Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 493 What A Cute Silly Guy (Please Subscribe!)

This time the energy absorbed by the system is very large.

Because Sion was originally a dead undead general, the energy in his body was basically unable to be controlled independently, but was controlled by his fighting instincts during his lifetime.

So it is very simple to absorb energy from him.

And this time the progress bar has soared to thirty to forty percent.

Basically - almost halfway done.

Xia Yan was very happy to see this scene.

But at this moment, the connection between Xia Yan and Catalina suddenly became very weak.

This made Xia Yan frown.

Because last night, Xia Yan gave part of his energy to Catalina, which proved that the two people now have a master-servant relationship.

They made a simple contract.

In this case, the power used by Catalina can be directly extracted from Xia Yan's energy.

But this connection has become weak, which means that Catalina is in danger now, or she has taken the initiative to disconnect.

The latter is probably unlikely.

Because in Xia Yan's knowledge, Catalina should not have this kind of strength.

Then it can only be cut off by others.

Sure enough, when it really reached its original position.

The scene was found to be in a mess.

Originally, there were probably two or three guard platoons of soldiers stationed here.

But now it has completely disappeared.

There were only some messy pieces of armor left on the ground.

And Katarina's figure has disappeared.

There were several daggers scattered on the ground where he originally stood.

It looked like it must have been a very short battle.

The opponent's strength is very strong.

He defeated everyone in an instant.

"You really dare to disturb Tai Sui." Xia Yan's voice gradually became colder.

Although he didn't know exactly who did this.

But since the other party dares to come, Lin Bi must have a plan.

While Xia Yan was walking around, he suddenly noticed a pool of purple traces on the ground.

Xia Yan knelt down and took a closer look.

Sure enough, I found some.

"Good guy......"

The next moment, Xia Yan's figure disappeared on the spot, and he came to a place hundreds of kilometers away through space transfer.

There was nothing here before, but with the intrusion of external energy in the past two years and the rise of Piltover, a small town has formed here.

However, since it was just established, many places are abandoned and there are not many people living there.

So it has become a carnival for some outlaws.

Because no one has jurisdiction here.

Although Piltover officials claim that this is their territory, due to the holding of the League of Legends league and Xia Yan's management, it has been difficult for them to allocate manpower.

And here there are also a large number of criminals gathered, as well as all kinds of alien creatures.

And this area is on the edge of Noxus.

In itself, Noxus is a very tolerant country where people of all abilities exist.

Even some guys with void energy can live smoothly here.

This is why Xia Yan chose to come here.

Because there are people with void energy, they can pick Host.

In other words, parasitism.

Before arriving at this place, Zhenyan had already had such an organization.

It's just that he was busy with other things at that time, so he didn't have time to take care of these people.

But this time Catalina's disappearance was obviously related to them, because the energy of these people was left at the scene.

Those purple void energies are very disgusting.

It dripped on the ground like slime.

Xia Yan couldn't accept it just by looking at it.

And sure enough, as soon as Rhodes arrived, he discovered a familiar voice.

That was Catalina running away on the street with two daggers on her back.

It looked like she had run away from where she was caught.

"I thought you were really caught by them. Are you kidding them?" A smile broke out on Xia Bian's face.

To be honest, he still likes Catalina very much.

Catalina, who was running, pulled out two daggers from her waist, threw them behind her and scratched the person, then stepped on the wall next to her and flew over.

Standing in front of Xia Yan, he gasped several times.

Then it gradually calmed down.

"I don't want to test how to use the energy you gave me."

Catalina smiled.

But when he saw Xia Yan's serious and worried expression, she still looked a little embarrassed.

"The situation was urgent and I didn't have time to say hello to you. You won't blame me.

Xia Yan touched her head.

Then he held him in his arms.

“You, you really worry me to death.

Catalina, on the other hand, looked flattered.

"I really didn't expect that my status in your heart is so important?"

Originally she didn't think it was a big deal.

Because in Noxus.

Emotions are basically something that cannot be measured too much.

After all, compared to life and death.

The rest is not important.

But what she never expected was that Xia Yan would take her so seriously.

At this moment, Catalina was very moved.

There are strings of small pearls under the eyes.

"I'm so damn..."

Xia Yan helped her wipe away her tears.

Then he kissed her on the cheek.

"It's okay. After all, we have signed a contract. In fact, no matter where you go, I can find you."

At this time, Catalina's mood improved slightly.

"But remember, you must never behave like this in the future."

Katarina nodded with tears in her eyes.

"By the way, what do those people chasing you do?" Chongyan suddenly thought of it.

Catalina realized belatedly, "Oh, they are all a bunch of rubbish. I had offended them before when I was a mercenary."

Xia Yan felt something was wrong.

"Something's wrong. Are there people with void energy among your mercenaries?"

Catalina shook her head when she heard this.

"That's simply impossible. Void energy is very sensitive. No country on this continent can allow them to appear blatantly.

"That's very strange. I did feel it at the place where you were taken away.

Catalina thought about it carefully.

But still confused.

"How about I take you to find them and see what they are doing?"

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