's terrifying!

Gaara's mouth twitched, and for a while, he couldn't say anything - Where the hell am I supposed to find wisdom for you!

My wisdom is for the convenience of the future. I have arranged a bunch of teachers for my daughter!

From taming techniques to household chores.

From managing the family to pleasurable moments in bed.

Maybe I'll confuse Hayato so much that he'll end up coming to our Sand Shinobi Village!

This is my wisdom!

But even if Gaara is shameless, he can't say such things to his subordinates.

And although it is somewhat shameful, when facing the "Strongest Wind Shadow," the entire Sand Shinobi Village operates according to their own thoughts and feels exhilarated. Every ninja looks at themselves with adoring eyes...

He really can't help himself!

Even if he's pushing it, he wants to push it a little more!


Gaara directly steps on the sand and flies up, with a hint of arrogance in his expression.

"Xia Yan, long time no see!"

"Yeah, long time no see." Xia Yan's expression is strange. "You've changed a lot."

"After all, I bear the hopes of the entire village!" Gaara's voice is loud. "Naturally, there should be some changes!"

This "hope of the entire village" almost made Xia Yan burst into laughter.

But the Sand Shinobi give him a lot of face and cheer loudly.

"That's right! Lord Gaara, you are our hope!"

"You are the light of Sand Shinobi Village! The future of Sand Shinobi Village!"

"Lord Gaara, please make sure to win!"

Gaara's mouth twitches, and the sand under his feet quickly flies towards the distance.

"Let's go, Xia Yan. This is not the place for a battle!" His expression becomes solemn, and he says in a deep voice, "I don't want to see the bloodshed of our Sand Shinobi comrades... Let's go! You and I will solve the problems between Konoha and Sand Shinobi alone!"

"Let's have a conversation between men!"

Xia Yan blinks.


He follows along.

Lo Sha felt a sense of relief in his heart, then shouted at the Sand Shinobi.

"Listen to my command, everyone stay in place!"

"Listen carefully, no one is allowed to come over, there is a real danger to life!"

"It is absolutely, absolutely not allowed to come over!"

"Everything, I, as the Kazekage, will bear it. You just need to entrust your hopes to me!"

"I will fight for the Sand Shinobi Village, come on!"

"Do you understand?"

Saying that, he gradually moved away.

Xiayan also followed leisurely.

Leaving only the Sand Shinobi with a face full of admiration, staring at Lo Sha's departure with fanatical eyes.

When Lo Sha's figure completely disappeared, the Sand Shinobi started discussing frantically.

"Lord Lo Sha is so handsome!"

"Is this the magnanimity of the Kazekage?"

"Damn it, why didn't he let me help? Even if I risk my life, I will create an opportunity for Lord Lo Sha to kill Xiayan!"

"Fool! Do you think you're the only one willing to sacrifice your life for Lord Lo Sha? Look around, who isn't willing to die for Lord Lo Sha? But precisely because of this, Lord Lo Sha resolutely doesn't let us go!"

"Can Lord Lo Sha... win?"

"He will definitely win! He is the Kazekage with extraordinary wisdom!"

"Hehe, I guess when Xiayan arrives on the battlefield, he will be shocked by Lord Lo Sha!"

In fact, as the last Sand Shinobi said, Xiayan was indeed shocked.

After all...


Without any hesitation, Luo Sha knelt down and knocked his head on the ground.

"Xia Yan, I'm sorry. I really didn't expect it to turn out like this!"

Xia Yan:

Yes, who could have imagined that the shadow of a whole village would kneel down directly?

Even Xia Yan was taken aback!

Truly a disgrace to the Kage level, Luo Sha really embarrassed the Kage level!

"So, how did your village end up like that?" Xia Yan's mouth twitched as he spoke.

"I don't know either!" Luo Sha looked helpless. "After Konoha collapsed, every Sand Shinobi showed utmost respect to me, with admiration in their eyes. No matter what orders I gave, they would interpret them in the best possible way..."

"I also don't understand how they all ended up like this!"

Luo Sha looked innocent. Although he enjoyed the title of "Strongest Kazekage" now, he hadn't lost his sanity.

He was also worried that the Sand Shinobi's morale was too high and they might accidentally clash with Xia Yan.

So, before losing himself to glory, he deliberately tried to make the Sand Shinobi realize that he was not invincible or all-powerful by issuing some incorrect military orders and making mistakes.

