Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 298 Wait! Where's Your Bubble? (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 298 Wait! Where's your bubble? (Please subscribe!)

The picture is poor!

That's right, Xia Yan's goal is precisely this Princess Shirahoshi!

So after exaggerating the beauty of the outside world, he decisively expressed his attitude.

"Marry?" Shirahoshi's face turned red.

This news was still too exciting for her.

Although tall, she is really just a little girl!

"Do you want to go out to play, I can take you out." Xia Yan said with a smile: "Not only the Sabaody Archipelago next to it, but also various other places."

"Have you ever seen Sky Island? I went up there a few days ago. The sea of ​​clouds there has a completely different feeling from the sea."

"Have you ever seen Dressrosa in the land of love, passion and toys? There are many landscapes there. There is a famous street for lovers called 'Lovers' Avenue. You can see many lovers in love here. I heard that Couples end here, and their love will be happy forever.

"There is a country 'Zou' in New World, which is full of fluffy fur people. They are fluffy, like kittens and rabbits turned into people. "I want to find them next time... ...."

Xia Yan talked about the various scenery of the Grand Line, and described it beautifully.

Shirahoshi's eyes were full of longing——as a little girl who was forced to stay in the hard shell tower for eight years, she really wanted to have a look around, walk around, and play.

But the reality is, she can't even get out of the crust tower.

Of course, even if she can get out of the hard-shell tower, as an "ordinary" murloc, she has no hope of going to other places in the Grand Line.

Not only the attack of the slave catchers, but also all kinds of dangers in the sea are enough to easily take her life.

Even if his father Neptune personally protects him, it's useless. After all, the strength of this 'Ocean Knight' is just that.

"If you go on like this, you probably won't be able to see those scenery for the rest of your life." Xia Yan said with a smile: "But follow me, I can let you see those beautiful scenery

"Well, marry me.

"I promise you happiness."

"Master Xia Yan! What are you talking about!" Neptune next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The impulse of fatherly love made him break through his fear of Xia Yan's prestige, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you deceiving children?"

Shirahoshi, she's just a little girl!

"I'm serious." Xia Yan smiled: "Or do you think I can't fulfill the above guarantee?"

Neptune was at a loss for words—with Xia Yan's prestige, it was more than enough to protect a little murloc.

Even just giving Shirahoshi one of his flags would probably protect Sunstar from the above journey.

Not to mention what Xia Yan meant, obviously taking Shirahoshi away with himself...


"Shirahoshi is so young, how can she get married!" Neptune couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency Xia Yan, please reconsider!"

"There's nothing to reconsider." Xia Yan smiled softly: "If she doesn't agree, forget it, and marry if she agrees."

"I won't embarrass you."

"But Shirahoshi."

He raised the corner of his mouth and looked at the mermaid princess in front of him: "Do you want other mermaids to go to the amusement park of Sabaody Archipelago freely?"

"Huh?" Shirahoshi was taken aback, looking at Xia Yan.

The soap bubble park in Sabaody Archipelago is the dream of every mermaid day and night.

Due to geographical reasons, almost every time the murlocs surfaced, the first thing they saw was the Sabaody Archipelago, and the easiest thing to catch their eyes was the Soap Bubble Park full of laughter.

Mermaids have wanted to play here once since they were young!

This idea is deeply engraved in every murloc's mind—even the evil dragons who call humans an inferior race subconsciously build their own evil dragon park into the appearance of a single bubble park!

But whether it's the evil dragon, Shirahoshi, or other murlocs, they can't really play it at all!

The slave hunting team will attack them at any time, and the Celestial Dragons will not show mercy to the murlocs.

Soap Bubble Park is a place where fish people dream of going once.

But they really can only play in their dreams once when they are dreaming.

"If you marry me, I can protect all the murlocs from the threat of slave hunters and Celestial Dragons." Xia Yan raised the corners of his mouth with a smile on his face: "I can guarantee that each of you will be happy Have fun in the soap bubble park, no one will lay hands on you."

