Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 374 The Long-Lost War (Please Subscribe!)

The second half of the Grand Line.

After Charlotte Linlin learned that her ally was snatched away by Xia Yan, she had already accumulated anger, and there was no way to suppress it anymore.

Charlotte Cracker is on her way to the port of Dressrosa with some people under her banner.

At the same time, they also encountered Marine's fleet.

The leader is none other than Akainu.

As the candidate for the next Marine Marshal, Akainu has actually been working hard on that during this period of time.

Now Sengoku has given them some assessment conditions, so if they want to be Marine marshals, in addition to their own hard power, they must also make some policies.

So this time Akainu privately brought people to Dressrosa to find opportunities.

If some useful information can be collected, or something can be said to make the "360" Marine government proud, then the next Marine Marshal will basically be him.

For the position of Marshal of the Marine, Charlotte Cracker can be said to have worked very hard.

Because he has long been displeased with the weakness in the entire Marine camp.

Facing pirates must be solved with very strong means.

At this moment, after he saw the ship of the Big Mom Pirates at sea, he immediately ordered his men to fire.

At the same time, he directly flew into the sky, and as soon as he punched the hellfire, boundless magma appeared in the sky.

The entire Big Mom pirate group, the fleet masts in front of them all caught fire.

After seeing this scene, Charlotte Cracker rushed forward to release the energy of her biscuit fruit, and made shields one after another, barely blocking Akainu's blow.

He then stood on the front deck of the ship and confronted Akainu.

"Don't go too far. We neither recruited you nor provoked you. Why did you take the initiative to attack us?"

After hearing this sentence, Akainu almost died laughing.

"I really don't know whether to say you are stupid or that you have a bad brain. You are pirates and we are Marines. Isn't it our bounden duty to catch you? What is fair to me here?

Charlotte Cracker thought this was indeed the truth. This time, she ran into Marine just after going out, and she was really a bit confused.

But suddenly he found that the other party's sailing route was the same as his own.

So he immediately said, "If you really try your best, even if you can destroy my fleet of ships, you can't catch them, so why should we?"

But for Akainu, as long as he is facing pirates, he will definitely go all out.

Even if you can't catch him, you have to kill him.

This is Akainu's, absolute justice.

It's just that in the recent period of time, Xia Yan has repeatedly broken this creed of his life, and none of the absolute justice he believes in has succeeded

So Akainu was also a little shaken.

Seeing this scene, Charlotte Cracker knew now was the time.

So he immediately opened his mouth to confuse, "I know your goal must be Xia Yan, and we are the same. As the saying goes, there is no absolute advantage, and there is no absolute enemy. Why don't we cooperate? After Dressrosa is solved, we will count our losses." ledger.

Not to mention Akainu, Zhenlot Cracker and their attitude towards Marine are also very unfriendly.

If it weren't for Xia Yan's existence, they wouldn't be able to truly cooperate until their death.

"Okay, I think what you said makes sense, but it's absolutely impossible for us Marine to collude with you. I will do this, but you can only do it in private."

Although Akainu agreed to cooperate with the Big Mom Pirates, on the bright side, he would never let anyone know about it.

Otherwise, not to mention being a Marine Marshal, his Admiral position may be removed.

It can be said that Akainu's current personality has changed completely because of Xia Yan. If he had an absolutely righteous style in the past, he would never have cooperated with Charlotte Cracker.

In the outer port of Dressrosa, many sentinels have already discovered in advance, sea ships and Marine warships.

So they immediately sounded the alarm and rushed over to report in advance.

Doflamingo has been busy working in the underground factory during this time. He has found many channels to obtain materials, but he can encounter obstacles from Kaido in every place.

So now his development has stagnated, and there is absolutely no way to continue..

And saw Vinsmoke Reiju standing next to Xia Yan.

Doflamingo immediately understood that he must have gone there this time not just to please Vinsmoke Judge.

"Looks like I'm here, isn't it time?"

Xia Yan saw that Doflamingo was here to talk about business, so he said to Vinsmoke Reiju, "We will talk about the matter in two days, but you can rest assured that I will definitely find your brother, and I will also discuss the marriage issue with you." will handle it."

Hearing this, Vinsmoke Reiju was even a little embarrassed, she covered her face in embarrassment.

"I'll talk about that later, I don't want to talk about it just yet."

She left immediately after speaking.

To be honest, she has never felt so shy in such a long time.

After seeing Vinsmoke Reiju leave, Doflamingo dragged Xia Yan to a remote place to talk.

"Now our income is not enough to maintain the current consumption, I think the factories below must be reopened, but I will continue to look for newer sources of materials.

Xia Yan has no objection to this point.

"You can take care of these things, and let me know if you need help."

Doflamingo stood there in silence for a while, "There really are, otherwise, why would I come to you at this time.

Xia Yan knew that he must go to the Three Treasures Palace 4.4 for nothing.

So he took out a spell from his waist, "This thing is for you, even if you go to Wanokuni, no one can do anything to you."

In fact, Xia Yan had already figured it out. Doflamingo came to him for no other reason than to improve his strength.

Because in the past, he had explicitly hinted to Xia Yan many times to help him train. He saw that Xia Yan helped Kalifa to easily defeat the Golden Lion.

This made his desire for strength gradually expand to a certain extent, but Masahiko would not casually distribute the Chakra in his body.

Although it is said that there is not much harm to him at present, these people below cannot have too much strength.

Otherwise, it would be good for him. .

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