Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 169 Black Soil: So I Am A Beautiful Woman Who Brings Disaster To The Country And The People!

Chapter 169: Black Soil - So it turns out I'm a stunning beauty causing calamity to the nation and its people! (Please subscribe!)

In the sky, that swiftly flying little old man is known by almost everyone in the ninja world.

Xia Yan had a face full of speechlessness. You're just passing this trouble onto me?

Yes, according to the agreement between myself and Kakuzu, any trouble caused by the transaction should be resolved by Xia Yan - for example, the incident with Ringo Yayoi. She was the main culprit who almost caused the Fourth Great Ninja War to break out between the Mist Village and Konoha Village!

But would Xia Yan go looking for Kakuzu to seek "after-sales service" because of such matters?

No, he wouldn't!

In theory, the current trouble should be borne by himself...

But to complete the transaction one second and have trouble come the next second, isn't that a bit too fast?

"Ah." Xia Yan covered his head, feeling that Kakuzu's level of after-sales service still needed improvement.


"It was you who took away my granddaughter?" Ohno Kiwaki had an angry expression on his face, his clothes fluttering in the wind, exuding a bit of imposing aura.

But the next second, his pupils contracted.

"Xia Yan? You're here too?!"

His expression changed, quickly becoming vigilant, looking around with a guarded face.

"This is a conspiracy by your Leaf Village, trying to lure me out and kill me?"

"Well, it seems like you people from the Leaf Village really think that you can become arrogant just because the strongest in the ninja world has appeared!" He laughed angrily [activating his Kekkei Genkai: "You're not Uchiha Reigen, but Uchiha Madara!

But that being said, his small eyes were constantly alert, searching for the "Hidden Leaf's ambush".

He had already fallen into the trap, facing eyes similar to Uchiha Madara's, Xia Yan was also in a panic!

However, Xia Yan waved his hand and said, "No, it has nothing to do with the Hidden Leaf, I didn't intend to fight you."

"Isn't this a conspiracy by your Hidden Leaf?" Daoyagi furrowed his brows, looking skeptical.

"No," Xia Yan replied calmly.

"Then can you return my granddaughter to me?" Daoyagi pointed at Kurotsuchi, "This useless granddaughter of mine, I appreciate your concern... Although I don't know what she did to offend you, I will definitely punish her severely when I go back!"

At first, Daoyagi was furious, with an expression of "Who dares to touch my granddaughter, I'll kill her whole family."

But now his expression suddenly changed, his voice softened, and his tone became extremely gentle.

There's no way!

This is the power of the number one person in the ninja world!

Daoyagi considered himself absolutely no weaker than Raikage!

But the problem is, Raikage and Eight Tails, along with thousands of ninja, were defeated by Xia Yan. Even if he was confident, he wouldn't think he surpassed the combination of Raikage, the Jinchūriki, and thousands of troops!

Especially with thousands of troops, only a few Elite Jōnin managed to escape in the end.

So many people couldn't even escape!

Xia Yan's power is definitely much stronger than it appears on paper!

Even though he looked timid, even though he was tied up and struggling when he saw Daishi, Kurodo's face was full of disbelief as he looked up, disappointed.

But he still had to show the respect he should have!

"Oh, there's no need for that," Natsuhiko waved his hand. "I won't let anyone go."

"Sure enough, it's a conspiracy by Konoha!" Daishi's expression changed drastically, and a new anger appeared in his eyes.

The speed at which his expression changed was astonishing, even Kakuzu next to him sighed in amazement.

"Natsuhiko, it seems like you really think you're invincible," Daishi's voice was low. "Even Uchiha Madara didn't dare to bully my Rock Shinobi Village recklessly. Who gave you the courage to be so unscrupulous?"

Natsuhiko couldn't help but glance at Daishi.

When you mentioned "Even Uchiha Madara didn't dare to bully," are you referring to the incident where he almost defeated you in front of the Second Tsuchikage?

"Ah, you're thinking too much," Natsuhiko sighed lightly. "The reason I won't let anyone go is not what you think. Your granddaughter has already been sold to me as a child bride by this Kakuzu gentleman, so she is now mine."

"Oh, don't worry, my Uchiha clan doesn't prohibit wives from visiting their families. You still have a chance to see Kurodo..."

Daishi: "???"

Kurodo: "???"

Both of them were stunned at the same time.

Daishi muttered, "So you're here to collect concubines?"

"Yes," Natsuhiko said calmly.

"Not a conspiracy by Konoha?"

"You've already sensed it, haven't you? There are only a few of us around."

Daoyagi looked confused, you scared me so much that I thought I was having a heart attack, and it turns out it was all for Kurotsuchi's body?

For a woman?

Even Kurotsuchi couldn't help but be confused. She didn't know what had happened, and the cloth in her mouth had slipped off. She muttered, "Has my charm spread from Rock Shinobi Village to Konoha?"

"Even the legendary number one shinobi in the ninja world would bow down to me, at the cost of hiring others to bring me over..."

This is simply the treatment that only a femme fatale would receive!

How come I didn't realize I was so beautiful?

Perhaps it was a bit of a girlish thought, but she actually blushed and acted coy.

Daoyagi knew his granddaughter too well. Seeing her like this, his face turned dark.

But he still landed slowly and said to Natsuhiko, "Natsuhiko, stop joking around. Konoha and Rock Shinobi are still fighting!"

"If you really like my granddaughter, why don't you come with me to Rock Shinobi Village?"

