Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 443 Powerful Void Creation (Please Subscribe!)

Xia Yan laughed.

"This is called the Valoran Continent, and it is completely different from the islands in the sea where you stayed."

"This is another magical world that is full of grotesques."

Although Xia Yan said that he already explained it very clearly.

But Boya Hanku-K still couldn't understand.

Because she doesn't understand the world at all.

"You don't have to worry now, I will take you to get to know each other slowly, but your former friends may never be seen again. 11

After hearing what Xia Yan said, Boa·Hancock immediately expressed his attitude.

"I don't worry about anything else, as long as you are here.

For the current Pirate Empress, Xia Yan is her everything, with Xia Yan here, nothing else is important.

"This...how about I go?" Jess said with some embarrassment.

This dog food is really full.

"You continue to study." Xia Yan said lightly.

Because the nodes of each space-time rift are different, Jess will be responsible for researching and developing more equipment that can bring people over in the future.

The difficulty is that these space-time nodes need to be continuously captured.

Whether it is Jess or other scientists, they must ensure that the data is complete before using these devices to conduct a second in-depth tracking of the location in time and space.

In this way, the specific location can be better known.

"Don't worry, leave the rest to me." Jess expressed his determination to Xia Yan.

Because he knew that the person in front of him had energy that no one else could match.

As long as you follow him, you can get everything you want.

"Then I'll take people away first, and you can continue to work hard on the next thing."

After saying this, Xia Yan took Boa Hancock and left Jess's weapon workshop, and then came to the outer layer of Guy Serene's manor.

Xia Yan let him rent a house here before.

It was prepared for Boa Hancock in advance.

Arrange the Pirate Queen after this place.

Xia Yan spent a long time with her tenderly.

Early the next morning, Xia Yan received an invitation from Heimerdinger.

It means to let him go to the group meeting.

But for Xia Yan, he would never go to such an irrelevant meeting.

You are a waste of time for him.

In Xia Yan's cognition.

Your own affairs come first.

Now he still has things to do.

That is to get the strange runes in this Runeterra as soon as possible.

Every world has its own rules.

For example, the energy of the Hokage world is Chakra, and the energy of the One Piece world has also been introduced before.

Then this rune was something Xia Yan had been talking about for a long time.

It's just that he has never been able to get it.

The reason is also very simple, because he is not a person in this world, and it is very difficult to get the recognition of the power of runes in this world.

First of all, Xia Yan needs to stay here for enough time.

Second, he needs to gain the approval of the local people.

So now Xia Yan has had sex with Guy Celine.

As far as the power in this world is concerned, part of him already belongs to this world.

So now Xia Yan is the best time to obtain the power of runes.

So he left here without saying hello to anyone.

On the outskirts of Piltover is a land of no man.

This place was connected to the void zone in ancient times.

It's just that a war broke out later, which led to a great recession of all powers.

Whether it's Valoran or the void.

The strength has been compromised to its original form.

With so many years of development, the strength of both sides has reached an unfathomable level, and no one can do anything about it.

And this unowned land is about to become the second battlefield now.

It's just that there are relatively few people invading now.

Most are what are known as bounty hunters.

They came here to capture the corpses of certain void creatures.

For example, in the ancient war period.

There are several powerful void creatures, Kha'Zix, Vel'Koz, Kassadin, etc...

Their strength is unfathomable.

And with a strong void corrosion ability.

Every living being has its unique energy characteristics.

And for so many years, a so-called void forest has also formed in the local area.

...asking for flowers...

Many of their offspring were born here.

They are called Void Beasts.

These bounty hunters came here just for the core in the body of the Void Beast after death.

Because that means money!

Xia Yan's purpose of coming here is very pure.

That is, awaken one of the mighty creatures of the void!

In Xia Yan's speculation before, what he wanted to wake up the most was a creature called Void Fear.

His name is Chogas.

It is driven by insatiable hunger.

The void's desire to devour all life is perfectly embodied in Cho'Gath, whose complex biological structure can quickly transform matter into physical growth.

Not only will it increase muscle mass and density, but it will also make the shell hard like a diamond.


When the pure size growth can no longer satisfy it, this void creature will spit out the excess material into sharp bony spurs, pierce the prey, and prepare for the feast later!

Xia Yan was able to obtain a special treasure through the system.

It's called "The World Illustrated Book"!

This strange book contains many anecdotes in this world.

Most of the data records are there.

It is estimated that even many people in this world do not know the truth, but it is recorded in this book.

And this fear of the void Kogas is also what Xia Yan found most interesting to him.

Because he grew up in a unique way.

It is swallowing!

And has the qualifications of unlimited growth.

In other words, even if its initial level is only a level similar to that of a small earthworm, it will eventually grow into a giant.

This ability is what Xia Yan admires the most.

So as soon as he came here, he rushed directly to a village where bounty hunters gathered.

When different from other places.

These bounty hunters have a unique way of greeting, they are silent.

Everyone who meets each other is waving the dagger in their hands.

Or other weapons.

From the battle marks on the weapons, we can judge what they will say next.

This is a special way of communication between bounty hunters.

Others simply have no way of assimilating into their environment. .

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