Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 229 ŌTsutsuki Is Coming! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 229 Ōtsutsuki is coming! (Please subscribe!)

The adult Sasuke froze slightly, looking at Naruto with an extremely strange expression.

Naruto in this world is really different from his own world, quite legendary.

Of course, Naruto doesn't just invite someone to the club when he meets him.

Although he didn't know the relationship between Boruto and himself, the feeling of heart-to-heart, similarity of mind and similar personality made him have a special affection for Boruto when he first met.

Ordinary people would not invite him!

"Boruto, I don't think we should go." Adult Sasuke subconsciously persuaded: "A real ninja doesn't need to go to that kind of place... You should learn from me

But before he could open his mouth, he saw Sasuke, a boy next to him, saw him and said with a smile, "Oh, bro, you're back."

"It's just right, let's go, let's go wash your feet ~ let's go!"

Adult Sasuke almost spit out a mouthful of old blood-hey hey hey, you're-me, don't you want to go too?

Let's forget about that unreliable Naruto, you are my past!

What are you doing for fun!

Of course, he didn't understand that the boy Sasuke actually didn't invite everyone.

He also felt a sense of like-mindedness from the adult Sasuke, so he generously made the invitation!

This is their kindness!

"Well, we still won't go." Adult Sasuke coughed: "That kind of place is actually not interesting."

"Hey, uncle, aren't you still a kid?" Naruto raised his eyes and said with dissatisfaction: "Or do you think Uchiha clubhouse is just another cheap shop?"

Junior Sasuke also said: "Brother, don't worry, the brand of my Uchiha family is guaranteed, and every man who has experienced it in the past is very satisfied."

"Master Ming will pay the bill for tonight's consumption, so don't be polite to him!"

Naruto curled his lips, but he didn't say anything - anyway, he had all the VIP cards given by Xia Yan in the Uchiha club, and the money in it was never used up.

"That's not what I mean, I think Boruto's age is..." The adult Sasuke pondered for a while, and found out the reason

"What's the matter!" Sasuke said bluntly, "I went shopping when I was eight years old.

"Yeah, he took me there." Naruto nodded again and again, and said: "Don't worry, I'll get some vegetarian for Boruto."

Adult Sasuke: 11

So what happened to the world?

What the hell did you go to when you were eight!

He also tried his best to find an excuse to let his disciples avoid the poison of these two.

But Boruto couldn't help but said: "Let's go together!"

"I really want to see what it's like inside!"


He lowered his voice next to the adult Sasuke's ear: "Don't we want to protect Dad, so we have to stay near Dad all the time so that we can respond in time to any possible Otsuki-style attacks!"

"Uncle Sasuke, although I don't know where the clubhouse is, but as a ninja, how can you not take the best course of action because of a small problem for the mission?"

Adult Sasuke opened his mouth, unable to speak.

As a ninja, missions are paramount.

Not to mention going to the club, even if you are asked to drill a dog hole, lie down in the latrine, or even do more unimaginable things, you must accept it!

Although when it comes to the actual situation, the ninjas will not be so extreme.

But as Boruto's teacher, the education on the surface must be based on the ninja code as the standard!

It's really hard for him to say no to it!

"Okay, I got it." Adult Sasuke sighed softly, "Then let's go..."

I will take responsibility and look after you.

Uchiha clubhouse.

Boys Sasuke and Naruto skillfully took out their own transformation templates, and carefully told Boruto to become an adult too.

Although I don't quite understand why, but as Naruto's own son, Boruto has also practiced seduction to a very high level.

The essence of seduction technique is Transformation Technique.

This little problem is nothing to worry about!

It's just that when he just entered the gate, he was a little dazed when he saw the welcoming lady saying "Welcome" respectfully.

This seems to be what I thought...

Not the same?

When the teenagers Sasuke and Naruto greeted the manager skillfully and ordered today's set menu with ease, the adult Sasuke was also stunned.

So skilled, how many times have you come here?

Then the two future guests, just like this, were coerced by the boys Sasuke and Naruto, entered the private room, opened the table, and the waiter came...