Daoyagi's eyes flickered, his tone sincere. "We in Rock Shinobi Village are different from Konoha. We warmly welcome the Uchiha clan."

Then it was Kurotsuchi's turn to have a dark expression on her face.

She knew her grandfather too well - this was clearly a plan to sell her off and leave Natsuhiko behind!

That's right!

Daoyagi had exactly that plan!

For politicians like Daoyagi and Luo Sha.

A woman?

Even if it's their own daughter or granddaughter, there is no invincible powerhouse in the world that can be of use!

Moreover, it's just getting married, not forcing their daughter or granddaughter to die directly.

Even if they die, it's not something completely unacceptable—can't they continue to have more children?

Luo Sha is young and strong, and it won't lead to the end of his bloodline.

Although Daoyagi cannot bear children, his son Huang Yu is still in his prime!

They can just have another child!

In a turbulent world like the Shinobi World, even the Third Hokage's own son and Chiyo's own grandson died in the midst of war. Daoyagi and the others wouldn't think that their own daughter or granddaughter would definitely survive!

However, Natsuhiko shook his head: "Sorry, I still think it's most comfortable to stay in Konoha..."

Daoyagi persisted: "What can Konoha give you? We Rock Shinobi can give you twice as much!"

Natsuhiko (→→): "Tsunade is already pregnant with my child, and she previously gave birth to a daughter for me... Yes, the one you know who awakened Wood Style."

"She has achieved this level, can you?"

Daoyagi was suddenly speechless.

Unless he undergoes god-tier special modification, there's no way an old man like him can give birth to a child with Natsuhiko!

Even if he was willing, Natsuhiko wouldn't want to!


"That Wood Style girl is your daughter?" Daoyagi widened his eyes.

"Yes," Natsuhiko nodded.

Daoyagi's face turned pale.

Like the clan heads of Konoha, Daoyagi's first reaction upon learning that Tsunade's daughter possessed Wood Style at such a young age was to get rid of her!

...Flowers please...

But just as they were arranging the manpower, the next second, they quickly canceled this mission.

Not for anything else, but for the internal strife within Konoha!

The Wood Style Senju and the Mangekyō Uchiha are like archenemies!

Although Tsunade's daughter is still young, she can completely serve as hope to counter Uchiha Natsuhiko!

They hope that Konoha will have another story like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara—back then, if it wasn't for the clash of ideals between these two top powerhouses, they would have joined forces and wiped out the four nations!

Now Natsuhiko is exerting his dominance over the Shinobi World, and he needs a Senju to restrain him!

Even if that newborn baby Yūko cannot restrain Natsuhiko and ends up being killed by him before growing up, it doesn't matter.

At that time, as a mother, can Tsunade not target the Uchiha?

After all, she is the Hokage!

When the time comes, even if Konoha doesn't want to, there will be an internal conflict...

But now you're telling me that the baby we had high hopes for is Xia Yan's daughter?

"Speaking of which, there seems to be a rumor in Konoha that Tsunade and Xia Yan have met before..." Daoye's face turned pale.

"Oh, the rumors are true." Xia Yan nodded.

Daoye's heart sank completely.

Well, there goes the hope of internal strife in Konoha, and the hope of luring Xia Yan to Rock Shinobi Village is gone too - even if Rock Shinobi Village goes all out, they can't produce a famous female ninja to marry Xia Yan!

"Xia Yan, give my granddaughter back to me. I can pretend today's events never happened." Daoye, with a heart full of despair, lost his previous gentleness in his tone.

"Sorry, I've already said it. She's my purchased child bride." Xia Yan smiled faintly.

Daoye's aura became oppressive. "Are you really unwilling to let go of my granddaughter?"

"I don't have the habit of letting go of my own women," Xia Yan said with a smile.

"Even if it causes a war between Rock Shinobi Village and Konoha?" Daoye's voice suddenly rose, "Xia Yan, don't think that a war between Konoha and Rock Shinobi has completely torn us apart."

"In fact, Rock Shinobi Village has always had spare capacity and doesn't want to go all out against Konoha. We haven't fully committed our troops..."

"The Rock Shinobi who truly mobilize are far from what you see now!"

Upon hearing this, Xia Yan calmly glanced at Daoye.

Daoye's voice abruptly stopped - his threats were effective against almost anyone, but not against Xia Yan!

Because Xia Yan had truly swept through the majority of Cloud Shinobi Village's forces!

All the people on the front line have disappeared!

He's not afraid of Cloud Shinobi's large army, so would he be afraid of Rock Shinobi's large army?

It's just a matter of a few strikes...

"If you want to fight, then go ahead." Xia Yan sighed, "Honestly, I don't really want to fight with my wife's grandfather... What was his name again?"

"Anyway, I don't really want to fight with you, but if you insist on picking a fight, I have no choice."

"Fine! Fine! Fine!" Oonoki laughed angrily, "Let me see if you, Uchiha, are worthy of the title of the number one Jonin in the ninja world!"

The next second!

A white barrier formed from his palm.

Dust Release? Original World Separation Technique!

This is the most powerful ninjutsu in the ninja world!

Its power is so strong that countless other ninjutsu pale in comparison!

However, just as the white conical barrier was forming in his hand...

A hand grabbed Oonoki's wrist from the side.

"Hey hey, even if you're angry, don't attack like that." Xia Yan sighed lightly, "Your own granddaughter is still here."

Oonoki's pupils suddenly contracted.

How did this guy manage to get close?


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