Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 448 Devil Fruit And Alchemy Technology (Please Subscribe!)

In the following time, he has been concentrating on researching instruments, and trying to connect those unstable nodes in time and space.

It's just that these things cannot be accomplished overnight.

He needs to devote a lot of time and effort.

Now the second time node has not had time to capture.

Heimerdinger, the great inventor on the other end of the phone, said, "I just want to remind you, no matter how far you go, I'm afraid the whole of Piltover will be very peaceful in the future.

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

Jess in the weapon workshop still doesn't quite understand what happened now.

But hearing this, it seems that there will be a big change in Piltover?

in another place.

Xia Yan took the fear of the void he had just obtained, and went to a small virgin forest.

It absorbed the special energy in it, as well as the naturally produced ore, and finally grew its size to the left-right size of an adult.

Now Xia Yan is more-satisfied with his size.

It should be good to take this thing out, at least it can scare some irrelevant people by virtue of its appearance.

During the time Xia Yan left, Guy Celine had already prepared some gold coins for Xia Yan.

Although it is said that their wedding has not yet officially taken place.

But the money was a big gamble for Gilaman Engad.

They even shut down some industries.

Turn it into liquidity, and it all gives roundness.

It was mainly because they felt that Xia Yan's potential was very high.

This is a very obvious venture capital investment!

But whether it's Guy Celine or Gilaman's family, they all feel that Masahiko is definitely someone who can subvert the overall environment.

Perhaps in the future, Xia Yan's name will be heard throughout Valoran.

In the city of Zu'an, Xia Yan scared most of the people away just after he came over with the fear of the void.

Because it was really the first time they had seen this kind of monster.

After wandering around the street for several laps, Brother Long, who was finally hiding in the corner, overcame his inner fear and walked up.

"Why are you here all of a sudden? Didn't you say that I will notify you when I have news?" Last time, Brother Long voluntarily became Xia Yan's younger brother.

In his opinion, his decision was also very correct.

And Xia Yan looked at their faltering group of people, a little unhappy, "If you have anything to say, just say it, there is no need to be tight."

Seeing that Xia Yan had already seen what they were thinking, Brother Long didn't need to pretend anymore.

He chuckled, "Actually, the matter is very simple. Didn't you ask me to pay attention to the God of Storms before, but her appearance is basically random. We need to find its fixed position."

Xia Yan looked at them, "You are not talking nonsense, this is the position I asked you to find, otherwise, what would you do?"

Brother Long looked a little shy, "Don't say that, you know our abilities, they are all ordinary punks, it will take a lot of effort to find them.

Hearing this person immediately understood.

So he took out some Devil Fruit from his pocket that was originally in One Piece World.

Just lost it.

These are some of the most common Zoan fruits, basically looted from Kaido.

Originally, Xia Yan thought that these things were completely useless, but now, Xia Yan suddenly felt that if he could use this inferior Zoan Devil Fruit to create a group of his own confidants in Valoran.

It is also very good.

Brother Long and the others looked at the fruits in Xia Yan's hands, which were full of various spiral patterns.

All very surprised.

"What is this?"

The younger brothers next to him pointed at Brother Long's nose, "Brother Long, you are too mean, these are obviously some imported fruits.

Xia Yan rolled his eyes at them, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know."

Xia Yan pulled out a banana-like fruit from it, and handed it to Brother Long.

"Eat it, and you will gain an energy zone different from ordinary people."

Although Brother Long didn't understand a little bit.

But since Xia Yan said this, he decided to give it a try.

So tremblingly, he took off the banana-like fruit from Xia Yan's hand, and after thinking about it for five or six seconds, he stuffed it into his mouth and bit it down.

Then his complexion changed drastically, twisting beyond measure.

After seeing this scene, the people behind immediately felt that the fruit might be poisonous.

……ask for flowers……

They pointed at Xia Yan, "Why are you doing this? We are all sincerely working for you. Why did you poison me!"

Xia Yan was speechless.

He didn't speak, because this is the characteristic of Devil Fruit. Although it can give the person who is eaten first, it is very powerful and unique in the world.

At the same time, his taste is extremely bitter, the most unpalatable thing in the world.

Just as it should be, after a minute, Brother Long's face gradually returned to calm.

He felt that the inside of his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Immediately afterwards, his body began to expand continuously, gradually doubling in height from the original height of a person!

This is a very scary thing.

And a wolf's head gradually appeared in his arm.

Xia Yan expressed his satisfaction when he saw this.

This is what Kaido's rudimentary units of Devil Fruit legions look like.

Basically a combination of human and animal.

But the strength can grow exponentially.

Originally, an ordinary person like Long Ge would not be able to occupy a place in this world in his whole life.

But as long as they have Devil Fruit, they can even wrestle with heroes who have gained powerful powers.

It's like Zaan technology, which is basically upgraded from the human body.

Xia Yan's Zoan Devil Fruit is obviously more convenient to transform.

But in a real sense, everything has advantages and disadvantages.

The modified Devil Fruit is still very afraid of water.

And sometimes it will get out of control, which needs to be remodeled.

It happened that Xia Yan came here this time to find Xin Jide and ask him to fuse his potion with Devil Fruit.

It might have a big effect.

And those younger brothers in Brother Long's hands didn't feel any harm after seeing him eat the Devil Fruit.

Moreover, they also acquired a powerful ability, so they rushed to Xia Yan's side one after another, scrambling to snatch the few remaining Devil Fruits in their hands.

Xia Yan just watched them eat with a smile.

For him, his basic force in this world already has Fan. .

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