Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 156 Laughing And Touching The Nine Tails Dog Head (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 156: Laughing and Touching Nine Tails' Dog Head (Please subscribe!)

"What should we do, Xia Yan-ge?"

"That's a monster!"

"Why would there be something like this in my stomach? Is it because I've been going to the club too often and caught some strange disease?"

Naruto's face was full of panic.

Especially when he remembered the occasional dirty diseases that adults would talk about, he felt even worse.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, had a black line on his forehead. "Alright, calm down a bit."

"The club you went to, the Uchiha clan's club, has a monthly physical examination. There's no way... cough cough!"

"It's a tailed beast." Xia Yan almost started promoting it, but luckily he reacted quickly and changed the topic.

"A tailed beast?" Naruto was stunned.

"That's right, you are the Jinchūriki of the Nine Tails." Xia Yan paused and looked at Naruto. "But I didn't expect you to be able to see the Nine Tails so naturally now."

There was no doubt that what Naruto saw was the Nine Tails!

Although Naruto hadn't graduated yet and had experienced very little, his strength was much stronger than himself at the same period of time.

However, unlike the several foreshadowings in the future, the moment he actually saw the Nine Tails, he was naturally panicked.

Naruto, however, was a bit confused.

Under the control of the Third Hokage, he had no understanding of his own origins, and had never heard of the existence of the Nine Tails.

Although Tsunade did not maintain the information blockade on Naruto after taking office,

as she immediately faced the war, she also didn't have much spare time to become a caring older sister figure to comfort Naruto...

So Naruto was completely clueless, only knowing that on the day he was born, the Fourth Hokage killed a demon fox, and nothing else was clear.

Xia Yan wanted to explain the relationship between Jinchūriki and tailed beasts, but after thinking about it, these profound questions were too complicated for Naruto, so he said directly.

"I'll just take you to see it directly, it'll be faster that way."

Speaking, he grabbed Naruto's hand.

In his eyes, the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan surged.

The next second!

Naruto suddenly realized that he and Xia Yan were in a huge prison.

Inside the 24th prison, a fiery red behemoth was lying quietly inside.

Seemingly aware of someone's presence, the Nine Tails slowly opened its bestial eyes.

"Oh, little brat, didn't expect you to come in so quickly, and you even brought an Uchiha..."

"That's it!" Naruto pointed at the Nine Tails in panic. "Xia Yan, the monster I saw back then was him."

"That's not a monster, it's a Tailed Beast." Xia Yan remained calm. "Don't panic. Even if it breaks through this prison, I'm here."

"It can't turn the world upside down!"

"You dare to say that..." The Nine Tails' eyes were filled with killing intent, its sharp teeth slightly exposed, exuding a murderous aura. "If you have the ability, release me and let me see how you can stop me from turning the world upside down."

Naruto was stunned. "Tailed Beast? What's that?"

"It's a giant Chakra entity with tails," Xia Yan explained with a smile. "You've already seen the Eight Tails, the one at the entrance of our village."

"You mean that giant octopus!" Naruto exclaimed in surprise.

Although Naruto didn't have much feeling towards the existence of Tailed Beasts, he knew about Xia Yan's achievements.

He was shocked when he saw Susanoo dragging the Eight Tails all the way to the edge of the village.

"That's right, it's that one," Xia Yan smiled. "You've also seen the One Tail, Shukaku, during the Chunin Exams. It was the giant tanuki."

"From the One Tail to the Nine Tails, there are a total of nine... or you could say ten Tailed Beasts."

"Among them, the Nine Tails is the strongest member of the Tailed Beasts."

Perhaps it is recognized as the strongest by others.

Nine Tails snorted lightly, his eyes full of arrogance.

Naruto, on the other hand, relaxed a bit - although he wasn't sure how much stronger the monster in front of him was compared to the one dragged back to the village by Hayato, it was normal for him to defeat this raccoon dog if Hayato could defeat the Eight Tails.


"Hayato, why is this Nine Tails inside my body?"

"This is the policy of the First Hokage," Hayato smiled and said, "He believed that if the powers of the ninja world could be balanced, there would be fewer wars. So he deliberately captured the tailed beasts and distributed them among the nations of the ninja world.

"And in order to control the immense power of the tailed beasts, each nation chose to seal them within Jinchūriki."

"The demon fox that the Fourth Hokage faced back then was the Nine Tails. He chose to seal the Nine Tails inside a newborn baby's body, hoping that he could control the power of the Nine Tails and serve Konoha."

"That's right, it's you."

"Me?!" Naruto's face changed.

