Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 159 Hinata: Let's Change The Rotten Hyuga! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 159: Hinata: Let's change the decaying Hyuga! (Please subscribe!)

"Hayato! Come and try this!" Temari ran over quickly.

"This is something I personally grilled... Here, ah~~~"

Saying that, with an eager expression, she picked up a piece of grilled meat and brought it to Hayato's mouth.

Hayato, of course, didn't hesitate and took a bite.

"Is it delicious?"

"It's quite tasty."

"Hehe, that's great!" Temari's face immediately lit up with a smile, her cheeks slightly blushing. "I've been practicing for a long, long time to master the perfect cooking time..."

"If Hayato says it's delicious, then my efforts weren't in vain."

Saying that, she twisted her body slightly and giggled as she ran off.

"Then I'll grill another portion for you! This one will definitely be even more delicious!"

The whole process was full of enthusiasm!


Is this still the stunning Temari?

What have you done, Gaara...


"It's done well." Hayato nodded, acknowledging Gaara's efforts.

Although many people dislike enthusiasm and find it strange,

that's mainly because of the overly artificial tone and unnatural manner of speaking, combined with the goosebump-inducing copywriting that makes it feel that way.

A true enthusiast knows how to strike the right balance.

Listening to it at that time, it really sounded very pleasant [just the sound alone can make people go crazy!]

As the leader of a village, Gaara obviously had a huge amount of manpower and resources and successfully educated Temari into an outstanding green tea enthusiast, perfect in every aspect!

Although it doesn't sound like a good adjective, when you truly experience it, you'll understand - it's truly refreshing!

However, on the other side,

Neji was just getting his fifth serving of grilled meat from the chef.

Don't misunderstand, the meaning of Hinata's "three more servings" is not that she can only eat three servings.

It's because the meat won't taste good once it gets cold, so before the meat cools down, she can only eat three servings!


Eat and then get more!

Neji has already made five trips back and forth, each time with three servings of meat.

Neji was already numb.

You should know that the Uchiha family has never lacked money, and the meat is always top-notch, with generous portions.

The so-called "one serving" of meat should actually be a thick piece the size of an adult's palm, grilled and cut open, shared among several people, so as not to interfere with their consumption of other food...

But in Hinata's case, while not affecting her consumption of other food, how much meat has she already devoured?

"So Hinata's talent may really be very strong. Look at how she suppresses her appetite on a daily basis!"

With such a huge appetite, even if Hinata can secretly buy some food outside to replenish her energy, it is obvious that most of the time she will be in a "hungry" state.

However, even in this "three days without eating for nine meals" state, she can still maintain her current strength... Neji was shocked: "Could it be that Hinata is the strongest genius of the Hyuga clan?"

But this time, when Neji brought back the meat, he found that there was still some left from the last time...

"Finally full." Neji let out a long sigh, raised his head, and was about to say something with a smile.

But he saw Hinata holding a skewer of meat, her eyes fixed on Temari, who was feeding Gaara.

"Neji, who is that woman..." Hinata pouted and asked in a low voice.

Neji looked over and said, "Oh, her, she is Temari, the daughter of the Fourth Kazekage Gaara. She was sent as a spy by Gaara because he was worried that Shikamaru would turn against the Sand Shinobi."

"Oh, it's her!" Hinata suddenly realized.

Shikamaru's achievements were widely known in Konoha, and Hinata naturally wouldn't be unaware.


"So, after the people from the Sand Shinobi Village sign the peace treaty with us, will she have to leave?" Hinata asked eagerly.

"Well... maybe," Neji said dryly.

Maybe my foot! Even if he's blind, he can't possibly think that Temari will leave after the peace treaty is signed. What Sand's true level is like, others may not know, but can he not know?

"Oh," Hinata actually believed it, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, saying, "Lady Tsunade, too, why bother with just a Sand Shinobi? Just sign a treaty and be done with it. What's the point of arguing... Isn't it better to have a little peace?"

Speaking, he continued to bury his head and eat his own food.

Upon hearing this, Neji's expression became even stranger.

His own cousin, could she really be so passionate about politics?

"Does she really just want peace to come early? Or..."

Neji remembered Hinata's strange change in appetite just now, his eyes narrowing.

Could it be that Hinata-sama had already...

When did it happen?

Although Lord Hiashi liked to make advances towards women, he had never made a move on a young girl like Hinata, right?


Neji's pupils contracted, and he suddenly remembered that when Hinata was very young, occasionally, Neji happened to pass by and found her being bullied by a few boys, and he helped her out.

Could it be...

Thinking this, Neji buried this thought deep down.

And then he started chatting casually with Hinata.

The reason why he had been following Hinata all this time was not because of Hiashi's order to "take care of Hinata," but because he hoped that Hinata would support him in changing the Hyuga clan.

As the legitimate daughter of the main family, Hinata's status naturally gained the support of many Hyuga clan members.

If she supported him, the coup to change the Hyuga clan would be much easier...

Hinata and her younger sister Hanabi had a good relationship. By using the reason that "her sister fell into the branch house and would also be branded as a Caged Bird," he should be able to gain Hinata's support!

So Neji began tentatively, using casual conversation, to complain about the system of the branch house in the main family.

As a ninja of the branch house, it is quite normal to complain about the Hyuga family system.

Even though Hinata is young, she is aware of the grievances within the branch house, so it is natural for her to express a few complaints - but that's as far as she can go.

After all, she is just a newly graduated female ninja!

She can't even resist her father Hiashi, so what else can she do?

Seeing this, Neji starts to probe further: "Lady Hinata, I heard that Lord Hiashi has not yet decided on the heir to the main family... If you were to win, what would happen to Hanabi?"