They had a dumb face the whole time—we are not familiar with this thing!

But a moment later...

A strange expression appeared on Boruto's face.

No wonder boy Sasuke and Naruto love this place so much, it's really good!

After all, men!

As for the grown-up Sasuke, his expression also changed a little bit. Although he is already an adult and his daughter has been born, he is naturally not ignorant of these things like Boruto.

But the question is, is this on the same level as Little Sakura?

Although little Sakura is nicknamed "Sakura whore" by many people, but I have to admit that little Sakura really loves her, and the relationship lasts from the beginning to the end, and there is no possibility of a second man getting involved.

Such a woman is very good emotionally.

But at the same time, there is no experience at all, so it is naturally incomprehensible.

You can't have it both ways.

Nature is far better than here!

"Maybe after we go back, we can let her..." adult Sasuke thought for a while, and suddenly saw a woman walking towards Boruto, and said hastily.

"He doesn't need this, you come here too!"

Boruto: "!!!"

He stared at his master with wide eyes.

Adult Sasuke returned with a firm look, saying: Everything here is empty, and the water inside is very deep, I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp it, child!

But as a teacher, you are an adult, and you can grasp it as a teacher!

Leave it to the teacher here!

However at this time.

"What, Uncle, you seem to be cold, but in reality you are full of coquettishness!"

"That's right, if there's anything to grab, manager, call my brother ten more!"

Boys Sasuke and Naruto spoke one after another.

Soon, the newcomer arrives.

Surround the adult Sasuke, and let him fall into the encirclement, unable to escape at all.

Of course, the same amount was given to Boruto.

This is called fair treatment, never owe anyone!

The middle pass is not worth mentioning.

Anyway, when a few people walked out of the gate.

Both Boruto and adult Sasuke's feet are soft!

But there was a happy smile on his face, and he felt light all over.

"Is this the life of an adult...... I can't even imagine it!" Boruto sighed deeply.

Adult Sasuke glanced at his disciple.

No, you are wrong.

How can a normal adult be like this?


“What a horrible place!”

Adult Sasuke forgot to glance at the plaque behind, and took a deep breath.

He was already drawn by Ōtsutsuki Urashiki to Chakra, and now he looks a little weaker!

It is too much consumption!

And Naruto and the boy Sasuke looked relaxed.

Especially Naruto!

The word "freedom" was written all over his face.

"Brother Xia Yan is really reliable!" Naruto said happily: "Although I can't go out of the village, as long as Brother Xia Yan drags my mother a few more times, I can also get a moment of peace."


"Brother Xia Yan, work hard!"

Of course, Naruto actually knew what Xia Yan and Kushina were doing during the time he was with Boruto and the others.

After all, he is not really an ignorant boy like Boruto—although Boruto is not ignorant anymore.

But Naruto still looks open.

He may be dissatisfied with other people's words, but for Xia Yan...

"Daddy, I love you!"

"Father, you can stay with your mother today, you don't need to worry about your son!"

"Dad, I want some pocket money!"

That is to say, he is not short of money and lack of motivation.

Otherwise, the "Dad" may not be called out!

After all, in terms of face, he is much better than the reserved Sasuke!

Adult Sasuke is a serious ninja after all.

Before he recovered from his weak feet, he approached Xia Yan, Mikoto, and Uchiha Itachi, and took the initiative to disclose his information.

"You may have guessed it, that's right, I am Sasuke, and I came back here from the future... Although I really want to say this, but this place should have a parallel relationship with my time and space."

As soon as these words came out, the three of Xia Yan did not show any surprise.

Mikoto looked at the grown-up Sasuke and was full of relief———My son has grown up so much, it's great.

Uchiha Itachi no longer suppressed his gaze, and looked at the adult Sasuke generously, looking up and down, as if he was looking at a relative he had not seen for many years.

Of course, their eyes seemed to want to confirm other information.

For example, is Sasuke married, who is his wife, and whether he has children...

…… Ask for flowers………

The grown-up Sasuke looked a little flustered by this 'watch of a loved one'.

