Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 16 Humanoid Self-Propelled Hormones! (New Book Please Collect!)

Chapter 16: Self-Walking Hormones! (New book seeking collection!)

"In any case, for the next period of time, I will be responsible for protecting you," Kakuzu's voice was deep, giving off a very reliable feeling.

Although he had just been beaten by Nagato, Kakuzu's ability to regenerate allowed him to appear healthy in front of his employer.

Hiring Akatsuki as a bodyguard was something Shuuya had considered for a long time.

After all, in this world, the shinobi of the Five Great Shinobi Nations have always been synonymous with high quality and high prices. Even Kakuzu welcomed the cheap Zabuza, simply because the shinobi of the Five Great Shinobi Nations were too expensive.

As a big businessman, he felt the pain in his wallet!

And Akatsuki was both good and cheap, even Oonoki chose to hire Akatsuki.

As the Tsuchikage, he couldn't possibly not know that allocating military funds to hire Akatsuki would affect the village's own military development.

But he still did it.

Because Akatsuki was really cheap!

For the same S-rank mission, Akatsuki's reward was only about half of what the Five Great Shinobi Nations would offer, and they worked diligently and never discounted their work.

Although Itachi had severely intimidated those large shinobi clans, the Uchiha's actual strength had indeed declined.

Some medium-sized shinobi clans who couldn't see the cause and effect of the Uchiha Clan Massacre, and who didn't pursue wealth but desired the Uchiha bloodline, still hadn't given up.

The Uchiha Clan needed enough protective power!


Shuuya shook his head and corrected, "Not to protect me, but to protect my children."

After several rewards, Shuuya's strength had surpassed that of an ordinary Jōnin, and Sasuke, under the agreement of Itachi and the Third Hokage, had specialized ANBU protection. His wives were also skilled shinobi.

It was the weak newborns who needed protection.

Kakuzu frowned, "If they are all placed together, then... otherwise, there are too many Uchiha children, and I alone am not enough to take care of so many people..."

Shuuya nodded, "That's possible."

The two discussed the details, such as the specific guarding plan, whether traps could be set, and the method of payment...

After the discussion, Kakuzu finally nodded in satisfaction.

The Uchiha Clan was indeed a wealthy clan, but they didn't have many matters to attend to.

"Oh, by the way," Kakuzu coughed and his voice was filled with regret, "Regarding your other request, Akatsuki has decided not to take on that mission... I'm sorry."

The other request was the mission to find a Kage-level female shinobi.

Of course, it wasn't that Akatsuki couldn't handle a Kage-level female shinobi, but...

There weren't many skilled female shinobi to begin with, and Kage-level female shinobi were rarer than giant pandas.

Currently, there were probably only a few, such as the two created by the Wooden Golem, Terumi Mei, and Konan.

The Jinchūriki were also Akatsuki's targets and couldn't be sold.

The influence of a village leader was too great, so they couldn't act.

That left only Konan...

It wasn't that Kakuzu didn't want to take on the mission, but he couldn't find anyone to target!

He explained the problems involved and then reluctantly said to Shuuya, "If you find a target that can be targeted, you can contact me... I'll give you a discount."


Shuuya was still working hard.

As news of the Uchiha's "trustworthiness" spread, the female shinobi in the village became even more excited and began submitting their "resumes" one after another.

However, Shuuya didn't recruit people on a large scale.

As the number of "options" increased, Shuuya's standards also became higher.

Ordinary Chūnin were already finding it difficult to catch Shuuya's eye.

There is only one stick, so we naturally have to be careful with our resources.

Not to mention that the wives and concubines who have previously given birth have gradually recovered their health and are once again in a state of preparing for pregnancy, able to withstand the rain and dew.

For example, the first to give birth, Yukino, is pregnant again.

At the same time, the concubines who entered after May's Sayuri have also started to give birth gradually.

【Uchiha clan member +1, the comprehensive potential evaluation of this clan member is 42, you gain Chakra +2, Mangekyou Sharingan Technique...】

Similar rewards keep coming, but no child has been born who surpasses the first child of May's Sayuri.



Summer Hiko is out shopping with his wives and concubines.

"Husband, I want to eat this."

"Sister, how does this dress look on me? Does it suit me?"

"Darling, can you buy me a bouquet of flowers?"

"What should I pay attention to during pregnancy? Should we prepare the baby's clothes in advance?"

The wives and concubines chatter, their faces full of smiles, occasionally touching their gradually growing bellies, their faces filled with maternal smiles.

Summer Hiko also replies with a smile, taking care of each and every one of them.

May's Sayuri pouts and whispers, "He really knows how to put on a show..."

But her eyes are filled with complexity.

Concubines, in the presence of some nobles, are nothing more than objects of release.

But Summer Hiko treats each and every one of them like a boyfriend in love, making them feel like they are not concubines, but his wives.


May's Sayuri gently touches her own belly.

Last time during her period, Summer Hiko actually helped her gently massage her belly, heated water, and prepared a hot water bottle?

What's the difference between this and having a boyfriend?

Of course, now Sayuri is pregnant again, so she doesn't have to worry about her period anymore...

Passing by a meatball shop.

"Oh, Kakashi? Anko? Yuhi Kurenai? Guy?" Summer Hiko paused and then walked in with a smile:

Anko also saw Summer Hiko and waved, "Summer Hiko? Come and eat with us."

"Sure." Summer Hiko smiled and said to the women behind him, "Let's go inside and sit."

The women also walked in one after another, making the already small shop feel crowded.

Some of them ordered a large milk tea and shared it with each other, some giggled and leaned against Summer Hiko, acting spoiled and saying they wanted to drink iced milk tea, some picked up food and fed it to him.

Harmonious to the extreme!

Meanwhile, Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai, Anko, and other single people watched on the side, with a helpless expression.

"This guy is like a walking hormone!" Kakashi sighed.

Might Guy's eyes widened in shock.

Does Summer Hiko not understand that God gave men powerful hands so that we can be self-reliant and find food, not wait for women to feed us?

A person who doesn't even know how to eat, what's the difference between him and a salted fish?

Might Guy...is jealous!


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