Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 278 Qingzhi Is Going Crazy, What Kind Of Ability Is This? (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 278 Qingzhi is going crazy, what kind of ability is this? (Please subscribe!)

"Ah la la la, I have finally caught up... so in a hurry, it is a bit contrary to my 'lazy justice' style!"

Qingzhi was wearing a white suit vest, a dark blue shirt, and an Admiral cloak, with a lingering demeanor and a slight emotion.

It's just that the bicycle under your feet looks a bit nondescript.

"Admiral is young!" Nami's expression changed slightly.

"Oh, the little girl knows me too." Qingzhi smiled lazily: "Famous people are really distressing, you can see people who know me everywhere, I originally wanted to be lazy in East Blue ,who knows

"Hey, I don't even want to be lazy.

After speaking, his expression was serious.

"Xia Yan, right? Can you please come with me?"

"It seems that you are here to attack me..." Xia Yan smiled slightly: "I also think that Marine should react a little bit, the world government is such a big force

It can't be silent at all..."

"It's just that I don't seem to see anyone else... just you?"

Xia Yan is not a fool, of course he knows that if he kills the Celestial Dragons, he will definitely attract the attention of the World government.

With a reward of 4 billion, Marine will go all out.

Even Marine just came here at this time, but it was beyond his expectation——so slow, it's only now, the bureaucrats of the World government are really incompetent!

It's just that he looked left and right, and even performed 'Bakudō 58. Slap the toe and chase the bird', and only found such a person.

"The boss asked me to bring some people, but it doesn't make much sense." Qingzhi curled her lips: "Instead of letting those little guys sacrifice, it's better for me to come alone.

Of course, Five Elders did not give up their youthful thoughts, even if it was just a test, they did not intend to sacrifice a Marine Admiral.

In their plan, Qing Zhi should bring a large number of warships, summon the senior generals of East Blue, and besiege Xia Yan together.

In the end, even if Hancock also shot together, Qingzhi could use his subordinates as cannon fodder and get away easily by himself.

It's just that he completely ignored this order and came alone.

"Anyway, it's still a test, so I'll come by myself! Qing Zhi has a calm face.

"Exploring?" Xia Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately burst out laughing: "It seems that Celestial Dragons are really cowardly!"

Although he didn't know the inside story, he could roughly guess what was going on.

Celestial Dragons still want to fight a prepared battle...

Really cowardly!

"After all, he is a nobleman of the world. Unlike people like us, he cherishes his life." Qingya spread her hands.

Xia Yan curled his lips with contempt on his face.

Well, on decay or pirates. The nobles here are awesome.

In the world of Hokage, although Xia Yan mentions Third Hokage, he looks contemptuous, it is completely garbage in Hokage, waste in waste.

But compared with the nobles of the Pirate World, Third Hokage is considered a hero!

Although he has done a lot of benefits to his family overtly and secretly, even though he has killed many heroes.

But when Third Hokage was young, he really dared to work hard!

Even after aging and becoming rotten, when it comes time to really fight for life and death, you still dare to use your life to fight the enemy!

And relatively, even the Five Elders at the top of the human race, that's all...

The two of you said one sentence, and I said one sentence, and they actually scorned the corruption of the world's nobles.

In fact, Qingzhi was also full of enthusiasm for the future of Marine back then, and his concept of justice was "burning justice", and he pursued a style similar to Akainu, but not as cold as Akainu.

It wasn't until the Ohara incident 20 years ago that he became confused about the justice that Marine insisted on, and gradually became "lazy justice".

In fact, after so many years, Qingzhi has seen it very clearly——Marine is actually only acting to maintain the peace of the world government.

Most of the time, World government represents peace, justice, and order...

But that changes when it comes to the Celestial Dragons themselves.

The Ohara incident is a typical example!

The two chatted fieryly, all kinds of contempt for the World government.

If you don't look at his identity, he looks exactly like the melon-eating crowd in Xia Yan's previous life who ate barbecue and discussed the international situation.

On the contrary, Nami's face was always ugly.

That's childish!

Marine Admiral!

Marine's highest combat power!

He... is here to catch Xia Yan!

"What should I do? My village got Xia Yan's flag. If Xia Yan is captured by Qingzhi Admiral..."

Nami bit her lip tightly, turning her lips white.

In fact, from a certain point of view, it is a good thing for Xia Yan to be taken away by Qingzhi now.

After all, Xia Yan was defeated, and Nami naturally didn't need to fulfill the deal between the two parties, and could be free directly.

Cococia Village is a little troublesome, but as long as Xia Yan's flag is thrown away in time, Marine will not care about such trivial matters.


Nami was silent for a moment, looking at the frozen sea involuntarily.

The ship was frozen and it was difficult to move.

But if the ice thaws, with her seamanship

Maybe there is a chance to escape with Xia Yan?

"Oh, I accidentally said too much...don't report it to my superiors." Qingzhi smiled, and then her expression suddenly became serious: "Then we should do it now Get down to business!"

As soon as the words fell, endless chills emerged from his body.

Xia Yan smiled lightly: "Although it's Marine Admiral, do you think I can be arrested by myself?"

"You can give it a try!" Qing Zhi's eyes were solemn, with a bit of determination.

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

In the next second, he appeared beside Qingzhi.

He punched the past, with great force and heavy force.

The lightning flashes on his body, and he is rushing with lightning speed!

As if everything appeared in the blink of an eye!


Qingzhi's body was instantly shattered by him.

But in the next second, the shattered ice condensed into a human form again.

"The power of thunder... You are stimulating your body with lightning!" Qingzhi's eyes were sharp, and he saw through the essence of Xia Yan's Lightning Style Chakra armor almost instantly

Although I am very dissatisfied with Five Elders' orders in my heart.