But he quickly got into a serious state, saying: "Since this is the case, I don't have to worry about the butterfly effect affecting the future."

"Then there are a few points I want to tell you..."

"Although I don't know if you are clear, but first of all you have to be careful of Akatsuki's organization. Nagato is not the leader of Akatsuki at all. Behind him is..."

Anyway, it is a parallel world, adult Sasuke is not afraid of any influence.

All the people present, except Xia Yan, who was seeing him for the first time, were all his relatives.

How could he watch his loved ones at risk!

From Uchiha Obito, the mastermind behind the Akatsuki organization, to Uchiha Madara, the real mastermind, to the sealed Kaguya, and her dispatch to Black Zetsu.

Then the future development of the major ninja villages, the people of the moon, and the people who will come to the earth one after another in the future Ōtsutsuki

He said it all over and over again!

The talk lasted for more than an hour, and it was all dry stuff. It belonged to the information that could only be obtained through desperate efforts in the battle. It can be seen how serious Sasuke is for the safety of Uchiha Itachi and Mikoto.

However, after the two listened, their first reaction was.

"You said there was a guy named Ōtsutsuki Urashiki who was your enemy?"

"Have you ever suffered at his hands?"


Adult Sasuke opens his mouth, is the point here?

Don't talk about other enemies, just say Ōtsutsuki Ura style.

Shouldn't your focus be on his goal of attacking Naruto who is carrying Nine Tails!

"The Ōtsutsuki family, I would like to see which one is better, Uchiha or Ōtsutsuki

Which one is weaker!" Uchiha Itachi showed the eternal Mangekyō in his eyes, and his voice was firm: "If you want to hurt my brother, you can only step over my dead body!"

Mikoto comforted Sasuke softly and said: "Don't worry, I will leave this place to your father Xia Yan. He is the strongest in the ninja world and will protect you."

"I'll protect you too.... I won't let you get hurt in the slightest."

Adult Sasuke:

He glanced at Xia Yan, who was ten years younger than him, and sighed helplessly.

Although he is a ninja, it is not impossible for him to endure humiliation.

But things like 'calling daddy' can only be done by Naruto.

As the pinnacle ninja in the ninja world, it is impossible for him to do such a thing!


"Don't underestimate me, I'm actually very strong." The adult Sasuke revealed his pupils.

One is Mangekyō, one is Rinnegan!

With a smile at the corner of his mouth and a relaxed expression on his face, he said with a smile: "If it weren't for my lack of Chakra, I might not have lost to Ōtsutsuki Urashiki!"

In fact, it is almost the same!

He was caught off guard by Ōtsutsuki Urashiki's miraculous moves, and he was hindered by the cute new Boruto next to him, which affected his performance.

Otherwise, I might not lose to Ōtsutsuki Urashiki!

However, the answer he got was.

Mikoto: "Insufficient Chakra? Sasuke, are you in poor health? Could it be that your future wife is too strong and made you foolish?"

"Is it because of your arm problem? Ask your father to treat you... Xia Yan, can you help Sasuke treat his hand, at worst, wait until later...

And Itachi said: "According to your description, you have fallen on his same method twice in a row. With your strength, it shouldn't be like this... that Ōtsutsuki's enemy

Humans should have some weird mysteries. "

"I'll go test him later and get the information so that when you fight him again, you will have an advantage."

Adult Sasuke: "..……..

I'm really not a child, don't look like this!

But Mikoto and Itachi didn't care about this, they discussed it on their own, and finally came up with the best way.

"Xia Yan."

"My lord father."

The two abandoned their morals, Mikoto's voice was sweet, and Itachi even called his father.

Can Xia Yan not respond?

So he coughed.

"I see, I'll take care of it... Hey, just in time, he's here."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked up.

next second!

A strange black cavity suddenly appeared in the sky!

A strange man with fair skin and white clothes suddenly appeared!

He was wearing clothes similar to a kimono, with a fishing rod pinned to his waist, and holding a red fishing rod in his hand...

Adult Sasuke's expression changed.

"Ōtsutsuki Ura style?!"


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