"If I dare to attack you, I will destroy them...whether it is the Celestial Dragons or the slave hunting team.

Only Xia Yan dared to say such words!

Others, even the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard can only use the flag to prevent some pirates from making trouble on The fish men island, but they cannot prevent the Celestial Dragons' slave catchers standing behind them from catching fish men.

"Your Excellency Xia Yan—" Neptune next to him couldn't help but want to interject.

Xia Yan glanced at him, and said: "I can also shelter The fish men island, help you build a convenient sea route, increase the tax revenue of The fish men island, and greatly increase the per capita income of your entire country——Nepton Wang, you have done such a good job in the port of The Fish Men Island, you really want to gain trade benefits, right?"

Neptune opened his mouth.

trade benefits?

Of course he wants it!

In fact, as a king, he also supports communication with humans.

It's just different from Princess Otohime who purely thinks about the kindness of coexistence with human beings. He wants to use the power of human beings to develop The fish men island itself.

He has also made some efforts for this, such as the facilities in the port of The fish men island for coating, and the big bubble of The fish men island that isolates the air, which is a murloc built by him that can swim on the seabed by itself, Where is the coating needed?

Aren't these things just for human ships?

As murlocs who can obtain products from the deep sea at will, they have commodities that human beings are extremely pursuing.

Pearls, seafood, ores....

But the murlocs have no channels to realize these human favorite commodities.

Even if King Neptune built the port very well, far surpassing the ports of most human countries.

But the number of ships docked here is less than one-tenth of the normal port—for this, most of them are pirates who have to pass by The fish men island to go to New World, and there are very few real flute ships.

Neptune really wants to expand Yamato's human trade in his dreams!

But now Xia Yan says he can help...

"No! I will not betray my daughter!" Neptune gritted his teeth and rejected this very attractive proposal: "Shirahoshi is too young, she is not yet suitable for marriage, she——

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Shirahoshi next to him.

"Father, I want to marry!"

Shirahoshi still has that weak expression, but his eyes are full of firmness: "Father, mother always wanted to get along with human beings, she wanted us to move to live on land, and she wanted our children to enjoy themselves. The Playground of the Sabaody Archipelago

"This is my mother's dream!"

If she was only allowed to play by herself, she could still refuse Xia Yan.

But if all murlocs can play to their heart's content......

"Xia Yan, I want all murlocs to play openly!" Shirahoshi bit his red lips lightly: "No one knows better than me how uncomfortable it is to be trapped in one place, and I don't want other murlocs to have to play with Like me, hiding on The fish men island, I can only look at the scenery outside, but I can't experience it myself..."

"If you can help me do this, I can marry!"

When Xia Yan heard this, the corners of his mouth rose.

After all, this is what he expected.

This girl who is one of the three most beauties in the Pirate World with Hancock has nothing but kindness!

"Okay, then let's start by letting you get out of that hard shell tower." Xia Yan slowly stood up, holding Shirahoshi's hand.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the bastard who made my wife trapped in a hard shell tower!"

"Then, let's go to the Sabaody Archipelago and have a blast!"

Wanting to find King Vanderdeken IX is easy and simple, but difficult to say.

With the ability of his target fruit, he can completely throw his own attack from all over the world, and still ensure that the weapon is directed towards Shirahoshi.

With the vastness of the sea, it is really difficult for Lin to catch him.

Otherwise, with this guy's unremarkable strength, Neptune alone would be able to deal with this guy.

Regardless of the relationship between the Dragon Palace Kingdom and Jinbei, Jinbei can also be entrusted to take action-but the problem is that no one can be found!

However, while the target fruit guarantees a long-range attack, it also brings a problem-his attack will only shoot straight at Shirahoshi from the same place.

In other words, the direction in which the weapon flew is the direction where Van der Dyken IX is located!

