Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 417 Five Elders Debut! (Please Subscribe!)

Seeing this scene, it seemed that if he said a wrong word again, Naval Headquarters would be bombarded and smashed by this kind of intensive artillery fire.

Buddha Sengoku fell silent.

He looks at the Marine hero Garp next to him.

The whole person is very confused.

Garp originally wanted to make a move. After all, in the entire Summit War, he should be regarded as the strongest combat power among Marines.

If it weren't for his old age, maybe he really has the qualifications to wrestle with Xia Yan.

But it's a pity that when Xia Yan first came here, he started to block the space around Garp.

He spent about thirty spells to seal the space.

So now even if Garp wants to stand up and do something, he finds that the space around him is all restricted by a yellow chakra.

This is the picture of the ground as a prison.

Now he has all the strength in his body, but he has absolutely no way to display it.

It can only continue to attack in this barrier.

And with his attack, the barrier Xia Yan set up is also constantly cracking.

But that doesn't matter.

Because this is also rapidly consuming Garp's physical strength, as well as his Haki.

Even if he succeeds, after coming out of Xia Yan's blockade, his combat power is not comparable to that of the peak state before.

It's easy to solve.

057 After seeing this scene, Sengoku, the Buddha, sighed.

"Actually, to be honest, we really didn't plan to use too many targeted policies against you, but you have gone too far, and we have nothing to do.

After Buddha Sengoku finished speaking, Xia Yan immediately interrupted him.

"Don't talk about it with me here, can this matter be done?"

Sengoku was silent for about a minute or so.

Then he pointed to the sky with his finger.

"None of us may be able to deal with you, but there are even more terrifying existences above us. If we use them, the whole world will be plunged into darkness.

Xia Yan naturally knew who Sengoku was talking about.

But those are not important to him.

What Five Elders, what Lord Im.

They are nothing but dead bones in the grave.

Now two-thirds or even more of the entire sea area has fallen into Xia Yan's hands.

The pacifists made by Vegapunk are basically all over the surrounding large islands.

It can be said that Xia Yan's current power is much wider than that controlled by Naval Headquarters (cfaa).

Therefore, whether it is Sengoku of the Buddha or the high-level officials of Naval Headquarters, Xia Yan basically does not have the negotiating capital to be on an equal footing with him.

So Xia Yan said directly threateningly, "Now I will give you another choice, that is to give up the original god status of Naval Headquarters and follow me to be my younger brother.

Xia Yan naturally has his own unique insights when he said this sentence. After all, if he really wants to lead the entire situation at sea, then he must first need some management talents

Xia Yan, like the pirates, doesn't have any expectations for them. Those guys should have unique structures in war, but they are like novices in terms of management.

However, judging from Sengoku's performance, it seems that Naval Headquarters does not want to surrender so easily.

Because Xia Yan had already seen five white meteors in the sky.

Those are the five most capable people.

Everyone around stopped when they saw this scene.

The Marines seemed to see their savior.

The pirates are very worried.

"It seems that we are finally saved this time." When Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan and some other Vice Admirals from Naval Headquarters saw this scene, smiles appeared on their faces

Because for them, the Five Elders are the highest combat power on the entire sea level.

With their appearance, this battle will definitely be 100% victorious.

The momentum formed by these five meteors in the sky is very grand.

It's just that when Xia Yan saw this, the smile on his face gradually became wanton.

"It's not good to use any method to get here. You have to fly in the air. It's just looking for death."

After Xia Yan finished speaking, he used his previous ability to block space to condense the surrounding air into lumps.

Then, bit by bit, they were placed in various positions in the air of Five Elders through their own operating ability.

forcing them to stop. Then Xia Yan pulled them into the Kamui space one by one.

Everyone played against the unbeaten Xia Yan.

With the blessing of Sharingan, the Five Elders have strong abilities.

But they were fighting Xia Yan after all.

And it is within the scope of Sharingan.

So the pressure is very high.

One of the Five Elders with a bald head and a samurai sword bumped into Xia Yan's body immediately.

He didn't think Xia Yan's strength was strong at first, although he had met Xia Yan through the window when he was in the Holy Land.

Because at that time, he had already deeply felt Xia Yan's energy.

But now is the moment of life and death after all, and the entire Naval Headquarters has been invaded.

If they don't take action again, then the regime of World Government will eventually be overthrown in their hands.

So the main reason why the Five Elders came this time was not that they wanted to have a life-and-death duel with Xia Yan [the main reason was that they were forced by the order of the Imyin people who entered the market without dragons.

"Is there no chance for us to have peace talks again?" the bald Five Elders said.

It seems that in his mind, the war is completely avoidable, and they have not shot for a long time.

However, for Xia Yan, there is no need for any further peace talks.

So Xia Yan said with a smile on his face in the Kamui space, "This time I came here just to beat you to death or to be beaten to death by you.

After hearing this sentence, he already understood that there is absolutely no room for relaxation in this matter.

So pick up your arms and get ready to fight.

But while he was talking, Xia Yan was already around him, arranged with Chakra energy, blocking all his space.

Let him have no way to move around at will.

At the same time, Xia Yan used the small cell ability in ninjutsu to invade the muscle tissue of Five Elders.

Not only did it shatter the energy-storing core in his body, but it also immediately controlled the flow of his blood vessels.

"What kind of ability is this!" The eyes of the bald Five Elders were full of shock.

He has never encountered this kind of attack before!.

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