Although he was young, his special experiences made him far from being comparable to children of the same age.

Naruto clearly remembered that some people were unfriendly to him, unwilling to sell him things, and even cursed him as...

"The demon fox..." Naruto murmured.

"Well, they're not actually cursing you, they're cursing it," Hayato smiled and said, "You're just caught up in it.

But in their hearts, Naruto is the symbol of the Nine Tails...

Hayato didn't say this, but Naruto understood.

"So... it's because of it that I became like this?" Naruto looked at the eyes of the Nine Tails, filled with hostility.

"Yes." Hayato didn't hide it either and said directly, "The Third Hokage specifically ordered everyone not to tell you about this, ostensibly hoping that you would have a normal childhood.

"But in my opinion, he wanted to get close to you and win your respect... Tailed beasts are a powerful and restless force in the eyes of anyone. As Hokage, he must have it under control.

This is actually only natural.

Although the Third Hokage made many mistakes, in Hayato's view, his actions towards Naruto were justifiable - although he felt very sorry for Naruto, as Hokage, he had to earn the respect and love of the Jinchūriki in order to ensure the village's safety.

So isolating Naruto and becoming Naruto's only emotional harbor is the most effective, reliable, and easiest way!

And although the Third Hokage's approach is problematic and somewhat deceptive.

But it must be said that compared to the experiences of Naruto and other Jinchūriki, Naruto's situation is relatively better.

The neighboring Sand Shinobi Village's Gaara is literally trying to kill his own son!

In comparison, the Third Hokage's actions are quite gentle.

Of course, compared to Gaara's treatment of his own son, it is morally unacceptable for the Third Hokage to target the orphan of the Fourth Hokage who just died fighting for Konoha.

On this point, Hayato also admits.

He has no intention of covering up for the Third Hokage and speaks directly and clearly.

Upon hearing this, Naruto slightly opens his mouth, his eyes filled with a hint of sadness.

"So this is what the Third Hokage thought...."

He had always respected this Hokage, even after the Third Hokage's death, when the whole village criticized him, Naruto still firmly stood up for the Third Hokage.

But who would have thought....

After a moment of silence, Naruto looks at the Nine Tails.

It is a presence that can be felt with boundless hostility when standing in front of it!

"Hey, Hayato, is this guy really that strong?" Naruto asks.

Actually, just by looking at the appearance of the Nine Tails, one can sense a strong sense of oppression emanating from it.

But Naruto remembers how Hayato forcibly dragged the Eight Tails here back then....

It's powerful, but maybe not as strong as it seems.

Why did the Fourth Hokage choose to capture it even at the cost of his own life?


Why did it have to be sealed within me?

"It's still very powerful," Xia Yan said with a smile. "Especially their Chakra, which is immense. The attacks they unleash can cause great damage to ordinary ninjas."

"Feel its killing intent, and you'll understand why people fear them."

"Indeed," Naruto took a deep breath.

The first time he saw the Nine Tails, he was immediately panicked and scared, rushing to find Xia Yan.

And what he faced was still the Nine Tails locked in a cage.


It should be even worse!

The Nine Tails snorted coldly, as if trying to scare Naruto to death. The surging killing intent emanating from its body overwhelmed him.

Naruto's face turned red. Although his strength had greatly increased compared to before, he had never truly been on the battlefield or experienced real combat. He was completely unable to adapt to the killing intent of a Tailed Beast.

However, Xia Yan just smiled. "Naruto, don't be afraid."

"But despite its fierce appearance, Tailed Beasts are actually quite pitiful."

"Pitiful?" Naruto was taken aback.

Even the Nine Tails was taken aback, then said, "Hey! Uchiha kid! What do you mean by pitiful?"

Xia Yan just smiled. "The First Hokage kept each Tailed Beast confined in a small space. They can't go out on a regular basis, so it's difficult for them to see the outside world or taste something delicious... It's fortunate that they don't need to eat or drink, otherwise they would all starve to death."

Naruto blinked.

They can't even eat Ichiraku ramen?

That's indeed a bit pitiful.

The Nine Tails, however, roared angrily, "Your human food is meaningless to me!"


"I don't need your human pity!"

It roared repeatedly, emanating a ferocious aura that even seals couldn't suppress.

Naruto felt a surge of killing intent, barely managing to stand after retreating three steps.

"Don't be afraid, Naruto." Xia Yan smiled and suddenly remembered something, saying with a smile, "Do you know? The First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, once held back nine tailed beasts with just one hand."

"If you want to become Hokage, you need similar strength at least."

