Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 36 Orochimaru's Base (New Book For Collection!)

Chapter 36: Orochimaru's Base (New Book, Seeking Collection!)

Ayako was actually very conflicted.

She was indeed a spy sent by Orochimaru, as Shigehiko had suspected, to obtain Uchiha bloodline and carry out Orochimaru's orders.

But the treatment of the Uchiha was really good!

Maids serving them, high-end toiletries, a spacious mansion, abundant food, and perfect medical care...

If possible, she would have loved to stay with the Uchiha for the rest of her life!

However, she was still a spy after all, carefully cultivated by Orochimaru, and had received Orochimaru's favor since she was young.

For Orochimaru, she was willing to die!

Well, in fact, most female spies, when joining the Uchiha clan, had to sacrifice themselves for the village, abandon their own dignity as women, and even be prepared to sacrifice their lives.

But under the sweet coating of the Uchiha, not many could endure for long.

However, Orochimaru was indeed a life mentor (a master of brainwashing).

Ayako was one of the few who still held onto her mission.

Of course, Ayako had also been conflicted for a long time.

Because the first three months of pregnancy were the most critical period for fetal development and not suitable for traveling.

In the late stage of pregnancy (7-9 months), pregnant women undergo significant physiological changes and have reduced adaptability to the environment, making it unsuitable for travel.

So, her six-month pregnancy was already the deadline.

She pondered and pondered.

In the end, she chose Orochimaru over the Uchiha.

Ayako felt that if she continued to stay with the Uchiha family, the Uchiha would definitely be satisfied, but Orochimaru-sama would be hurt.

But if she went to seek refuge with Orochimaru-sama, perhaps Orochimaru-sama could provide her with a win-win solution...

Maybe a few years later, she could return to the Uchiha in a glorious manner, with her child, and continue to be a wealthy lady.

So, she seized the opportunity to escape from the Uchiha residence.

And then...

She was immediately discovered by Kakuzu.

"How about I go help you catch her?" Kakuzu said in a deep voice, then added, "My mission is only to protect the members within the Uchiha residence from external threats. This is not within my responsibility."

So, it would require additional payment!

Shigehiko glanced helplessly at Kakuzu.

"No need."

He looked at the gradually disappearing figure of the woman and shook his head gently. "I'll handle this matter myself."

Shigehiko actually admired Orochimaru's level of brainwashing.

There were many spies in his own concubines, planted by the Third Hokage, Danzo, the Sand Shinobi Village, the Cloud Shinobi Village...

Various people from different places, many of whom were high-level spies who had infiltrated Konoha for many years, with impeccable mental strength.

But over two years had passed, and not a single person had defected.

Although Orochimaru was defeated by Itachi, he was extremely obsessed with the Uchiha bloodline. However, he had limited manpower and energy and couldn't focus too much on the Uchiha bloodline—99% of the Uchiha clan members were incomparable to him, one of the Sannin!

In fact, before seeing Sasuke's talent, he didn't pay much attention to Sasuke either.

Otherwise, the Anbu arranged by the Third Hokage to protect Sasuke won't be able to stop him...

So this should just be Orochimaru's move, but it ended up being the only Uchiha who defected.

Of course, Hayato didn't blame Ayako.

She came as a spy in the first place, and Hayato knew that. Both sides benefited from each other.

If we have to say, she belongs to the GM warrior who hasn't been defeated by sugar-coated bullets, with a much higher moral character than ordinary people, and should be respected.


"Orochimaru, if you can send spies to my house, then it's reasonable for me to return the favor, right?"


Ayako tried to escape.

Being pregnant, she was somewhat inconvenienced in her movements.

If she hadn't hidden a certain strength, she wouldn't have the confidence to escape.

"Hayato, you must be very sad..." Ayako felt gloomy in her heart, but then she became excited again. "It's okay, once I complete Orochimaru's mission, I can beg Orochimaru for mercy. Maybe we can see each other again soon!"

"When the time comes, no matter how you punish me, I can accept it... I know you've been thinking about some ways to play for a long time, and I can accompany you!"

She touched her big belly, her eyes filled with a hint of tenderness.

Although being pregnant and traveling long distances was not a good thing for the child.

But when the child is born, with the Uchiha bloodline's talent, maybe they can receive Orochimaru's personal education.

The Uchiha clan is good in everything, but the strongest is only Hayato, a ninja who is 'officially a Jōnin but actually a Chūnin', and he definitely can't compare to Orochimaru in terms of child education.

Maybe in the future, there will be someone like that guy named Itachi who will make a move against the Uchiha, and my talented son can defeat him and restore the Uchiha's reputation!

She dreamed of a win-win situation.

Ayako gritted her teeth and continued forward.

She didn't know which one of her feigned traces had worked, but she had safely avoided any possible pursuit from Konoha along the way.

This made Ayako feel even more like she was the chosen one.

If the escape went so smoothly, then my remaining dreams should also go smoothly, right?

Soon, she crossed the Land of Fire and entered the Land of Fields.

Then, following some secret codes left by Orochimaru, she found an underground base.

"Ayako, you've worked hard on this mission." Orochimaru's face was slightly pale, and with the strange equipment around him, he looked somewhat sinister.

"Orochimaru-sama, I have completed the task you entrusted to me! I have brought out the Uchiha's child!" Ayako's eyes were filled with fanaticism. "Yes, I not only brought back the Uchiha's child, but also brought back another person."

Ayako was stunned and suddenly turned her head.

She saw a handsome young man standing casually behind her.

She couldn't help but exclaim, "Hayato?!"


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