Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 182 Tsunade, You Just Watch Your Man Hug Another Woman? (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 182 Tsunade, you just watch your man hug other women? (Please subscribe!)

"Everyone, don't squeeze!"

"Line up!"

"Please feel free to fill in your personal information. Our Uchiha family is open to all people. As long as you are not a traitor who is offering a reward from Konoha, you can join us Uchiha safely!"

"Come, come, those who have filled out the registration form, come to me for a physical examination...Don't worry, your ninjutsu will not be checked, but we must make sure that your body meets the fertility standards.

"Those who have completed the physical examination will follow me to the Uchiha training ground to test your history!"

People come and go at the gate of the Uchiha clan!

Xue Nai looked at the crowd who signed up excitedly, shouting loudly to maintain order.

Honglian, Anko and others were also pulled out one after another to carry out registration, inspection and other work together...

In terms of physical examination, a doctor from Konoha Hospital was hired. Not only the pre-pregnancy examination, but also the most stringent examination in terms of height, weight, and whether there are any scars on the body.

Its strictness is far beyond the flight attendant medical examination level in the previous life!

In terms of strength, Xia Yan personally checks it - except for him, no one has the ability to test the strength of Elite Jōnin!

"There are a lot of shams, but we have already accepted five people this morning!" Xue Nai wiped the sweat from her forehead, and looked at the endless crowd with joy on her face: "The Uchiha clan is going to grow again!"

The pretentiousness is mainly concentrated on strength.

In addition to some people who hold the mentality of 'maybe they can get in', there are many ninja villages in small countries who are far from being promoted to Elite Jōnin in order to maintain their reputation. They also arrange the position of Elite Jōnin .

After such a person took a fancy to Uchiha's conditions, [re-receptions flooded over - unfortunately they were all unqualified.

Moreover, as Uchiha's "seeking a son with a lot of money" spread throughout the ninja world, some unscrupulous small country ninja villages will sell them with the title of Elite Jōnin to make profits.

Uchiha obviously won't accept this kind of falsehood, Xia Yan's review is extraordinarily strict

After all, from the current point of view, high-quality women in the entire ninja world are gathering for Uchiha!

Naturally, it is more important to choose the best!

For seven days in a row, the Uchiha family has been working hard to sign up for a child with a lot of money.

It wasn't until seven days later that foot traffic started to slow down...

But even so, Xia Yan has taken in a total of twenty-five new wives and concubines!

Although he originally had many wives and concubines, but the strength of Elite Jōnin did not add up to more than ten!

This time, the number of top ninjas doubled directly!

"This is the reputation of the number one ninja...but the most important thing is the cooperation of the major countries!" Xia Yan saw at a glance the reason why his plan of "a lot of money to seek a child" went smoothly.

Among the five major countries in the ninja world, the female ninja who Konoha is willing to marry has already come to Uchiha.

So this time it is mainly the four major powers who contribute!

Among them, Sand Shinobi Village produced six Elite Jōnin!

You must know that Elite Jōnin itself is the top of the high-level of Ninja Village, and is already in the ninja's political system, the highest level under the shadow.

Although Danzo, Chiyo, Ringo and others have Kage-level strength, the title of the village is still Elite Jōnin!

At most, they have one more title of 'Elder'...

Sand Shinobi Village itself takes the route of elite soldiers. The number of ninjas is far less than that of Konoha, but they still have so many female ninjas......

Obviously Luo Sha played a key role!

It can even be said that they searched for all the upper-class women in Sand Shinobi, and took all the beautiful Elite Jōnin in one pot!

Without Luosha's prestige to overwhelm others, those female ninjas might not necessarily marry into the Uchiha clan—although Uchiha has shown great sincerity, but every Jing Jōnin is a member of each major ninja village High level!

Normally, even if 10,000 Genin are arranged to be sacrificed, they will not be sacrificed!

It was Luo Sha's daughter Temari who played a leading role, coupled with Luo Sha's supreme prestige, made Sand Shinobi Village work together to complete this move!

Luo Sha, you are a great hero!

The angry Ye Cang jumped his feet, yelling at Luo Sha as a traitor, calling it a treasonous act of "measuring Sand Shinobi's manpower, making Xia Yan's favor", almost forcibly breaking free from the control of Impure World Reincarnation, and going to assassinate Luo Sha!

And Wu Ninja Village also has five female ninjas—similar to Luo Sha's situation, and this is also a performance accomplished by the cooperation of a shadow.

Terumi Mei's prestige in the village is not bad, and she has the gender advantage of being naturally easy to get the support of female ninjas, so she has completed such a number.

You must know that there are too many internal strife in Mist Shinobi Village. Although they don’t follow the elite policy of Sand Shinobi Village, there are many people who can’t stand them and die!

In terms of the number of ninjas alone, they are still under Sand Shinobi Village!

That is to say, if more people die, the ninjas who survive will be stronger, and the probability of being an elite is very high, otherwise, Mist Ninja Village may not be able to gather this number of people!

But Rock Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village are not so good. Although Third Tsuchikage Onogi tried hard to use means, Killer Bee also wasted a lot of energy.

But even if they were to lose their prestige, in the end there would only be six Elite Jōnin ninjas...

As for the rest, there are more female ninjas from Xiaoguo Ninja Village, and some wandering ninjas who are tired of the chaos in the ninja world and have taken a fancy to the stability of the Uchiha clan.

Although their strength is poor, their talents and bloodlines are not comparable to the ninjas of the Four Great Nations.

