Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 376 Talking With Various Forces, People Have Self-Knowledge! (Please Subscribe!)

Since the opponent is using the ability of the flame attribute, Xia Yan naturally has the same skill to return to him.

Before Akainu's attack came.

Xia Yan didn't even make a seal, and released the most basic Great Fireball Technique with just a single wave of his hand.

The two fireballs gradually expanded from the size of a leather ball to a small sun.

The boundless fiery temperature conducts inside, not only absorbing the magma attribute energy attacked by Akainu, but even condensing in the air, and releasing a sea of ​​flames.

Akainu never expected that Xia Yan's strength and even his control over flames would be so strong.

He was intimidated.

So he immediately dodged and attached a layer of Armament Haki to his body.

The next flame-like power burned his whole body.

If he hadn't dodged quickly just now, he might be seriously injured right now.

"I didn't expect that you kid is not very good at attacking, and running so fast is obviously not the result of speed!" Xia Yan taunted with a laugh.

In fact, for him, whether it is Akainu or other people in Marine, it is not enough to watch.

Even if these people are tied together, there is no way to hurt a single hair of Zhendu.

It's just that Akainu's fruit ability is really interesting.

Basically, it is the highest at the flame level.

Another awakened fruit of natural ability.

If it is true that he develops to the Ultimate and then uses the ability to awaken the fruit, it might be really tricky.

But no matter what kind of battle it is, it can basically be divided into several stages.

For example, momentum, or Haki!

Xia Yan is very clear about this point. After all, in the world of pirates, Haki, Devil Fruit, and Taijutsu are the three major combat systems.

Most of the powerhouses basically rely on the perverted Devil Fruit ability.

Only a small number of people can practice Haki and Taijutsu to Ultimate.

Therefore, such a part of the people are the real sea powerhouses.

Like Akainu, for example.

As one of the three Marine Admirals, he is also the most likely to be a Marine marshal in the future.

In Marine's combat system, except for the former Marshal Kong and the current outgoing Marshal Sengoku.

Basically no one is a match for Akainu.

(ps: except Garp!)

So in this battle, as soon as Xia Yan and Akainu came into contact, the gap could be seen immediately.

Akainu's attack is extremely explosive!

The magma power of the fire is blazing, and the fire ninjutsu he unleashes with a lot of Chakra is even worse.

But Xia Yan's next move immediately caught Akainu by surprise.

Because he actually used exactly the same moves as himself.

This is the replication power of Sharingan.

It is indeed terrifying.

In fact, when he saw this, Akainu had no desire to fight at all.

If it were changed to before, no matter what kind of child they are facing, they must suppress it in the name of justice.

But in Xia Yan's hands, he really couldn't get any benefit.

Sure enough, the next Xia Yan appeared behind him, and he was directly blasted down with an ordinary ninja spell.

Akainu was then lying on a splint on the bed, having suffered serious injuries.

Several fellow Marines standing next to him will immediately start their boats and prepare to leave.

To be honest, such a scene looks very scary. After all, among the Marines, Admiral is already considered to be the most powerful group. They actually fought with Xia Yan and were seriously injured without even holding on for three or four rounds.

This is simply a king-level existence.

Even the previous One Piece, Roger couldn't do this.

After seeing Akainu's defeat and leaving, Charlotte Cracker next to her finally felt guilty.

Although the amount of reward he offered in this sea area is also very high, "everyone should have self-knowledge.

So he also wanted to retreat with him.

But Xia Yan stopped him directly.

"I want to leave, I'm afraid there won't be such a good thing, since you have come here, then stay and have a good talk..."

Charlotte Cracker is a biscuit fruit user with strong organizational skills.

"Forget it, I have something to do at home, so I'll leave first..." Charlotte Cracker dared not stay here any longer.

Isn't that courting death!

Even Akainu couldn't bear it a few times.

But Xia Yan didn't intend to let them go.

"Come on, if you slip away, how will the sixth child come? How will the people from Cake Island come?"

There is deep meaning in Xia Yan's words.

"Get off the boat, I will wait for you in the VIP lounge." Xia Yan then left.

Charlotte Cracker looked to the side, her expression was a little bit wrong.

But he dared not leave.

Recalling that before, Xia Yan was able to arrest Marine Admiral.

Wouldn't it be too easy to hold him alone now?

But this matter has developed to this point, the best way.

I can only bite the bullet and follow the past.

The VIP room of the port is almost a separate world, full of elegance and luxury. Upon entering this spacious hall, a huge crystal chandelier hangs from the high ceiling, exuding a soft and bright light.

The building model here is basically in accordance with Xia Yan's requirements, the main thing is that you can't lose face if you lose face.

Therefore, the reception of VIPs from outside is basically here.

In the center is a majestic reception desk, made of gorgeous marble sculptures, with rich decorations adding a combination of classic and modern beauty to the whole space.

The hall is surrounded by huge (Wang Dezhao) glass windows, through which you can enjoy the charming view of the harbor, the blue water and the bright neon lights in the distance form an intoxicating picture.

Xia Yan didn't wait here by himself this time, but called Vinsmoke Reiju and Uta over in advance.

Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so it is better to come and see for a while.

`々After the completion of this place, you haven’t been here yet, have you?」

Especially Uta.

She has been in the concert hall before, and it is not bad to come out once in a while.

Gentle sunlight pours into the VIP room, complementing the scenery outside the window, filling the space with warmth and comfort.

"It's really beautiful here, and the outside world is also beautiful."

Uta's eyes are full of little stars.

For her, every time she recognizes a new world, it is a spiritual transformation.

It made up for the regret of missing in childhood. .

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