Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 291 Enel Has To Bow His Head Too! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 291 Enel has to bow his head too! (Please subscribe!)

Xia Yan was not the only one whose boat couldn't bear the impact of the current and was damaged.

Bellamy's flagship below is also the same, at most it is a little bit better than Xia Yan's ship, and it has not been completely damaged.

After all, Xia Yan's ship is more similar to a luxury passenger ship, while his ship is a real pirate ship for war!

The quality is solid, but not too solid.

So after Xia Yan hugged Nami and the others, he calmly threw a long wooden vine and threw it to Bellamy and the others, letting them catch it.

Then he pulled everyone together and rushed to the sky together!

There was a strong wind sound, as if a bird was holding a branch with many bugs in its mouth.

Xia Yan led the crowd and soared into the sky!

Sky Island exists in Baibaekhai (10,000m) above the White Sea (7,000m), which is a sea area that has characteristics similar to the ocean, although its buoyancy is slightly lower than that of ordinary oceans.


The huge sea cloud was abruptly washed away.

"Wood Style!" Xia Yan shook his hand suddenly, throwing the pirates on the wooden vines into the sky, and then directly formed seals!

A large amount of wood is extended from the arm, they are combined and matched with each other one after another, and finally form a brand new wooden boat with the fragrance of trees!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bellamy and other pirates slammed down like dumplings, and landed on the boat, making a bang bang bang bang.

But they didn't struggle with their posture, instead they gasped heavily.

The thin air over Sky Island is more pronounced than in the Highlands.

Therefore, the athletic ability of ordinary people will be greatly reduced, and it takes a period of adaptation to restore mobility.

Of course, the reason why they are panting so heavily is not because of the thin air, but...

"We actually came up?"

"There really is an ocean in the sky, a sea of ​​white..."

"It is still possible to sail in the sky... What kind of miracle is this?"

Their eyes widened. Although they had just experienced a life-and-death crisis, their eyes were full of excitement.

We, God!

Follow God Killer Xia Yan!

With this experience, you can brag casually in front of the younger generation in your later years!

"As expected of the legendary godslayer Doflamingo would bow his head!" Bellamy panted heavily, but his eyes seemed to be shining: "I am honored to be able to follow such a man!"

Now their experiences are already called legends!

On the other hand, Montblanc Cooley Guy looked at Bellamy speechlessly: "Wake up, if I hadn't caught you quickly, you would have fallen and died!"

"What legends are you still thinking about?"

Bellamy is Devil Fruit's ability user, and although Baibaihai and Baihai have weaker buoyancy than normal seawater, they are also seas themselves!

When Xia Yan led everyone to shuttle, the members of the Bellamy Pirates could only be taken away by holding on to the wooden vines. When they shuttled through the two white seas, Bellamy was naturally exhausted—if it wasn’t for Montblanc Ku Li Guy grabbed a handful, he's really going to be fucked!

However, Bellamy didn't care about it: "What's the point of taking a little risk on such a legendary journey?"

"Look at this place, it's a genuine sea area!"

"Thinking about it now, the reason why the record pointer is pointing to the sky should be because Roger came to this sky just like us now..."

The recording pointer can record the magnetic force of mutual attraction between islands and islands, so as to guide the direction of the next island.

Therefore, every time pirates arrive at an island and hope to conquer the Grand Line, they have to spend a few hours to a few months to fill up the records of the compass, so that they can set off to the next island.

There are so many pirates gathered in Magic Valley Town, unlike Xia Yan, none of them went to Sky Island.

But it is also possible to get the record of the record pointer....

"What a great cause!" Bellamy said excitedly, "We are following the same route as One Piece, and we are different from the group of garbage pirates under our feet!"

"What we are pursuing is a dream! It is a legend!"

"They can only secretly struggle in reality!"

"That's the gap!"

Montblanc Cooley Guy: "..."

If I remember correctly, you seemed to be the representative of this kind of realistic pirate a few days ago, and you despised those pirates who pursued their dreams.

Now you are the representative of Dream Pirates?

Of course, he actually understood that Bellamy was neither a realist nor a dreamer.

