Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 505: The Long-Lost Little Brother (Please Subscribe!)

Although after Xia Yan came here, he also gave birth to two children.

But that is still too little for him at present.

The rewards provided by the two children were really not enough.

So Xia Yan must speed up the process now.

After all, having a baby requires ten months of pregnancy, which is too long a waste of time.

In addition, it has now come to the time when energy is most vigorous in the entire world.

There are definitely a lot of rewards for having a baby these days.

Therefore, this is one of the reasons why Xia Yan can't wait.

The tavern that Brother Long is running now has a bleak business due to the invasion of those demons.

So now he is always cursing at the employees below.

This time he was after drinking.

I already feel that my current life is meaningless.

After all, his basic means of survival depended on Xia Yan and Zu'an's current underground system.

Once the two forces merge, if he does not make changes, he may have no room for survival.

So every day I drink to drown my sorrows.

Xia Yan came here15, and when he saw him for the first time, he felt like he was seeing a down-and-out Kaido.

It's just that this guy's Devil Fruit is the lowest-level Everyone Fruit.

There is no development potential.

But this guy is Xia Yan after all, the first person he met when he came here.

Although his character is not very good.

But at least he never rebelled against Xia Yan's consciousness.

So Xia Yan left and came over to help him upgrade Devil Fruit.

"Hey, what's so annoying?"

After hearing this familiar voice, Brother Long looked around to see who was around.

When he saw Xia Yan, he became extremely excited.

"You're finally here. I thought you wouldn't come to me again. I've already found that person for you!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket.

On top is a patch of blue essence.

After opening the essence, you can see the displayed address coordinates.

The main reason why Brother Long is not dead yet is that he wants to personally hand over the essence of the address coordinates recorded in this one to Xia Yan when he comes.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. If you have anything to say, say it slowly. There's no need to be so desperate.

Xia Yan looked at each other as if coaxing a child.

This guy is really disappointing.

But after all, it was Natsuhiko, the person he met when he first came here, and he also gave him Kaido's artificial Devil Fruit.

To be honest, there is still some emotion there.

It's like having a dissatisfied son at home.

"I feel like I really can't survive. I used to be very capable, but I don't know what happened recently. The guys around me have become more and more terrifying. I am bullied by them every day and I have no chance to fight back." The ground."

After hearing these words, Xia Yan finally understood what happened.

I want to laugh a little bit.

This is indeed the case. The heroes of Zaun did not obtain the power of gods in the past.

Maybe compared to Devil Fruit, its strength is not very strong.

But it's different now.

Whether it is Zaun Hanabi Zeli.

Or the runaway Loli Jinx.

As well as the time assassin Ekko, they all received exclusive titles and the power of gods.

So Brother Long may have had the energy to command the overall situation here before, but now he is just a minion.

It is true that time is also destiny.

"I can't give you too much help in terms of abilities, but you can choose to be on my side now."

Brother Long nodded helplessly.

"It seems that this is all that can be done, mainly because of the invasion of demons and voids, my status is getting lower and lower.

"Okay, give me the coordinates."

Xia Yan had no time to argue with him.

Anyway, the achievements that Brother Long can achieve now can only be this, after all, the Devil Fruit he was using at the time.

It is the product of Kaido's failure.

Although it can also enable some ordinary people to obtain powerful Zoan fruit abilities.

But they can only maintain the state of animals throughout their lives.

"This is the essence that I have worked so hard to get."

After giving birth, Brother Long took out a gem-like product from his pocket that shone with blue-white light.

When I just saw this scene.

Xia Yan noticed that the energy flickering on this essence was indeed abnormal.

"Then just wait here. When I come back, I will communicate with you the follow-up details."

After Xia Yan finished speaking, he searched for the essence according to the coordinates displayed on it.

The reason why he told Brother Long this way was mainly because Xia Yan couldn't bear it. After all, this guy was conscientious towards him.

Although there may be a little hiccup in the middle.

But overall, Brother Long is quite sincere.

Regarding this matter, Xia Yan adhered to an attitude anyway.

That means no matter whether the people under your command are capable or not.

But you must be 100% loyal to yourself.

Otherwise, no matter how strong a person is, he won't be able to use it.

The coordinates displayed on the essence that Brother Long gave Xia Yan this time were in a suburb not far from Zuan City.

According to normal logic, it should be considered a very remote place.

Moreover, various facilities in the suburbs appear even more dilapidated.

No one has been there for a long time.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anyone living there.

But when Xia Yan just walked there, he immediately found several signs with similar wind attributes around him.

These marks exist on the surface of stones and in the growth rings of trees.

Even some rivers at Uzumaki.

If you are not careful, there is no way to spot these signs.

Xia Yan obviously didn't notice this when he first came.

But he has a system after all.

So I immediately detected a special and magical energy around me.

So Xia Yan stood there and used this essence to call out the wind elements around him.

Just for a moment.

Trillions of wind element factors gathered around Xia Yan.

When Xia Yan was about to continue to promote these elemental attributes, a beautiful woman wearing white clothes appeared in front of him.

These clothes covered those important parts of her body.

But it can still be seen that this woman is very beautiful.

It's really like a god descending to earth.

The temperament is even more transcendent.

It looks like it was summoned.

In fact, this is indeed the case, this essence is made of her power.

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