Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 399 Attack On Wanokuni (Please Subscribe!)

It seems that because of Akainu's actions, everyone here felt very uncomfortable.

So each of them wanted to withdraw immediately from this meeting and not to participate.

But some Marines are already at the door.

Looking at it like this, it seems that it is going to decide this matter forcefully.

The manager of the auction stood up, holding a golden token in his hand.

"If you continue to behave like this, then I will report to the higher-ups.

After all, everyone knows very well that in the current Sabaody Archipelago, the Celestial Dragons are still the actual leaders.

Although they have a certain relationship with World government and Marine.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that other forces are nothing but Celestial Dragons, the gunmen under their hands.

It's all about handling things for them.

And every Celestial Dragons feels that "two two seven" is completely their birthright, so everyone else is like a slave in their eyes.

So they will have no mercy.

This is why Akainu felt that reform was necessary.

Otherwise, not only within the Marine, but with the development of the times, even some small countries around will have the idea of ​​resistance.

It is true that where there is oppression, there is resistance.

When these questions were asked, Xia Yan had already made a decision.

Anyway, it's all for nothing.

So naturally you don't need to care about what other people think.

Not only Sabaody Archipelago, but also people in other places feel this very urgently.

Even if these people know that they don't have the ability to buy Devil Fruit, there is always no shortage of spectators in this world.

So in the last two or three days, there has basically been an influx of people, probably hundreds of thousands of times.

They have basically occupied all kinds of places in the Chambly Islands, and even the streets have become much more lively, which is the attractive effect brought by the runny nose.

Marine's recent job is not only to maintain law and order, but also to ensure that there are no vicious pirates among these people.

So their workload has also increased a lot during this time.

Xia Yan walks on the streets of Sabaody Archipelago every day, and is thinking about a problem carefully.

That is this group of people, what is their purpose.

Especially Akainu.

Xia Yan felt that this guy was definitely not as simple as he appeared on the surface, and there must be a lot of Xiaowu hidden in his heart.

But he no longer intends to continue participating in this auction.

Because those two Devil Fruits had already been swapped by him.

In the upcoming auction, all the items sold are fake.

Taking advantage of this time, Xia Yan left Sabaody Archipelago and went directly to Wanokuni.

He intends to do both.

Anyway, all the people and most of the troops have been attracted.

I am afraid that even some of Kaido's subordinates have come to the archipelago where the project is located, wanting to see what the origin of these two Devil Fruits are.

So now is the best time for Xia Yan to make a move.

Wanokuni is located in the second half of the Grand Line, basically a closed country, never accepting foreign tourists, nor accepting any other strangers to enter "including the sea house in C.

It is now also home to the Beasts Pirates.

Residents of the country are accustomed to wearing ancient island-style kimono clothes, communicating with others in a more traditional tone, and calling swordsmen with high martial arts skills "samurai".

The supreme leader of Wanokuni is called "shogun", and the supreme leader of the area is called "daimyo".

I think back when I fought against Moria's ghost army in West Blue, there used to be a swordsman wearing a samurai uniform, and his name was Ryoma.

The black knife Qiushui in his hand is from Wanokuni.

In this world, basically the most famous knives come from Wanokuni.

Here, Xia Yan can see completely different scenery from other places.

Wanokuni, all in all is very beautiful.

It's just that this kind of beauty and prosperity basically comes from the rule of the Kozuki clan.

Later, after the Kurozumi Orochi rebelled, he overthrew the rule of the Kozuki clan, and then Kaido invaded, causing the entire Wanokuni to become a pandemonium.

That's why Cat Viper and Inulan asked Xia Yan to come over to avenge them at this time.

Because a long time ago, Wanokuni's only alliance partner was Zuowu......

It is the territory of the fur clan.

And these other people are called Chi Xiao Nine Heroes, and they are all people who followed Kozuki Oden.

They formed a typical political alliance.

It's just that after Kozuki Oden died, the others were scattered all over the place, like stars.

But as the old saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire, and now it's time for them to make a comeback.

So they found Xia Yan.

In their eyes, Xia Yan is omnipotent and can provide them with the conditions for victory.

It’s just that after arriving at Wanokuni, there are still certain restrictions. For example, the phone bugs that Xia Yan carries are basically useless here, because the communication method used by Wanokuni is a kind of phone bug called snail. A communication device.

But he has a technological monopoly.

This is what makes Wanokuni, which is closed to the outside world, different from other places.

And the seastone that can limit the power of Demon fruit also comes from here.

Although later the World government carried it forward, forming seastone prisons, seastone handcuffs, and even created some modified seastone weapons.

But basically they can't compare with the craftsmen here.

Because the technique of seastone forging is unique to Wanokuni craftsmen, it can be processed to the size of a nail.

It can also control the purity of the seastone in the seastone handcuffs so that if the ability user wears 1.0, he cannot use the ability to stretch and still have the strength to do coolies. The historical text stele was also made by the Kozuki clan of Wanokuni.

After visiting here for two or three days, Xia Yan felt that Wanokuni was indeed very good.

Not only is there a variety of cultural atmospheres, but you can feel the bustling atmosphere of Wanokuni just by walking in it.

Most of the surrounding area is barren.

But in the capital of flowers, he was even more luxurious than those commanders of Marine's countries.

But when Xia Yan was on the third day, he seemed to have been discovered.

That person is none other than someone else.

It is Black Maria!

Logically speaking, she should be on Ghost Island at this time.

However, because there are too many things going on recently, they came to the capital of flowers for a meeting.

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