Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 187 Xiao, All Out! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 187 Xiao, all dispatched! (Please subscribe!)

It's not just a breakthrough in medicine developed by Orochimaru, actually.

Xia Yan's research on resurrection ninjutsu has also made a certain breakthrough!

Of course, it is not the completion of resurrection ninjutsu, but in the aspect of xianjutsu.

Whether it is the outsider Rinne Tensei Technique or the reincarnation of oneself, one needs to give one's own life.

Xia Yan didn't know the reason at the beginning, but he found out as he researched slowly.

——The essence of the two kinds of ninjutsu is to use one's own soul in exchange for power, replace the soul of the resurrected person from the underworld, and perform a unique repair!

Then you can be revived!

Although the reincarnation of one's own life can only be exchanged for one, or one for two.

And Rinne Tensei Technique can be exchanged for one thousand, one for ten thousand...

But there is no real difference!

This makes it difficult for Xia Yan to do it—after all, he can't really exchange his life for Mikoto and the others!

"Do we have to wait until Nagato is brainwashed by Naruto to take advantage of Nagato? But Naruto, who runs to the club every day, can still talk about Nagato?" Xia Yan touched his chin.

Akatsuki has already started to act, and it is estimated that he will attack Naruto soon.

Naruto hasn't even learned the art of immortality yet, how can he perceive and influence Nagato?

This is an option with a low probability, Xia Pang is not willing to bet his woman's life on the power of Zuidun.

But when it comes to fairy art, Xia Yan thought of another kind...

It's half a species.

But it also belongs to the way of resurrecting people - the talisman of immortals!

This is the supreme treasure belonging to Mount Myōboku. The Immortal Talisman contains pure celestial art Chakra, which can revive people who are not completely dead. Sage of Six Paths used the Immortal Talisman to revive his younger brother Ōtsutsuki Hamura.

Although it is just a person who is 'not completely dead', does Impure World Reincarnation count as this kind of 'not completely dead' person?

Xia Yan thought he could give it a try.

Flying Thunder God Kunai also gave Sasuke a hand, and he easily contacted Jiraiya.

After adding one billion yuan to the master-student duo to lose contact, Jiraiya happily brought Xia Yan to Mount Myōboku, took him to see the toad on Mount Myōboku, and browsed the magic of Mount Myōboku Knowledge.

The toads don't mean to be self-preserving. I don't know if Jiraiya has enough face, or Xia Yan's reputation as the "No. 1 Ninja World" is loud enough.

Anyway, nothing happened to Xia Yan, and he got what he wanted—the knowledge of the manufacturing method and construction principle of the talisman of immortality inherited from the Toad Kingdom.

"Sure enough, as I thought, this talisman of immortality also seems to have the effect of repairing the soul..."

"In fact, repairing the soul is only a part of the function of the fairy magic talisman. Such a huge natural energy can achieve a nearly omnipotent effect!"

"Repair the soul, heal the body, restore physical strength..."

No wonder the Great Toad Sage called this talisman a 'treasure handed down from the Toad Kingdom', which was 'created by the ancestors with all their efforts'.

Not only is it not exaggerated, but it may be said to be small!

"It is estimated that each fairy talisman is a treasure that countless fairy toads contributed to the natural energy and spent a lot of time~"!"

But Xia Yan smiled instead.

natural energy

He has no shortage!

Although Toad's natural energy is powerful, he is obviously better than the opponent!

With Xia Yan's huge energy reserves, it is much easier to create a fairy charm than the toads!

Xia Yan immediately started researching and learning about this object.

He belongs to stand on the shoulders of the two giants, 'Amulet of Immortal Art' and 'Impure World Reincarnation', so the speed of learning is naturally amazing.

Although the difficulty has not yet been overcome, but with the sealing technique, he has mastered the knowledge of "preserving the fairy chakra in the talisman, which can be extracted when he intends to".

In other words, it is a kind of 'Hundred Healings Mark' that anyone can use!

Can forcibly use the more powerful magic Chakra when the user has not learned magic...

Xia Yan immediately made some, and handed them over to the core wives and concubines as a trump card———Although he gave the wives and concubines the Flying Thunder God mark, Lian Xiao started to act ahead of time. Who knows if the Tsutsuki clan will also act in advance ?

Just in case, there is always nothing wrong.

On the other hand, I further arranged for the avatar to start research, and strive to solve the resurrection problem as quickly as possible.

"Two thousand is not enough, let's add another two thousand...... No, three thousand is enough, let's make up five thousand!"

And at the same time.

Akatsuki's internal meeting.

"Boss, the seal is successful, so what shall we do next?" Kakuzu frowned: "There is a lot of movement in Rock Shinobi Village now, and it has affected my daily bounty hunting."

"Should we solve this problem once and for all?"

"That's right, Kakuzu won't take me to preach!" Hidan nodded repeatedly.

Itachi, Kisame, Scorpion and others all looked at Nagato.

Although Rock Shinobi can't beat them one-on-one, those guys who keep making trouble for themselves are really annoying!

Especially if there are some masters nearby, they will immediately huddle and procrastinate, and it won't be long before Onoki will come from the sky...