Upon hearing this, Hinata immediately bites her lip.

She is full of reluctance, sinking into silence.

Hanabi is her younger sister, and she really doesn't want her sister's life to be marked by the cautiousness and subservience of the branch house, where she would be scolded by the main family in the future and dare not argue back.

Neji sees that there is a chance and quickly encourages her.

He talks about the oppression of the branch house by the main family, and how the branch house realizes that their own children have become desperate like caged birds.

As Hinata listens, her heart becomes heavier and heavier.

But contrary to what Neji thinks, she still does not stand up and try to resist the family system.

In fact, as Neji talks more and more, she appears to be somewhat relieved.

"Oh no!" Neji's heart sinks. He knows about the sisterly bond between Hinata and Hanabi, and that she would never give up on her sister. So the reason for her current relief is...

"Lady Hinata has decided to give up her position in the main family and intends to hand over the Hyuga to her sister Hanabi, thus making Hanabi the head of the main family!"

There is no other explanation!

Hinata has always been suppressed by the rules of the Hyuga, and being submissive is her image!

Instead of letting my sister become a caged bird, let me bear everything!

This is the kind-hearted but weak Hinata's choice!


But it's not the choice Neji expected!

But what else can Neji say?

Hinata is not someone who can be a leader. She is used to being submissive, used to her father Hiashi's strictness, and used to the oppression of the many rules of the Hyuga clan.

Her kindness alone is not enough to change all of this!

"Hmm? Wait, I remember Hinata just now... Maybe I can try a different approach."

Neji squinted his eyes, as if chatting casually, and gave a bitter smile to Hinata. "Sorry, Lady Hinata, it seems like I've had a bit to drink today and said something inappropriate...

...Flowers, please..."

"It's okay, Neji brother... Your branch house has suffered," Hinata hurriedly said.

"It's not much suffering," Neji forced a smile. "It's just that the branch house has a hard time finding suitable partners. Our elder brother, Hyuga Hikaru, told me that despite the Hyuga clan's reputation, we are not well-received in the marriage market..."

"Many people despise the Curse Mark: Caged Bird on the branch house's forehead, considering it ugly and lowly, representing servitude."

First punch: Curse Mark is ugly, hard to find a partner!

Hinata fell into a slight silence.

Neji: "Of course, Lady Hinata doesn't need to worry about this, but it's different for Hanabi. With Hiashi's personality, even if Hanabi doesn't want to, he will forcibly marry her off to a talented Hyuga clan member from the branch house..."

Second punch: Father forcefully arranges a match!

Hinata became even more silent, biting her lip slightly.

Neji: "I heard that Xia Yan had proposed to the Hyuga clan before, saying that he found the pure white pupils of the Hyuga clan very charming, and he really hoped to have a Hyuga #7 as his wife..."

"Is this true?" Hinata's eyes lit up, grabbing Neji's wrist and her eyes filled with anticipation.

Neji's mouth curled up subtly, but his face expressed regret: "Yes, there is such a thing, but it was rejected by Lord Hiashi."

"Father... rejected it?"

"Yes, Lord Hiashi believes that marrying the fallen Uchiha would be a disgrace to the Hyuga clan. Even though Xia Yan has become the strongest ninja in the ninja world now, Lord Hiashi has not changed his mind... sigh, it seems that Xia Yan has no hope of marrying a Hyuga lady."

Saying this, Hyuga Neji sighed repeatedly, shaking his head.

Hinata heard this and her eyes became even more dim, and she gradually became despondent.

Yes, Father Hiashi is a man who values his reputation. He rejected Xia Yan's proposal because he despised the Uchiha's fall from grace.

So unless there is some major change, he will definitely stick to his original decision - even if Xia Yan's prestige is at its peak and he becomes the strongest in the ninja world, it won't change Hiashi's stubbornness!

Of course, this mainly has to do with Hiashi's self-confidence in Neji, Xia Yan's disciple, and Hinata, who 'Sasuke likes'. As long as these two are present, his small command won't provoke any retaliation from Xia Yan towards the Hyuga clan.

If there are no unexpected circumstances, he can persist in this stubbornness until death!

In other words...

"Even if I am willing, I cannot marry Xia Yan, right?" Hinata's eyes were lifeless, and she seemed to have lost all her strength.

Even the meat she was holding in her hand fell to the ground.

And at this moment...

Neji whispered softly beside her: "Sigh, the Hyuga clan..."

There are too many bad habits, it would be great if I could change Hyuga...

The system of the branch house should perhaps be abolished, so that siblings do not suffer from the division between the branch house and the main house.

And without the ugly Curse Mark: Caged Bird, the Hyuga people should be quite popular in the marriage market, right?

Marriage should also be a personal matter, parents' opinions can serve as a reference, but the wishes of the parties involved should be respected...


Before he could finish speaking, Hinata grabbed Neji's wrist.

"Neji-nii!" Hinata's face was full of fighting spirit, her eyes burning with flames: "I think you're absolutely right... The Hyuga clan cannot continue to decline like this. Let's change the decaying Hyuga together!"

"Neji-nii, you are the first genius of the branch house, becoming a Jonin at the young age of thirteen. You must have a way, right?"

"Although I have nothing except my identity as a member of the branch house, I really want to support you and give Hyuga a better tomorrow!"

Hinata said, her face serious, filled with the flames of determination.

The corners of Neji's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

I never thought that I would actually guess it right.


Natsuhiko-sama, your charm is truly irresistible!

Then he knelt on one knee in front of Hinata.

"Hinata-sama, as you wish!"


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