He's just a cultist.

Because of the worship of Doflamingo, he becomes realistic.

Here Doflamingo defected to Xia Yan, and Xia Yan played the name of Nuoda again, looking like he would not hesitate to overthrow the world for "dreams (women), so he became dreamy again.

And now the object of Bellamy's adoration...  

Montblanc Cooley Guy slowly turned his head.

Then I watched Nami grabbing Xia Yan's collar with an angry face.

"You can fly! You can obviously fly!"

"Why do I need a little bit of sailing?"

"You know how worried I am about this?"

"You know how guilty I am when I find myself forgetting to remind you to improve your ship?"

"I almost got buried with you!"

Nami has an angry face, very similar to the expression when she beat Luffy in the original book.

But Xia Yan just smiled and spread his hands: "Don't worry about such trivial things, am I also here to let you get exercise?"

"It's not just any navigator who can experience the upwelling current!"

"Besides, I didn't say I won't give you the bottom line. What are you afraid of when I'm here?"

"Or, you just don't know enough about our strength...Look at Hancock and the others, is there anyone surprised?"

Nami turned her head when she heard this.

Sure enough, no matter it was Robin, Hancock, or even the newly married Vivi, they all looked calm.

"Nami, you underestimate our captain." Robin said softly, "What do you think a bounty of four billion is?"

"It's just a rising sea current, and it won't affect us." The corner of Hancock's mouth rose when she was pregnant: "I can guarantee my own safety, let alone Xia Yan?"

Even the newly married Vivi said: "Although I haven't seen Lord Xia Yan's full strength, how could a man who could easily defeat the Seven Warlords of the Sea die in a small natural disaster?"

Tashigi and Hina nodded again and again. If Xia Yan can be defeated by a small natural disaster, then does Marine need to worry?

Vivi is a princess of a country, Hancock is Seven Warlords of the Sea, Tashigi and Hina are also Zephyr disciples, and they are all well-informed people.

Although Nami also likes to read newspapers and read all kinds of information.

But in the final analysis, I am only from a small and weakest sea, and I have seen very few masters.

There is a gap in their cognition of the strength of the real strong!

Nami's expression suddenly became very funny - am I the only one feeling flustered?

"Okay, it's time for us to look for the destination!" Xia Yan clapped his hands: "Everyone cheer up, let's look for Dora the Golden City first.

After all, the historical text I promised to Nico Robin is right there!

The main forces of Sky Island are divided into three groups.

One is under the command of Enel, who is known as the god, and is the strongest one.

One is against Enel, wanting to take back the land taken by the Sky Island people, the Shandia people of the ancient city of Shandora, they originally lived on Gaya Island in Qinghai, and part of Gaya Island was swept into the sky by the current He took it to the sky, and was driven out of his homeland by the "god" of Sky Island at that time.

The other one was expelled by Enel. The original Sky Island's "God" Gan Fore, although he appeared to be alone on the surface, but his prestige is not low, and he has connections with many people who surrendered to Enel. The key You can instigate many people at any time.

The gold of the ancient city of Shandora that Natsuhiko is aiming for, as well as the ruins and historical texts that exist there.

However, contrary to expectations, the first thing they discovered was Angel Island, an island inhabited by civilians.

"It's okay, let's find someone to lead the way." Xia Yan rubbed his chin: "Shandora is on the island of God "Apayado", so it should be quite famous."

"I just want gold and the text of history, and I hope there will be no conflict with Enel who occupies this place." Xia Yan sighed softly: "If he is not willing to kneel obediently,

Then I had no choice but to beat him to death..."

The voice just fell......

Suddenly, thunder flashed in the sky, and a thunderbolt struck - it was Enel's hand!

Although this guy is known as the scum that blinded Thunder Fruit, he is actually not weak at all.

Especially with his own good knowledge (heart net), combined with the ability of Thunder Fruit, he can directly receive radio waves, greatly enhancing the ability and scope of "heart net", and even hear the voices of people in the entire Sky Island!

Coupled with Thunder Fruit's ultra-long-range attack, it is like a god, and can launch sanctions on others anytime, anywhere.

