Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 406 Yamato Appears, One Head And Two Big Ones? (Please Subscribe!)

Although Xia Yan doesn't know that Kaido is running around for his affairs.

He came to the ghost island immediately, and wanted to find Kaido.

Let's talk about things first.

But those people under him say that Kaido has left now and is not here.

Although Xia Yan is a little bit lacking in interest, but for him, there is another person worthy of his attention.

Take Yamato for example.

Yamato, the daughter of "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, is a person with the ability to eat the phantom beast species of Zoan dog dog, and claims to be Kozuki Oden.

Is a huge fan of Kozuki Oden.

In his childhood, he worshiped Oden because he witnessed the Kozuki Oden boiling incident, and picked up Oden's sailing diary, yearning for the outside world.

He proposed to Kaido several times that he wanted to become Kozuki Oden, but Kaido would beat him up every time.

So he was imprisoned on the island of ghosts, wearing handcuffs that would explode on outlying islands, and was very unfamiliar with the outside world. Kaido called Yamato his "son" to the outside world.

To be honest, whoever has such a daughter is probably the first two.

After all, this guy has been rebellious since he was a child.

Basically don't follow your heart.

Kaido was almost numb.

But no matter how much he thinks, it can't change Yamato's heart at all.

She can only be imprisoned here to see if she can change her mind.

Basically, without much effort, Xia Yan met Yamato among the ghosts.

She wears a prajna mask, and has long white hair with gradient colors. From the top of her head to the tip of her hair, her hair gradually changes from white to green and then to blue.

With the parted hair in the middle, two stacks of love hair naturally hang down to the chest. There are a pair of red devil horns growing on the top of the head. The hair at the back of the head is tied into a ponytail, and two orange hairpins are struggling.

Both ears wear gold earrings.

He is tall and tall, wearing a white sleeveless close-fitting kimono with blue patterns on the kimono and two diamond patterns on the chest.

A huge shimenawa is tied around the waist. She was wearing a long red dress on her lower body, and a pair of red clogs with straps on her bare feet.

To be honest, this dress really made Xia Yan feel very good.

At least it has a different flavor.

In particular, Yamato's figure is still very good. Among Xia Yan's wives, he should be regarded as very outstanding.

And she is also the daughter of Kaido, so it is estimated that in terms of combat effectiveness, she will not be much weaker than Hancock.

This is very important to Xia Yan.

So Xia Yan walked up directly without even introducing himself, and just stretched out a hand, making an inviting gesture, and said to Yamato.

"Hi, can you be my wife",?"

Xia Yan's words were so straightforward that everyone around felt very embarrassed.

After all, no one would say such an unreasonable request as soon as they met a person.

The people next to me seem to be used to it too.

Although they felt that Xia Yan's behavior was a very shameless act, after all, his strength lay there.

It's reasonable to say that it doesn't make sense.

This is the most reasonable saying, whoever has a strong wrist is the fairest justice in the world.

Marine probably didn't want to understand this point.

Let's not talk about others, just the protagonist Yamato this time.

She was completely dumbfounded.

Because she didn't know Xia Yan at all.

In fact, this matter is very normal, because Wanokuni itself is equivalent to a closed country, and they have very little communication with the outside world. Basically, they rely on some newspapers sent over to understand the political situation outside.

And Yamato has been blocked by Kaido in the ghost island all year round.

The intake of information from the outside world is naturally even more scarce.

Except for the acquaintance with Portgas Ace, Yamato basically has no outside friends for so many years.

Naturally, I didn't think too much about getting married.

But at this moment, when she suddenly heard Xia Yan say this, her mind was still a little throbbing, "But she didn't quickly react to the core of this matter.

He just stretched out his hands and said to Xia Yan, "Look at me being handcuffed like this, how can I marry you?"

Xia Yan smiled slightly, "This thing is simple."

Xia Yan put one hand on the golden Chakra on Yamato's arm, flowing out from his body.

Condensed on Yamato's body, some energy was drawn from the inside of her body, colluded with the surface of her skin and blood vessels, and then instantly shattered the two handcuffs with a burst of chakra swelling.

"It's over, this thing is not easy, you will be my wife, and there will be more good days waiting for you in the future.

Yamato watched all this in astonishment.

She thought it was just amazing.

After all, these are the handcuffs that Kaido put on her personally. He found many people in Hezhi, but basically no one could help her open them.

"I really haven't experienced this feeling of freedom in a long time, thank you very much."

After the handcuffs were opened, Yamato happily danced a standard dance on the spot.

She has never studied.

But some things are talents after all.

After seeing this scene, the people around felt that something was wrong.

".||It's over, after Kaido comes back, wouldn't the world be turned upside down?"

"That's true, but what we should consider now is not this, but think about it, now that the red-haired Shanks and the Revolutionary Army are here, how should we resist..."

To be honest, if it were changed to the previous one.

This matter is simply not within their scope of consideration.

Because no matter what, someone will cover them for them, and there are six real fighters and three disaster stars above them.

And Kaido, the strongest creature in the world.

They have long forgotten what it feels like to be invaded by others.

Because in recent years, they have always played the role of superiors, coming and going to oppress and exploit the surrounding civilians, as well as other small (Nuo Yue) calendars and countries.

Therefore, in these people's minds, there is no concept that they want to be reduced to prisoners.

But now, the situation has shown them.

If there is no substantive change, then their past scenery may become a bubble in the water.

And at this moment.

After dancing, Yamato drew a mace similar to Kaido's from behind his back.

"Although I am very grateful to you for letting me out, I will not marry you."

The smile on her face was very bright.

It seems that he is congratulating himself for his ingenuity.

The smile on Xia Yan's face did not change, because he had guessed Yamato a long time ago, and it was definitely impossible to agree so easily.

But Xia Yan has a lot of patience.

Anyway, I have to wait for Kaido to come back.

During this time, you can play with Yamato and let her know whose wrist is stronger.

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