Itachi was caught by Onoki once, and after a fight, he finally dragged Onoki back with illusion, and then retreated safely with Kisame.

Deidara from Rock Shinobi hesitated to speak.

He knew what Akatsuki meant by "complete solution"—that is, to directly destroy Rock Shinobi Village!

"No, we don't do this kind of thing." Nagato said calmly: "Catching tail beasts is still the top priority.

"So which one to catch this time?" Kisame said with a smile: "The two ends of Cloud Shinobi Village?"

"No, we grab One Tail from Sand Shinobi Village." Nagato remained calm.

"Why?" Itachi frowned: "Luo Sha is a master who has fought against Xia Yan back and forth. Normally, the weak should be picked first, isn't it the best choice?"

"Because Luo Sha is a master who can fight against Xia Yan, so we have to attack him." Nagato paused, and said: "Otherwise, when they are fully alert, we will be in even more trouble!"

Jue also said beside him: "That's right, I heard that Tsunade directly accepted Nine Tails Jinchūriki as an apprentice, and even brought Nine Tails Jinchūriki directly into the Uchiha clan, and never let Jinchūriki leave... She should be on guard What about us!"

Saying that, everyone in Akatsuki looked at Itachi—they suspected that Itachi had betrayed Akatsuki's information, which led Tsunade to take this action!

After all, neither Luo Sha nor Terumi Mei thought that Akatsuki's goal was the Tailed Beast. Instead, they felt that Akatsuki's goal was to attack Rock Shinobi Village, only to start with the Star Beast.

Including Cloud Shinobi Village, countries even sent some aid, hinting vaguely——Come on, keep fighting Rock Shinobi, don’t be polite to me!

Only Konoha's Tsunade, who has "distinctive eyesight", decided that Akatsuki's target was a tailed beast, not only took precautions, but also contacted other ninja villages—although no one believed her!

Itachi's expression was flat, as if he didn't see their eyes.

But after all, everyone didn't have any evidence, and Itachi didn't reveal the slightest flaw, so he slowly withdrew his gaze.

Nagato stared deeply at Itachi for a while, and said: "Luo Sha and Terumi Mei didn't find out our purpose, but if we attack Cloud Shinobi again, as long as they are not stupid, they will definitely be able to guess our target."

"Once Jinchūriki are protected by them, it will become almost impossible to defeat a top ninja powerhouse and capture Jinchūriki!"

Akatsuki's ninjas usually act in groups of two. Besides wanting the members to monitor each other, there is also a reason to make sure Jinchūriki won't escape!

Capturing and killing enemies are two completely different levels of difficulty.

Although Jinchūriki is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, if he wants to restrain his opponent until he is half-dead, but not completely dead, he needs enough combat power to support him!

This is just a single Jinchūriki, if accompanied by a top ninja...

Hope is too slim!

Unless Nagato takes action himself, Akatsuki's members will not be able to do this if they don't hold the consciousness of the dead!

If you want to capture the other party, you naturally have to take advantage of the other party's vigilance and make a decisive move!

"`"I understand, but we still have to wait for the opportunity to find out if Jinchūriki is alone?" Itachi said calmly: "If Jinchūriki is not alone, it will be very easy to deal with.

"But now, whether it's One Tail or Six Tails, they all stay in the village obediently and don't go out..."

"Are we going to bide our time?"

Although Luo Sha and Terumi Mei didn’t believe Tsunade’s warning, they also tacitly didn’t let Jinchūriki go out——Anyway, in Nuo Daren Village, the missions completed by Jinchūriki are not bad.

Perhaps waiting for the opportunity is the best option?

"No! Rock Shinobi have delayed my work too much, I don't want to endure it!" Kakuzu shook his head without hesitation.

Hidan also said: "That's right, if this continues, what will happen to my missionary school?"

"It's true that (King Nuo's) can't be delayed..." Nagato pondered for a while.

Rock Shinobi is still very powerful. Although Akatsuki evacuated early, she will definitely stay for a long time. If Ohnoki discovers the lair of Rain Shinobi Village, it will implicate Rain Shinobi Village!

Nagato himself is not afraid of Onogi, but Rain Shinobi is no match for Rock Shinobi at all!

He doesn't want Rain Shinobi Village to be hurt too much. This is the country where his feelings with Mi Yan and Konan are entrusted...

"Let's see if we can use some means to lure One Tail and Six Tails out." Nagato pondered for a while.

"What if they can't be lured out?" Scorpion said, "In this situation, they should be safe and won't let the tailed beast go out so easily!"

Nagato said coldly: "If you can't attract a tail beast, you can also attract Luo Sha or Terumi Mei......"

"I don't believe they can sit back and watch their villages be attacked instead of chasing the enemy!"

Everyone was silent.

This is indeed a good way.

But the problem is that Luo Sha and Terumi Mei are too strong, and those who lure them as bait may be in danger...

"After all, this time we are facing these two top experts, so we should pay more attention..." Nagato also understood everyone's thoughts, paused, and said: "Four people, go to deal with One Tail and One Tail respectively. Six Tails."

"This time we know we will all be dispatched!"

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