Although things have changed a lot, thanks to the foundation laid by the Third Hokage.

Naruto's dream hasn't changed!

He is still striving towards becoming Hokage!

Although now he is increasingly advancing towards the association...

But Hokage is still one of his dreams!

"With just one hand, suppressing such a monster..." Naruto widened his eyes in astonishment and said, "So Hokage is really that powerful."

The Nine Tails roared, "Idiot! The First Hokage is the god of shinobi, the strongest shinobi in the world!"

"I was able to force him to use one hand, which is already a proof of my strength!"

Just like Gaara losing to Xia Yan, it is not considered a shame, but rather an honor at first glance.

The same goes for the Nine Tails!

Do you think anyone is worthy of making Senju Hashirama use one hand to suppress them?

Naruto blinked and looked curiously at Xia Yan.

Is the First Hokage really that strong?

It seems like the textbooks didn't mention this much.

"The First Hokage is indeed very strong. The so-called 'Third Hokage is the strongest Hokage' written in your school books is just Sarutobi Hiruzen boasting about himself," Xia Yan said with a smile. "If Sarutobi Hiruzen were to fight the First Hokage..."

"Let me put it this way, the First Hokage can defeat a hundred Sarutobis, and not even receive a single scratch."

Naruto thought for a moment, realizing that the First Hokage could defeat a hundred Third Hokages.

This seems a bit terrifyingly strong!

In that case, Nine Tails is also excessively strong!

"That's right!" Nine Tails proudly said, "Even someone like Senju Hashirama said to me, 'Your power is too terrifying, it needs to be sealed, do you understand my power now?'"

"That's right," Xia Yan nodded, "I can confirm that the First Hokage did say that."

"At that time, when the First Hokage Senju Hashirama used Wood Style and summoned Senju Kannon, he held down Nine Tails with one hand, with nine hundred and ninety-nine hands behind him, and then said seriously to Nine Tails: 'Nine Tails, your power is too terrifying, it needs to be sealed.'"

"That's right, Nine Tails was sealed under those circumstances."


Naruto suddenly burst into laughter.

He held his stomach and rolled on the ground.

"I can't take it anymore... hahaha..."

"With one hand holding down Nine Tails, nine hundred hands with nowhere to go, hahaha..."

"Nine Tails, your power is too terrifying... really too terrifying, hahaha!"

It's really terrifying!

Terrifying to the point that Naruto couldn't stop trembling from laughter.

Nine Tails' old face instantly turned red. It opened its blood-filled mouth, but had nothing to say—because Senju Hashirama really did suppress it like that at the time!

Nine Tails is indeed very terrifying.

But compared to Senju Hashirama, it's a thousand times less terrifying!

"Kid, stop laughing!"

A surge of anger rose in Nine Tails' heart. In its embarrassment and anger, it roared and swung its claws towards the grass and Naruto, ignoring the seal in front of it.


A loud sound rang out as its sharp claws broke through the seal and collided with the railing, carrying a fierce momentum.

Naruto's laughter abruptly stopped, and a hint of fear flickered in his eyes.

No matter how powerless Nine Tails appeared in front of Senju Hashirama, for the current Naruto, it was a true ferocious beast!

"Don't be afraid, Naruto. There's nothing to fear about Nine Tails," Xia Yan smiled and turned towards the seal. "Tailed Beasts have simple personalities, and they actually like humans."

"As long as we touch their furry heads, we can calm them down..."

Saying that, Xia Yan stepped into the railing of the seal.

"Kid! You actually came in!" Nine Tails' face was ecstatic.

It suddenly roared, and its claw swiped towards Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan, be careful!" Naruto's expression changed.

However, Xia Yan just smiled faintly, and the arm of Susanoo appeared on his body.

He grabbed Nine Tails' claw with one hand, then twisted and pressed it forcefully.

↘ Nine Tails felt the force, and its whole body inevitably fell to the ground.

And Xia Yan, at some point, calmly stood on Nine Tails' shoulder, gently touching its head with his hand.

Hmm, not bad, the feeling is quite good!

Nine Tails was about to roar.

The next second, Susanoo spread its limbs and firmly pressed Nine Tails to the ground, even completely sealing its mouth.

Nine Tails struggled desperately but couldn't move.

And Xia Yan maintained the posture of 'laughing while patting Nine Tails' head', with a relaxed smile on his face.

Then he smiled and said to Naruto.

"You see, as long as I pat its furry head, it immediately becomes quiet, right?"

Naruto: "......"

Xia Yan, forgive me for speaking frankly, but I don't think an ordinary person can make it quiet using this method.

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