Also known as God's Judgment!


Xia Yan turned his head indifferently, and shattered the raging thunder with a slap.

"Well, well, it looks like he doesn't intend to bow his head obediently."

"I understand, Master Madoka!" Bellamy instantly understood the essence of Mahiko's words.

"You go to Shandora, and I will be responsible for defeating the guards here...Since that guy named Enel is ignorant, then this place should belong to Master Xia Yan!"

So since there is a conflict, it is normal to put the opponent down and take over the whole country later, right?

Xia Yan nodded in satisfaction. Although Bellamy is a rough guy, having such a fanatic fan seems to save a lot of worry!

Of course, Xia Yan also told Bellamy a few words.

For example, don't kill indiscriminately, don't commit violence against women, and take care of what's going on under your crew......

After all, although Bellamy is a fan of Xia Yanyan, his subordinates are genuine pirates, completely accustomed to killing, burning, and looting.

Bellamy agreed without hesitation.

In fact, it is quite simple to manage the bad-tempered pirates well.

Doflamingo does just that.

Pirates only want wealth and women, but with wealth, there are plenty of places to find women if they want to find them.

After all, both Sky Island and Dressrosa have clubs, one of the most deeply rooted industries in human beings!

Bellamy directly distributed a considerable amount of wealth that she had saved to her younger brothers, and strictly prohibited killing, burning and looting. If she really can't control the people below, she can go to the clubhouse and spend money to solve it..

This wealth will be subsidized to Xia Yan after he gets the gold.

Enel is not a kind and gentle leader, he came here after destroying his hometown Birka.

Speaking of the new world

Squeezing might be a little too much, but it's clearly not some kind of gentle reign.

Bellamy's strength is not bad, it is not difficult to suppress the town.

After Xia Yan handed over this task to Bellamy, he directly took the guide he found to the island of gods, the sanctuary ".||Apayado"

The sanctuary "Apayado" covers a small area, which is a part of Gaya Island that was washed up by the rising current 400 years ago on Sky Island.

The reason why it is known as the sanctuary is that in Sky Island, the special product of the earth, such as soil, is too rare.

The people of Sky Island even gave it a name - Bath.

And the soil of the entire Sky Island, that is, a part of Gaya Island brought by the Sandians, was completely occupied by Enel!

Xia Yan and his group marched straight towards Enel, and soon encountered a wave of enemies.

"Woooooo..." The priest of the "Trial of the Swamp" with a survival rate of 50%, the head of the guard, Nirvana, bit his lips tightly (Nuo's), and then groaned

talking about something.

"My lord, you didn't say anything." The subordinate next to him said helplessly.

"Oh!" Nirvana suddenly realized.


Xia Yan slapped him, and he didn't need to speak.

"Let's continue."


"This is the "Trial of the Ball" with a 10% survival rate, outsiders, you don't want to get it from me—" the priest of the ball jumped out and just spoke.


Xia Yan slapped him with a slap.

His whole body was reduced to flesh.

"Continue." Xia Yan looked calm.

"Here's the survival rate—"


A group of people continued to take pictures all the way, and the guides beside them were all confused.

Is this still the famous priests?

Or the strongest helpers of the god Enel?

To be killed by this group of outsiders in an understatement?

The expressions of Hancock and others remained unchanged. Even Nami, who had little experience, knew that if Xia Yan could be defeated by a few priests, then he would not be able to gain such a great reputation.


In the end, after overthrowing several priests.

Enel appeared in front of everyone.

"It seems that you are not ordinary outsiders." He looked solemn.

Although he lives high on Sky Island, he doesn't know the news of Qinghai below.

But the countless priests who can easily defeat him are definitely not ordinary people!

Especially the man in the lead, and the woman next to her whose belly was beginning to show, he actually felt a strong threat from both of them!

Therefore, he, who has always been arrogant, had no choice but to use a gentle tone that had never appeared before, and said: "I don't know why these friends came here, if I can help

, you can-"

However, Xia Yan didn't wait for him to finish, and slapped him directly.

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