So Xia Yan took Shirahoshi directly, followed the direction where he intercepted those throwing weapons, and chased them directly.

...asking for flowers......

Of course, this position is not particularly accurate, the farther the distance is, the more difficult it is to find the opponent's position.

But that's okay!

"The heart of the south, the pupil of the north, the fingertips of the west, and the toes of the east, gather with the wind, and disperse with the rain... Bakudō's fifty-eight "slap the toe and chase the bird"

Determine the approximate direction from the source of the weapon throw.

Help determine with this Bakudō, which specializes in finding the location of creatures!

After performing it four or five times in a row, Xia Yan immediately caught the position of Van der Daken IX!

"found it!"

At this time, the Flying Pirates were sitting on a dilapidated boat, happily holding a banquet.

This tattered ship, which looks like a ghost ship, is the Flying Dutchman!

And the captain of the Flying Pirates, Van der Daken IX, is wearing that unique bubble wrap, eating and drinking.

"Little ones, drink and eat~!"

"Today's harvest is not small!"

As he spoke, he tore at the next big bone and flesh.

As an ability user who ate Devil Fruit, even murlocs would suffer from the curse of the sea, and contact with seawater would weaken their bodies.

Of course, the murloc's special physiological structure can guarantee that he will not be drowned by the sea.

But that's all.

So Van der Daken IX had to put a layer of bubble film on himself to isolate him from seawater.

The Flying Pirates seem to have just finished off a group of merchant ships. Next to the "Flying Dutchman" there is a dilapidated ship, stained with blood, and there are all kinds of weapons everywhere.

Probably after Van der Daken IX attacked the merchant ship, the weapons of the merchant ship guards were thrown at Shirahoshi as projectiles.

It seems to be drunk.

Vander Daken IX stood up unsteadily.

"Hehehehe, Shirahoshi, when will you accept my love!"

As he spoke, he took off his gloves, grabbed a weapon on the ground, and was about to throw it out.

And at this time.

"En?" He rubbed his eyes, in front of him, there seemed to be another person?

Weak look, delicate face, fair skin, and smooth fish scales


Van der Dyken IX was taken aback.

Did I drink too much, or did I miss Shirahoshi too much, and actually had the hallucination of Shirahoshi?

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the beauty in front of him.

Just the next second.


His head was smashed like a watermelon.

"Even you dare to attack my wife, you are quite courageous." Xia Yan shook his hands indifferently, shaking off the brains from his hands.

Then, he looked at the crew members of the Flying Pirates next to him.

The crew of the Flying Pirates stared blankly at this scene.


This is dead?

They immediately showed anger.

"Who made the move, I want to - damn it, Xia Yan?!"

Their voices broke, like frightened little girls.

The voice was full of panic and helplessness.

How did Godslayer Xia Yan come here?

Also killed our boss?

"What are you afraid of!"

A guy who didn't know whether it was recklessness or a lack of string in his head roared: "He Xia Yan is just a human being. We are definitely no match for him on land, but this is the bottom of the sea. He is a human being, and he has to rely on bubbles to breathe. The guy, as long as the bubble film is broken, he will be slaughtered by us!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone also regained their spirits a little bit.

That's right, Xia Yan is a human being, he can't breathe like a murloc, he can only use bubbles.

This is definitely a huge disadvantage under the sea.

Even if Xia Yan is famous, they are not incapable of fighting!

Just destroy his bubbles...

"Wait! Where's your bubble?!"

Everyone looked at Xia Yan in bewilderment.

"Sorry, I'm different from ordinary people, I don't need that kind of thing." Xia Yan shrugged.

At this moment, he stood calmly on the deck of the Flying Dutchman, as if he was on the surface of the sea at this time.

There are also many ninja sea battles. Mist Ninja and Rain Shinobi are both masters of water battles.

It's just breathing underwater, it's nothing special.

But the crew of the Flying Pirates felt a touch of despair.

The only chance of winning is gone, what else can they do?

Waiting to die?


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