Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 162 Why Do You Have Rinnegan? ! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 162: How did you obtain the Rinnegan?! (Please subscribe!)

The incoming person is none other than Uchiha Itachi!

He arrived alone, quietly making his way to the Uchiha's base without alerting anyone.



"Sasuke... maybe," Uchiha Itachi sighed lightly. "But Sasuke's situation is not important. What's important is you, Shiya."

"These eyes... although I've been hesitant to believe it, you have indeed awakened the Mangekyō," he said, looking at the Mangekyō symbol in Shiya's pupils, his expression complex.

"Did it awaken when I wiped out the clan?" His voice was soft, filled with a sense of complexity and guilt.

"No, it has nothing to do with you," Shiya shook his head.

"I see..." Uchiha Itachi fell silent for a moment, his expression gloomy.

Clearly, he didn't believe Shiya's words.

"You've come to me now because you regret your choices back then," Shiya glanced at Itachi. "Your current expression doesn't resemble that of a cold-blooded clan annihilator."

"Maybe," Uchiha Itachi sighed lightly. "But I no longer have the possibility of turning back."

The Uchiha clan, they are all extremists!

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, seemingly the most gentle members of the Uchiha clan.

But in reality, this kind of thinking that would rather sacrifice the entire clan to protect the village is itself proof of obsession!

"In the end, I am also the purest Uchiha," Itachi sighed softly.

The purest Uchiha, even if they realize they are wrong, they will not turn back!

Or perhaps they will tell themselves that it is already too late to turn back, and it is better to continue on a single-minded path.

Uchiha Itachi's expression was complicated, but his eyes blinked and quickly regained composure.

"Shall we, have you already known the reason why I annihilated the clan back then?" Itachi asked.

"The Third Hokage and Danzo, I have avenged the Uchiha," Shall we casually replied.

"You really do understand... Among the Uchiha clan, your eyes see the clearest," Itachi sighed softly, paused, and continued, "Do you hold any resentment towards me?"

"With your strength, I should not be your opponent."

"I don't know if you hold any resentment towards the village, but if my death alone can dissipate your grudge..."

"I can let you kill me."

This is the main reason why Uchiha Itachi came here - Shall we obviously knows too much!

In the past, Itachi didn't care about Shall we, as long as Shall we didn't tell Sasuke about the annihilation of the clan, he didn't care whether Shall we knew the truth about the Uchiha clan's annihilation.

But now it's different!

As the strongest in the ninja world, what would Shall we do if he knew the role the village played in the Uchiha's actions?

Would he hold a grudge against the village and attack Konoha like Uchiha Madara did?

If sacrificing his own life could solve this problem, Itachi would definitely not hesitate!

Even if there is some regret in his heart now, he still recognizes his identity as a Konoha Shinobi....

Uchiha Itachi actually wanted to come earlier, but Kisame was vigilant, and he also needed to make some preparations when facing the strongest in the ninja world, Hanzo.

And now....

He quietly watched Hanzo, waiting for Hanzo's answer.

Clearly, it is a matter of life and death for himself, but Itachi's expression remains calm.

"This is Sasuke's mission." Hanzo shook his head. "The two of us made an agreement long ago. I am responsible for reviving the Uchiha, and he is responsible for becoming the face of the Uchiha and solving the problems on your side...."

Itachi's mouth twitched. Let Sasuke become the face of the Uchiha?

The strongest in the ninja world right now, isn't it you?

Just ask a random person, who is the face of the Uchiha?

But he hesitated for a moment and didn't say anything, instead lowering his head.

"Thank you, Hanzo...."

Hanzo is giving Sasuke the glory of "killing the Uchiha traitor"!

This is also Itachi's greatest wish!

In his original plan, he hoped that Sasuke could become the "Leaf Hero who killed the Leaf Village traitor, the Uchiha traitor"!

"Hanzo." He suddenly spoke. "After I am defeated by Sasuke, I will give you my eyes... You have been using yours for so long, they must be overburdened, right?"

Speaking, he had a sincere expression on his face.

The extent to which Mangekyō consumes eye power, no one knows better than him.

Although the reason for his current condition is partly intentional on Itachi's part, hoping to die at Sasuke's hands as a natural consequence.

But the main reason is the consumption of Mangekyō!

After exposing his Mangekyō, even though only a few months have passed since the Great Ninja War, he fought Terumi Mei first, then wiped out the Cloud Shinobi, and then fought Gaara...

Although it doesn't look like it, his eyes should have consumed a lot!

And his own eyes are the last compensation he, as a sinner, can offer to the surviving clan member.

Uchiha Itachi said seriously, "You should know that our Uchiha's Mangekyō needs to be combined in pairs to advance to the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, which greatly reduces the consumption."

"I originally intended to leave it to Sasuke, but now..."

"My eyes can be left to you."

As for how to leave them to Xia Yan, Itachi didn't say - he was confident that he had the ability to defeat Sasuke while successfully performing a final self-immolation drama and sending the eyes to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan, however, shrugged, "There's no need, I don't have the intention of putting on someone else's eyes."

"Xia Yan? Don't you understand the consumption of Mangekyō?" Uchiha Itachi frowned, "Or do you think you're really the strongest in the ninja world now?"

"Xia Yan, the ninja world is deep. Do you really think that with just me alone, without openly killing the clan members in Anbu and Root, you can still quickly and silently kill the entire clan?"

