Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 351 Looking For A Dead End, Not Necessarily! (Please Subscribe!)

Seeing that Xia Yan said a few words, he dismissed the other party.

The surrounding onlookers wanted to know who this person was.

People with sharp eyes can see it.

But he didn't dare to mention Xia Yan's name at all.

At this time, Jewelry Bonney suddenly took two steps forward, and her eyes kept scanning Xia Yan's body, as if she saw an enemy.

Immediately afterwards, she circled around Xia Yan a few times, patted Xia Yan's arm with her hand, and felt that this person seemed to be almost the same as what she was looking for.

Bellamy next to him immediately reminded Xia Yan loudly after seeing this scene.

"You must not be touched by her, otherwise its fruit energy will directly act on you and turn you into a child."

Although the duration of Jewelry Bonney's skills is not too long, it may only be for a moment, but the change in this moment in the battlefield is likely to affect the final direction of the battle.

"It's okay." Xia Yan smiled and waved at him.

"I have something to say to you alone." Jewelry Bonney's voice suddenly became a little heavy, and unlike the cheerfulness and excitement shown during the meal before, she looked very lonely now.

Before Bellamy understood what was going on, he saw the scene where the other party seemed to be an old friend reunited, which made him feel very strange.

They didn't know each other before, why did they look so sad now?

"Aren't you going to avenge me and get me back?" He said to Xia Yan.

"When did I say that?" Xia Yan turned around and looked at him helplessly.

Bellamy felt as if she had swallowed a fish bone in her throat, and it was very uncomfortable.

But he couldn't speak again.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the toy guards next to him rushing towards him again, putting a pair of seastone handcuffs on his hands.

"What's the situation."?" He froze.

It wasn't originally agreed, why did Xia Yan change his mind so quickly.

"Actually, I didn't intend to let you go. You kid will only cause some indecent things in Dressrosa." Xia Shang shrugged.

It seems that for him, he has already thought of a countermeasure for this matter.

And it is true.

The reason why Xia Yan called him over is actually very simple.

That is, I feel too boring and want to find someone to amuse me.

This guy named Bellamy is also very cooperative.

Seeing that she was being played around, Bellamy immediately became angry.

Anyway, he can be regarded as a little famous pirate.

"You guys are simply going too far."

But before he continued to speak, he was taken away by the guards below.

And Xia Yan came to the rear with Jewelry Bonney.

The left and right sides here are completely separated by screens, which can be regarded as a relatively secret private area.

After all, Jewelry Bonney has already spent so much money here, logically speaking, it is reasonable for her to be here.

What's the matter? It seems that there is something wrong with you. "

Xia Yan is generally very magnanimous towards girls.

Especially a girl with a peculiar appearance like this, who has a special charm on her body.

Moreover, Xia Yan would generally agree to the request of such a person.

After all, if you really want to pick up a girl, it is a very complicated thing.

But if you do her a favor.

That's much faster, and a comforting effect can be formed psychologically almost instantly.

It is also the fastest way to pick up girls.

"I know that you are very powerful, and you can also speak up on the World government side, so I hope you can help me save my father." Jewelry Bonney seemed a little choked up when he spoke.

It can be seen that she really wants to save her relatives very much.

Xia Yan asked, "It has nothing to do with helping you, but you have to tell me the ins and outs of this matter first, and tell me what happened."

Jewelry Bonney pulled two stools beside him and sat on one, and then pushed one next to Xia Yan.

Afterwards, she began to slowly tell the whole story of the matter, and when she was about to say something, Xia Yan should have understood.

The reason why Jewelry Bonney came here this time is to ask Xia Yan to go to Vegapunk to save her father, because at present her father Bartholomeu Bear is being executed for a machine transformation plan.

If successful, there could be thousands of pacifists.

But a Bartholomew was lost forever.

Due to the abolition of Shichibukai, the planned time was advanced.

That's why Jewelry Bonney is very impatient.

If you don't act quickly, there may be no room for recovery in this matter.

For others, the loss of a prestigious pirate may not have much impact.

It doesn't matter if the Shichibukai camp changes as a whole.

But for Jewelry Bonney, he can lose anyone, but he can't lose his father.

Therefore, she decided that no matter what price she had to pay, she must rescue her father, even if it cost her own life.

However, she had thought of countless plans before, but there was no good way to implement them.

Because she felt that no matter whether she came from various camps, or looked for her former pirate friends, no one would dare to join her in rescuing her father.

After all, Vegapunk's laboratory is in Punk Hazard, which is the most strictly guarded place in the entire Marine camp.

Who dares to make mistakes in it?

This is by far the hardest part for her.

No one dared to take risks with her.

Some people, including her former pirates, felt that this matter was simply asking for (Qian Li's) dead end.

Therefore, many people persuaded her, saying that this matter should be considered in the long term, even if it is necessary to take action, then it must not be done at this critical juncture.

After all, Marine's actions against pirates have failed several times, including several times at Xia Yan's place. If Jewelry Bonney makes a move at this moment, he might be regarded as a shotgun.

Surely no one would do such a stupid thing?

"..." It seems that you have reached the point of nowhere. "Xia Yan said slowly.

Jewelry Bonney lowered her head, and she could see deep sadness from her delicate face.

Eye circles are red.

To be honest, Xia Yan is the one who hates women crying the most.

Especially in front of him.

So in fact, he is a little soft-hearted, but he will definitely not do a loss-making business.

So he said, "It's definitely okay to promise you, but I also have a condition."

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