However, it was futile.

Luo Sha remembered a time when he forcefully ordered a squad to attack a camp in Konoha. According to the intelligence, it was an absolute mistake in terms of the power balance.

However, to his surprise, when the squad stormed into the Konoha camp, they found only a few shinobi but a large amount of supplies!

It turned out that the commander of Konoha at that time, due to a shortage of manpower, had to bluff and release false information about the camp, attempting to scare the Sand Shinobi with a "empty city strategy" for a few days, waiting for reinforcements from other ninja forces. But this flaw disappeared because of Luo Sha's mistaken order at that time.

Konoha Shinobi suffered a major defeat, while the Sand Shinobi gained a large amount of resources. It was an almost miraculous victory!

The Sand Shinobi cheered together, praising the Kazekage for his wisdom and cunning. They also expressed that they had long suspected that the Kazekage had seen through Konoha's tactics and therefore ordered the attack.

Instead of diminishing the mindless admiration of the Sand Shinobi towards themselves, it seemed to have intensified it!

This kind of thing has happened more than once. I don't know if it's because the Sand Shinobi Village has been blessed with good fortune, but the Suna Shinobi have repeatedly achieved similar overwhelming victories.

Our side's inexplicable troop movements not only resulted in no losses, but also disrupted Konoha's defenses, forcing the Konoha commander to haphazardly move troops and ultimately suffer a major defeat.

After a few times, even the Kazekage himself gave up.

But even if he gave up, he still had to work hard for the Sand Shinobi Village!

That's why Gaara didn't hesitate to kneel down, because he knew that everything in the Sand Shinobi Village rested on his shoulders.

His actions would directly determine the fate of the Sand Shinobi Village...

"Oh? So you're saying that the Sand Shinobi Village intends to surrender." Gaara rubbed his chin. "Tsunade should accept it, but your Sand Shinobi just scolded me harshly earlier."

"Aren't you planning to compensate us?" Gaara looked at Gaara with a half-smile.

"You can name your price." Gaara said straightforwardly. "I'll accept whatever I can accept, and if I can't accept it, I'll fight to the death."

After all, that's how reality is!

Upon hearing this, Gaara chuckled softly. "Alright then, I don't want anything else. I've heard that the Sand Shinobi Village's elder, Chiyo, has a Forbidden Technique called 'Kisho Tensei' that can bring the dead back to life... I want that."

Elder Chiyo has such a secret technique?

Why didn't I know?

Gaara felt puzzled, but still readily agreed, "Okay, I will immediately request it from Chiyo. As long as she has it, I should be able to get it back!"

After all, he was the strongest Kazekage of the Sand Shinobi Village!

He had righteousness on his side!

Even just by listening to Xia Yan's description, Luo Sha knew that the Forbidden Technique was extremely important, but he didn't hesitate.

"Alright, then I'm fine." Xia Yan shrugged. "Let the Sand Shinobi Village send ninjas to Konoha to admit defeat and sign the treaty."

"Oh, by the way, where is Temari? I came this time intending to bring her back."

Saying that, he turned around and was about to head towards the front line of the Sand Shinobi Village.

"Wait! Lord Xia Yan!" Luo Sha reached out his hand and said, "Could you please do me a favor?"

"Hmm?" Xia Yan frowned and looked over.

Luo Sha felt a little embarrassed and said, "As you know, I am currently the strongest Kazekage of the Sand Shinobi Village, burdened by my reputation... Can you please use Susanoo and pretend to fight me?"

There's no other way!

If there's no action at all, then his reputation as the strongest Kazekage will be gone!

Although it's a bit self-deceiving, he still wants to maintain the title of the strongest Kazekage!

Xia Yan's mouth twitched and he glanced at him. "My appearance fee is not cheap."

Upon hearing this, Luo Sha didn't hesitate and said, "To be honest, I have prepared a series of bridal training courses for Temari, specifically inviting many female practitioners of the Grandmaster's techniques... cough cough, no, I mean, to teach her."

"Although she is still a virgin, I believe she will definitely give you an extraordinary experience."

"Can my sincerity cover the appearance fee for this time?"

Xia Yan fell silent for a moment upon hearing this.

It has to be said that Comrade Luo Sha's proposal is quite tempting!

"Alright, let's do it, Tian Yan!"


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