Uchiha Itachi revealed directly, "I have a collaborator!"

"He calls himself Uchiha Madara, also possesses the Mangekyō, and his strength should not be underestimated. I have seen him use the abilities of the Mangekyō many times without any discomfort. He should have the legendary Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan..."

"Xia Yan, don't be arrogant! You may not be his match!"

Speaking of which, Uchiha Itachi's expression suddenly became serious.

He was earnestly admonishing Xia Yan!

Not just to express his goodwill, but also for the sake of Konoha!

He didn't want Xia Yan to be blinded by the title of the strongest in the ninja world and become the next Uchiha Madara!

However, Xia Yan interrupted directly, saying, "There is not only one way to restore the power of the Mangekyō!"

Uchiha Itachi was taken aback.

He had given his eyes to Xia Yan, but he had made a deep resolution - originally, this was the light meant for Sasuke!

And now...

"Are there other methods?"

"Yes!" Xia Yan said with a simple and shocking tone, "The Senju clan's Sage Mode has a strong regenerative power for the body. Even the lost power of the Mangekyō can be restored. Uchiha Obito used this method!"

He, like Xia Yan, had never exchanged eyes!

Uchiha Itachi immediately believed it - Xia Yan had fought in succession, so theoretically, he should have consumed a lot. But upon closer inspection, he showed no signs of exhaustion from the depletion of his eye power. On the contrary, he faced Itachi and freely released his eye power without any intention of conserving it.

Coupled with the information that Xia Yan had fought with enemies for a long time...

Could it be that he used this method?

"Is it Orochimaru's research achievement?" Uchiha Itachi thought to himself.

He had some vague understanding of the interaction between Orochimaru and Xia Yan - most of the female Jōnin trained by the Sound Village were sent to the Uchiha clan...

Could it be that they all defected?

Although he was curious, Itachi wouldn't foolishly ask about it.

After all, information about his own strength was always the most important secret!

"But the eye power restored by this method should not compare to the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan." Itachi earnestly advised, "Xia Yan, I hope you can replace your eyes with mine."

"The Mangekyō is unlikely to be a match for the Eternal Mangekyō. I--"

Before he could finish his words, Xia Yan interrupted directly.

"The Eternal Mangekyō? Are you talking about this?"

Xia Yan opened his eyes, and the pattern in his eyes suddenly became complex - it was none other than the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

Sharingan, Mangekyō, Eternal Mangekyō...

These could all be freely controlled and activated!

When Sasuke awakened the Mangekyō, he still fought using the ordinary three tomoe!

Although in reality, the enemies he encountered at that time were mostly beyond the capabilities of the three tomoe - if they could be dealt with, there would be no need to activate even the one tomoe.

So this characteristic rarely appeared.

But in fact, it can indeed be unlocked step by step.

When Yō saw the complex pattern in Xia Yan's eyes, which was far more complicated than the Mangekyō, he was stunned.

It seems...

Is it more complex than the pattern in that guy who calls himself Uchiha Madara's eyes?

Is this the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?

Yō hesitated a bit, feeling that the eyes of that "Uchiha Madara" and his own Mangekyō were both simple...

Did Xia Yan make a mistake?

But feeling the power in the surroundings, which was colder and more sinister than Uchiha Madara's, it seemed to be a bit stronger.

"Xia Yan said that the body of the sage can evolve the Mangekyō without needing the eyes of the same clan?"

Yō was certain that no one in Xia Yan's family could possibly unlock the Mangekyō!

Not to mention that Xia Yan's parents had died when he was very young...

"So there is a way to evolve the Mangekyō without changing eyes..." Yō sighed inwardly.

However, although he didn't know the specific method, he felt that the difficulty of advancing without changing eyes was countless times greater than advancing with eye transplantation!

After all, if Xia Yan's method was simple, the long history of the Uchiha clan would not have only known this one method!

"Truly the strongest recognized in the ninja world."

Uchiha Itachi sighed in his heart, then said seriously, "I see, it seems I misunderstood."

"However, Xia Yan, even if you possess the Eternal Mangekyō, your eye power will not be depleted, but the depths of the Shinobi world are just as profound as water!"

He had a serious expression on his face. "You may not know this, but after leaving the village, I joined an organization called Akatsuki... The leader of that organization possesses the Rinnegan!"

"I have personally experienced the power of the Rinnegan, a power that far surpasses the Mangekyō, a power revered as that of a god..."

Uchiha Itachi sighed with emotion.

In reality, he had never personally witnessed the might of the Rinnegan.

However, Uchiha Itachi had indeed heard from other members of Akatsuki about the power displayed by the leader of Akatsuki when inviting others!

Combined with the oppressive feeling he felt during each meeting...

He spoke as if it were true!

Uchiha Itachi didn't actually believe that the power of the Rinnegan surpassed the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, nor did he say these words to scare Xia Yan.

He still cared about Konoha and didn't want Xia Yan to become arrogant and tyrannical like other Uchiha clan members, causing harm to the village.

However, what he didn't expect was...

"The Rinnegan? Is this what you're talking about?"

In the next second, the Mangekyō pattern in Xia Yan's eyes suddenly changed, and his pupils turned deep purple. Six circles with a strange sensation appeared, and the surrounding cold eye power also underwent a transformation.

Uchiha Itachi finally couldn't maintain his composure, his face turned pale.

"The Rinnegan?! How could you possess the Rinnegan?!"

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