Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 293 Ms. Robin Is Really Good At Playing! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 293 Ms. Robin is really playing! (Please subscribe!)

Robin is very committed to keeping his promises, and there is absolutely no excuse for what should be done.

On the same day, he had a heart-to-heart battle with Xia Yan, and the fight was so dark.

On the other side, the gold in the golden city of Shandora has also been collected~.

According to Bellamy's rough estimate, the total value is about 170 billion.

It can really be said to be like a hill of gold!

Especially due to the unqualified refining technology of ancient Shandora, the purity of gold is low, which makes the volume of gold a bit larger.

Bellamy, who was watching, panicked, worried that her little brother would be blinded by gold——— Sky Island people don't know, but they still don't know what kind of huge wealth it is?

Even though I and my younger brothers have imagined a lot about the benefits of joining the Uchiha clan and becoming Uchiha's vassals, and discussed the bright future, there is no reality of so much gold!

I have to patrol here day and night to prevent any problems.

Of course, there was no problem in a short period of time, because it is difficult to get on Sky Island, and it is not easy to get off Sky Island.

While the younger brothers were powerless to resist Xia Yan, they naturally could only manage their own hands.

But how long this rationality can last, Bellamy has no confidence.

So one day, when Xia Yancai walked out of Robin's bed, he saw Bellamy running over with a nervous expression, and narrated this realistic problem.

"I suggest that my lord can contact Lord Doflamingo and let him arrange the work of cashing out the gold." Bellamy said: "However, the work of moving it from Sky Island probably depends on you, my lord."

Sky Island has other ways of "entering the country", such as the route departing from Xitianzhixiang through ordinary routes

It is not difficult to go back to the four seas in the opposite direction, but let so much gold pass so far all the way, even the big-hearted pirates will not be at ease!

after all……

"This is already a wealth comparable to Celestial Dragons' heavenly gold. Without you, my lord, we can't bear it!" Bellamy said with a wry smile.

In fact, even if Heavenly Gold has the reputation of Celestial Dragons, there are still Vice Admiral level masters on board!

And this is only the standard configuration of the front section of Sihai and Grand Line.

Even Vice Admiral is unreliable in New World, and they will choose to disperse the fleet to reduce risks.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Xia Yan waved his hand, and then directly stretched out his hand, facing the hill of gold.

next second.

Space Warp!

A huge amount of gold disappeared—he took it into a different dimension.

"I will move on, and when I return to Dressrosa, I will hand it over to Doflamingo." Xia Yan said indifferently.

Bellamy's eyes widened, what kind of ability is this?

Our boss is really capable!

Xia Yan stayed at Sky Island for a few days.

Mainly Nico Robin's archeology is not over.

Although she has read the most important historical text, the entire ancient city of Shandora can be regarded as a relic full of historical charm.

She wanted to examine one side in detail, trying not to restore the history of the year as much as possible.

Even the 'remuneration' for Xia Yan was only paid for the first time, and then he became obsessed with work and couldn't extricate himself. Even if he tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, he still pushed Xia Yan to Nami and the others, expressing that he would concentrate on work and wait until he finished working here. I will accompany you well.

Xia Yan naturally stayed in Sky Island for a few more days, just to make the residents of Sky Island more accustomed to his rule and lay a good foundation for women's training tasks.

He simply carried over the ninja school system from the Hokage world.

Gather younger girls, train them from an early age, and in the process of training, gradually select those with outstanding talents, and then invest resources in them...

The first batch to enter the school was Aisha from Sandia, a little girl who was born with Observation Haki.

If this talent is given proper guidance, allowing it to see a wider space, maybe it can become a top master in the sea!

Residents of Sky Island and Sandia gradually got used to it.

In other words, they are very happy!

Although Xia Yan collected all the gold, he held up another island-level land!

In the eyes of the people of Sky Island, 'soil' is a precious material that can only be rushed up by a very small number of rising ocean currents, but now almost everyone can occupy a large area and do whatever they want.

What kind of happiness is this?

The residents settled down in an instant, and they were quite obedient to Xia Yan's "female talent training plan".

Bellamy's younger brothers are also quite law-abiding, mainly because after occupying Enel's palace, they obtained all the wealth he had accumulated over the years.

Among them is a large number of Sky Island's currency, Ace ancient coins.

Xia Yan is not interested in this kind of thing. When he took away all the gold, he also distributed most of the ancient Ace coins, making them instantly rich people. They can order a few girls every day, and naturally they don't need to do any robbery. Looting.

Bellamy also took this opportunity to train his subordinates, restrain their temperaments, and let them get used to a stable life—after all, Xia Yan had already expressed that he would accept his little brother, and let him rule Sky Island temporarily, waiting for someone sent by Doflamingo to take over

They suddenly changed from pirates to regular troops.

After a few days, Robin finally finished his archaeology.

It's a pity that what makes her look helpless is that I don't know if the weather of Sky Island is very suitable for some kind of sports. When she was obsessed with archaeology, Tashigi, Nami, and Hina became pregnant one after another

On the whole ship, there is only one Vivi left, and Robin himself is still in a state of "worthy to fight".

Then look at the exhausted, dull-eyed Vivi who has endured many conquests in the past few days, and finally turned into a spoiled Vivi.

"So, am I the only one left to resist you?" Robin covered his forehead with one hand: "I feel like I might die."

"How could it be, this is happiness." Xia Yan's lips curled up: "I never heard that there is a plowed field, only exhausted cows.

"Then what is that guy lying dead next to you?"

"Uh... Hina may be because Marine and I, a pirate, are not compatible by nature, so it's an exception."

"I'm afraid I have to become this exception."