But after all, there is a number advantage, and because of the bumpy life, it is easier to be attracted by the generous conditions offered by Uchiha.

"This wave, I'm afraid it sucked up the entire ninja world?" Xia Yan looked at the dense list, his heart skipped a beat.

The masters here are almost as good as the strongest ninja village in the Jōnin world!

Of course, in order to obtain these female ninjas, Xia Yan also made some improvements in the "task rewards" - female ninjas are also human beings, they must like rights, advocate force, and be full of ambitions.

The Uchiha family's large family property needs countless housekeepers. If you want rights, you can manage things and operate them.

Uchiha's fame can also be lent to your family to protect the safety of your people!

Xia Yan even said that he would personally teach his wives and concubines to practice, donate the highest level of cultivation resources, and choose without skills!

Compared with the previous reward of "seeking a child with a lot of money", Xia Yan did not increase the money, but increased countless benefits......

Without this reward, how could he attract so many female ninjas?

Of course, there must be many female Elite Jōnin in the ninja world who did not join Uchiha. After all, female ninjas at the Elite Jōnin level will get a lot of wealth and power if they are placed there. The only difference is more and less, safety and danger.

The female ninja who longs for freedom will naturally not willingly walk into Uchiha's golden cage.

But apart from these people, I am afraid that all high-quality women in the entire ninja world have been collected by him...

A wave of fat!

"We have to let them play a role quickly!" Xia Yan's eyes showed the pattern of Mangekyō; "It seems that I need to work hard recently!"

For the women, Xia Yan still has a caring attitude as always.

Although it is not a bad idea to sleep together, but at least give everyone a separate ceremony, which is the minimum respect he has for women.

There are more than twenty newlyweds, even if they become grooms every day and change brides every night, they will not be able to marry all of them until the next month.

During this period of time, Xia Yan was extremely tired - not only the work every night, but also the fatigue of being a groom during the day!

Anyone who has ever been married knows that there are many things on the day of the newlyweds!

Xia Yan doesn't treat people differently, of course, every wedding must go all out to create the brides' favorite ostentation!

So Uchiha is a big wedding day every day, with a big banquet, flowers on the ground, and a strong fragrance of flowers floating in the entire Uchiha resident, which lasts for a long time......

The Yamanaka family of flower sellers have made a lot of money!

But Konoha's ninjas were upset.

So many foreign women marry over...

Are you Konoha's Xia Yan, or a foreign son-in-law!

"々`Damn Xia Yan, does he regard himself as a Konoha Shinobi?" Utatane Koharu looked furious: "There are so many foreign ninjas in the Uchiha clan, he is not afraid


"Yeah, how can a Konoha Shinobi marry a foreign country!" Mito Yanmen also said angrily: "What is he trying to do? Betray the village?"

"Tsunade, as Hokage, shouldn't you order him to cut back on those out-of-village girls?"

Tsunade glanced at the two elders: "There is a precedent for Konoha Shinobi and foreign marriages, and I will not blame Xia Yan for this reason."

"Who is married to a foreign village?" Mito snorted coldly: "We Konoha Shinobi don't have such a person!"

In fact, before Naruto's generation, the ninjas of Sleepy Leaf did not marry ninjas from other ninja villages.

Similarly, other ninja villages have never married women who are not from their own village......

After all, conflicts often broke out in the ninja world, not to mention the conflicts in daily missions. A ninja world war every ten years is enough to make the ninjas of the major countries directly full of blood feuds.

Maybe the woman you married, her father died in your hands?

Just ask if you dare to sleep with such a woman!

However, Tsunade just said calmly: "My grandfather married a ninja from another village, do you have any objections?"

Mito Yanmen opened his mouth wide, but he couldn’t open it—yes, Uzumaki Mito married by First Hokage, isn’t he the female ninja of Uzumaki Ninja Village in Uzumaki?

She opened her mouth and finally said.

"That one is different!"

Yes, it is indeed different.

The Uzumaki clan is an allied ninja clan of the Senju clan, allies of the Yuan Tie Zhu!

And when Uzumaki Mito married in, the concept of Rennin Village hadn't been formed yet!

(Wang Zhaohao) But Senju Hashirama is indeed married to a foreign village girl.

With a broad heart, he welcomes all people who come to Konoha, whether they are civilians or ninjas, whether they are enemies who have just laid down their swords, or allies who have a good relationship.

Marry a ninja from an enemy village?

How good it is!

Clearly it is the first step towards peace!

Come, let's give up hatred and embrace peace together!

If this kind of marriage can be expanded, maybe the ninja world will be peaceful!

Senju Hashirama is holding this mentality, and of course he will not set any legal constraints on the marriage of ninjas in Konoha Village.

Although Second Hokage was not as naive as First Hokage, he did not limit his vision to a single village, nor did he legislate against it.

Third Hokage's words...nearly.

In his era, hatred among the major ninja villages had already formed, and it didn't matter whether there were laws or not. Anyway, they would not marry women from other villages.

So Xia Yan's actions are completely legal!

The two advisors opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

In the end, Utatane Koharu, as a woman, found a reason from a woman's point of view.

"Tsunade, you are married to him, and he still randomly accepts wives and concubines... Does this insult Hokage's prestige? Ninjas need to maintain Hokage's majesty!" Utatane Koharu said with a sad face: "How do you Can you let him be so reckless?"

"You just love your own man and hug other women every day?"

Tsunade twitched, his face darkened.

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