Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter One Hundred And Ninety-Seven: You Sell Your Father Hinata! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 197 Ya Selling Dad Hinata! (Please subscribe!)

Many Hyuga ninjas were shocked by the sudden change.

They stared blankly at the young man who was strolling in the middle of the banquet hall.

There is still a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes are soft.

But no matter what he said just now, or the enchantment surrounding the main house of the Hyuga clan, it fully proves that my ears heard correctly!

"Neji, what are you doing?!" Hiashi was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but said, "This is an important priest of our Hyuga clan!"

"Of course, in this important ancestor worship activity, the great revival of the Hyuga clan has been completed." Neji smiled and said with a calm expression: "Compared with the withered Uchiha, I think Hyuga's revival must be much simpler than Uchiha ..."

"Master Hiashi, I'm just paying for the branch house."

He stepped forward, his eyes were firm, and his tone was filled with righteous indignation: "For many years, the Zong family has oppressed our branch house and ordered the branch house to die, but the benefits are all from the Zong family..."

"It's okay to use the secret technique to guard against us, and use Curse Mark: Caged Bird on your relatives..."

"I have seen all the clans in the ninja world, and I have never seen anyone who treats their relatives like this!"

He glanced slowly over the clan ninjas present, and said softly: "Our branch house just wants to pay for justice."

More than a dozen branch house Jōnin got up slowly and stood behind Neji.

Pairs of white eyes, full of determination.

"Are you planning to rebel?!" Hiashi realized this, his complexion changed drastically: "Stop it Neji, rebellion will not end well!"

He just wanted to persuade a few words, but saw the elder of the Zong family standing up.

"Damn branch house, have you forgotten your mission?" The elder looked disdainful: "Still thinking about rebellion?"04

"I think the patriarch is too gentle with you!"

As he spoke, his expression became serious, and he made a seal.

Seal of the Caged Bird!

"Wait, Great Elder, the matter is not yet—" Hiashi's complexion changed [and he spoke quickly.

It is impossible for the Hyuga clan to rebel!

No one can escape the control of Caged Bird!

Once the rebellion...

Just die!

Hyuga Hiashi subconsciously wants to block the action of the Great Elder, and the others don't care, Neji is his younger brother's own son!

He didn't want to give up the throne of his dead brother's child, who also died in the turmoil in the clan!

However, he didn't wait for him to stop it.

Seeing that the Great Elder's complexion changed drastically, he exclaimed: "What's going on?! Why haven't you guys had an attack yet?"

Hearing this, Neji smiled slightly.

The branch house Jōnins behind him also all smiled.

They slowly stretched out their hands, and slowly eased off the forehead protector tied to their foreheads.

Obviously it was only a very light piece of iron, but in their hands, it seemed as if they were letting go of some heavy burden, and the movements were extremely slow...

Finally, a smooth forehead was revealed!

Caged Bird, gone?!

"You actually..." Hyuga Hiashi opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

There was even a hint of panic on the faces of the other sect ninjas.

Caged Bird actually disappeared?

It's impossible for so many people to avoid the Caged Bird engraving since childhood, so...

They, cracked the Caged Bird?!

The Zong family's expression changed dramatically, while the rest of the branch house ninjas subconsciously showed anticipation.

It turns out that we can also be used for freedom?

"Master Hiashi, don't think about it. If Caged Bird is still there, how dare we launch reforms?" Neji shook his head: "There has never been an invincible ninjutsu, only invincible people."

"As a ninja, shouldn't you understand this?"

"Caged Bird, it's not unhackable either!"

Hiashi gritted his teeth and said, "Is it Xia Yan?"

How old is Neji, even if he is a recognized genius in the clan, it is impossible to crack the Caged Bird - this thing is not at the same level as the normal sealing technique!

Neither will other ninjas, although it feels unlikely, but the Hyuga family has always banned branch house ninjas from touching the sealing technique, fearing that they will break the shackles of Caged Bird.

If you find one, kill it immediately!

Never show mercy!

So the ninjas behind Neji probably don't know how to crack Caged Bird, so the rest may be...

"Xia Yan, he actually wants to meddle in our Hyuga's housework?"

Hyuga Hiashi squeezed out these words from between his teeth, but his eyes were full of pressure.

That's the number one ninja!

If he shoots Hyuga

The results don't need to be considered at all!

However, Neji shook his head: "No, although Master Xia Yan helped us untie the Caged Bird, he will not directly intervene in Hyuga's internal affairs... Even the enchantment surrounding the main house, I have always been there. It was exchanged by other people."

"You don't have to worry about Master Xia Yan making a move."

Yes, Xia Yan won't make a move!

Even the "Four Purple Flame Formation" was bought by Neji from Yakushi Kabuto at his own expense, and then let the Jōnins in the branch house practice quickly.

Hearing Neji's words, Zongjia's expression relaxed a little.

The pressure brought by the No. 1 person in the ninja world is really too great, even an ancient family like the Hyuga clan cannot bear his palm.

It's fine if Xia Yan doesn't make a move!

It's fine if you don't shoot!

Hyuga Hiashi also breathed a sigh of relief, and stood up: "Neji, since Xia Yan doesn't plan to make a move, what chance do you have of winning?"

"The Zong family, it's not just a sneak attack on the branch house, it can be solved!"

The voice fell.