Robin gave a wry smile.

The following time also proved Robin's thoughts. On the first day, she almost cried because she was unwell and not used to fighting hard.


Fortunately, Robin's ability alleviated her helplessness!

Paramecia·Flower-Flower Fruit can make any part of the body grow like a flower on any tangible thing in sight, so as to attack or use it for other purposes.

This ability is quite effective in sneak attacks. Robin's most common attack method is to let the enemy grow arms, and then defeat the enemy with joint skills.

Reconnaissance is also very practical. Robin once used the eyes and ears grown from his ability to eavesdrop on enemy intelligence.

However, no matter whether it is reconnaissance or attack, it is only a kind of ability development.

Under Xia Yan's oppression step by step, Robin finally developed a third use - to grow a specific part, to replace himself, to withstand Xia Yan's attack, so as to alleviate his pain


Xia Yan: "..."

Can Flower-Flower Fruit still play like this?

Ms. Robin, your ability is really amazing!

Robin glared at Xia Yan angrily—wasn't it all because of you?

Of course, the perception of the body grown from Flower-Flower Fruit will also be transmitted to Robin himself.

This purpose only alleviates Robin's physical weakness, but cannot relieve her spirit.

At the same time, the ability of Flower-Flower Fruit is obviously unable to conceive.

It's just a means of relief for Robin in the face of Xia Yan's onslaught every step of the way...

But it also gives Robin a little respite - my ability is Flower-Flower Fruit which is great!

Xia Yan has contacted Doflamingo, he will arrange officials to manage Sky Island, and Bella will make the handover.

Of course, this kind of officials obviously cannot reach Sky Island by upwelling currents. They need to start from the top of the west sky, and they need to pass through several Sky Islands on the way, and the time will be much slower.

Prior to this, Sky Island was in charge of Bellamy, Montblanc Cooley Guy and others—yes, Montblanc Cooley Guy also defected to Xia Yan in the end.

…ask for flowers………

After persuading the Sandia, he seemed to have a better relationship with Bellamy, and directly became the deputy captain of the Bellamy Pirates, and joined the Uchiha clan together.

"After proving my ancestors, it's time for me to think about myself." Montblanc Cooley Guy smoked a cigarette and said with a smile: "Besides, my joining also made the Sandia people more convinced of you. Isn't this a good thing? ?”

Xia Yan is a top boss who can't lose to Four Emperors, not everyone can join this kind of team!

I can just use the name of my ancestors to make a meritorious service!

Xia Yan naturally did not disagree, but Hina and Tashigi were rather dissatisfied, feeling that Montblanc Cooley Guy seemed to have sold the Sandiya for a good price.

Robin also looked at the Sandian who convinced Montblanc Cooley Guy, a descendant of Nolando, with pity.

The story of the great liar Nolando is fake, it sounds like Nolando has become a hero again.

But Robin did not forget that the reason why Norlando was captured by the king was because he took the king's fleet to search for the Golden Land, but failed to find it.

So here comes the problem!

What did Nolando want to do with the king's fleet to Gaya Island where Sandia lived?

Is it the king who wants to meet new friends and cherish the friendship between the two?

Or do you want to colonize evil, Ben Gold?

Of course, none of this is important, Xia Yan didn't bother to care about those things at all, and after seeing the Sky Island journey was over, he took Robin and others directly to fly down.


The method is the same as that of Luffy, let the octopus-like empty fish grab the boat, and gradually fly down like a hot air balloon...


The weak Robin couldn't resist Xia Yan's attack, so he suddenly said.

"Speaking of Xia Yan, do you know what is recorded in the text of this history?"

"En?" Xia Yan raised his head slightly, looking at the proud woman in front of him.

"It's not just the ancient text itself, there is also a very famous person on the steps of the Golden Bell, who also left words." Robin tried his best to attract Xia Yan's attention and delay for himself.

She still wanted to make a few mysterious words, but Xia Yan spoke directly.

"You mean Roger the One Piece?"

"You know?" Robin was taken aback. After she discovered the text, she asked Gan Fall, who had a relationship with Roger, to confirm the situation at that time.

"I know." Xia Yan nodded: "He asked Kozuki Oden to engrave it. The ancestor of Kozuki Oden was the craftsman who made the historical text."

Artisans who make historical texts?

You know again?

Robin's mouth twitched

, said: "Then do you know what is recorded in the historical text on Sky Island?"

Xia Yan: "Poseidon Poseidon. 17

Robin was speechless, you really know...

"Well, you are right." She sighed helplessly, and said, "But I guess you are not interested in this Poseidon Poseidon either. 17

For the historical text of Alabasta, which recorded Pluton's information, Xia Yan didn't even take a look at it.

It is estimated that the same is true for Poseidon Poseidon—Although the Ancient Weapon is famous, its power is actually almost the power to destroy the island.

Not to mention, just look at Xia Yan grabbing an island-like land from the bottom of the sea and giving it to the people of Sky Island as a residence. It is too simple for him to destroy an island!

Ancient Weapon, for him, has no effect!

However, what Nico Robin didn't expect was that Xia Yan shook his head slightly.

"No, I'm not really interested in Pluton, but I'm interested in Poseidon... well, in other words, I'd love Poseidon.

"Our next route, I'm going to see if I can get Poseidon."

"Are you interested in Poseidon?" Robin was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Why?"

Not interested in Pluton, but wanting her for Poseidon?

Isn't the destructive power of these two equal?

Xia Yan said softly: "Because Poseidon is a girl...a girl who can give me children.

At the same time, his eyes dropped slightly, staring at the vast and boundless sea.

The corners of the mouth slightly raised.


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