But Qingzhi didn't intend to work without effort.

On the contrary, in order for Marine to sacrifice as few soldiers as possible in the next battle, he rushed here with the mentality of finding out Xia Yan's strength as much as possible!

"The power of thunder and lightning, could it be Thunder Fruit?" Qing Zhi secretly thought.

Xia Yan didn't care either, he chuckled: "Speaking of which, you seem to be here to see my details?"

"That's right." Qingzhi didn't hide her thoughts, anyway, if the two sides fight, the opponent will more or less end up.

However, he did not see Xia Yan's weird smile.

"Then you should take a good look."


Qingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and then saw that Zhenzhang suddenly formed seals with both hands.

"Fire Style·Extinguish Fire!"

Raging flames spewed out from his mouth!

Instantly formed a monstrous sea of ​​flames!

The surrounding air felt distorted instantly.

The ice layer on the ground has melted on a large scale!

"Flame?!" Qing Zhi's eyes twitched, and he waved his hand. "Frozen Time Capsule!"

The shock wave of cold air was thrown out from Qing Zhi's hand, confronting the intense heat wave.

All of a sudden, a lot of steam burst out!

Qingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and stretched out his hand to block the surging steam: "He didn't hesitate to use flames to destroy my ice layer...without my ice layer, how could he get along with me?" I hit?"

The ice layer that Qingzhi started with was not just for blocking ships.

It also provides a foothold for his battle!

After all, Devil Fruit's ability users can't swim, even if Admiral falls into the sea, he will be slaughtered by others.

He publicly created the ice layer to give Xia Yan a foothold, but Xia Yan started with a flame...

"Isn't Xia Yan a Devil Fruit ability user? But no matter whether he is a Devil Fruit ability user or not, it will be very troublesome for human beings without a foothold!"

"We're not murlocs who can breathe underwater—"

Just thinking about it in Qingzhi's heart, he was stunned the next second, his eyes widened.

Because he watched clearly, Xia Yan actually stepped on the turbulent water surface out of thin air, even rising and falling with the water surface, his body also rose and fell...

ask for flowers......

"What kind of ability is this?" Qing Zhui was a little dazed.

He doesn't know that this is just a standard ability that Chūnin and Jōnin basically have - treading water!

But he is very clear that this ability of not falling into the water is of great value to any Devil Fruit ability user!

Although in many cases, ability users use their fruit abilities to fight fiercely.

But any expert knows that Devil Fruit's "weak water" feature is an unavoidable weakness for every capable person!

The strong can only try their best to pay attention to this and avoid falling into the sea.

But it can't completely solve this weakness.....

But Xia Yan can step on the water, which is really...

"It's too early to be surprised." Xia Yan smiled slightly: "It's not over yet.

Continue to print.

Earth Style Turon Gun!

Qingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly looked towards the bottom of the sea.

next second!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless spears of rock shot out from the bottom of the sea like rain.

The immature ice layer was instantly destroyed.

He had to keep dodging and trying to create footholds under his feet.

"This time it's a rock!"

"Don't worry, there are more." Xia Yan smiled slightly.

Wind Style Vacuum Sphere!


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Invisible wind bombs like bullets are fired frequently.

While dodging, Qingzhi threw out an ice gun while staring at the boss.

However, in the next second, a water curtain rose out of thin air.

Water Style Water Barrier!

Qingzhi: "..."

How much ability does this have? What's the situation with this guy Xia Yan?

However, this is just the beginning.

Xia Yan opened his mouth slightly, and the acid mist gushed out.

——This is Boil Style.

He pointed at the earth, and layers appeared.

——This is Ice Escape.

The big hand here slapped a block of ice, and then threw it towards Qing Zhi, the ice block exploded like a bomb.

———— This is Explosion Style.

Then, various ninjutsu such as Lan Dun, Lava Style, Crystal Style, etc. were thrown out by Xia Yanxin at his fingertips. They were varied and never repeated.

Xia Yan has cleared the customs in the Hokage world!

Married more than 300 wives and concubines, and gave birth to 700 children!

Most of them are children with ratings of less than 200, which makes him almost everything in the Hokage world

Ninjutsu, all in the palm of your hand!

Now use it as you like, with all kinds of ninjutsu with unique abilities, and you will be so young that you will start to doubt your life!

"What kind of ability is this?" Qingzhi looked confused, and when he counted to the tenth ability, he couldn't keep counting.

what a joke!

There are many ways to use Devil Fruit, especially the fruit of Paramecia, which has a lot of weird ways to use it.

Take Robin's Flower-Flower Fruit, for example, who can grow ears to eavesdrop on messages.

It can grow a person just like itself and act as a bait.

You can play joint skills and attack enemies.

Can grow wings and fly for a short time......

But no matter what the performance is, in the final analysis, the ability of Flower-Flower Fruit is just to make any part of the user's body grow on any tangible thing like a flower.

Everything else is a different manifestation of this basic ability.

Qingzhi knows some scheming masters, in order to prevent their Devil Fruit abilities from being discovered by the enemy and target them, they will deliberately hide their abilities,

Construct a copy of other abilities that can be achieved by one's own ability, but are completely different in essence, as a cover.

Many times it will become an unexpected ambush by the enemy and successfully turn the tables.

Qingzhi also knows that Xia Yan's 'ability' seems to have many manifestations, and he came here to experience it for himself, so that he can see through his true ability thoroughly!

This is his task!

Five Elders also decided to use Qingzhi as a test because of Xia Yan's strange ability, and after discovering the opponent's true ability, they targeted to kill it!

But now...

"I'll go to your mother's mission!" Qingzhi was about to go crazy: "God knows what kind of ability this guy is! 11


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