Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 282 Vivi: I'm Going To Find Xia Yan! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 282 Vivi: I'm going to find Xia Yan! (Please subscribe!)

Hina now understands that Xia Yan is using those so-called 'villages' as hostages to force her not to commit suicide!

In fact, she had memorized Xia Yan's information a long time ago. Although he smashed Mariejois and took in the vicious pirates Doflamingo and Hancock, he himself has never committed any crimes other than smashing Mariejois...

This is actually a very miraculous thing in this era of great navigation.

After all, there are too many villains in this world, and even some seemingly righteous people actually have blood on their hands.

"He doesn't kill people indiscriminately, he just threatens me!" Ri Jail said angrily.


She dare not bet.

As a qualified Marine, she always puts the people first in her heart.

No matter how gentle Xia Yan behaves, he is still a criminal!

"Xia Yan, you bastard!" Hina gritted her teeth and asked.

"It's good that you know." Xia Yan smiled slightly.

In fact, just like what Hina thought, as long as others don't provoke him, he will not kill others at will.

Not just because he wasn't that murderous himself.

It is because, whether it is the Pirate World or the Hokage World, they will become his harem draft field in the future.

Everyone here may give birth to a girl worthy of him.

So why would he want to kill people indiscriminately?

But it doesn't prevent him from threatening Hina with this.

"I can't just spend a 'green' to buy the two of you, and turn around and waste it?" Xia Yan smiled slightly.

Hina's face was full of humiliation.

And at the same time.

Qingzhi's face was also full of humiliation.

He can move freely now, his body has roughly recuperated, and his ability has returned with Xia Yan's seal released.

The few officials around him couldn't stop him from committing suicide at all.

But now he can't kill himself!

"Hina and the others have already left with Xia Yan, why should I kill myself?" Qingzhi smiled wryly, clenching her teeth: "If I die now, it would be a naked waste!"

This is a fact!

Instead of looking for death, it is better to use this life on Xia Yan's next conquest!

"The World government will attack Xia Yan sooner or later, and I can still rescue Hina and the others!" Qingzhi gritted her teeth, and took the initiative to find the World government official next to her: "Give me a phone bug, I want to contact Marshal Sengoku! "

"There are also Five Elders, I want to reward Xia Yan's ability and let them be there!"

Just Admiral, actually commanding the Five Elders directly.

But Qing Zhi was humiliated at this time, wishing Xia Yan would appear in front of him now, and then let himself fight to the death with this powerful enemy, naturally he would no longer care about his superiors.

Marshal Sengoku has done some practical things anyway, which is worthy of respect.

And the Celestial Dragons...

"Love to listen, don't listen! Don't think I don't know that you sent Hina and the others there!" Gentle and young, with a very hot temper.

But the more he looked like this, the more officials of the World government dared not touch his whiskers, and quickly completed the task assigned by him.

Five Elders, Sengoku, CPO, Garp and other top experts came to the phone bug one after another, listening to Qingzhi's report.

However, although Qingzhi's tone was not kind, she did not hold back the details of the battle.

From the first evasion technique, to the later seal, and the strange ability to step on the water, and the details of where he is not stingy at all...

Five Elders, Sengoku and others listened, frowning.

"There are so many abilities?" Sengoku's eyebrows twitched: "Is this not Devil Fruit's ability?"

"He should not be a Devil Fruit capable person." The chief staff officer Crane also said: "A capable person will never destroy his foothold at will in battle, even if he can step on the water."

After all, it is the weakness of capable people, and any expert knows that the more rigorous the prevention of weaknesses, the better!

"It's not a special race." The sword-wielding old man, one of the Five Elders, analyzed: "The races recorded by the World Government don't have so many abilities.

Akainu also said seriously: "This strength is also very troublesome. Qingzhi said that he can mobilize the power of the sea, so it is best not to fight with him on the sea.

"The ability to seal the ability user is also very tricky." Even Garp said: "Qingzhi was unsealed by him, but what if he didn't? This guy is like the natural enemy of the ability user!"

They are all the top masters in the world, and they have rich combat experience.

Although Qingzhi just narrated his battle process in the most objective way without any falsehood, it was enough for them to see a lot of things!

"In the battle with Qingzhi, his strength should be at the level of Four Emperors, but I don't know if he has something to hide... There should still be some!"

"Actually, even if he doesn't have hidden strength, he is tricky enough. The unique ability that can counter any ability is like cheating!"

"Within the same level, no one is his opponent!"

"We must regard him as the top pirate, and use all our strength!"

Everyone's eyes were somewhat serious.

Xia Yan is stronger than they imagined!

And there is another problem--Xia Yan has shown so many abilities, including the space ability to instantly move around Qingzhi.

Idle is a faster way to move than light!

What method should they use to ensure that they are killed?

The Five Elders looked ugly, if they were simply strong, they would still have Lord Im.

But even Master Yim may not be able to kill a top expert with space ability!

Sengoku pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Maybe we should test Masahiko again."

"What else is there to try!" Akainu said bluntly: "Youth has lost, and he has made our Marine ashamed. What do you think we should use to try him?"