The clan's ninjas all stood behind Hiashi.

Although many times Neji and other branch house ninjas despise the clan for getting something for nothing, and their attitude of not treating the branch house as a human being.

But I have to say that there are far more elites in the Zongjia than in the Branch House!

This is normal!

Although the Zong family received few life and death experiences, they have a lot of resources!

Many Hyuga secrets are kept secret from the branch house, but they can be freely learned by the branch house.

Such as Revolving Heaven......

No matter how much the Hyuga branch house ninja pays, the difficulty of becoming stronger is much higher than that of the branch house!

Although Neji called a large number of branch house masters, many members of the branch house did not rush back from the field.

But the number of masters in the sect here is still more than double that of the branch house!

not to mention..………

"Do you guys want to rebel like them?" The elder yelled at the bewildered branch house ninjas in the distance: "Have you forgotten the mission of the branch house?"

"Following a traitor like Neji is an unforgivable crime! There is only one way to die!"

Not all the ninjas in the branch house hope to rebel against the clan. Many of them belong to the clan's lackeys, as if they have Stockholm syndrome.

Neji didn't even pull them in front of Xia Yan to help them untie the Caged Bird!

Because otherwise, it cannot be kept secret!

But also because of this, they now have the advantage of the clan on the one hand, and the suppression of the Caged Bird on the other...

As a result, those branch houses with dazed faces opened their mouths and hesitated, but in the end, except for two people who gritted their teeth and stood behind Neji cruelly, everyone else obediently stood by the branch house's side!

The gap in the number of people between the two sides has been directly widened, and now it has been fully five times!

In terms of strength, considering that the sect masters all the secret arts that the branch house does not understand, there may be a tenfold difference!

"Do you understand, Neji?" Hiashi sighed softly, "Sit down and break the barrier."

"Now, for Xia Yan's sake, I can still save your life..."

"It is meaningless to resist the clan, this is the end of your doomed failure!"

However, a voice sounded softly.

"No, nothing is predetermined."


Under Hyuga Hiashi's dumbfounded gaze, Hinata slowly got up and stood beside Neji.

Her face was firm, and she couldn't see the timid look at all, but was full of seriousness.

"Father, please stop, give up the position of patriarch, and I can guarantee the safety of your lives for brother Neji.

"Hinata?!" Hyuga Hiashi was stunned, he couldn't figure out why his timid daughter would stand by the branch house at such a time.

He said with a look of disbelief: "Hinata, why did you—"

"Father, I don't want to see Hanabi suffer like Brother Neji, and..." She paused, her pretty face flushed slightly, but she still said firmly: "Hyuga's rules are too rotten, you should Keep up with the times!"

For example, the bullshit regulations that only allow internal marriages should have been changed a long time ago!

Hyuga Hiashi looked blank, he knew the relationship between Hinata and Hanabi, but this alone should not be enough to make such a rebel against himself!


Now the branch house is obviously in a bad situation, how do you stand over it at this time?

But it has to be said that the fact that the Zong family's prostitute directly defected has deeply touched the hearts of the Zong family's ninjas.

She actually betrayed her own class and her own interests

This has caused countless ninjas to ask themselves --- did we really do something wrong? We put Caged Bird on the branch house just to protect Yuyan from leaking out!

Not all clans are like Hyuga Riming, who regard branch houses as servants and slaves.

Generally, the more generous a person is, the stronger his strength will be.

10 acts, hearts.

Although you can't change the general trend, you can change people's hearts!

"Master Patriarch, since the branch house dares to rebel, it should be dealt with quickly!" The elder said without hesitation, "Please order, "Master Patriarch, we will deal with this group of rebels immediately!"

Hiashi was a little hesitant. Although he also took the position of the clan, he was relatively mild.

The death of his younger brother made him feel pity for the branch house.

And now my younger brother's son is standing there, and my own daughter is also standing there...

This made him hesitate.

Seeing this, the Great Elder simply stepped over Hiashi and ordered: "The people of the clan obey the order and wipe out the traitors in front of us!"

Hiashi's prestige is not enough. Back then he forced Hizashi to replace Hiashi, but now...

You can also replace Hiashi and order to destroy the enemy!

"Yes!" The master of the clan who didn't regard the branch house as a human being took the order without hesitation, with veins in his eyes popping up, he rushed over immediately.

The other masters of the sect also hesitated, and also opened their eyes.

After all, the family in front of me is great, and the branch house can't resist at all

Let's plead with the patriarch after defeating the opponent!

However, just as they took a step, their expressions changed!

The Chakra in the body was disordered for a while, and even involuntarily withdrew from the state of white eyes, which is...

"You actually poisoned?!" the Great Elder exclaimed, he also felt Chakra's disorder.

"How is it possible!" He looked puzzled: "This is the territory of the Zong family, how did you poison - Lian and others!"

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the only member of the clan standing beside the branch house.

Hyuga Hiashi also stared dumbfounded at the 'sensible daughter' who volunteered to be in charge of the banquet food.

"Hinata, you..."

"Father, Brother Neji doesn't intend to start a massacre. The people in the branch house just want to get a trivial amount of freedom. The branch house and the main family can live in peace. We can clearly be united!"

Hinata yelled the standard line of "Ya sell dad", with a holy light on his face.

I just silently added a sentence in my heart.

"In this way, I can also be with brother Xia Yan..."

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