Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 454 The Showdown In The Summoner's Canyon (Subscribe!)

Xia Yan was absolutely right in saying this.

Because he also has his own principles.

The League of Legends he established is definitely a completely utilitarian force, so different countries must join in to maintain the balance inside.

The survival of human beings and the evolution of the entire world undoubtedly require a confrontation.

Onslaught, as well as life-and-death competition, are the most basic principles of all worlds.

For example, if people from Demacia and Noxus joined the League of Legends together, the two camps would be inherently hostile.

Such words are interesting.

Sure enough, after Galen came, Darius and Katerina who were next to him also went together.

It's just that Katerina didn't express her inner thoughts after seeing Xia Yan.

During the recent period, she has seen too many Xia Yan's romantic debts in "613". Whether it's Lacus or Guy Tlin, she can't accept some of them for the time being.

So after Katerina came to sign up, she immediately disappeared into the crowd.

Only the two brothers Darius and Delevingne remained in place.

"Are you two also here to join the League of Legends?"

One of them waved the giant ax in his hand, and the other waved the sickle in his hand.

"Of course, we are bound to get the magic-enhancing stone you provided."

Because the country of Noxus itself is very respectful of magic, they use countless ways to attract magicians from outside.

And this time I came to Piltover to compete with many countries for this magic-enhancing stone, and I'm sure I'll meet many excellent magicians from all over the continent

"Since you two forces will participate, then our first match can basically be confirmed." Xia Yan smiled slightly.

Immediately after that, he opened the Hex live streaming system that he had already prepared.

Like the people present and those watching outside the live broadcast system said.

"Because it's the first time it's held, I'm not very familiar with visitors from other forces, but for the two countries of Demacia and Noxus, I still have some connections, so this event I will give the rewards to the finalists of these two countries.

After finishing speaking, Xia Yan waved his hand, and a golden Chakra emerged from his hand, forming a gigantic duel ring on the spot.

In the arena, a huge Summoner Canyon is completely formed by 3D.

Whether it's rivers, trees, or tower defenses, they are all very realistic.

The other people were shocked after seeing this scene.

"Damn, what kind of energy is this that can condense a whole huge canyon out of thin air?"

"Is this person a god? How could he possess such powerful energy?"

"To be honest, I didn't really believe that the thing he could provide could enhance magic energy, but now I really want to participate..."

Most of the people who were watching the live broadcast were actually skeptical about the previous game.

Because they felt that this was simply Wang Po selling melons and boasting. How could Xia Yan's little thing have such a strong attraction?

So they concluded that the upper echelons of Piltover must have pushed Xia Yan out on purpose, in order to increase their economy.

But now everyone understands.

With Xia Yan's strength, it is absolutely impossible to join forces with those guys in Piltover who can only use technology.

The reason is not very simple, that is, they are not worthy!

And Dravendelius, who is signing up for the scene.

And Galen was very surprised.

Because they originally thought that they came this time just to register for a name, but they never expected that a duel would be held immediately after the registration?

But in fact, there are still some mixed feelings in their hearts.

What is worthy of their joy is that the final reward has a 50% chance of falling into their pockets.

What worries them is that both Galen and Dryers understand each other's thorns.

I want to win this battle a little bit, and I am afraid that I will pay a big price if I come down.

"Then I have appointed you two to start from these two places and then meet in the middle road." Xia Yan said lightly.

Because he has already formulated the rules of the entire game...

And those who fight inside will be resurrected even if they die.

This is the benefit of the power of rules.

Because it can completely override the rules of this world.

Of course, it is only limited to the Summoner Canyon created by Xia Yan.

And this sudden confrontation naturally attracted the attention of several other big families.

The heads of the Myrdalda Family, the Guy Wald Family, the Abino Family, and the Philos Family all stood on the periphery of the playing field.

I couldn't tell whether their expressions were happy or worried.

"What do you think he can achieve this time?"

"As far as I know, the people on the customs side have grown so large that there is no way to arrange them one by one in order."

"Yeah, that's why I've informed them to open up a special territory for these people to come near, otherwise, our system will be overwhelmed by them."

"Our family's real-time interest data chain proves that the value of the underground industry has increased to 200%. You must know that this machine is only benefiting from the fourth day and the fifth day.

Among them, the members of the Mirarda family said with a cold face, "Our family is the same, but if he really guessed it right, then all our profits will be handed over to him. I really don't want to be reconciled."

People from other families looked at the head of the Midarda family and said with a sneer on their face, "You really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, obviously you just keep your head down, admit your mistake and it's over, do you have to be tough with Xia Yan? "

The other families have obviously realized who is in charge of this matter, and they feel that as long as they listen to Xia Yan's words, there will definitely be a steady stream of money entering their pockets.

There is no need to care about these three melons and dates at all.

But the people of the Midarda family didn't seem to think, "You are willing to be his lackeys, but I am not.

After speaking, he walked away.

No one can guess what he is thinking now.

But the heads of the other big families didn't take it seriously. Since the Midarda family was going to die, they were very happy.

It just so happens that they can take advantage of this opportunity to annex their family's business. .

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