"There are still chess pieces that won't hurt us even if we fail." Sengoku said in a deep voice, "For example... Shichibukai!"

When everyone heard this, their eyes narrowed slightly.

Today, the World Economic News once again published a news that once again shocked the world.

There are two main contents.

The first is Xia Yan, the godslayer, who defeated Admiral Qingzhi, the highest combat power of Marine, and sold it for a good price.

The second is that Xia Yan has newly recruited a girl named Nami. Although she is not strong enough, she has an unparalleled talent for sailing, so she lowers the standard and directly collects...

Xia Yan broke both news to the World Economic News.

The first message was that he wanted to prove that he was not afraid of Marine's encirclement and suppression, so as to reassure everyone, so that everyone could trust him boldly.

After he smashed Mariejois, the female pirates who had defected before were in a panic.

If it wasn't for the trust in Brother Doflaming (bcbf) of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the fact that they defected now to completely offend Xia Yan and be hunted down to death by him, they might have escaped!

How long has it been since Xia Yan traveled to this world? How long has it been since those female pirates got married?

Obviously, the two sides have not established a relationship to the point where the female pirates risk their lives to accompany Xia Yan!

And the second message is to encourage those women who are average in strength but outstanding in talent.

bring it on!

Welcome to the Uchiha clan!

Of course, most people in the world only pay attention to the first news.

"Marine Admiral actually lost?"

"He was sold by Xia Yan...how dare he!"

"Haha, Marine will lose face this time!"

"Childish Admiral...hey, I don't know what face he has, being this Admiral!"

Everyone either ridiculed or disdained.

In a world where most people have a special affection for pirates, Marine Admiral clearly attracted a lot of firepower.

That is to say, Xia Yan's debut is still early, if his qualifications are more advanced, many Tian Gun will quickly join him.

Even a beautiful archaeologist with healthy wheat-colored skin fell silent after reading today's news.

"Qingzhi is actually defeated... Xia Yan, this guy..."

Robin had a complicated expression, as if thinking of things from his childhood.

After a moment of silence, she took a deep breath.

"There's no need to care about this matter. Qingzhi is not a god, and she will lose... It's a pity Xia Yan, it would be great if you showed up sooner."

"Ohara may not perish..."

Of course, this has little to do with her now.

Although Xia Yan's "women's wish can be fulfilled" is very attractive to her, Robin doesn't think that Xia Yan can get all the historical texts of the world to satisfy her dream of seeing the historical texts.

In contrast, the historical text of Alabasta is more realistic...

And at the same time.

A girl who was in the same organization as Robin also fell silent when she saw today's news.

"Having defeated Marine Admiral, he should be able to defeat Crocodile too, Icarem, what do you think?"

The princess of Alabasta, an agent of the Baroque Work Agency, codenamed: Vivi of MissWednesday, a look of determination flashed in her eyes: "You said if I ask him for help, will he help me?"

"Master Vivi, please think twice!" Alabasta's guard captain, who is also lurking in the Baroque Works, Ikalem's face changed drastically with the code name Mr.8: "I am lurking with you in this Baroque Works, which is already a risk to you." It's a big risk."

"How can I let you feed the tiger with your body?"

"Absolutely not! Absolutely not!"

He shook his head again and again: "And Master Vivi, don't you know that although Xia Yan is willing to satisfy a woman's wish, his minimum requirement for a woman is also a master with a bounty of over 100 million

"How do you have this strength?"

Of course Vivi doesn't have this ability, if she has the ability to reward over 100 million, maybe she can directly challenge Crocodile!

Relying on traps, poisoning, siege and other plans, maybe this Seven Warlords of the Sea can be killed.

But Vivi was unmoved: "Ikalem, don't you see here that Xia Yan is also willing to accept people with insufficient strength, as long as that woman has a unique talent.

"I don't think the royal blood in me is a low bargaining chip!"

"Maybe it can make up for the lack of strength!"

Vivi's eyes were filled with firmness.

Princesses of the Kingdom, especially Alabasta, who almost became Celestial Dragons, are obviously worth a lot!

Although Vivi never takes her princess status seriously, she understands that her status does have corresponding value!

"But Lord Vivi, Xia Yan is the sworn enemy of the World government, let's ask him if he will

Attacked by the World government..." Icarem still wanted to persuade Vivi.

However, Vivi shook his head: "Our Neferutali family is not without connections in the World government, this is just my personal behavior, it has nothing to do with the country, it should not

Let our country be attacked by the World government.

"And even if it's true that the World government might identify us as enemies, that's for later."

"The current Alabasta has come to a time when it has to change...As a royal family, I should have sacrificed for this country!"

"Icarem, I've made my decision!"

Her eyes were filled with firmness.

"I'm going to find Xia Yan!"

"Let's sail!"

The young princess, with the determination to feed a tiger with her body, embarked on a journey for the country and the people.

But at this time, Xia Yan, who was regarded as hope by the girl, was immersed in a piece of good news.

After so many days of unremitting efforts, and persistent struggle, Hancock finally...  


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